16 research outputs found

    Stream WatDiv - A Streaming RDF Benchmark

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    Modern applications are required to process stream data which are semantically tagged. Sometimes static background data interlinked with stream data are also needed to answer the query. To meet these requirements, streaming RDF processing (SRP) engines emerged in recent years. Although most SRP engines adopt the same streaming RDF data model in which a streaming RDF triple is an RDF triple annotated with a timestamp, there is no standard query language, which means every engine has their own language syntax. In addition, these engines are quite primitive, different engines support limited and different query operation sets. What's more, they are fragile in face of complex query, high stream rate or large static dataset. This poses a lot of challenges to evaluate the SRP engines. In our work, we show that previous streaming RDF benchmarks do not have a sufficient workload to understand engine's performance. The queries in those workloads are either not executable on existing engines, or very limited in terms of number. The goal of this work is to propose a benchmark which provides diversified datasets and workloads. In our work, we extend WatDiv to generate streaming data and streaming query, and propose a new streaming RDF benchmark, called Stream WatDiv. WatDiv is an RDF benchmark designed for diversified stress testing of RDF data management engines. It introduces a collection of query features, which is used to assess the diversity of dataset and workloads. Through proper data schema design and query generation, WatDiv shows a good coverage of values of these query features. We demonstrate the feasibility of applying the same idea in streaming RDF domain. Stream WatDiv benchmark suits contain a data generator to generate scalable streaming data and static data, a query generator to generate scalable workloads, and a testbed to monitor the engine's output. We evaluate two engines, C-SPARQL and CQELS, and measure the correctness of engine output, latency and memory consumption. The findings contain two parts. First, we validate the result related to these two engines in previous works. (1) CQELS is more robust and efficient than C-SPARQL at processing streaming RDF queries in most cases. (2) increasing streaming rate and integrating static data will significantly degrade C-SPARQL's performance, while CQELS is marginally affected. (3) C-SPARQL is more memory-efficient than CQELS. Second, the diversity of Stream WatDiv workloads helps detect engines' issues that are not captured before. Queries can be grouped into different types based on the query features. These types of queries can be used to evaluate a specific engine features. (1) Triple pattern count of a query influences C-SPARQL's performance. (2) Both C-SPARQL and CQELS show a significant latency increase when the query has larger result cardinality. (3) Neither of these two engines are biased toward processing linear, star or snowflake queries. (4) CQELS is more efficient at handling queries with variously selective triple patterns, while C-SPARQL performs better for queries with equally selective triple patterns than queries with variously selective triple patterns

    Performance assessment of RDF graph databases for smart city services

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    Abstract Smart cities are providing advanced services aggregating and exploiting data from different sources. Cities collect static data such as road graphs, service description, as well as dynamic/real time data like weather forecast, traffic sensors, bus positions, city sensors, events, emergency data, flows, etc. RDF stores may be used to set up knowledge bases integrating heterogeneous information for web and mobile applications to use the data for new advanced services to citizens and city administrators, thus exploiting inferential capabilities, temporal and spatial reasoning, and text indexing. In this paper, the needs and constraints for RDF stores to be used for smart cities services, together with the currently available RDF stores are evaluated. The assessment model allows a full understanding of whether an RDF store is suitable to be used as a basis for Smart City modeling and applications. The RDF assessment model is also supported by a benchmark which extends available RDF store benchmarks at the state the art. The comparison of the RDF stores has been applied on a number of well-known RDF stores as Virtuoso, GraphDB (former OWLIM), Oracle, StarDog, and many others. The paper also reports the adoption of the proposed Smart City RDF Benchmark on the basis of Florence Smart City model, data sets and tools accessible as Km4City Http://www.Km4City.org , and adopted in the European Commission international smart city projects named RESOLUTE H2020, REPLICATE H2020, and in Sii-Mobility National Smart City project in Italy

    A Hybrid Context-aware Middleware for Relevant Information Delivery in Multi-Role and Multi-User Monitoring Systems: An Application to the Building Management Domain

