3,565 research outputs found

    Une nouvelle classe d'opérateurs de Teager-Kaiser multidimensionnels basée sur les dérivées directionnelles d'ordre supérieur

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    This work aims at introducing some energy operators linked to Teager-Kaiser energy operator and its associated higher order versions and expand them to multidimensional signals. These operators are very useful for analyzing oscillatory signals with time-varying amplitude and frequency (AM-FM). We prove that gradient tensors combined with Kronecker powers allow to express these operators by directional derivatives along any n-D vector. In particular, we show that the construction of a large class of non linear operators for AM-FM multidimensional signal demodulation is possible. Also, a new scalar function using the directional derivative along a vector giving the ”sign” of the frequency components is introduced. An application of this model to local n-D AM-FM signal is presented and related demodulation error rates estimates. To show the effectiveness and the robustness of our method in term of envelope and frequency components extraction, results obtained on synthetic and real data are compared to multi-dimensional energy separation algorithm and to our recently introduced n-D operator

    Analyse des signaux AM-FM basée sur une version B-splines de l'EMD-ESA

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    In this paper a signal analysis framework for estimating time-varying amplitude and frequency functions of multicomponent amplitude and frequency modulated (AM–FM) signals is introduced. This framework is based on local and non-linear approaches, namely Energy Separation Algorithm (ESA) and Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). Conjunction of Discrete ESA (DESA) and EMD is called EMD–DESA. A new modified version of EMD where smoothing instead of an interpolation to construct the upper and lower envelopes of the signal is introduced. Since extracted IMFs are represented in terms of B-spline (BS) expansions, a closed formula of ESA robust against noise is used. Instantaneous Frequency (IF) and Instantaneous Amplitude (IA) estimates of a multi- component AM–FM signal, corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise of varying SNRs, are analyzed and results compared to ESA, DESA and Hilbert transform-based algorithms. SNR and MSE are used as figures of merit. Regularized BS version of EMD– ESA performs reasonably better in separating IA and IF components compared to the other methods from low to high SNR. Overall, obtained results illustrate the effective- ness of the proposed approach in terms of accuracy and robustness against noise to track IF and IA features of a multicomponent AM–FM signal

    Estimation de l'enveloppe et de la fréquence locales par les opérateurs de Teager-Kaiser en interférométrie en lumiÚre blanche.

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    In this work, a new method for surface extraction in white light scanning interferometry (WLSI) is introduced. The proposed extraction scheme is based on the Teager-Kaiser energy operator and its extended versions. This non-linear class of operators is helpful to extract the local instantaneous envelope and frequency of any narrow band AM-FM signal. Namely, the combination of the envelope and frequency information, allows effective surface extraction by an iterative re-estimation of the phase in association with a new correlation technique, based on a recent TK crossenergy operator. Through the experiments, it is shown that the proposed method produces substantially effective results in term of surface extraction compared to the peak fringe scanning technique, the five step phase shifting algorithm and the continuous wavelet transform based method. In addition, the results obtained show the robustness of the proposed method to noise and to the fluctuations of the carrier frequency

    Non Stationary Signal Analysis, Energy Demodulation and the Multicomponent AM--FM Signal Model

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    Demodulation and Detection Schemes for a Memoryless Optical WDM Channel

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    It is well known that matched filtering and sampling (MFS) demodulation together with minimum Euclidean distance (MD) detection constitute the optimal receiver for the additive white Gaussian noise channel. However, for a general nonlinear transmission medium, MFS does not provide sufficient statistics, and therefore is suboptimal. Nonetheless, this receiver is widely used in optical systems, where the Kerr nonlinearity is the dominant impairment at high powers. In this paper, we consider a suite of receivers for a two-user channel subject to a type of nonlinear interference that occurs in wavelength-division-multiplexed channels. The asymptotes of the symbol error rate (SER) of the considered receivers at high powers are derived or bounded analytically. Moreover, Monte-Carlo simulations are conducted to evaluate the SER for all the receivers. Our results show that receivers that are based on MFS cannot achieve arbitrary low SERs, whereas the SER goes to zero as the power grows for the optimal receiver. Furthermore, we devise a heuristic demodulator, which together with the MD detector yields a receiver that is simpler than the optimal one and can achieve arbitrary low SERs. The SER performance of the proposed receivers is also evaluated for some single-span fiber-optical channels via split-step Fourier simulations

    Implementation Aspects of a Transmitted-Reference UWB Receiver

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    In this paper, we discuss the design issues of an ultra wide band (UWB) receiver targeting a single-chip CMOS implementation for low data-rate applications like ad hoc wireless sensor networks. A non-coherent transmitted reference (TR) receiver is chosen because of its small complexity compared to other architectures. After a brief recapitulation of the UWB fundamentals and a short discussion on the major differences between coherent and non-coherent receivers, we discuss issues, challenges and possible design solutions. Several simulation results obtained by means of a behavioral model are presented, together with an analysis of the trade-off between performance and complexity in an integrated circuit implementation
