613,330 research outputs found

    The Feeling of Control: The Psychology Behind Immersive Controls in Video Games and Their Real World Effects

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    There is a phenomenon that can occur while playing video games where the player begins to feel similar sensations to the player character. This phenomenon, unnamed until now, has very little research directly related to it. There is plenty of indirect research that can be applied to this phenomenon, now called sensation mirroring. A review of both cognitive and psychobiological literature allows for major connections between human functions and how they interact with video game control schemes to be drawn. These connections help form a potential theory on the mechanisms of sensation mirroring and provide directions for future research on the topic


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    The community service aimed to provide the skills for Eka Kaharap kindergarten’s teachers in the village of Sigi in creating an exciting, creative and innovative learning media. Through appropriate media, the students have a better understanding of the subject matter. By mastering the skill, it was expected that teachers of Eka Kaharap Kindergarten would be able to create and develop Powtoon-based video media as a classroom learning tool in the future. This community service activity consisted of 2 stages, namely socialization and training. The socialization and research activities were attended by teachers of Eka Kaharap kindergarten. Moreover, a module of Poutoon application as a kindergarten learning media was used as the training material. The evaluation indicator of the activity was the ability of the trainees to design and develop Powtoon-based video learning media in accordance with the kindergarten learning subject

    Orbit to orbit transportation

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    Orbital transfer vehicle propulsion options for SPS include both chemical (COTV) and electrical (EOTV) options. The proposed EOTV construction method is similar to that of the SPS and, by the addition of a transmitting antenna, may serve as a demonstration or precursor satellite option. The results of the studies led to the selection of a single stage COTV for crew and priority cargo transfer. An EOTV concept is favored for cargo transfer because of the more favorable orbital burden factor over chemical systems. The gallium arsenide solar array is favored over the silicon array because of its self annealing characteristics of radiation damage encountered during multiple transitions through the Van Allen radiation belt. Transportation system operations are depicted. A heavy lift launch vehicle (HLLV) delivers cargo and propellants to LEO, which are transferred to a dedicated EOTV by means of an intraorbit transfer vehicle (IOTV) for subsequent transfer to GEO. The space shuttle is used for crew transfer from Earth to LEO. At the LEO base, the crew module is removed from the shuttle cargo bay and mated to a COTV for transfer to GEO. Upon arrival at GEO, the SPS construction cargo is transferred from the EOTV to the SPS construction base by IOTV. Crew consumables and resupply propellants are transported to GEO by the EOTV. Transportation requirements are dominated by the vast quantity of materials to be transported to LEO and GEO


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    Pelaksanaan komunikasi persuasif saat proses pembelajaran merupakan salah satu cara yang sebaiknya dilakukan oleh para guru. Komunikasi persuasif merupakan proses komunikasi yang bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi sikap, pendapat dan perilaku seseorang, baik secara verbal maupun nonverbal. Teknik komunikasi ini bersifat mengajak atau mendorong siswa agar mengikuti, memperhatikan serta memahami materi yang disampaikan oleh guru. Sehingga dapat menimbulkan kesadaran dalam diri masing-masing siswa akan begitu pentingnya proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komunikasi persuasif terhadap konsentrasi belajar siswa kelas IX SMP Kristen Palangka Raya tahun pelajaran 2020/2021. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel penelitiannya adalah seluruh siswa kelas IX SMP Kristen Palangka Raya tahun pelajaran 2020/2021 yang berjumlah 50 orang siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji regresi linier sederhana. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh thitung sebesar 4,528. Sementara nilai ttabel pada taraf signifikansi 5% dengan N = 50, maka diperoleh ttabel sebesar 2,012. Kemudian variabel  komunikasi  persuasif  memiliki  tingkat signifikansi/probabilitas 0,000 < 0,05 yang artinya signifikan. Jadi diperoleh nilai thitung > ttable yaitu 4,528 > 2,012 maka Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh komunikasi persuasif terhadap  konsentrasi  belajar siswa kelas IX SMP Kristen Palangka Raya tahun pelajaran 2020/2021

    Achieving Orbit

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    In this Engineering Design Challenge activity, participants use balloons to investigate how a two-stage rocket, like that used in the IBEX mission, can propel a satellite to a specific orbit. Participants will construct a two-stage balloon that will be required to reach a particular location on the balloon track, simulating the proper orbit to be reached by the IBEX satellite. This activity is adapted from the NASA Rockets Educators Guide (EG-2003-01-108-HQ) and the NASA Glenn Research Center’s online Learning Technologies Project for facilitation with an informal museum audience. Each short activity/product helps to build awareness and engagement in the science and engineering aspects of the mission that is reinforced as visitors choose to participate in more activities, including viewing the planetarium show and mission Web site. Educational levels: Informal education, General public

    Orbit Functions

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    In the paper, properties of orbit functions are reviewed and further developed. Orbit functions on the Euclidean space EnE_n are symmetrized exponential functions. The symmetrization is fulfilled by a Weyl group corresponding to a Coxeter-Dynkin diagram. Properties of such functions will be described. An orbit function is the contribution to an irreducible character of a compact semisimple Lie group GG of rank nn from one of its Weyl group orbits. It is shown that values of orbit functions are repeated on copies of the fundamental domain FF of the affine Weyl group (determined by the initial Weyl group) in the entire Euclidean space EnE_n. Orbit functions are solutions of the corresponding Laplace equation in EnE_n, satisfying the Neumann condition on the boundary of FF. Orbit functions determine a symmetrized Fourier transform and a transform on a finite set of points.Comment: Published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    Mi experiencia en el teatro del Colegio Nacional de La Plata

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    A un año de su fundación y salvada, con el estreno de Tres som breros de copa, “La barra espinosa de miedo” que todos (¡y no sólo los poetas, como supone Federico García Lorca!) tenemos a la sala, decíamos en mayo de 1967: “El Teatro del Colegio Nacional de La Plata fue creado el 18 de mayo de 1966 por disposición del entonces rector del establecimiento, profesor Jorge Crespi. La iniciativa había partido de la jefa del Departamento de Lengua y Literatura, profesora Amalia Antelo de Brito, y contaba con el apoyo, expreso en algunos casos y tácito en otros, de sus profesores. Se intentaba así retomar una actividad que el Colegio Nacional había ya ensayado con desigual periodicidad en un pasado más o menos reciente, pero con el definido propósito de asignarle desde su mismo punto de partida el carácter de 'estable’.”Universidad Nacional de La Plat