40 research outputs found

    Models of Control Channels in the LTE System

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    DizertačnĂ­ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ zpracovĂĄnĂ­m signĂĄlu fyzickĂœch ƙídicĂ­ch kanĂĄlĆŻ systĂ©mu LTE a vyĆĄetƙovĂĄnĂ­m bitovĂ© chybovosti pƙi pƙenosu ƙídicĂ­ informace z vysĂ­lače do pƙijĂ­mače v zĂĄvislosti na podmĂ­nkĂĄch pƙíjmu. PrĂĄce je rozdělena do dvou hlavnĂ­ch částĂ­. PrvnĂ­ část prĂĄce je zaměƙena na simulaci pƙenosu ƙídicĂ­ informace LTE v zĂĄkladnĂ­m pĂĄsmu. Jsou zde prezentovĂĄny vytvoƙenĂ© simulĂĄtory ƙídicĂ­ch kanĂĄlĆŻ ve směru uplink i downlink. Simulace jsou provedeny pro vĆĄechny druhy nastavenĂ­ systĂ©mu a zĂĄkladnĂ­ modely pƙenosovĂ©ho prostƙedĂ­. Jsou zde popsĂĄny vĂœsledky vlivu pouĆŸitĂ­ MIMO technologiĂ­ na kvalitu pƙíjmu ƙídicĂ­ informace pƙedevĆĄĂ­m v ĂșnikovĂœch kanĂĄlech. DruhĂĄ část prĂĄce je zaměƙena na moĆŸnost nasazenĂ­ systĂ©mu LTE ve sdĂ­lenĂ©m pĂĄsmu ISM (2.4 GHz). Jsou zde pƙedstaveny zĂĄkladnĂ­ koncepce pouĆŸitĂ­, na jejichĆŸ zĂĄkladě je vytvoƙen scĂ©náƙ simulacĂ­. Kapitola dĂĄle popisuje tvorbu simulĂĄtoru koexistence LTE a systĂ©mu Wi-Fi v pƙenesenĂ©m pĂĄsmu ISM 2.4GHz. Jsou zde uvedeny vĂœsledky simulacĂ­ koexistence LTE a ruĆĄivĂ©ho systĂ©mu Wi-Fi provedenĂœch dle vytvoƙenĂ©ho scĂ©náƙe. VĂœsledky simulacĂ­ koexistence LTE a Wi-Fi jsou ověƙeny měƙenĂ­m v laboratornĂ­ch podmĂ­nkĂĄch. Toto porovnĂĄnĂ­ je dĆŻleĆŸitĂ© z hlediska optimalizace simulĂĄtoru koexistence. Dle vĂœsledkĆŻ obou typĆŻ simulacĂ­ a měƙenĂ­ jsou stanovena provoznĂ­ doporučenĂ­, kterĂĄ majĂ­ pƙispět k bezpečnĂ©mu a spolehlivĂ©mu vysĂ­lĂĄnĂ­ a pƙíjmu ƙídicĂ­ch informacĂ­ LTE i pƙi nepƙíznivĂœch podmĂ­nkĂĄch pƙíjmu.The doctoral thesis is focused on a signal processing in the LTE physical control channels and performance analysis of control information transmission according to receiving conditions. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with simulation of the transmission of control information in baseband. The created simulators for uplink and downlink are presented. The simulations are performed for all possible system settings and various channel models. The MIMO influence on a quality of control information reception under fading channels is also presented. The second part of the thesis is focused on LTE utilization in shared channel ISM (2.4 GHz). The basic LTE application concept for ISM band is presented. This concept is fundamental to created simulation scenario. The chapter also presents the LTE and Wi-Fi coexistence simulator in 2.4 GHz ISM passband. The coexistence simulation are presented according to simulation scenario and the results are shown. The simulated coexistence analysis results are verified in laboratory environment. The comparison of the simulated and the measured coexistence analysis results is crucial for further optimization of the coexistence simulator. Recommendations for optimal and reliable operation of LTE are specified according to the simulated and the measured results. Recommendations should be useful to the reliable transmission of LTE control information in bad receiving conditions.

