1,037 research outputs found

    The Discovery of Cometary Activity in Near-Earth Asteroid (3552) Don Quixote

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    The near-Earth object (NEO) population, which mainly consists of fragments from collisions between asteroids in the main asteroid belt, is thought to include contributions from short-period comets as well. One of the most promising NEO candidates for a cometary origin is near-Earth asteroid (3552) Don Quixote, which has never been reported to show activity. Here we present the discovery of cometary activity in Don Quixote based on thermal-infrared observations made with the Spitzer Space Telescope in its 3.6 and 4.5 {\mu}m bands. Our observations clearly show the presence of a coma and a tail in the 4.5 {\mu}m but not in the 3.6 {\mu}m band, which is consistent with molecular band emission from CO2. Thermal modeling of the combined photometric data on Don Quixote reveals a diameter of 18.4 (-0.4/+0.3) km and an albedo of 0.03 (-0.01/+0.02), which confirms Don Quixote to be the third-largest known NEO. We derive an upper limit on the dust production rate of 1.9 kg s^-1 and derive a CO2 gas production rate of (1.1+-0.1)10^26 molecules s^-1. Spitzer IRS spectroscopic observations indicate the presence of fine-grained silicates, perhaps pyroxene rich, on the surface of Don Quixote. Our discovery suggests that CO2 can be present in near-Earth space over a long time. The presence of CO2 might also explain that Don Quixote's cometary nature remained hidden for nearly three decades.Comment: 40 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Ap

    The Quixote project: Collaborative and Open Quantum Chemistry data management in the Internet age.

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    Computational Quantum Chemistry has developed into a powerful, efficient, reliable and increasingly routine tool for exploring the structure and properties of small to medium sized molecules. Many thousands of calculations are performed every day, some offering results which approach experimental accuracy. However, in contrast to other disciplines, such as crystallography, or bioinformatics, where standard formats and well-known, unified databases exist, this QC data is generally destined to remain locally held in files which are not designed to be machine-readable. Only a very small subset of these results will become accessible to the wider community through publication.In this paper we describe how the Quixote Project is developing the infrastructure required to convert output from a number of different molecular quantum chemistry packages to a common semantically rich, machine-readable format and to build respositories of QC results. Such an infrastructure offers benefits at many levels. The standardised representation of the results will facilitate software interoperability, for example making it easier for analysis tools to take data from different QC packages, and will also help with archival and deposition of results. The repository infrastructure, which is lightweight and built using Open software components, can be implemented at individual researcher, project, organisation or community level, offering the exciting possibility that in future many of these QC results can be made publically available, to be searched and interpreted just as crystallography and bioinformatics results are today.Although we believe that quantum chemists will appreciate the contribution the Quixote infrastructure can make to the organisation and and exchange of their results, we anticipate that greater rewards will come from enabling their results to be consumed by a wider community. As the respositories grow they will become a valuable source of chemical data for use by other disciplines in both research and education.The Quixote project is unconventional in that the infrastructure is being implemented in advance of a full definition of the data model which will eventually underpin it. We believe that a working system which offers real value to researchers based on tools and shared, searchable repositories will encourage early participation from a broader community, including both producers and consumers of data. In the early stages, searching and indexing can be performed on the chemical subject of the calculations, and well defined calculation meta-data. The process of defining more specific quantum chemical definitions, adding them to dictionaries and extracting them consistently from the results of the various software packages can then proceed in an incremental manner, adding additional value at each stage.Not only will these results help to change the data management model in the field of Quantum Chemistry, but the methodology can be applied to other pressing problems related to data in computational and experimental science.RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are

    CMLLite: a design philosophy for CML.

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    CMLLite is a collection of definitions and processes which provide strong and flexible validation for a document in Chemical Markup Language (CML). It consists of an updated CML schema (schema3), conventions specifying rules in both human and machine-understandable forms and a validator available both online and offline to check conformance. This article explores the rationale behind the changes which have been made to the schema, explains how conventions interact and how they are designed, formulated, implemented and tested, and gives an overview of the validation service.RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are

    The evolution of the brain, the human nature of cortical circuits and intellectual creativity

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    The tremendous expansion and the differentiation of the neocortex constitute two major events in the evolution of the mammalian brain. The increase in size and complexity of our brains opened the way to a spectacular development of cognitive and mental skills. This expansion during evolution facilitated the addition of microcircuits with a similar basic structure, which increased the complexity of the human brain and contributed to its uniqueness. However, fundamental differences even exist between distinct mammalian species. Here, we shall discuss the issue of our humanity from a neurobiological and historical perspective