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    Recent advances in information and communications technology (ICT) have greatly extended capabilities and functionalities of control and monitoring systems including Building Management Systems (BMS). Specifically, it is now possible to integrate diverse set of devices and information systems providing heterogeneous data. This data, in turn, is now available on the higher levels of the system architectures, providing more information on the matter at hand and enabling principal possibility of better-informed decisions. Furthermore, the diversity and availability of information have made control and monitoring systems more attractive to new user groups, who now have the opportunity to find needed information, which was not available before. Thus, modern control and monitoring systems are well-equipped, multi-functional systems, which incorporate great number and variety of data sources and are used by multiple users with their special tasks and information needs.In theory, the diversity and availability of new data should lead to more informed users and better decisions. In practice, it overwhelms user capacities to perceive all available information and leads to the situations, where important data is hindered and lost, therefore complicating understanding of the ongoing status. Thus, there is a need in development of new solutions, which would reduce the unnecessary information burden to the users of the system, while keeping them well informed with respect to their personal needs and responsibilities.This dissertation proposes the middleware for relevant information delivery in multi-role and multi-user BMS, which is capable of analysing ongoing situations in the environment and delivering information personalized to specific user needs. The middleware implementation is based on a novel hybrid approach, which involve semantic modelling of the contextual information and fusion of this information with runtime device data by means of Complex Event Processing (CEP). The context model is actively used at the configuration stages of the middleware, which enables flexible redirection of information flows, simplified (re)configuration of the solution, and consideration of additional information at the runtime phases. The CEP utilizes contextual information and enables temporal reasoning support in combination with runtime analysis capabilities, thus processing ongoing data from devices and delivering personalized information flows. In addition, the work proposes classification and combination principles of ongoing system notifications, which further specialize information flows in accordance to user needs and environment status.The middleware and corresponding principles (e.g. knowledge modelling, classification and combination of ongoing notifications) have been designed contemplating the building management (BM) domain. A set of experiments on real data from rehabilitation facility has been carried out demonstrating applicability of the approach with respect to delivered information and performance considerations. It is expected that with minor modifications the approach has the potential of being adopted for control and monitoring systems of discrete manufacturing domain