    Summative evaluation of the CETL programme : final report by SQW to HEFCE and DEL

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    EficiĂȘncia energĂ©tica avançada para sistema OFDMA CoMP coordenação multiponto

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrotĂ©cnicaThe ever-growing energy consumption in mobile networks stimulated by the expected growth in data tra ffic has provided the impetus for mobile operators to refocus network design, planning and deployment towards reducing the cost per bit, whilst at the same time providing a signifi cant step towards reducing their operational expenditure. As a step towards incorporating cost-eff ective mobile system, 3GPP LTE-Advanced has adopted the coordinated multi-point (CoMP) transmission technique due to its ability to mitigate and manage inter-cell interference (ICI). Using CoMP the cell average and cell edge throughput are boosted. However, there is room for reducing energy consumption further by exploiting the inherent exibility of dynamic resource allocation protocols. To this end packet scheduler plays the central role in determining the overall performance of the 3GPP longterm evolution (LTE) based on packet-switching operation and provide a potential research playground for optimizing energy consumption in future networks. In this thesis we investigate the baseline performance for down link CoMP using traditional scheduling approaches, and subsequently go beyond and propose novel energy e fficient scheduling (EES) strategies that can achieve power-e fficient transmission to the UEs whilst enabling both system energy effi ciency gain and fairness improvement. However, ICI can still be prominent when multiple nodes use common resources with di fferent power levels inside the cell, as in the so called heterogeneous networks (Het- Net) environment. HetNets are comprised of two or more tiers of cells. The rst, or higher tier, is a traditional deployment of cell sites, often referred to in this context as macrocells. The lower tiers are termed small cells, and can appear as microcell, picocells or femtocells. The HetNet has attracted signiffi cant interest by key manufacturers as one of the enablers for high speed data at low cost. Research until now has revealed several key hurdles that must be overcome before HetNets can achieve their full potential: bottlenecks in the backhaul must be alleviated, as well as their seamless interworking with CoMP. In this thesis we explore exactly the latter hurdle, and present innovative ideas on advancing CoMP to work in synergy with HetNet deployment, complemented by a novel resource allocation policy for HetNet tighter interference management. As system level simulator has been used to analyze the proposed algorithm/protocols, and results have concluded that up to 20% energy gain can be observed.O aumento do consumo de energia nas TICs e em particular nas redes de comunicação mĂłveis, estimulado por um crescimento esperado do trĂĄfego de dados, tem servido de impulso aos operadores m oveis para reorientarem os seus projectos de rede, planeamento e implementa ção no sentido de reduzir o custo por bit, o que ao mesmo tempo possibilita um passo signicativo no sentido de reduzir as despesas operacionais. Como um passo no sentido de uma incorporação eficaz em termos destes custos, o sistema mĂłvel 3GPP LTE-Advanced adoptou a tĂ©cnica de transmissĂŁo Coordenação Multi-Ponto (identificada na literatura com a sigla CoMP) devido Ă  sua capacidade de mitigar e gerir InterferĂȘncia entre CĂ©lulas (sigla ICI na literatura). No entanto a ICI pode ainda ser mais proeminente quando v arios n os no interior da cĂ©lula utilizam recursos comuns com diferentes nĂ­veis de energia, como acontece nos chamados ambientes de redes heterogĂ©neas (sigla Het- Net na literatura). As HetNets sĂŁo constituĂ­das por duas ou mais camadas de cĂ©lulas. A primeira, ou camada superiora, constitui uma implantação tradicional de sĂ­tios de cĂ©lula, muitas vezes referidas neste contexto como macrocells. Os nĂ­veis mais baixos sĂŁo designados por cĂ©lulas pequenas, e podem aparecer como microcells, picocells ou femtocells. A HetNet tem atra do grande interesse por parte dos principais fabricantes como sendo facilitador para transmissĂ”es de dados de alta velocidade a baixo custo. A investigação tem revelado at e a data, vĂĄrios dos principais obstĂĄculos que devem ser superados para que as HetNets possam atingir todo o seu potencial: (i) os estrangulamentos no backhaul devem ser aliviados; (ii) bem como sua perfeita interoperabilidade com CoMP. Nesta tese exploramos este ultimo constrangimento e apresentamos ideias inovadoras em como a t ecnica CoMP poder a ser aperfeiçoada por forma a trabalhar em sinergia com a implementação da HetNet, complementado ainda com uma nova perspectiva na alocação de recursos rĂĄdio para um controlo e gestĂŁo mais apertado de interferĂȘncia nas HetNets. Com recurso a simulação a nĂ­Ă­vel de sistema para analisar o desempenho dos algoritmos e protocolos propostos, os resultados obtidos concluĂ­ram que ganhos at e a ordem dos 20% poderĂŁo ser atingidos em termos de eficiĂȘncia energĂ©tica

