15 research outputs found

    An object-based approach for mapping forest structural types based on low-density LiDAR and multispectral imagery

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    [EN] Mapping forest structure variables provides important information for the estimation of forest biomass, carbon stocks, pasture suitability or for wildfire risk prevention and control. The optimization of the prediction models of these variables requires an adequate stratification of the forest landscape in order to create specific models for each structural type or strata. This paper aims to propose and validate the use of an object-oriented classification methodology based on low-density LiDAR data (0.5 m−2) available at national level, WorldView-2 and Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery to categorize Mediterranean forests in generic structural types. After preprocessing the data sets, the area was segmented using a multiresolution algorithm, features describing 3D vertical structure were extracted from LiDAR data and spectral and texture features from satellite images. Objects were classified after feature selection in the following structural classes: grasslands, shrubs, forest (without shrubs), mixed forest (trees and shrubs) and dense young forest. Four classification algorithms (C4.5 decision trees, random forest, k-nearest neighbour and support vector machine) were evaluated using cross-validation techniques. The results show that the integration of low-density LiDAR and multispectral imagery provide a set of complementary features that improve the results (90.75% overall accuracy), and the object-oriented classification techniques are efficient for stratification of Mediterranean forest areas in structural- and fuel-related categories. Further work will be focused on the creation and validation of a different prediction model adapted to the various strata.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and FEDER under [grant number CGL2013-46387-C2-1-R]; Fondo de Garantia Juvenil under [contract number PEJ-2014-A-45358].Ruiz FernĂĄndez, LÁ.; Recio Recio, JA.; Crespo-Peremarch, P.; Sapena, M. (2018). An object-based approach for mapping forest structural types based on low-density LiDAR and multispectral imagery. Geocarto International. 33(5):443-457. https://doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2016.1265595S44345733

    Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data for the Assessment of Standing and Lying Deadwood: Current Situation and New Perspectives

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    LiDAR technology is finding uses in the forest sector, not only for surveys in producing forests but also as a tool to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of the three-dimensional component of forest environments. Developments of platforms and sensors in the last decades have highlighted the capacity of this technology to catch relevant details, even at finer scales. This drives its usage towards more ecological topics and applications for forest management. In recent years, nature protection policies have been focusing on deadwood as a key element for the health of forest ecosystems and wide-scale assessments are necessary for the planning process on a landscape scale. Initial studies showed promising results in the identification of bigger deadwood components (e.g., snags, logs, stumps), employing data not specifically collected for the purpose. Nevertheless, many efforts should still be made to transfer the available methodologies to an operational level. Newly available platforms (e.g., Mobile Laser Scanner) and sensors (e.g., Multispectral Laser Scanner) might provide new opportunities for this field of study in the near future

    Airborne laser scanning reveals large tree trunks on forest floor

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    Fallen trees decompose on the forest floor and create habitats for many species. Thus, mapping fallen trees allows identifying the most valuable areas regarding biodiversity, especially in boreal forests, enabling well-focused conservation and restoration actions. Airborne laser scanning (ALS) is capable of characterizing forests and the underlying topography. However, its potential for detecting and characterizing fallen trees under varying boreal forest conditions is not yet well understood. ALS-based fallen tree detection methods could improve our understanding regarding the spatiotemporal characteristics of dead wood over large landscapes. We developed and tested an automatic method for mapping individual fallen trees from an ALS point cloud with a point density of 15 points/m2. The presented method detects fallen trees using iterative Hough line detection and delineates the trees around the detected lines using region growing. Furthermore, we conducted a detailed evaluation of how the performance of ALS-based fallen tree detection is impacted by characteristics of fallen trees and the structure of vegetation around them. The results of this study showed that large fallen trees can be detected with a high accuracy in old-growth forests. In contrast, the detection of fallen trees in young managed stands proved challenging. The presented method was able to detect 78% of the largest fallen trees (diameter at breast height, DBH > 300 mm), whereas 30% of all trees with a DBH over 100 mm were detected. The performance of the detection method was positively correlated with both the size of fallen trees and the size of living trees surrounding them. In contrast, the performance was negatively correlated with the amount of undergrowth, ground vegetation, and the state of decay of fallen trees. Especially undergrowth and ground vegetation impacted the performance negatively, as they covered some of the fallen trees and lead to false fallen tree detections. Based on the results of this study, ALS-based collection of fallen tree information should be focused on old-growth forests and mature managed forests, at least with the current operative point densities.Peer reviewe