    Semantically defined Analytics for Industrial Equipment Diagnostics

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    In this age of digitalization, industries everywhere accumulate massive amount of data such that it has become the lifeblood of the global economy. This data may come from various heterogeneous systems, equipment, components, sensors, systems and applications in many varieties (diversity of sources), velocities (high rate of changes) and volumes (sheer data size). Despite significant advances in the ability to collect, store, manage and filter data, the real value lies in the analytics. Raw data is meaningless, unless it is properly processed to actionable (business) insights. Those that know how to harness data effectively, have a decisive competitive advantage, through raising performance by making faster and smart decisions, improving short and long-term strategic planning, offering more user-centric products and services and fostering innovation. Two distinct paradigms in practice can be discerned within the field of analytics: semantic-driven (deductive) and data-driven (inductive). The first emphasizes logic as a way of representing the domain knowledge encoded in rules or ontologies and are often carefully curated and maintained. However, these models are often highly complex, and require intensive knowledge processing capabilities. Data-driven analytics employ machine learning (ML) to directly learn a model from the data with minimal human intervention. However, these models are tuned to trained data and context, making it difficult to adapt. Industries today that want to create value from data must master these paradigms in combination. However, there is great need in data analytics to seamlessly combine semantic-driven and data-driven processing techniques in an efficient and scalable architecture that allows extracting actionable insights from an extreme variety of data. In this thesis, we address these needs by providing: ‱ A unified representation of domain-specific and analytical semantics, in form of ontology models called TechOnto Ontology Stack. It is highly expressive, platform-independent formalism to capture conceptual semantics of industrial systems such as technical system hierarchies, component partonomies etc and its analytical functional semantics. ‱ A new ontology language Semantically defined Analytical Language (SAL) on top of the ontology model that extends existing DatalogMTL (a Horn fragment of Metric Temporal Logic) with analytical functions as first class citizens. ‱ A method to generate semantic workflows using our SAL language. It helps in authoring, reusing and maintaining complex analytical tasks and workflows in an abstract fashion. ‱ A multi-layer architecture that fuses knowledge- and data-driven analytics into a federated and distributed solution. To our knowledge, the work in this thesis is one of the first works to introduce and investigate the use of the semantically defined analytics in an ontology-based data access setting for industrial analytical applications. The reason behind focusing our work and evaluation on industrial data is due to (i) the adoption of semantic technology by the industries in general, and (ii) the common need in literature and in practice to allow domain expertise to drive the data analytics on semantically interoperable sources, while still harnessing the power of analytics to enable real-time data insights. Given the evaluation results of three use-case studies, our approach surpass state-of-the-art approaches for most application scenarios.Im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung sammeln die Industrien ĂŒberall massive Daten-mengen, die zum Lebenselixier der Weltwirtschaft geworden sind. Diese Daten können aus verschiedenen heterogenen Systemen, GerĂ€ten, Komponenten, Sensoren, Systemen und Anwendungen in vielen Varianten (Vielfalt der Quellen), Geschwindigkeiten (hohe Änderungsrate) und Volumina (reine DatengrĂ¶ĂŸe) stammen. Trotz erheblicher Fortschritte in der FĂ€higkeit, Daten zu sammeln, zu speichern, zu verwalten und zu filtern, liegt der eigentliche Wert in der Analytik. Rohdaten sind bedeutungslos, es sei denn, sie werden ordnungsgemĂ€ĂŸ zu verwertbaren (GeschĂ€fts-)Erkenntnissen verarbeitet. Wer weiß, wie man Daten effektiv nutzt, hat einen entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil, indem er die Leistung steigert, indem er schnellere und intelligentere Entscheidungen trifft, die kurz- und langfristige strategische Planung verbessert, mehr benutzerorientierte Produkte und Dienstleistungen anbietet und Innovationen fördert. In der Praxis lassen sich im Bereich der Analytik zwei unterschiedliche Paradigmen unterscheiden: semantisch (deduktiv) und Daten getrieben (induktiv). Die erste betont die Logik als eine Möglichkeit, das in Regeln oder Ontologien kodierte DomĂ€nen-wissen darzustellen, und wird oft sorgfĂ€ltig kuratiert und gepflegt. Diese Modelle sind jedoch oft sehr komplex und erfordern eine intensive Wissensverarbeitung. Datengesteuerte Analysen verwenden maschinelles Lernen (ML), um mit minimalem menschlichen Eingriff direkt ein Modell aus den Daten zu lernen. Diese Modelle sind jedoch auf trainierte Daten und Kontext abgestimmt, was die Anpassung erschwert. Branchen, die heute Wert aus Daten schaffen wollen, mĂŒssen diese Paradigmen in Kombination meistern. Es besteht jedoch ein großer Bedarf in der Daten-analytik, semantisch und datengesteuerte Verarbeitungstechniken nahtlos in einer effizienten und skalierbaren Architektur zu kombinieren, die es ermöglicht, aus einer extremen Datenvielfalt verwertbare Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. In dieser Arbeit, die wir auf diese BedĂŒrfnisse durch die Bereitstellung: ‱ Eine einheitliche Darstellung der DomĂ€nen-spezifischen und analytischen Semantik in Form von Ontologie Modellen, genannt TechOnto Ontology Stack. Es ist ein hoch-expressiver, plattformunabhĂ€ngiger Formalismus, die konzeptionelle Semantik industrieller Systeme wie technischer Systemhierarchien, Komponenten-partonomien usw. und deren analytische funktionale Semantik zu erfassen. ‱ Eine neue Ontologie-Sprache Semantically defined Analytical Language (SAL) auf Basis des Ontologie-Modells das bestehende DatalogMTL (ein Horn fragment der metrischen temporĂ€ren Logik) um analytische Funktionen als erstklassige BĂŒrger erweitert. ‱ Eine Methode zur Erzeugung semantischer workflows mit unserer SAL-Sprache. Es hilft bei der Erstellung, Wiederverwendung und Wartung komplexer analytischer Aufgaben und workflows auf abstrakte Weise. ‱ Eine mehrschichtige Architektur, die Wissens- und datengesteuerte Analysen zu einer föderierten und verteilten Lösung verschmilzt. Nach unserem Wissen, die Arbeit in dieser Arbeit ist eines der ersten Werke zur EinfĂŒhrung und Untersuchung der Verwendung der semantisch definierten Analytik in einer Ontologie-basierten Datenzugriff Einstellung fĂŒr industrielle analytische Anwendungen. Der Grund fĂŒr die Fokussierung unserer Arbeit und Evaluierung auf industrielle Daten ist auf (i) die Übernahme semantischer Technologien durch die Industrie im Allgemeinen und (ii) den gemeinsamen Bedarf in der Literatur und in der Praxis zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren, der es der Fachkompetenz ermöglicht, die Datenanalyse auf semantisch inter-operablen Quellen voranzutreiben, und nutzen gleichzeitig die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit der Analytik, um Echtzeit-Daten-einblicke zu ermöglichen. Aufgrund der Evaluierungsergebnisse von drei AnwendungsfĂ€llen Übertritt unser Ansatz fĂŒr die meisten Anwendungsszenarien Modernste AnsĂ€tze