    Energy-efficient cooperative resource allocation for OFDMA

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    Energy is increasingly becoming an exclusive commodity in next generation wireless communication systems, where even in legacy systems, the mobile operators operational expenditure is largely attributed to the energy bill. However, as the amount of mobile traffic is expected to double over the next decade as we enter the Next Generation communications era, the need to address energy efficient protocols will be a priority. Therefore, we will need to revisit the design of the mobile network in order to adopt a proactive stance towards reducing the energy consumption of the network. Future emerging communication paradigms will evolve towards Next Generation mobile networks, that will not only consider a new air interface for high broadband connectivity, but will also integrate legacy communications (LTE/LTE-A, IEEE 802.11x, among others) networks to provide a ubiquitous communication platform, and one that can host a multitude of rich services and applications. In this context, one can say that the radio access network will predominantly be OFDMA based, providing the impetus for further research studies on how this technology can be further optimized towards energy efficiency. In fact, advanced approaches towards both energy and spectral efficient design will still dominate the research agenda. Taking a step towards this direction, LTE/LTE-A (Long Term Evolution-Advanced) have already investigated cooperative paradigms such as SON (self-Organizing Networks), Network Sharing, and CoMP (Coordinated Multipoint) transmission. Although these technologies have provided promising results, some are still in their infancy and lack an interdisciplinary design approach limiting their potential gain. In this thesis, we aim to advance these future emerging paradigms from a resource allocation perspective on two accounts. In the first scenario, we address the challenge of load balancing (LB) in OFDMA networks, that is employed to redistribute the traffic load in the network to effectively use spectral resources throughout the day. We aim to reengineer the load-balancing (LB) approach through interdisciplinary design to develop an integrated energy efficient solution based on SON and network sharing, what we refer to as SO-LB (Self-Organizing Load balancing). Obtained simulation results show that by employing SO-LB algorithm in a shared network, it is possible to achieve up to 15-20% savings in energy consumption when compared to LTE-A non-shared networks. The second approach considers CoMP transmission, that is currently used to enhance cell coverage and capacity at cell edge. Legacy approaches mainly consider fundamental scheduling policies towards assigning users for CoMP transmission. We build on these scheduling approaches towards a cross-layer design that provide enhanced resource utilization, fairness, and energy saving whilst maintaining low complexity, in particular for broadband applications

    Cross-Layer Capacity Optimization In OFDMA Systems: WiMAX And LTE

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    Given the broad range of applications supported, high data rate required and low latency promised; dynamic radio resource management is becoming vital for newly emerging air interface technologies such as wireless interoperability for microwave access (Wimax) and long term evolution (lte) adopted by international standards. This thesis considers orthogonal frequency division multiple access (ofdma) system, which has been implemented in both Wimax and lte technologies as their air interface multiple access mechanism. A framework for optimized resource allocation with quality of service (qos) support that aims to balance between service provider\u27s revenue and subscriber\u27s satisfaction is proposed. A cross-layer optimization design for subchannel, for Wimax, and physical resource block (prb), for lte, and power allocations with the objective of maximizing the capacity (in bits/symbol/hz) subject to fairness parameters and qos requirements as constraints is presented. An adaptive modulation and coding (amc)-based cross-layer scheme has also been proposed in this thesis by adopting an amc scheme together with the cross-layer scheme to realize a more practical and viable resource allocation. The optimization does not only consider users channel conditions but also queue status of each user as well as different qos requirements. In the proposed framework, the problem of power allocation is solved analytically while the subchannel/prb allocation is solved using integer programming exhaustive search. The simulation and numerical results obtained in this thesis have shown improved system performance as compared to other optimization schemes known in literature

    Facets of Inquiry-based Learning: the role of Information Literacy, collaboration and reflection in the support and development of inquiry-based pedagogies in Higher Education

