12 research outputs found

    A Nonlinear Model for Online Identifying a High-Speed Bidirectional DC Motor

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    The modeling system is a process to define the real physical system mathematically, and the input/output data are responsible for configuring the relation between them as a mathematical model. Most ofthe actual systems have nonlinear performance, and this nonlinear behavior is the inherent feature for thosesystems; Mechatronic systems are not an exception. Transforming the electrical energy to mechanical one orvice versa has not been done entirely. There are usually losses as heat, or due to reverse mechanical, electrical,or magnetic energy, takes irregular shapes, and they are concerned as the significant resource of that nonlinearbehavior. The article introduces a nonlinear online Identification of a high-speed bidirectional DC motor withdead zone and Coulomb friction effect, which represent a primary nonlinear source, as well as viscosity forces.The Wiener block-oriented nonlinear system with neural networks are implemented to identify the nonlin-ear dynamic, mechatronic system. Online identification is adopted using the recursive weighted least squares(RWLS) method, which depends on the current and (to some extent) previous data. The identification fitnessis found for various configurations with different polynomial orders, and the best model fitness is obtainedabout 98% according to normalized root mean square criterion for a third order polynomial

    Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Guidance, Navigation, and Control

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    A considerable volume of research has recently blossomed in the literature on autonomous underwater vehicles accepting recent developments in mathematical modeling and system identification; pitch control; information filtering and active sensing, including inductive sensors of ELF emissions and also optical sensor arrays for position, velocity, and orientation detection; grid navigation algorithms; and dynamic obstacle avoidance among others. In light of these modern developments, this article develops and compares integrative guidance, navigation, and control methodologies for the Naval Postgraduate School’s Phoenix, a submerged autonomous vehicle. The measure of merit reveals how well each of several methodologies cope with known and unknown disturbance currents that can be constant or harmonic while maintaining safe passage distance from underwater obstacles, in this case submerged mines

    Metaheuristic Parameter Identification of Motors Using Dynamic Response Relations

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    This article presents the use of the equations of the dynamic response to a step input in metaheuristic algorithm for the parametric estimation of a motor model. The model equations are analyzed, and the relations in steady-state and transient-state are used as delimiters in the search. These relations reduce the number of random parameters in algorithm search and reduce the iterations to find an acceptable result. The tests were implemented in two motors of known parameters to estimate the performance of the modifications in the algorithms. Tests were carried out with three algorithms (Gray Wolf Optimizer, Jaya Algorithm, and Cuckoo Search Algorithm) to prove that the benefits can be extended to various metaheuristics. The search parameters were also varied, and tests were developed with different iterations and populations. The results show an improvement for all the algorithms used, achieving the same error as the original method but with 10 to 50% fewer iterationsThis research received no external funding. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Lasers for Satellite Uplinks and Downlinks

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/sci2030071The use of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (i.e., LASERs or lasers) by the U.S. Department of Defense is not new and includes laser weapons guidance, laser-aided measurements, even lasers as weapons (e.g., Airborne Laser). Lasers in support of telecommunications is also not new. The use of laser light in fiber optics shattered thoughts on communications bandwidth and throughput. Even the use of lasers in space is no longer new. Lasers are being used for satellite-to-satellite crosslinking. Laser communication can transmit orders-of-magnitude more data using orders-of-magnitude less power and can do so with minimal risk of exposure to the sending and receiving terminals. What is new is using lasers as the uplink and downlink between the terrestrial segment and the space segment of satellite systems. More so, the use of lasers to transmit and receive data between moving terrestrial segments (e.g., ships at sea, airplanes in flight) and geosynchronous satellites is burgeoning. This manuscript examines the technological maturation of employing lasers as the signal carrier for satellite communications linking terrestrial and space systems. The purpose of the manuscript is to develop key performance parameters (KPPs) to inform U.S. Department of Defense initial capabilities documents (ICDs) for near-future satellite acquisition and development. By appreciating the history and technological challenges of employing lasers rather than traditional radio frequency sources for satellite uplink and downlink signal carrier, this manuscript recommends ways for the U.S. Department of Defense to employ lasers to transmit and receive high bandwidth, large-throughput data from moving platforms that need to retain low probabilities of detection, intercept, and exploitation (e.g., carrier battle group transiting to a hostile area of operations, unmanned aerial vehicle collecting over adversary areas). The manuscript also intends to identify commercial sector early-adopter fields and those fields likely to adapt to laser employment for transmission and receipt.U.S. Air Forc

    Deterministic Artificial Intelligence

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    Kirchhoff’s laws give a mathematical description of electromechanics. Similarly, translational motion mechanics obey Newton’s laws, while rotational motion mechanics comply with Euler’s moment equations, a set of three nonlinear, coupled differential equations. Nonlinearities complicate the mathematical treatment of the seemingly simple action of rotating, and these complications lead to a robust lineage of research culminating here with a text on the ability to make rigid bodies in rotation become self-aware, and even learn. This book is meant for basic scientifically inclined readers commencing with a first chapter on the basics of stochastic artificial intelligence to bridge readers to very advanced topics of deterministic artificial intelligence, espoused in the book with applications to both electromechanics (e.g. the forced van der Pol equation) and also motion mechanics (i.e. Euler’s moment equations). The reader will learn how to bestow self-awareness and express optimal learning methods for the self-aware object (e.g. robot) that require no tuning and no interaction with humans for autonomous operation. The topics learned from reading this text will prepare students and faculty to investigate interesting problems of mechanics. It is the fondest hope of the editor and authors that readers enjoy the book

