331 research outputs found

    Incorporating Cardiac Substructures Into Radiation Therapy For Improved Cardiac Sparing

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    Growing evidence suggests that radiation therapy (RT) doses to the heart and cardiac substructures (CS) are strongly linked to cardiac toxicities, though only the heart is considered clinically. This work aimed to utilize the superior soft-tissue contrast of magnetic resonance (MR) to segment CS, quantify uncertainties in their position, assess their effect on treatment planning and an MR-guided environment. Automatic substructure segmentation of 12 CS was completed using a novel hybrid MR/computed tomography (CT) atlas method and was improved upon using a 3-dimensional neural network (U-Net) from deep learning. Intra-fraction motion due to respiration was then quantified. The inter-fraction setup uncertainties utilizing a novel MR-linear accelerator were also quantified. Treatment planning comparisons were performed with and without substructure inclusions and methods to reduce radiation dose to sensitive CS were evaluated. Lastly, these described technologies (deep learning U-Net) were translated to an MR-linear accelerator and a segmentation pipeline was created. Automatic segmentations from the hybrid MR/CT atlas was able to generate accurate segmentations for the chambers and great vessels (Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) \u3e 0.75) but coronary artery segmentations were unsuccessful (DSC\u3c0.3). After implementing deep learning, DSC for the chambers and great vessels was ≥0.85 along with an improvement in the coronary arteries (DSC\u3e0.5). Similar accuracy was achieved when implementing deep learning for MR-guided RT. On average, automatic segmentations required ~10 minutes to generate per patient and deep learning only required 14 seconds. The inclusion of CS in the treatment planning process did not yield statistically significant changes in plan complexity, PTV, or OAR dose. Automatic segmentation results from deep learning pose major efficiency and accuracy gains for CS segmentation offering high potential for rapid implementation into radiation therapy planning for improved cardiac sparing. Introducing CS into RT planning for MR-guided RT presented an opportunity for more effective sparing with limited increase in plan complexity

    Incorporating Cardiac Substructures Into Radiation Therapy For Improved Cardiac Sparing

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    Growing evidence suggests that radiation therapy (RT) doses to the heart and cardiac substructures (CS) are strongly linked to cardiac toxicities, though only the heart is considered clinically. This work aimed to utilize the superior soft-tissue contrast of magnetic resonance (MR) to segment CS, quantify uncertainties in their position, assess their effect on treatment planning and an MR-guided environment. Automatic substructure segmentation of 12 CS was completed using a novel hybrid MR/computed tomography (CT) atlas method and was improved upon using a 3-dimensional neural network (U-Net) from deep learning. Intra-fraction motion due to respiration was then quantified. The inter-fraction setup uncertainties utilizing a novel MR-linear accelerator were also quantified. Treatment planning comparisons were performed with and without substructure inclusions and methods to reduce radiation dose to sensitive CS were evaluated. Lastly, these described technologies (deep learning U-Net) were translated to an MR-linear accelerator and a segmentation pipeline was created. Automatic segmentations from the hybrid MR/CT atlas was able to generate accurate segmentations for the chambers and great vessels (Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) \u3e 0.75) but coronary artery segmentations were unsuccessful (DSC\u3c0.3). After implementing deep learning, DSC for the chambers and great vessels was ≥0.85 along with an improvement in the coronary arteries (DSC\u3e0.5). Similar accuracy was achieved when implementing deep learning for MR-guided RT. On average, automatic segmentations required ~10 minutes to generate per patient and deep learning only required 14 seconds. The inclusion of CS in the treatment planning process did not yield statistically significant changes in plan complexity, PTV, or OAR dose. Automatic segmentation results from deep learning pose major efficiency and accuracy gains for CS segmentation offering high potential for rapid implementation into radiation therapy planning for improved cardiac sparing. Introducing CS into RT planning for MR-guided RT presented an opportunity for more effective sparing with limited increase in plan complexity

    Recent Advances in Machine Learning Applied to Ultrasound Imaging

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    Machine learning (ML) methods are pervading an increasing number of fields of application because of their capacity to effectively solve a wide variety of challenging problems. The employment of ML techniques in ultrasound imaging applications started several years ago but the scientific interest in this issue has increased exponentially in the last few years. The present work reviews the most recent (2019 onwards) implementations of machine learning techniques for two of the most popular ultrasound imaging fields, medical diagnostics and non-destructive evaluation. The former, which covers the major part of the review, was analyzed by classifying studies according to the human organ investigated and the methodology (e.g., detection, segmentation, and/or classification) adopted, while for the latter, some solutions to the detection/classification of material defects or particular patterns are reported. Finally, the main merits of machine learning that emerged from the study analysis are summarized and discussed. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Artificial Intelligence in Image-Based Screening, Diagnostics, and Clinical Care of Cardiopulmonary Diseases

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    Cardiothoracic and pulmonary diseases are a significant cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the lack of access to clinical care, the overburdened medical system, and the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in improving medicine. There are a variety of diseases affecting the cardiopulmonary system including lung cancers, heart disease, tuberculosis (TB), etc., in addition to COVID-19-related diseases. Screening, diagnosis, and management of cardiopulmonary diseases has become difficult owing to the limited availability of diagnostic tools and experts, particularly in resource-limited regions. Early screening, accurate diagnosis and staging of these diseases could play a crucial role in treatment and care, and potentially aid in reducing mortality. Radiographic imaging methods such as computed tomography (CT), chest X-rays (CXRs), and echo ultrasound (US) are widely used in screening and diagnosis. Research on using image-based AI and machine learning (ML) methods can help in rapid assessment, serve as surrogates for expert assessment, and reduce variability in human performance. In this Special Issue, “Artificial Intelligence in Image-Based Screening, Diagnostics, and Clinical Care of Cardiopulmonary Diseases”, we have highlighted exemplary primary research studies and literature reviews focusing on novel AI/ML methods and their application in image-based screening, diagnosis, and clinical management of cardiopulmonary diseases. We hope that these articles will help establish the advancements in AI

