22 research outputs found

    Modelagem e simulação de redes orientadas a agentes da internet das coisas

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    The concept of the Internet of objects of the world is that these interconnected objects collect and analyze information on a regular basis and use it to begin action, plan, manage, and decide. Internet of things is a new evolution of the Internet, they offer more objects and they create their intelligence by creating or empowering decisions about the reality that information communication can have together and they have access to information that is aggregated by other objects or they introduce the components of complex services. The complexity of our industrial and economic software systems requires system modeling techniques to support reliable and expandable design. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to model and simulate object oriented Internet networks. In this paper, the G-net model is a kind of Petri net, and is used to support system modeling based on a set of independent modules with low interdependence. We have modified the base G-net model to define a so-called operating-oriented G-net. This model is considered as a general model for the design of the operating system.El concepto de Internet de las cosas es que estos objetos interconectados recopilan y analizan información de forma regular y la utilizan para comenzar a actuar, planificar, gestionar y decidir. Internet de las cosas es una nueva evolución de Internet, ofrecen más objetos y crean su inteligencia creando o potenciando decisiones sobre la realidad que la comunicación de la información puede tener en conjunto y tienen acceso a la información que se agrega por otros objetos o introducen el componentes de servicios complejos. La complejidad de nuestros sistemas de software industriales y económicos requiere técnicas de modelado de sistemas para admitir un diseño confiable y ampliable. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este documento es modelar y simular redes de Internet orientadas a objetos. En este documento, el modelo G-net es una especie de red de Petri, y se utiliza para soportar modelos de sistemas basados en un conjunto de módulos independientes con baja interdependencia. Hemos modificado el modelo base G-net para definir una llamada G-net orientada a la operación. Este modelo se considera como un modelo general para el diseño del sistema operativo.O conceito da Internet das Coisas é que esses objetos interconectados coletam e analisam informações regularmente e usam-nas para começar a agir, planejar, gerenciar e decidir. Internet das coisas é uma nova evolução da Internet, eles oferecem mais itens e criar a sua inteligência, criando ou reforçando as decisões sobre a realidade que a comunicação de informações podem ser juntos e têm acesso à informação adicionada por outros objetos ou introduzir componentes de serviço complexos. A complexidade de nossos sistemas de software industriais e econômicos exige técnicas de modelagem de sistemas para suportar um design confiável e expansível. Portanto, o objetivo deste documento é modelar e simular redes de Internet orientadas a objeto. Neste documento, o modelo G-net é um tipo de rede de Petri e é usado para suportar modelos de sistema baseados em um conjunto de módulos independentes com baixa interdependência. Modificamos o modelo base G-net para definir uma chamada G-net orientada para a operação. Esse modelo é considerado como um modelo geral para o design do sistema operacional

    Socialification: Social Software Elements Analysis and Design

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    The goal of this paper is to initiate a ‎conversation on the undergraduate teaching of ‎social software analysis and design in applications ‎which are non-social-media specific. This course ‎covers the topics required to strategically ‎‎“socialify” organizational applications to engage ‎users in the most productive way for the ‎organization. To capture this effort, we suggest the ‎term “socialification” which means the use of social ‎software design features in non-social-media ‎applications. We provide some background and ‎course goals and learning objectives as well as a ‎course structure. We then discuss issues to consider ‎when implementing a course in social software ‎elements development. We also cover the theoretical ‎grounding related to the interdisciplinary process ‎and explain how it contributes to the design of the ‎course.


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    Rotor dynamic analysis, which requires extensive amount of data and rigorous analytical processing, has been eased by the advent of powerful and affordable digital computers. By incorporating the processor and a graphical interface post processor in a single set up, this program offers a consistent and efficient approach to rotor dynamic analysis. The graphic user interface presented in this program effectively addresses the inherent complexities of rotor dynamic analyses by linking the required computational algorithms together to constitute a comprehensive program by which input data and the results are exchanged, analyzed and graphically plotted with minimal effort by the user. Just by selecting an input file and appropriate options as required, the user can carry out a comprehensive rotor dynamic analysis (synchronous response, stability analysis, critical speed analysis with undamped map) of a particular design and view the results with several options to save the plots for further verification. This approach helps the user to modify the design of turbomachinery quickly, until an efficient design is reached, with minimal compromise in all aspects

    CNC Machines Integration in Smart Factories using OPC UA

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    This work was partially developed under the project TOOLING4G (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024516) and the project S4PLAST - Sustainable Plastics Advanced Solutions (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046089), supported by Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI), Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa, Portugal 2020 and Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER). This project was also partially financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within projects UIDB/00308/2020 and LA/P/0063/2020, and under the Scientific Employment Stimulus - Institutional Call CEECINST/00051/2018. Special thanks to the Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest, a RUN-EU partner who also supported this workThis paper examines the idea of Industry 4.0 from the perspective of the molds industry, a vital industry in today’s industrial panorama. Several technologies, particularly in the area of machining equipment, have been introduced as a result of the industry’s constant modernization. This technological diversity makes automatic interconnection with production management software extremely difficult, as each brand and model requires different, mostly proprietary, interfaces and communication protocols. In the methodology presented in this paper, a development of monitoring solutions for machining devices is defined supporting the leading equipment and operations used by molds industry companies. OPC UA is employed for high-level communication between the various systems for a standardized approach. The approach combines various machine interfaces on a single system to cover a significant subset of machining equipment currently used by the molds industry, as a key result of this paper and given the variety of monitoring systems and communication protocols. This type of all-in-one approach will provide production managers with the information they need to monitor and improve the complete manufacturing process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    WEBGOP : collaborative Web services based on graph-oriented programming