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    This thesis presents my scholarship into Inquiry-based Learning (IBL), and related support structures and pedagogical approaches, in Higher Education. Research in teaching has come to be labelled as the “Scholarship of Teaching and Learning” (SoTL), this thesis and the papers presented in it, present a broad and wide-ranging example of SoTL. This commentary summarises five peer-reviewed journal papers that were published over an eight-year period, and distil the learning from my 13-year exploration of IBL, and the specific strategies that can be used to support and develop the use of inquiry in Higher Education, not least of which is the development of Information Literacy (IL) and inquiry-based pedagogies for teaching IL. The commentary outlines the two contexts of the research, and describes the process that led to the creation of each paper and my role in that process. This commentary presents the research worldviews and methodologies that have been used in the five papers. Two papers use Theory of Change impact evaluation methodology and feature both qualitative and quantitative data analysis, with data drawn from a range of IBL curriculum development projects. The remaining three papers are qualitative studies, and feature a range of approaches including thematic analysis, Situational Analysis and the draw and write methodology. Data in these papers is drawn from assessed student reflective writing and student-created drawings. I discuss my work in relation to research in conceptions of IL and models of IL, and state the role of my research in advancing understanding of inquiry-based pedagogy for IL, and in developing new understandings of the nature of IL and IL teaching in Higher Education. I discuss the value of reflective writing for supporting and assessing IBL, and demonstrate how models of reflection and models of IL can be combined to analyse reflective writing about IL development. I discuss the use of two different methodologies with reflective and drawn data to illuminate how students work together in groups, revealing new conceptions of group work, and challenging existing models of group functioning. I reflect on my development as a researcher and present a summary of the impact of my research. I discuss the central contribution to knowledge of the five papers, situated within a broad reflective pedagogical and research environment. Theoretical contributions include defining the relationship between inquiry-based learning and Information Literacy, the value of the Seven Pillars model for IL research, and developing new understandings of how students work together in groups. Methodological contributions including demonstrating the value of Theory of Change for impact evaluation in HE, and extending the use of Situational Analysis and the Draw and Write methodology in this context. Practical contributions include a range of pedagogical approaches for teaching Information Literacy through inquiry, and evidence of the value of librarians/academic/educational developer partnerships

    Planning the future of smart cities with swarms of fully autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles using a novel framework

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    The autonomy of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) - self-governing in the aerospace discipline has been a remarkable research area with the development of the advanced bespoke microcontrollers embedded with advanced AI techniques for the last several decades. The road forward about the operational environment is certain about the swarms of fully automated UAVs (FAUAVs), that is, urban areas. Therefore, the planning the future of cities with swarms of fully autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles is explored in this paper to optimise the use of this type of autonomy with a diverse range of applications and a contemporary methodology is proposed using a synergistic holistic framework equipped with various effective and efficient techniques along with a novel FAUAV routing approach customisable to the constraints of FAUAVs and urban areas. The framework consists of a decentralized agent-based control architecture that monitors and controls the swarms of resource-constraint FAUAVs for their real-time requirements in optimising their urban uses. The results demonstrate that the constraints of FAUAVs can be mitigated significantly in urban areas and their use in realising their diverse range of missions can be optimised using the proposed methodology

    Conception d'un modÚle architectural collaboratif pour l'informatique omniprésente à la périphérie des réseaux mobiles