    Concevoir des applications internet des objets sémantiques

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    According to Cisco's predictions, there will be more than 50 billions of devices connected to the Internet by 2020.The devices and produced data are mainly exploited to build domain-specific Internet of Things (IoT) applications. From a data-centric perspective, these applications are not interoperable with each other.To assist users or even machines in building promising inter-domain IoT applications, main challenges are to exploit, reuse, interpret and combine sensor data.To overcome interoperability issues, we designed the Machine-to-Machine Measurement (M3) framework consisting in:(1) generating templates to easily build Semantic Web of Things applications, (2) semantically annotating IoT data to infer high-level knowledge by reusing as much as possible the domain knowledge expertise, and (3) a semantic-based security application to assist users in designing secure IoT applications.Regarding the reasoning part, stemming from the 'Linked Open Data', we propose an innovative idea called the 'Linked Open Rules' to easily share and reuse rules to infer high-level abstractions from sensor data.The M3 framework has been suggested to standardizations and working groups such as ETSI M2M, oneM2M, W3C SSN ontology and W3C Web of Things. Proof-of-concepts of the flexible M3 framework have been developed on the cloud (http://www.sensormeasurement.appspot.com/) and embedded on Android-based constrained devices.Selon les prĂ©visions de Cisco , il y aura plus de 50 milliards d'appareils connectĂ©s Ă  Internet d'ici 2020. Les appareils et les donnĂ©es produites sont principalement exploitĂ©es pour construire des applications « Internet des Objets (IdO) ». D'un point de vue des donnĂ©es, ces applications ne sont pas interopĂ©rables les unes avec les autres. Pour aider les utilisateurs ou mĂȘme les machines Ă  construire des applications 'Internet des Objets' inter-domaines innovantes, les principaux dĂ©fis sont l'exploitation, la rĂ©utilisation, l'interprĂ©tation et la combinaison de ces donnĂ©es produites par les capteurs. Pour surmonter les problĂšmes d'interopĂ©rabilitĂ©, nous avons conçu le systĂšme Machine-to-Machine Measurement (M3) consistant Ă : (1) enrichir les donnĂ©es de capteurs avec les technologies du web sĂ©mantique pour dĂ©crire explicitement leur sens selon le contexte, (2) interprĂ©ter les donnĂ©es des capteurs pour en dĂ©duire des connaissances supplĂ©mentaires en rĂ©utilisant autant que possible la connaissance du domaine dĂ©finie par des experts, et (3) une base de connaissances de sĂ©curitĂ© pour assurer la sĂ©curitĂ© dĂšs la conception lors de la construction des applications IdO. Concernant la partie raisonnement, inspirĂ© par le « Web de donnĂ©es », nous proposons une idĂ©e novatrice appelĂ©e le « Web des rĂšgles » afin de partager et rĂ©utiliser facilement les rĂšgles pour interprĂ©ter et raisonner sur les donnĂ©es de capteurs. Le systĂšme M3 a Ă©tĂ© suggĂ©rĂ© Ă  des normalisations et groupes de travail tels que l'ETSI M2M, oneM2M, W3C SSN et W3C Web of Things. Une preuve de concept de M3 a Ă©tĂ© implĂ©mentĂ©e et est disponible sur le web (http://www.sensormeasurement.appspot.com/) mais aussi embarqu