    Object-Based Image Analysis of Downed Logs in Disturbed Forested Landscapes Using Lidar

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    Downed logs on the forest floor provide habitat for species, fuel for forest fires, and function as a key component of forest nutrient cycling and carbon storage. Ground-based field surveying is a conventional method for mapping and characterizing downed logs but is limited. In addition, optical remote sensing methods have not been able to map these ground targets due to the lack of optical sensor penetrability into the forest canopy and limited sensor spectral and spatial resolutions. Lidar (light detection and ranging) sensors have become a more viable and common data source in forest science for detailed mapping of forest structure. This study evaluates the utility of discrete, multiple return airborne lidar-derived data for image object segmentation and classification of downed logs in a disturbed forested landscape and the efficiency of rule-based object-based image analysis (OBIA) and classification algorithms. Downed log objects were successfully delineated and classified from lidar derived metrics using an OBIA framework. 73% of digitized downed logs were completely or partially classified correctly. Over classification occurred in areas with large numbers of logs clustered in close proximity to one another and in areas with vegetation and tree canopy. The OBIA methods were found to be effective but inefficient in terms of automation and analyst’s time in the delineation and classification of downed logs in the lidar data

    Mapping and monitoring of vegetation using airborne laser scanning

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    In this thesis, the utility of airborne laser scanning (ALS) for monitoring vegetation of relevance for the environmental sector was investigated. The vegetation characteristics studied include measurements of biomass, biomass change and vegetation classification in the forest-tundra ecotone; afforestation of grasslands; and detection of windthrown trees. Prediction of tree biomass for mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) using sparse (1.4 points/mÂČ) and dense (6.1 points/mÂČ) ALS data was compared for a site at the forest-tundra ecotone near Abisko in northern Sweden (Lat. 68° N, Long. 19° E). The predictions using the sparse ALS data provided almost as good results (RMSE 21.2%) as the results from the dense ALS data (18.7%) despite the large difference in point densities. A new algorithm was developed to compensate for uneven distribution of the laser points without decimating the data; use of this algorithm reduced the RMSE for biomass prediction from 19.9% to 18.7% for the dense ALS data. Additional information about vegetation height and density from ALS data improved a satellite data classification of alpine vegetation, in particular for the willow and mountain birch classes. Histogram matching was shown to be effective for relative calibration of metrics from two ALS acquisitions collected over the same area using different scanners and flight parameters. Thus the difference between histogram-matched ALS metrics from different data acquisitions can be used to locate areas with unusual development of the vegetation. The height of small trees (0.3–2.6 m tall) in former pasture land near the RemningsÂŹtorp test site in southern Sweden (Lat. 58° N, Long. 13° E) could be measured with high precision (standard deviation 0.3 m) using high point density ALS data (54 points/m2). When classifying trees taller than 1 m into the two classes of changed and unchanged, the overall classification accuracy was 88%. A new method to automatically detect windthrown trees in forested areas was developed and evaluated at the Remningstorp test site. The overall detection rate was 38% on tree-level, but when aggregating to 40 m square grid cells, at least one windthrown tree was detected in 77% of the cells that according to field data contained windthrown trees. In summary, this thesis has shown the high potential for ALS to be a future tool to map and monitor vegetation for several applications of interest for the environmental sector

    Assessing biodiversity using forest structure indicators based on airborne laser scanning data