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    Le progrĂšs des technologies de communication pair-Ă -pair et sans fil a de plus en plus permis l’intĂ©gration de dispositifs portables et omniprĂ©sents dans des systĂšmes distribuĂ©s et des architectures informatiques de calcul dans le paradigme de l’internet des objets. De mĂȘme, ces dispositifs font l'objet d'un dĂ©veloppement technologique continu. Ainsi, ils ont toujours tendance Ă  se miniaturiser, gĂ©nĂ©ration aprĂšs gĂ©nĂ©ration durant lesquelles ils sont considĂ©rĂ©s comme des dispositifs de facto. Le fruit de ces progrĂšs est l'Ă©mergence de l'informatique mobile collaborative et omniprĂ©sente, notamment intĂ©grĂ©e dans les modĂšles architecturaux de l'Internet des Objets. L’avantage le plus important de cette Ă©volution de l'informatique est la facilitĂ© de connecter un grand nombre d'appareils omniprĂ©sents et portables lorsqu'ils sont en dĂ©placement avec diffĂ©rents rĂ©seaux disponibles. MalgrĂ© les progrĂšs continuels, les systĂšmes intelligents mobiles et omniprĂ©sents (rĂ©seaux, dispositifs, logiciels et technologies de connexion) souffrent encore de diverses limitations Ă  plusieurs niveaux tels que le maintien de la connectivitĂ©, la puissance de calcul, la capacitĂ© de stockage de donnĂ©es, le dĂ©bit de communications, la durĂ©e de vie des sources d’énergie, l'efficacitĂ© du traitement de grosses tĂąches en termes de partitionnement, d'ordonnancement et de rĂ©partition de charge. Le dĂ©veloppement technologique accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© des Ă©quipements et dispositifs de ces modĂšles mobiles s'accompagne toujours de leur utilisation intensive. Compte tenu de cette rĂ©alitĂ©, plus d'efforts sont nĂ©cessaires Ă  la fois dans la conception structurelle tant au matĂ©riel et logiciel que dans la maniĂšre dont il est gĂ©rĂ©. Il s'agit d'amĂ©liorer, d'une part, l'architecture de ces modĂšles et leurs technologies de communication et, d'autre part, les algorithmes d'ordonnancement et d'Ă©quilibrage de charges pour effectuer leurs travaux efficacement sur leurs dispositifs. Notre objectif est de rendre ces modĂšles omniprĂ©sents plus autonomes, intelligents et collaboratifs pour renforcer les capacitĂ©s de leurs dispositifs, leurs technologies de connectivitĂ© et les applications qui effectuent leurs tĂąches. Ainsi, nous avons Ă©tabli un modĂšle architectural autonome, omniprĂ©sent et collaboratif pour la pĂ©riphĂ©rie des rĂ©seaux. Ce modĂšle s'appuie sur diverses technologies de connexion modernes telles que le sans-fil, la radiocommunication pair-Ă -pair, et les technologies offertes par LoPy4 de Pycom telles que LoRa, BLE, Wi-Fi, Radio Wi-Fi et Bluetooth. L'intĂ©gration de ces technologies permet de maintenir la continuitĂ© de la communication dans les divers environnements, mĂȘme les plus sĂ©vĂšres. De plus, ce modĂšle conçoit et Ă©value un algorithme d'Ă©quilibrage de charge et d'ordonnancement permettant ainsi de renforcer et amĂ©liorer son efficacitĂ© et sa qualitĂ© de service (QoS) dans diffĂ©rents environnements. L’évaluation de ce modĂšle architectural montre des avantages tels que l’amĂ©lioration de la connectivitĂ© et l’efficacitĂ© d’exĂ©cution des tĂąches. Advances in peer-to-peer and wireless communication technologies have increasingly enabled the integration of mobile and pervasive devices into distributed systems and computing architectures in the Internet of Things paradigm. Likewise, these devices are subject to continuous technological development. Thus, they always tend to be miniaturized, generation after generation during which they are considered as de facto devices. The success of this progress is the emergence of collaborative mobiles and pervasive computing, particularly integrated into the architectural models of the Internet of Things. The most important benefit of this form of computing is the ease of connecting a large number of pervasive and portable devices when they are on the move with different networks available. Despite the continual advancements that support this field, mobile and pervasive intelligent systems (networks, devices, software and connection technologies) still suffer from various limitations at several levels such as maintaining connectivity, computing power, ability to data storage, communication speeds, the lifetime of power sources, the efficiency of processing large tasks in terms of partitioning, scheduling and load balancing. The accelerated technological development of the equipment and devices of these mobile models is always accompanied by their intensive use. Given this reality, it requires more efforts both in their structural design and management. This involves improving on the one hand, the architecture of these models and their communication technologies, and, on the other hand, the scheduling and load balancing algorithms for the work efficiency. The goal is to make these models more autonomous, intelligent, and collaborative by strengthening the different capabilities of their devices, their connectivity technologies and the applications that perform their tasks. Thus, we have established a collaborative autonomous and pervasive architectural model deployed at the periphery of networks. This model is based on various modern connection technologies such as wireless, peer-to-peer radio communication, and technologies offered by Pycom's LoPy4 such as LoRa, BLE, Wi-Fi, Radio Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The integration of these technologies makes it possible to maintain the continuity of communication in the various environments, even the most severe ones. Within this model, we designed and evaluated a load balancing and scheduling algorithm to strengthen and improve its efficiency and quality of service (QoS) in different environments. The evaluation of this architectural model shows payoffs such as improvement of connectivity and efficiency of task executions