21 research outputs found

    On an adaptive preconditioned Crank-Nicolson MCMC algorithm for infinite dimensional Bayesian inferences

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    Many scientific and engineering problems require to perform Bayesian inferences for unknowns of infinite dimension. In such problems, many standard Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms become arbitrary slow under the mesh refinement, which is referred to as being dimension dependent. To this end, a family of dimensional independent MCMC algorithms, known as the preconditioned Crank-Nicolson (pCN) methods, were proposed to sample the infinite dimensional parameters. In this work we develop an adaptive version of the pCN algorithm, where the covariance operator of the proposal distribution is adjusted based on sampling history to improve the simulation efficiency. We show that the proposed algorithm satisfies an important ergodicity condition under some mild assumptions. Finally we provide numerical examples to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method

    A hybrid adaptive MCMC algorithm in function spaces

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    The preconditioned Crank-Nicolson (pCN) method is a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) scheme, specifically designed to perform Bayesian inferences in function spaces. Unlike many standard MCMC algorithms, the pCN method can preserve the sampling efficiency under the mesh refinement, a property referred to as being dimension independent. In this work we consider an adaptive strategy to further improve the efficiency of pCN. In particular we develop a hybrid adaptive MCMC method: the algorithm performs an adaptive Metropolis scheme in a chosen finite dimensional subspace, and a standard pCN algorithm in the complement space of the chosen subspace. We show that the proposed algorithm satisfies certain important ergodicity conditions. Finally with numerical examples we demonstrate that the proposed method has competitive performance with existing adaptive algorithms.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1511.0583

    Geometric ergodicity of the Random Walk Metropolis with position-dependent proposal covariance

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    We consider a Metropolis-Hastings method with proposal kernel N(x,hG−1(x))\mathcal{N}(x,hG^{-1}(x)), where xx is the current state. After discussing specific cases from the literature, we analyse the ergodicity properties of the resulting Markov chains. In one dimension we find that suitable choice of G−1(x)G^{-1}(x) can change the ergodicity properties compared to the Random Walk Metropolis case N(x,hΣ)\mathcal{N}(x,h\Sigma), either for the better or worse. In higher dimensions we use a specific example to show that judicious choice of G−1(x)G^{-1}(x) can produce a chain which will converge at a geometric rate to its limiting distribution when probability concentrates on an ever narrower ridge as ∣x∣|x| grows, something which is not true for the Random Walk Metropolis.Comment: 15 pages + appendices, 4 figure

    Multilevel Sequential Monte Carlo with Dimension-Independent Likelihood-Informed Proposals

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    In this article we develop a new sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) method for multilevel (ML) Monte Carlo estimation. In particular, the method can be used to estimate expectations with respect to a target probability distribution over an infinite-dimensional and non-compact space as given, for example, by a Bayesian inverse problem with Gaussian random field prior. Under suitable assumptions the MLSMC method has the optimal O(ϵ−2)O(\epsilon^{-2}) bound on the cost to obtain a mean-square error of O(ϵ2)O(\epsilon^2). The algorithm is accelerated by dimension-independent likelihood-informed (DILI) proposals designed for Gaussian priors, leveraging a novel variation which uses empirical sample covariance information in lieu of Hessian information, hence eliminating the requirement for gradient evaluations. The efficiency of the algorithm is illustrated on two examples: inversion of noisy pressure measurements in a PDE model of Darcy flow to recover the posterior distribution of the permeability field, and inversion of noisy measurements of the solution of an SDE to recover the posterior path measure

    Perturbation bounds for Monte Carlo within metropolis via restricted approximations

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    The Monte Carlo within Metropolis (MCwM) algorithm, interpreted as a perturbed Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm, provides an approach for approximate sampling when the target distribution is intractable. Assuming the unperturbed Markov chain is geometrically ergodic, we show explicit estimates of the difference between the n-th step distributions of the perturbed MCwM and the unperturbed MH chains. These bounds are based on novel perturbation results for Markov chains which are of interest beyond the MCwM setting. To apply the bounds, we need to control the difference between the transition probabilities of the two chains and to verify stability of the perturbed chain. Keywords: Markov chain Monte Carlo, restricted approximation, Monte Carlo within Metropolis, intractable likelihood

    MALA-within-Gibbs samplers for high-dimensional distributions with sparse conditional structure

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    Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers are numerical methods for drawing samples from a given target probability distribution. We discuss one particular MCMC sampler, the MALA-within-Gibbs sampler, from the theoretical and practical perspectives. We first show that the acceptance ratio and step size of this sampler are independent of the overall problem dimension when (i) the target distribution has sparse conditional structure, and (ii) this structure is reflected in the partial updating strategy of MALA-within-Gibbs. If, in addition, the target density is blockwise log-concave, then the sampler's convergence rate is independent of dimension. From a practical perspective, we expect that MALA-within-Gibbs is useful for solving high-dimensional Bayesian inference problems where the posterior exhibits sparse conditional structure at least approximately. In this context, a partitioning of the state that correctly reflects the sparse conditional structure must be found, and we illustrate this process in two numerical examples. We also discuss trade-offs between the block size used for partial updating and computational requirements that may increase with the number of blocks