71 research outputs found


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    Our world continues to become increasingly connected. The use of technology has become a must in this modern era to live accordingly. The requirement to use technology also widens the world of teaching, especially in teaching English. Nowadays, all generations of educators, whether young or old generations are expected to utilize technologies in their respective classrooms in an attempt to facilitate students with the newest atmosphere of the teaching and learning process. Speaking of those, chatbots are one of the technologies that can be engaged in English language teaching and learning. Relying on the huge benefit and easiness of implementation, the use of chatbots could be the leading technology for teachers to promote modern language learning. In this literature review-based research paper, the writers would like to encourage the use of chatbots in English language teaching as a medium for teachers to promote modern language learning

    A New Framework for Information System Development on Instant Messaging for Low Cost Solution

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    The increasingly inexpensive Internet has spurred the growth of online information system services in various companies. Almost all services are available in forms on web or mobile applications. For small companies, this particular system is more difficult to implement as it requires a substantial cost allocated for hosting, domain and server devices. The solution is to develop a framework for building information system services through Instant Messaging (IM) such as Telegram, Line or XMPP / Jabber using the Design Science Research Methodology. This proposed framework has the ability to transform the existing information system services into chat services with RBAC role, session, validation and natural interaction using Indonesian-language conversations. The framework that consists of Initiate layers, business process and communication, memory group and OLTP DBMS will produce low-cost solution for the development of integrated information systems service

    Proceedings of the 1st Standardized Knowledge Representation and Ontologies for Robotics and Automation Workshop

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    Welcome to IEEE-ORA (Ontologies for Robotics and Automation) IROS workshop. This is the 1st edition of the workshop on! Standardized Knowledge Representation and Ontologies for Robotics and Automation. The IEEE-ORA 2014 workshop was held on the 18th September, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. In!the IEEE-ORA IROS workshop, 10 contributions were presented from 7 countries in North and South America, Asia and Europe. The presentations took place in the afternoon, from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM. The first session was dedicated to “Standards for Knowledge Representation in Robotics”, where presentations were made from the IEEE working group standards for robotics and automation, and also from the ISO TC 184/SC2/WH7. The second session was dedicated to “Core and Application Ontologies”, where presentations were made for core robotics ontologies, and also for industrial and robot assisted surgery ontologies. Three posters were presented in emergent applications of ontologies in robotics. We would like to express our thanks to all participants. First of all to the authors, whose quality work is the essence of this workshop. Next, to all the members of the international program committee, who helped us with their expertise and valuable time. We would also like to deeply thank the IEEE-IROS 2014 organizers for hosting this workshop. Our deep gratitude goes to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, that sponsors! the IEEE-ORA group activities, and also to the scientific organizations that kindly agreed to sponsor all the workshop authors work

    The Effectiveness of an Interactive WhatsApp Bot on Listening Skills

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    The present paper attempted to measure the effectiveness of an interactive WhatsApp bot on the listening skills of Omani English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. For this purpose, 40 Omani intermediate EFL learners were divided into two groups: a control and an experimental in a higher education institution. A pretest was conducted to ensure the homogeneity of listening skills among all the participants. While both groups received instructions and exercises on listening in class, an interactive WhatsApp bot was designed for the experimental group to receive more instructions and training without time and place limitations. Later, a posttest and a delayed posttest were conducted to compare learners’ performance. The study results showed smooth progress of both groups in listening exams during the posttest and delayed posttest; however, the experimental group’s performance was significantly high. The findings of the study are efficacious and helpful for teachers and learners

    Text stylometry for chat bot identification and intelligence estimation.

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    Authorship identification is a technique used to identify the author of an unclaimed document, by attempting to find traits that will match those of the original author. Authorship identification has a great potential for applications in forensics. It can also be used in identifying chat bots, a form of intelligent software created to mimic the human conversations, by their unique style. The online criminal community is utilizing chat bots as a new way to steal private information and commit fraud and identity theft. The need for identifying chat bots by their style is becoming essential to overcome the danger of online criminal activities. Researchers realized the need to advance the understanding of chat bots and design programs to prevent criminal activities, whether it was an identity theft or even a terrorist threat. The more research work to advance chat bots’ ability to perceive humans, the more duties needed to be followed to confront those threats by the research community. This research went further by trying to study whether chat bots have behavioral drift. Studying text for Stylometry has been the goal for many researchers who have experimented many features and combinations of features in their experiments. A novel feature has been proposed that represented Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) and implemented that on a Byte level N-Gram. Term Frequency-Inverse Token Frequency (TF-ITF) used these terms and created the feature. The initial experiments utilizing collected data demonstrated the feasibility of this approach. Additional versions of the feature were created and tested for authorship identification. Results demonstrated that the feature was successfully used to identify authors of text, and additional experiments showed that the feature is language independent. The feature successfully identified authors of a German text. Furthermore, the feature was used in text similarities on a book level and a paragraph level. Finally, a selective combination of features was used to classify text that ranges from kindergarten level to scientific researches and novels. The feature combination measured the Quality of Writing (QoW) and the complexity of text, which were the first step to correlate that with the author’s IQ as a future goal

    A Self-Diagnosis Medical Chatbot Using Artificial Intelligence

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    To lead a good life healthcare is very much important. But it is very difficult to obtain the consultation with the doctor in case of any health issues. The proposed idea is to create a medical chatbot using Artificial Intelligence that can diagnose the disease and provide basic details about the disease before consulting a doctor .To reduce the healthcare costs and improve accessibility to medical knowledge the medical chatbot is built. Certain chatbots acts as a medical reference books, which helps the patient know more about their disease and helps to improve their health. The user can achieve the real benefit of a chatbot only when it can diagnose all kind of disease and provide necessary information. A text-to-text diagnosis bot engages patients in conversation about their medical issues and provides a personalized diagnosis based on their symptoms. Hence, people will have an idea about their health and have the right protection
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