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    2005-2006 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Performance analysis of static agent architecture with centralized matchmaking

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    Text in English; Abstract: English and TurkishIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 46-50)ix, 50 leavesLarge- scale network environments such as the internet possess the characteristics of distributed data, distributed access and distributed control. This gives users a powerful mechanism for building and integrating large amounts of distributed information from diverse resources. However few support tools have been developed for users to sift through this vast amount of information. In this thesis, we advocate the integration of two entities; Static agents to create a user profile, and information integration architecture to provide the desired information. Text-Based information is the main concern due to its high significance in our daily lives. Thus, information integration architecture will gather and intelligently combine information from multiple agents and present the user with combined information using a task agent.İnternet ve ona benzer büyük boyuttaki ağ yapıları dağıtık veri, dağıtık erişim ve dağıtık kontrol imkanları sağlar. Bu sayede kullanıcılar, büyük miktarlardaki veriyi farklı kaynaklardan alıp birleştirme ve yapılandırma şansına sahip olurlar. Ancak bu büyük boyutlardaki veriyi belli bir amaca göre eleyebilecek destek araçları sınırlı sayıdadır. Bu tezde iki varlığın bir araya getirilmesi savunulmaktadır. Durağan ajanlar ile kullanıcı profili yaratmak ve bilgi entegrasyon mimarisi ile gerekli bilgiyi kullanıcılara sağlamak hedeflenmiştir. Karakter tabanlı bilgi günlük hayatımızdaki öneminden dolayı tezin ürettiği çözüm içinde yer almaktadır. Böylece bilgi entegrasyon mimarisi farklı durağan ajanlardan bilgi toplayıp, derleyip talep eden diğer ajanlara sunacaktır. Bunu yaparken görev ajanı kullanılacaktır


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    Given the constant industry growth and modernization, several technologies have been introduced in the shop floor, in particular regarding industrial devices. Each device brand and model usually requires different interfaces and communication protocols, a technological diversity which renders the automatic interconnection with production management software extremely challenging. However, combining key technologies such as machine monitoring, digital twin and virtual commissioning, along with a complete communication protocol like OPC UA, it is possible to contribute towards industrial device integration on a Smart Factory environment. To achieve this goal, several methodologies and a set of tools were defined. This set of tools, as well as facilitating the integration tasks, should also be part of a virtual engineering environment, sharing the same virtual model, the digital twin, through the complete lifecycle of the industrial device, namely the project, simulation, implementation and execution/monitoring/supervision and, eventually, decommissioning phases. A key result of this work is the development of a set of virtual engineering tools and methodologies based on OPC UA communication, with the digital twin implemented using RobotStudio, in order to accomplish the complete lifecycle support of an industrial device, from the project and simulation phases, to monitoring and supervision, suitable for integration in Industry 4.0 factories. To evaluate the operation of the developed set of tools, experiments were performed for a test scenario with different devices. Other relevant result is related with the integration of a specific industrial device – CNC machining equipment. Given the variety of monitoring systems and communication protocols, an approach where various solutions available on the market are combined on a single system is followed. These kinds of all-in-one solutions would give production managers access to the information necessary for a continuous monitoring and improvement of the entire production process

    Contract representation for validation and run time monitoring

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    PhD ThesisOrganisations are increasingly using the Internet to offer their own services and to utilise the services of others. This naturally leads to resource sharing across organisational boundaries. Nevertheless, organisations will require their interactions with other organisations to be strictly controlled. In the paper-based world, business interactions, information exchange and sharing have been conducted under the control of contracts that the organisations sign. The world of electronic business needs to emulate electronic equivalents of the contract based business management practices. This thesis examines how a 'conventional' contract can be converted into its electronic equivalent and how it can be used for controlling business interactions taking place through computer messages. To implement a contract electronically, a conventional text contract needs to be described in a mathematically precise notation so that the description can be subjected to rigorous analysis and freed from the ambiguities that the original humanoriented text is likely to contain. Furthermore, a suitable run time infrastructure is required for monitoring the executable version of the contract. To address these issues, this thesis describes how standard conventional contracts can be converted into Finite State Machines (FSMs). It is illustrated how to map the rights and obligations extracted from the clauses of the contract into the states, transition and output functions, and input and output symbols of a FSM. The thesis then goes on to develop a list of correctness properties that a typical executable business contract should satisfy. A contract model should be validated against safety properties, which specify situations that the contract must not get into (such as deadlocks, unreachable states .... etc), and liveness properties, which detail qualities that would be desirable for the contract to contain (responsiveness, accessibility .... etc). The FSM description can then be subjected to model checking. This is demonstrated with the aid of examples using the Promela language and the Spin validator. Subsequently, the FSM representation can be used to ensure that the clauses stipulated in the contract are observed when the contract is executed. The requirements of a suitable run time infrastructure for monitoring contract compliance are discussed and a prototype middleware implementation is presented.UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)