69 research outputs found

    On Determinism and Unambiguity of Weighted Two-way Automata

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    In this paper, we first study the conversion of weighted two-way automata to one-way automata. We show that this conversion preserves the unambiguity but does not preserve the determinism. Yet, we prove that the conversion of an unambiguous weighted one-way automaton into a two-way automaton leads to a deterministic two-way automaton. As a consequence, we prove that unambiguous weighted two-way automata are equivalent to deterministic weighted two-way automata in commutative semirings.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2014, arXiv:1405.527

    Two-Way Parikh Automata

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    Parikh automata extend automata with counters whose values can only be tested at the end of the computation, with respect to membership into a semi-linear set. Parikh automata have found several applications, for instance in transducer theory, as they enjoy a decidable emptiness problem. In this paper, we study two-way Parikh automata. We show that emptiness becomes undecidable in the non-deterministic case. However, it is PSpace-C when the number of visits to any input position is bounded and the semi-linear set is given as an existential Presburger formula. We also give tight complexity bounds for the inclusion, equivalence and universality problems. Finally, we characterise precisely the complexity of those problems when the semi-linear constraint is given by an arbitrary Presburger formula

    Alternative Automata-based Approaches to Probabilistic Model Checking

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    In this thesis we focus on new methods for probabilistic model checking (PMC) with linear temporal logic (LTL). The standard approach translates an LTL formula into a deterministic ω-automaton with a double-exponential blow up. There are approaches for Markov chain analysis against LTL with exponential runtime, which motivates the search for non-deterministic automata with restricted forms of non-determinism that make them suitable for PMC. For MDPs, the approach via deterministic automata matches the double-exponential lower bound, but a practical application might benefit from approaches via non-deterministic automata. We first investigate good-for-games (GFG) automata. In GFG automata one can resolve the non-determinism for a finite prefix without knowing the infinite suffix and still obtain an accepting run for an accepted word. We explain that GFG automata are well-suited for MDP analysis on a theoretic level, but our experiments show that GFG automata cannot compete with deterministic automata. We have also researched another form of pseudo-determinism, namely unambiguity, where for every accepted word there is exactly one accepting run. We present a polynomial-time approach for PMC of Markov chains against specifications given by an unambiguous Büchi automaton (UBA). Its two key elements are the identification whether the induced probability is positive, and if so, the identification of a state set inducing probability 1. Additionally, we examine the new symbolic Muller acceptance described in the Hanoi Omega Automata Format, which we call Emerson-Lei acceptance. It is a positive Boolean formula over unconditional fairness constraints. We present a construction of small deterministic automata using Emerson-Lei acceptance. Deciding, whether an MDP has a positive maximal probability to satisfy an Emerson-Lei acceptance, is NP-complete. This fact has triggered a DPLL-based algorithm for deciding positiveness

    Language Inclusion for Boundedly-Ambiguous Vector Addition Systems Is Decidable

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    We consider the problems of language inclusion and language equivalence for Vector Addition Systems with States (VASSes) with the acceptance condition defined by the set of accepting states (and more generally by some upward-closed conditions). In general the problem of language equivalence is undecidable even for one-dimensional VASSes, thus to get decidability we investigate restricted subclasses. On one hand we show that the problem of language inclusion of a VASS in k-ambiguous VASS (for any natural k) is decidable and even in Ackermann. On the other hand we prove that the language equivalence problem is Ackermann-hard already for deterministic VASSes. These two results imply Ackermann-completeness for language inclusion and equivalence in several possible restrictions. Some of our techniques can be also applied in much broader generality in infinite-state systems, namely for some subclass of well-structured transition systems

    Determinisation of Finitely-Ambiguous Copyless Cost Register Automata

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    Cost register automata (CRA) are machines reading an input word while computing values using write-only registers: values from registers are combined using the two operations, as well as the constants, of a semiring. Particularly interesting is the subclass of copyless CRAs where the content of a register cannot be used twice for updating the registers. Originally deterministic, non-deterministic variant of CRA may also be defined: the semantics is then obtained by combining the values of all accepting runs with the additive operation of the semiring (as for weighted automata). We show that finitely-ambiguous copyless non-deterministic CRAs (i.e. the ones that admit a bounded number of accepting runs on every input word) can be effectively transformed into an equivalent copyless (deterministic) CRA, without requiring any specific property on the semiring. As a corollary, this also shows that regular look-ahead can effectively be removed from copyless CRAs
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