    Automatic Diagnosis of Myocarditis Disease in Cardiac MRI Modality using Deep Transformers and Explainable Artificial Intelligence

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    Myocarditis is a significant cardiovascular disease (CVD) that poses a threat to the health of many individuals by causing damage to the myocardium. The occurrence of microbes and viruses, including the likes of HIV, plays a crucial role in the development of myocarditis disease (MCD). The images produced during cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) scans are low contrast, which can make it challenging to diagnose cardiovascular diseases. In other hand, checking numerous CMRI slices for each CVD patient can be a challenging task for medical doctors. To overcome the existing challenges, researchers have suggested the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-based computer-aided diagnosis systems (CADS). The presented paper outlines a CADS for the detection of MCD from CMR images, utilizing deep learning (DL) methods. The proposed CADS consists of several steps, including dataset, preprocessing, feature extraction, classification, and post-processing. First, the Z-Alizadeh dataset was selected for the experiments. Subsequently, the CMR images underwent various preprocessing steps, including denoising, resizing, as well as data augmentation (DA) via CutMix and MixUp techniques. In the following, the most current deep pre-trained and transformer models are used for feature extraction and classification on the CMR images. The findings of our study reveal that transformer models exhibit superior performance in detecting MCD as opposed to pre-trained architectures. In terms of DL architectures, the Turbulence Neural Transformer (TNT) model exhibited impressive accuracy, reaching 99.73% utilizing a 10-fold cross-validation approach. Additionally, to pinpoint areas of suspicion for MCD in CMRI images, the Explainable-based Grad Cam method was employed

    Applying Transfer Learning in Classification of Ischemia from Myocardial Polar Maps in PET Cardiac Perfusion Imaging

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    Introduction: Ischemia is defined as the restriction of blood flow to a body organ, such as the heart, resulting in a cutback in oxygen supply. Myocardial ischemia is characterized by an imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand, causing cardiac dysfunction, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, and sudden death. Positron emission tomography myocardial perfusion imaging (PET-MPI) is an examination for accurately evaluating blood circulation to the heart muscle at stress and rest. Images obtained from this technique can be interpreted by experts or potentially classified by deep learning for the diagnosis of cardiac ischemia. Although deep learning has proved to be effective for medical image classification tasks, the challenge of small medical image datasets for model training remains to exist. Transfer learning is a state-of-the-art technique for resolving this challenge by utilizing pre-trained models for a new task. Pre-trained models are deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) trained on a vast dataset, such as ImageNet, capable of transferring learned weights to a new classification problem. Objective: To study the effectiveness of image classification using transfer learning and benchmarking pre-trained CNN models for the classification of myocardial ischemia from myocardial polar maps in PET 15O-H2O cardiac perfusion imaging. Subject and methods: 138 JPEG polar maps from a 15O-H2O stress perfusion test from patients classified as ischemic or non-ischemic were used. Experiments for comparing a total of 20 pre-trained CNN models were performed. The results were compared against a custom CNN developed on the same dataset. Python programming language and its relevant libraries for deep learning were used. Results and discussion: Pre-trained models showed reliable performance compared to a custom-built CNN. VGG19, VGG16, DenseNet169, and Xception were superior among all pre-trained models. Ensemble learning improved overall performance, closest to the clinical interpretation level

    Deep Learning for Vascular Segmentation and Applications in Phase Contrast Tomography Imaging

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    Automated blood vessel segmentation is vital for biomedical imaging, as vessel changes indicate many pathologies. Still, precise segmentation is difficult due to the complexity of vascular structures, anatomical variations across patients, the scarcity of annotated public datasets, and the quality of images. We present a thorough literature review, highlighting the state of machine learning techniques across diverse organs. Our goal is to provide a foundation on the topic and identify a robust baseline model for application to vascular segmentation in a new imaging modality, Hierarchical Phase Contrast Tomography (HiP CT). Introduced in 2020 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, HiP CT enables 3D imaging of complete organs at an unprecedented resolution of ca. 20mm per voxel, with the capability for localized zooms in selected regions down to 1mm per voxel without sectioning. We have created a training dataset with double annotator validated vascular data from three kidneys imaged with HiP CT in the context of the Human Organ Atlas Project. Finally, utilising the nnU Net model, we conduct experiments to assess the models performance on both familiar and unseen samples, employing vessel specific metrics. Our results show that while segmentations yielded reasonably high scores such as clDice values ranging from 0.82 to 0.88, certain errors persisted. Large vessels that collapsed due to the lack of hydrostatic pressure (HiP CT is an ex vivo technique) were segmented poorly. Moreover, decreased connectivity in finer vessels and higher segmentation errors at vessel boundaries were observed. Such errors obstruct the understanding of the structures by interrupting vascular tree connectivity. Through our review and outputs, we aim to set a benchmark for subsequent model evaluations using various modalities, especially with the HiP CT imaging database

    Quantitative image analysis in cardiac CT angiography

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    Quantitative image analysis in cardiac CT angiography

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