3,088 research outputs found

    Novel nonlinear kinetic terms for gravitons

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    A set of novel derivative terms for spin-2 fields are proposed. They are the wedge products of curvature two-forms and vielbeins. In this work, we investigate the properties of novel two-derivative terms in the context of bi-gravity. Based on a minisuperspace analysis, we identify a large class of bi-gravity models where the Boulware-Deser ghost could be absent. We give a new perspective that Weyl Gravity and New Massive Gravity belong to this class of bi-gravity models involving novel derivative terms. In addition, we discuss the UV cut-off scales, dynamical symmetric conditions and novel higher-derivative terms.Comment: 19 pages, two columns, v3.1; a reference is adde

    Canonical bifurcation in higher derivative, higher spin, theories

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    We present a non-perturbative canonical analysis of the D=3 quadratic-curvature, yet ghost-free, model to exemplify a novel, "constraint bifurcation", effect. Consequences include a jump in excitation count: a linearized level gauge variable is promoted to a dynamical one in the full theory. We illustrate these results with their concrete perturbative counterparts. They are of course mutually consistent, as are perturbative findings in related models. A geometrical interpretation in terms of propagating torsion reveals the model's relation to an (improved) version of Einstein-Weyl gravity at the linearized level. Finally, we list some necessary conditions for triggering the bifurcation phenomenon in general interacting gauge systems.Comment: 10 pages, v2: typos corrected, v3: new title to reflect greatly expanded version, to appear in special issue of J Phys A (eds, M Vasiliev & M Gaberdiel

    A note on higher-derivative actions for free higher-spin fields

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    Higher-derivative theories of free higher-spin fields are investigated focusing on their symmetries. Generalizing familiar two-derivative constrained formulations, we first construct less-constrained Einstein-like and Maxwell-like higher-derivative actions. Then, we construct Weyl-like actions - the actions admitting constrained Weyl symmetries - with different numbers of derivatives. They are presented in a factorized form making use of Einstein-like and Maxwell-like tensors. The last (highest-derivative) member of the hierarchy of the Weyl-like actions coincides with the Fradkin-Tseytlin conformal higher-spin action in four dimensions.Comment: Version to appear in JHEP, 22 page

    Weyl relativity: A novel approach to Weyl's ideas

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    In this paper we revisit the motivation and construction of a unified theory of gravity and electromagnetism, following Weyl's insights regarding the appealing potential connection between the gauge invariance of electromagnetism and the conformal invariance of the gravitational field. We highlight that changing the local symmetry group of spacetime permits to construct a theory in which these two symmetries are combined into a putative gauge symmetry but with second-order field equations and non-trivial mass scales, unlike the original higher-order construction by Weyl. We prove that the gravitational field equations are equivalent to the (trace-free) Einstein field equations, ensuring their compatibility with known tests of general relativity. As a corollary, the effective cosmological constant is rendered radiatively stable due to Weyl invariance. A novel phenomenological consequence characteristic of this construction, potentially relevant for cosmological observations, is the existence of an energy scale below which effects associated with the non-integrability of spacetime distances, and an effective mass for the electromagnetic field, appear simultaneously (as dual manifestations of the use of Weyl connections). We explain how former criticisms against Weyl's ideas lose most of their power in its present reincarnation, which we refer to as Weyl relativity, as it represents a Weyl-invariant, unified description of both the Einstein and Maxwell field equations.Comment: 34 pages, no figure

    Higher derivative couplings and massive supergravity in three dimensions

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    We develop geometric superspace settings to construct arbitrary higher derivative couplings (including R^n terms) in three-dimensional supergravity theories with N=1,2,3 by realising them as conformal supergravity coupled to certain compensators. For all known off-shell supergravity formulations, we construct supersymmetric invariants with up to and including four derivatives. As a warming-up exercise, we first give a new and completely geometric derivation of such invariants in N=1 supergravity. Upon reduction to components, they agree with those given in arXiv:0907.4658 and arXiv:1005.3952. We then carry out a similar construction in the case of N=2 supergravity for which there exist two minimal formulations that differ by the choice of compensating multiplet: (i) a chiral scalar multipet; (ii) a vector multiplet. For these formulations all four derivative invariants are constructed in completely general and gauge independent form. For a general supergravity model (in the N=1 and minimal N=2 cases) with curvature-squared and lower order terms, we derive the superfield equations of motion, linearise them about maximally supersymmetric backgrounds and obtain restrictions on the parameters that lead to models for massive supergravity. We use the non-minimal formulation for N = 2 supergravity (which corresponds to a complex linear compensator) to construct a novel consistent theory of massive supergravity. In the case of N = 3 supergravity, we employ the off-shell formulation with a vector multiplet as compensator to construct for the first time various higher derivative invariants. These invariants may be used to derive models for N = 3 massive supergravity. As a bi-product of our analysis, we also present superfield equations for massive higher spin multiplets in (1,0), (1,1) and (2,0) anti-de Sitter superspaces.Comment: 84 pages; V3: references added, minor modifications, published versio