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    The role of forests in biodiversity assessment and planning is substantial as these ecosystems support approximately 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. Forests provide food, shelter, and nesting environments for numerous species, and deliver multiple ecosystem services. It has been widely recognised that forest vegetation structure and its complexity influence local variations in biodiversity. As forests are facing threats globally caused by human activities, there is a need to map the biodiversity of these ecosystems. The main objective of this review was to summarise the use of airborne laser scanning (ALS) data in biodiversity-related assessment of forests. We draw attention to topics related to animal ecology, structural diversity, dead wood, fragmentation and forest habitat classification. After conducting a thorough literature search, we categorised scientific articles based on their topics, which served as the basis for the section division in this paper. The majority of the research was found to be conducted in Europe and North America, only a small fraction of the study areas was located elsewhere. Topics that have received the most attention were related to animal ecology (namely richness and diversity of forest fauna), assessment of dead trees and tree species diversity measures. Not all studies used ALS data only, as it were often fused with other remote sensing data – especially with aerial or satellite images. The fusion of spectral information from optical images and the structural information provided by ALS was highly advantageous in studies where tree species were considered. Relevant ALS variables were found to be case-specific, so variables varied widely between forest biodiversity studies. We found that there was a lack of research in geographical areas and forest types other than temperate and boreal forests. Also, topics that considered functional diversity, community composition and the effect of spatial resolution at which ALS data and field information are linked, were covered to much lesser extent

    Remote Sensing for Monitoring the Mountaintop Mining Landscape: Applications for Land Cover Mapping at the Individual Mine Complex Scale

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    The aim of this dissertation was to investigate the potential for mapping land cover associated with mountaintop mining in Southern West Virginia using high spatial resolution aerial- and satellite-based multispectral imagery, as well as light detection and ranging (LiDAR) elevation data and terrain derivatives. The following research themes were explored: comparing aerial- and satellite-based imagery, combining data sets of multiple dates and types, incorporating measures of texture, using nonparametric, machine learning classification algorithms, and employing a geographical object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) framework. This research is presented as four interrelated manuscripts.;In a comparison of aerial National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) orthophotography and satellite-based RapidEye data, the aerial imagery was found to provide statistically less accurate classifications of land cover. These lower accuracies are most likely due to inconsistent viewing geometry and radiometric normalization associated with the aerial imagery. Nevertheless, NAIP orthophotography has many characteristics that make it useful for surface mine mapping and monitoring, including its availability for multiple years, a general lack of cloud cover, contiguous coverage of large areas, ease of availability, and low cost. The lower accuracies of the NAIP classifications were somewhat remediated by decreasing the spatial resolution and reducing the number of classes mapped.;Combining LiDAR with multispectral imagery statistically improved the classification of mining and mine reclamation land cover in comparison to only using multispectral data for both pixel-based and GEOBIA classification. This suggests that the reduced spectral resolution of high spatial resolution data can be combated by incorporating data from another sensor.;Generally, the support vector machines (SVM) algorithm provided higher classification accuracies in comparison to random forests (RF) and boosted classification and regression trees (CART) for both pixel-based and GEOBIA classification. It also outperformed k-nearest neighbor, the algorithm commonly used for GEOBIA classification. However, optimizing user-defined parameters for the SVM algorithm tends to be more complex in comparison to the other algorithms. In particular, RF has fewer parameters, and the program seems robust regarding the parameter settings. RF also offers measures to assess model performance, such as estimates of variable importance and overall accuracy.;Textural measures were found to be of marginal value for pixel-based classification. For GEOBIA, neither measures of texture nor object-specific geometry improved the classification accuracy. Notably, the incorporation of additional information from LiDAR provided a greater improvement in classification accuracy then deriving complex textural and geometric measures.;Pre- and post-mining terrain data classified using GEOBIA and machine learning algorithms resulted in significantly more accurate differentiation of mine-reclaimed and non-mining grasslands than was possible with spectral data. The combination of pre- and post-mining terrain data or just pre-mining data generally outperformed post-mining data. Elevation change data were shown to be of particular value, as were terrain shape parameters. GEOBIA was a valuable tool for combining data collected using different sensors and gridded at variable cell sizes, and machine learning algorithms were particularly useful for incorporating the ancillary data derived from the digital elevation models (DEMs), since these most likely would not have met the basic assumptions of multivariate normality required for parametric classifiers.;Collectively, this research suggests that high spatial resolution remotely sensed data are valuable for mapping and monitoring surface mining and mine reclamation, especially when elevation and spectral data are combined. Machine learning algorithms and GEOBIA are useful for integrating such diverse data