7,421 research outputs found

    Wide-band channel sounding in the bands above 2GHz

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    Modem telecommunication services require increasing data rates for both mobile and fixed applications. At frequencies in the range 2.5 GHz to 6 GHz physical constraints on the size of equipment result in antenna with moderate directivity typically with an antenna beam width of 20 degrees or greater. Thus building and ground clutter is present within the first Fresnel zones of the antenna system which gives rise to multi-path propagation. This multi-path propagation (average delay and RMS delay spread) has been investigated using a wideband FMCW channel sounder that is capable of operation at a number of frequencies. The channel sounder has been based upon a parallel architecture sounder operating within the 2 GHz band with a number of frequency conversion modules to translate operation to the new frequency bands under study. Two primary configurations have been explored. In the first of these, propagation has been measured simultaneously within the 2.5 GHz, 3.4 GHz and 5.7 GHz bands. This is believed to be novel and original. In the second configuration four parallel channels operating within the 5.7 GHz band may be operated simultaneously. This configuration supports multiple antennas at the receiver. To support the work in the bands from 2.5 GHz to 6 GHz wideband discone antenna have been designed and fabricated. A system to provide relative gain and phase calibration for up to four antennas has been developed and demonstrated. This is also believed to represent a novel method of performing antenna and array calibration. Finally, the frequency converters have been used in conjunction with additional components to provide an FMCพ sounder operating within the 60 GHz Oxygen absorption band. This work is novel in that up to 1 GHz of spectrum can be swept. To support this work a significant number of microwave components have been designed and developed. In particular a novel wide band balanced X3 multiplier and a novel impedance-matched amplitude-equaliser (to provide amplifier gain-slope equalisation) has been developed. Channel soundings have been performed at three frequencies simultaneously using band specific and common antenna. The average delay and RMS delay spread have been demonstrated to be essentially frequency independent for the environments evaluated

    Baseband analog front-end and digital back-end for reconfigurable multi-standard terminals

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    Multimedia applications are driving wireless network operators to add high-speed data services such as Edge (E-GPRS), WCDMA (UMTS) and WLAN (IEEE 802.11a,b,g) to the existing GSM network. This creates the need for multi-mode cellular handsets that support a wide range of communication standards, each with a different RF frequency, signal bandwidth, modulation scheme etc. This in turn generates several design challenges for the analog and digital building blocks of the physical layer. In addition to the above-mentioned protocols, mobile devices often include Bluetooth, GPS, FM-radio and TV services that can work concurrently with data and voice communication. Multi-mode, multi-band, and multi-standard mobile terminals must satisfy all these different requirements. Sharing and/or switching transceiver building blocks in these handsets is mandatory in order to extend battery life and/or reduce cost. Only adaptive circuits that are able to reconfigure themselves within the handover time can meet the design requirements of a single receiver or transmitter covering all the different standards while ensuring seamless inter-interoperability. This paper presents analog and digital base-band circuits that are able to support GSM (with Edge), WCDMA (UMTS), WLAN and Bluetooth using reconfigurable building blocks. The blocks can trade off power consumption for performance on the fly, depending on the standard to be supported and the required QoS (Quality of Service) leve

    SARAS 2: A Spectral Radiometer for probing Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Reionization through detection of the global 21 cm signal

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    The global 21 cm signal from Cosmic Dawn (CD) and the Epoch of Reionization (EoR), at redshifts z630z \sim 6-30, probes the nature of first sources of radiation as well as physics of the Inter-Galactic Medium (IGM). Given that the signal is predicted to be extremely weak, of wide fractional bandwidth, and lies in a frequency range that is dominated by Galactic and Extragalactic foregrounds as well as Radio Frequency Interference, detection of the signal is a daunting task. Critical to the experiment is the manner in which the sky signal is represented through the instrument. It is of utmost importance to design a system whose spectral bandpass and additive spurious can be well calibrated and any calibration residual does not mimic the signal. SARAS is an ongoing experiment that aims to detect the global 21 cm signal. Here we present the design philosophy of the SARAS 2 system and discuss its performance and limitations based on laboratory and field measurements. Laboratory tests with the antenna replaced with a variety of terminations, including a network model for the antenna impedance, show that the gain calibration and modeling of internal additives leave no residuals with Fourier amplitudes exceeding 2~mK, or residual Gaussians of 25 MHz width with amplitudes exceeding 2~mK. Thus, even accounting for reflection and radiation efficiency losses in the antenna, the SARAS~2 system is capable of detection of complex 21-cm profiles at the level predicted by currently favoured models for thermal baryon evolution.Comment: 44 pages, 17 figures; comments and suggestions are welcom

    Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA)

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    The Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA) is a staged experiment to measure 21 cm emission from the primordial intergalactic medium (IGM) throughout cosmic reionization (z=612z=6-12), and to explore earlier epochs of our Cosmic Dawn (z30z\sim30). During these epochs, early stars and black holes heated and ionized the IGM, introducing fluctuations in 21 cm emission. HERA is designed to characterize the evolution of the 21 cm power spectrum to constrain the timing and morphology of reionization, the properties of the first galaxies, the evolution of large-scale structure, and the early sources of heating. The full HERA instrument will be a 350-element interferometer in South Africa consisting of 14-m parabolic dishes observing from 50 to 250 MHz. Currently, 19 dishes have been deployed on site and the next 18 are under construction. HERA has been designated as an SKA Precursor instrument. In this paper, we summarize HERA's scientific context and provide forecasts for its key science results. After reviewing the current state of the art in foreground mitigation, we use the delay-spectrum technique to motivate high-level performance requirements for the HERA instrument. Next, we present the HERA instrument design, along with the subsystem specifications that ensure that HERA meets its performance requirements. Finally, we summarize the schedule and status of the project. We conclude by suggesting that, given the realities of foreground contamination, current-generation 21 cm instruments are approaching their sensitivity limits. HERA is designed to bring both the sensitivity and the precision to deliver its primary science on the basis of proven foreground filtering techniques, while developing new subtraction techniques to unlock new capabilities. The result will be a major step toward realizing the widely recognized scientific potential of 21 cm cosmology.Comment: 26 pages, 24 figures, 2 table

    Wideband Watt-Level Spatial Power-Combined Power Amplifier in SiGe BiCMOS Technology for Efficient mm-Wave Array Transmitters

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    The continued demand for high-speed wireless communications is driving the development of integrated high-power transmitters at millimeter wave (mm-Wave) frequencies. Si-based technologies allow achieving a high level of integration but usually provide insufficient generated RF power to compensate for the increased propagation and material losses at mm-Wave bands due to the relatively low breakdown voltage of their devices. This problem can be reduced significantly if one could combine the power of multiple active devices on each antenna element. However, conventional on-chip power combining networks have inherently high insertion losses reducing transmitter efficiency and limiting its maximum achievable output power.This work presents a non-conventional design approach for mm-Wave Si-based Watt-level power amplifiers that is based on novel power-combining architecture, where an array of parallel custom PA-cells suited on the same chip is interfaced to a single substrate integrated waveguide (to be a part of an antenna element). This allows one to directly excite TEm0 waveguide modes with high power through spatial power combining functionality, obviating the need for intermediate and potentially lossy on-chip power combiners. The proposed solution offers wide impedance bandwidth (50%) and low insertion losses (0.4 dB), which are virtually independent from the number of interfaced PA-cells. The work evaluates the scalability bounds of the architecture as well as discusses the critical effects of coupled non-identical PA-cells, which are efficiently reduced by employing on-chip isolation load resistors.The proposed architecture has been demonstrated through an example of the combined PA with four differential cascode PA-cells suited on the same chip, which is flip-chip interconnected to the combiner placed on a laminate. This design is implemented in a 0.25 um SiGe BiCMOS technology. The PA-cell has a wideband performance (38.6%) with both high peak efficiency (30%) and high saturated output power (24.9 dBm), which is the highest reported output power level obtained without the use of circuit-level power combining in Si-based technologies at Ka-band. In order to achieve the optimal system-level performance of the combined PA, an EM-circuit-thermal optimization flow has been proposed, which accounts for various multiphysics effects occurring in the joint structure. The final PA achieves the peak PAE of 26.7% in combination with 30.8 dBm maximum saturated output power, which is the highest achievable output power in practical applications, where the 50-Ohms load is placed on a laminate. The high efficiency (>20%) and output power (>29.8 dBm) over a wide frequency range (30%) exceed the state-of-the-art in Si-based PAs

    Ultra-Low Power Wake Up Receiver For Medical Implant Communications Service Transceiver

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    This thesis explores the specific requirements and challenges for the design of a dedicated wake-up receiver for medical implant communication services equipped with a novel “uncertain-IF†architecture combined with a high – Q filtering MEMS resonator and a free running CMOS ring oscillator as the RF LO. The receiver prototype, implements an IBM 0.18μm mixed-signal 7ML RF CMOS technology and achieves a sensitivity of -62 dBm at 404MHz while consuming \u3c100 μW from a 1 V supply