    Extended Weyl Invariance in a Bimetric Model and Partial Masslessness

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    We revisit a particular ghost-free bimetric model which is related to both partial masslessness (PM) and conformal gravity. Linearly, the model propagates six instead of seven degrees of freedom not only around de Sitter but also around flat spacetime. Nonlinearly, the equations of motion can be recast in the form of expansions in powers of curvatures, and exhibit a remarkable amount of structure. In this form, the equations are shown to be invariant under scalar gauge transformations, at least up to six orders in derivatives, the lowest order term being a Weyl scaling of the metrics. The terms at two-derivative order reproduce the usual PM gauge transformations on de Sitter backgrounds. At the four-derivative order, a potential obstruction that could destroy the symmetry is shown to vanish. This in turn guarantees the gauge invariance to at least six-orders in derivatives. This is equivalent to adding up to 10-derivative corrections to conformal gravity. More generally, we outline a procedure for constructing the gauge transformations order by order as an expansion in derivatives and comment on the validity and limitations of the procedure. We also discuss recent arguments against the existence of a PM gauge symmetry in bimetric theory and show that, at least in their present form, they are evaded by the model considered here. Finally, we argue that a bimetric approach to PM theory is more promising than one based on the existence of a fundamental PM field.Comment: Latex, 35 pages. Matches published versio

    FRW and domain walls in higher spin gravity

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    We present exact solutions to Vasiliev's bosonic higher spin gravity equations in four dimensions with positive and negative cosmological constant that admit an interpretation in terms of domain walls, quasi-instantons and Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) backgrounds. Their isometry algebras are infinite dimensional higher-spin extensions of spacetime isometries generated by six Killing vectors. The solutions presented are obtained by using a method of holomorphic factorization in noncommutative twistor space and gauge functions. In interpreting the solutions in terms of Fronsdal-type fields in spacetime, a field-dependent higher spin transformation is required, which is implemented at leading order. To this order, the scalar field solves Klein-Gordon equation with conformal mass in (anti) de Sitter space. We interpret the FRW solution with de Sitter asymptotics in the context of inflationary cosmology and we expect that the domain wall and FRW solutions are associated with spontaneously broken scaling symmetries in their holographic description. We observe that the factorization method provides a convenient framework for setting up a perturbation theory around the exact solutions, and we propose that the nonlinear completion of particle excitations over FRW and domain wall solutions requires black hole-like states.Comment: 63 page

    Gravity, Two Times, Tractors, Weyl Invariance and Six Dimensional Quantum Mechanics

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    Fefferman and Graham showed some time ago that four dimensional conformal geometries could be analyzed in terms of six dimensional, ambient, Riemannian geometries admitting a closed homothety. Recently it was shown how conformal geometry provides a description of physics manifestly invariant under local choices of unit systems. Strikingly, Einstein's equations are then equivalent to the existence of a parallel scale tractor (a six component vector subject to a certain first order covariant constancy condition at every point in four dimensional spacetime). These results suggest a six dimensional description of four dimensional physics, a viewpoint promulgated by the two times physics program of Bars. The Fefferman--Graham construction relies on a triplet of operators corresponding, respectively to a curved six dimensional light cone, the dilation generator and the Laplacian. These form an sp(2) algebra which Bars employs as a first class algebra of constraints in a six-dimensional gauge theory. In this article four dimensional gravity is recast in terms of six dimensional quantum mechanics by melding the two times and tractor approaches. This "parent" formulation of gravity is built from an infinite set of six dimensional fields. Successively integrating out these fields yields various novel descriptions of gravity including a new four dimensional one built from a scalar doublet, a tractor vector multiplet and a conformal class of metrics.Comment: 27 pages, LaTe