    The Evolution of the Brain, the Human Nature of Cortical Circuits, and Intellectual Creativity

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    The tremendous expansion and the differentiation of the neocortex constitute two major events in the evolution of the mammalian brain. The increase in size and complexity of our brains opened the way to a spectacular development of cognitive and mental skills. This expansion during evolution facilitated the addition of microcircuits with a similar basic structure, which increased the complexity of the human brain and contributed to its uniqueness. However, fundamental differences even exist between distinct mammalian species. Here, we shall discuss the issue of our humanity from a neurobiological and historical perspective

    Open Data, Open Source and Open Standards in chemistry: The Blue Obelisk five years on

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    RIGHTS : This article is licensed under the BioMed Central licence at http://www.biomedcentral.com/about/license which is similar to the 'Creative Commons Attribution Licence'. In brief you may : copy, distribute, and display the work; make derivative works; or make commercial use of the work - under the following conditions: the original author must be given credit; for any reuse or distribution, it must be made clear to others what the license terms of this work are.Abstract Background The Blue Obelisk movement was established in 2005 as a response to the lack of Open Data, Open Standards and Open Source (ODOSOS) in chemistry. It aims to make it easier to carry out chemistry research by promoting interoperability between chemistry software, encouraging cooperation between Open Source developers, and developing community resources and Open Standards. Results This contribution looks back on the work carried out by the Blue Obelisk in the past 5 years and surveys progress and remaining challenges in the areas of Open Data, Open Standards, and Open Source in chemistry. Conclusions We show that the Blue Obelisk has been very successful in bringing together researchers and developers with common interests in ODOSOS, leading to development of many useful resources freely available to the chemistry community.Peer Reviewe

    Simulation des plantes à fleurs

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    Plants have always intrigued scientists as besides of its sheer importance for the earth, their beauty and enormous variety of shapes tempt to thoroughly inquire about its nature. One of the aspects of this inquiry is the creation of the virtual model in order to mimic real plants to a high degree of accuracy. The focus of our study is the flowering plants, which play a huge role in our life from nutritive and medical purposes to beautifying the environment. Obtaining an accurate geometrical model of a flower is quite useful as it plays an important role in the validation of the virtual model. Besides, the visualization of parameters not traceable directly in living flowering plants is a stand-by in studying their physiology. A huge biological diversity both within and between individuals provides a vast area of objectives which the image synthesis must challenge.Flower modelling constitutes a part of a larger research area, plant modelling. Flowering plants have their particular structural features which are different from the structure of trees, bushes or grass. Still not a lot of emphasis has been placed to date on this problem, as it was categorized within the modelling of plants in general. We chose a procedural modeling using L-systems as a base of our research. L-system is a very powerful method of plant simulation. It provides a means of characterizing the topology of a plant at every stage of its growth. Grasping the plant structure with just several lines of grammar attracted immediate interest and later on evolved into several powerful geometrical interpretation system used in plant modelling. Our purpose is to study efficient ways of describing the structure of flowering plants by means of L-systems. First, we will propose to represent the shapes of leafs, petals, stamens, carpels, etc. with an extension of L-systems – a model based on three dimensional generalized maps – 3Gmaps L-systems, which can be successfully applied for the modelling of flowering plants. The grammar description of the structure of the flowering plants provides an unlimited number of its geometrical interpretations. Second, we will improve the process of grammar writing by adding a new functionality of interactive parameter adjustment. Third, we will propose a new method of inverse modelling of flowering plants, where the user can interactively define the flower characteristics. The algorithm uses this information as an input, which is then analyzed and coded as L-systems grammar. Finally, we will present a method for creating virtual glades of flowers using Kinect gestures. We want to remark that our work has been done with 3Gmaps L-system software platform developed in the scope of the thesis to integrate all the proposed techniques.Les plantes ont longtemps intrigué les scientifiques, qui, avec son importance vitale pour la planète, sa beauté et l'énorme quantité de formes ayant, les rend un sujet attrayant pour la recherche. Un aspect intéressant est la création d'un modèle virtuel capable de simuler de vraies plantes avec un degré élevé de précision. L'objectif de notre étude est les plantes à fleurs, qui jouent un rôle énorme dans notre vie de fins nutritives et médicales à l'embellissement de l'environnement . L'obtention d'un modèle géométrique exacte d'une fleur est très utile, car elle joue un rôle important dans la validation du modèle virtuel. Par ailleurs, la visualisation de paramètres non directement traçables dans les plantes à fleurs vivantes est d'une grande aide à l'étude de la physiologie. L'énorme biodiversité entre les différentes parties d'un spécimen et entre les différents spécimens fournit une vaste zone d'objectifs qui la synthèse d'image doit contester. Modéliser des fleurs est un sous-ensemble d'un espace de recherche beaucoup plus vaste que la modélisation de plantes. Les plantes à fleurs ont des caractéristiques structurelles qui les rendent différentes des structures d'arbres, d’arbustes ou de l’herbe. A ce jour, on ne tient pas une grande importance à essayer cette ligne de recherche d'une façon particulière et en général a été classé dans le contexte plus large de la modélisation des plantes. Nous avons choisi d’utiliser le «L-systems» pour la procédure de la modélisation, et comme base pour notre recherche. Il y a différents mécanismes de catégorisation topologie de la plante dans chacune des étapes de sa croissance. Pour construire le plan de la structure d'une plante, avec une courte grammaire, quelques lignes étaient quelque chose qui dès le premier moment a suscité l'intérêt et par la suite évolué en quelques systèmes d'interprétation géométriques pour la modélisation des plantes. Notre objectif est d'étudier les moyens efficaces de décrire la structure des plantes à fleurs en utilisant L-systems. Tout d'abord, nous proposons de représenter les formes des feuilles, pétales, étamines, carpelles, etc. Avec une extension de L-systems - un modèle basé sur trois cartes généralisées dimensions - 3Gmaps L-systèmes, qui peut être appliquée avec succès pour la modélisation des plantes à fleurs. La description de la grammaire de la structure des plantes à fleurs fournit un nombre illimité de ses interprétations géométriques. Deuxièmement, nous allons améliorer le processus d'écriture de la grammaire par l'ajout d'une nouvelle fonctionnalité de paramétrage interactif. Troisièmement, nous allons proposer une nouvelle méthode de modélisation inverse des plantes à fleurs, où l'utilisateur peut définir de manière interactive les caractéristiques des fleurs. L'algorithme utilise cette information comme une entrée, qui est ensuite analysée et codée en tant que L -systèmes grammaire. Enfin, nous allons présenter une méthode pour créer des clairières de fleurs virtuelles à l'aide de gestes Kinect. Nous voulons faire remarquer que notre travail a été fait avec la plateforme de logiciel 3Gmaps L- système développé dans le cadre de la thèse d'intégrer toutes les techniques proposées