    Semantic Web and the Web of Things: concept, platform and applications

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    The ubiquitous presence of devices with computational resources and connectivity is fostering the diffusion of the Internet of Things (IoT), where smart objects interoperate and react to the available information providing services to the users. The pervasiveness of the IoT across many different areas proves the worldwide interest of researchers from academic and enterprises worlds. This Research has brought to new technologies and protocols addressing different needs of emerging scenarios, making difficult to develop interoperable applications. The Web of Things is born to address this problem through the standard protocols responsible for the success of the Web. But a greater contribution can be provided by standards of the Semantic Web. Semantic Web protocols grant univocal identification of resources and representation of data in a way that information is machine understandable and computable and such that information from different sources can be easily aggregated. Semantic Web technologies are then interoperability enablers for the IoT. This Thesis investigates how to employ Semantic Web protocols in the IoT, to realize the Semantic Web of Things (SWoT) vision of an interoperable network of applications. Part I introduces the IoT, Part II investigates the algorithms to efficiently support the publish/subscribe paradigm in semantic brokers for the SWoT and their implementation in Smart-M3 and SEPA. The preliminary work toward the first benchmark for SWoT applications is presented. Part IV describes the Research activity aimed at applying the developed semantic infrastructures in real life scenarios (electro-mobility, home automation, semantic audio and Internet of Musical Things). Part V presents the conclusions. A lack of effective ways to explore and debug Semantic Web datasets emerged during these activities. Part III describes a second Research aimed at devising of a novel way to visualize semantic datasets, based on graphs and the new concept of Semantic Planes.La presenza massiva di dispositivi dotati di capacitĂ  computazionale e connettivitĂ  sta alimentando la diffusione di un nuovo paradigma nell'ICT, conosciuto come Internet of Things. L'IoT Ăš caratterizzato dai cosiddetti smart object che interagiscono, cooperano e reagiscono alle informazioni a loro disponibili per fornire servizi agli utenti. La diffusione dell'IoT su cosĂŹ tante aree Ăš la testimonianza di un interesse mondiale da parte di ricercatori appartenenti sia al mondo accademico che a quello industriale. La Ricerca ha portato alla nascita di tecnologie e protocolli progettati per rispondere ai diversi bisogni degli scenari emergenti, rendendo difficile sviluppare applicazioni interoperabili. Il Web of Things (WoT) Ăš nato per rispondere a questi problemi tramite l'adozione degli standard che hanno favorito il successo del Web. Ma un contributo maggiore puĂČ venire dal Semantic Web of Things (SWoT). Infatti, i protocolli del Semantic Web permettono identificazione univoca delle risorse e una rappresentazione dei dati tale che le informazioni siano computabili e l'informazione di differenti fonti facilmente aggregabile. Le tecnologie del Semantic Web sono quindi degli interoperability enabler per l'IoT. Questa Tesi analizza come adottare le tecnologie del Semantic Web nell'IoT per realizzare la visione del SWoT di una rete di applicazioni interoperabile. Part I introduce l'IoT, Part II analizza gli algoritmi per supportare il publish-subscribe nei broker semantici e la loro implementazione in Smart-M3 e SEPA. Inoltre, viene presentato il lavoro preliminare verso il primo benchmark per applicazioni SWoT. Part IV discute l'applicazione dei risultati a diversi domini applicativi (mobilitĂ  elettrica, domotica, semantic audio ed Internet of Musical Things). Part V presenta le conclusioni sul lavoro svolto. La Ricerca su applicazioni semantiche ha evidenziato carenze negli attuali software di visualizzazione. Quindi, Part III presenta un nuovo metodo di rappresentazione delle basi di conoscenza semantiche basato sull’approccio a grafo che introduce il concetto di Semantic Plane

    Managing and Consuming Completeness Information for RDF Data Sources

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    The ever increasing amount of Semantic Web data gives rise to the question: How complete is the data? Though generally data on the Semantic Web is incomplete, many parts of data are indeed complete, such as the children of Barack Obama and the crew of Apollo 11. This thesis aims to study how to manage and consume completeness information about Semantic Web data. In particular, we first discuss how completeness information can guarantee the completeness of query answering. Next, we propose optimization techniques of completeness reasoning and conduct experimental evaluations to show the feasibility of our approaches. We also provide a technique to check the soundness of queries with negation via reduction to query completeness checking. We further enrich completeness information with timestamps, enabling query answers to be checked up to when they are complete. We then introduce two demonstrators, i.e., CORNER and COOL-WD, to show how our completeness framework can be realized. Finally, we investigate an automated method to generate completeness statements from text on the Web via relation cardinality extraction

    Building the Hyperconnected Society- Internet of Things Research and Innovation Value Chains, Ecosystems and Markets

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    This book aims to provide a broad overview of various topics of Internet of Things (IoT), ranging from research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies, nanoelectronics, cyber-physical systems, architecture, interoperability and industrial applications. All this is happening in a global context, building towards intelligent, interconnected decision making as an essential driver for new growth and co-competition across a wider set of markets. It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC – Internet of Things European Research Cluster from research to technological innovation, validation and deployment.The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster on the Internet of Things Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, innovation, development and deployment of IoT in future years. The concept of IoT could disrupt consumer and industrial product markets generating new revenues and serving as a growth driver for semiconductor, networking equipment, and service provider end-markets globally. This will create new application and product end-markets, change the value chain of companies that creates the IoT technology and deploy it in various end sectors, while impacting the business models of semiconductor, software, device, communication and service provider stakeholders. The proliferation of intelligent devices at the edge of the network with the introduction of embedded software and app-driven hardware into manufactured devices, and the ability, through embedded software/hardware developments, to monetize those device functions and features by offering novel solutions, could generate completely new types of revenue streams. Intelligent and IoT devices leverage software, software licensing, entitlement management, and Internet connectivity in ways that address many of the societal challenges that we will face in the next decade