    TREE-D-SEEK: A Framework for Retrieving Three-Dimensional Scenes

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    In this dissertation, a strategy and framework for retrieving 3D scenes is proposed. The strategy is to retrieve 3D scenes based on a unified approach for indexing content from disparate information sources and information levels. The TREE-D-SEEK framework implements the proposed strategy for retrieving 3D scenes and is capable of indexing content from a variety of corpora at distinct information levels. A semantic annotation model for indexing 3D scenes in the TREE-D-SEEK framework is also proposed. The semantic annotation model is based on an ontology for rapid prototyping of 3D virtual worlds. With ongoing improvements in computer hardware and 3D technology, the cost associated with the acquisition, production and deployment of 3D scenes is decreasing. As a consequence, there is a need for efficient 3D retrieval systems for the increasing number of 3D scenes in corpora. An efficient 3D retrieval system provides several benefits such as enhanced sharing and reuse of 3D scenes and 3D content. Existing 3D retrieval systems are closed systems and provide search solutions based on a predefined set of indexing and matching algorithms Existing 3D search systems and search solutions cannot be customized for specific requirements, type of information source and information level. In this research, TREE-D-SEEK—an open, extensible framework for retrieving 3D scenes—is proposed. The TREE-D-SEEK framework is capable of retrieving 3D scenes based on indexing low level content to high-level semantic metadata. The TREE-D-SEEK framework is discussed from a software architecture perspective. The architecture is based on a common process flow derived from indexing disparate information sources. Several indexing and matching algorithms are implemented. Experiments are conducted to evaluate the usability and performance of the framework. Retrieval performance of the framework is evaluated using benchmarks and manually collected corpora. A generic, semantic annotation model is proposed for indexing a 3D scene. The primary objective of using the semantic annotation model in the TREE-D-SEEK framework is to improve retrieval relevance and to support richer queries within a 3D scene. The semantic annotation model is driven by an ontology. The ontology is derived from a 3D rapid prototyping framework. The TREE-D-SEEK framework supports querying by example, keyword based and semantic annotation based query types for retrieving 3D scenes