    Identification of continuous-time model of hammerstein system using modified multi-verse optimizer

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    his thesis implements a novel nature-inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithm, namely the modified Multi-Verse Optimizer (mMVO) algorithm, to identify the continuous-time model of Hammerstein system. Multi-Verse Optimizer (MVO) is one of the most recent robust nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm. It has been successfully implemented and used in various areas such as machine learning applications, engineering applications, network applications, parameter control, and other similar applications to solve optimization problems. However, such metaheuristics had some limitations, such as local optima problem, low searching capability and imbalance between exploration and exploitation. By considering these limitations, two modifications were made upon the conventional MVO in our proposed mMVO algorithm. Our first modification was an average design parameter updating mechanism to solve the local optima issue of the traditional MVO. The essential feature of the average design parameter updating mechanism is that it helps any trapped design parameter jump out from the local optima region and continue a new search track. The second modification is the hybridization of MVO with the Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA) to improve the low searching capability of the conventional MVO. Hybridization aims to combine MVO and SCA algorithms advantages and minimize the disadvantages, such as low searching capability and imbalance between exploration and exploitation. In particular, the search capacity of the MVO algorithm has been improved using the sine and cosine functions of the Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA) that will be able to balance the processes of exploration and exploitation. The mMVO based method is then used for identifying the parameters of linear and nonlinear subsystems in the Hammerstein model using the given input and output data. Note that the structure of the linear and nonlinear subsystems is assumed to be known. Moreover, a continuous-time linear subsystem is considered in this study, while there are a few methods that utilize such models. Two numerical examples and one real-world application, such as the Twin Rotor System (TRS) are used to illustrate the efficiency of the mMVO-based method. Various nonlinear subsystems such as quadratic and hyperbolic functions (sine and tangent) are used in those experiments. Numerical and experimental results are analyzed to focus on the convergence curve of the fitness function, the parameter variation index, frequency and time domain response and the Wilcoxon rank test. For the numerical identifications, three different levels of white noise variances were taken. The statistical analysis value (mean) was taken from the parameter deviation index to see how much our proposed algorithm has improved. For Example 1, the improvements are 29%, 33.15% and 36.68%, and for the noise variances, 0.01, 0.25, and 1.0 improvements can be found. For Example 2, the improvements are 39.36%, 39.61% and 66.18%, and for noise variances, the improvements are by 0.01, 0.25 and 1.0, respectively. Finally, for the real TRS application, the improvement is 7%. The numerical and experimental results also showed that both Hammerstein model subsystems are defined effectively using the mMVO-based method, particularly in quadratic output estimation error and a differentiation parameter index. The results further confirmed that the proposed mMVObased method provided better solutions than other optimization techniques, such as PSO, GWO, ALO, MVO and SCA

    Optimal Learning and Self-Awareness Versus PDI

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    The article of record as published may be found at�https://doi.org/10.3390/a13010023This manuscript will explore and analyze the effects of different paradigms for the control of rigid body motion mechanics. The experimental setup will include deterministic artificial intelligence composed of optimal self-awareness statements together with a novel, optimal learning algorithm, and these will be re-parameterized as ideal nonlinear feedforward and feedback evaluated within a Simulink simulation. Comparison is made to a custom proportional, derivative, integral controller (modified versions of classical proportional-integral-derivative control) implemented as a feedback control with a specific term to account for the nonlinear coupled motion. Consistent proportional, derivative, and integral gains were used throughout the duration of the experiments. The simulation results will show that akin feedforward control, deterministic self-awareness statements lack an error correction mechanism, relying on learning (which stands in place of feedback control), and the proposed combination of optimal self-awareness statements and a newly demonstrated analytically optimal learning yielded the highest accuracy with the lowest execution time. This highlights the potential effectiveness of a learning control system

    Development of Deterministic Artificial Intelligence for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV)

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    The article of record as published may be found at�https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse8080578The major premise of deterministic artificial intelligence (D.A.I.) is to assert deterministic self-awareness statements based in either the physics of the underlying problem or system identification to establish governing differential equations. The key distinction between D.A.I. and ubiquitous stochastic methods for artificial intelligence is the adoption of first principles whenever able (in every instance available). One benefit of applying artificial intelligence principles over ubiquitous methods is the ease of the approach once the re-parameterization is derived, as done here. While the method is deterministic, researchers need only understand linear regression to understand the optimality of both self-awareness and learning. The approach necessitates full (autonomous) expression of a desired trajectory. Inspired by the exponential solution of ordinary differential equations and Euler�s expression of exponential solutions in terms of sinusoidal functions, desired trajectories will be formulated using such functions. Deterministic self-awareness statements, using the autonomous expression of desired trajectories with buoyancy control neglected, are asserted to control underwater vehicles in ideal cases only, while application to real-world deleterious effects is reserved for future study due to the length of this manuscript. In totality, the proposed methodology automates control and learning merely necessitating very simple user inputs, namely desired initial and final states and desired initial and final time, while tuning is eliminated completely

    Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Vehicle Frontal Crash using Lumped Parameters Models

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    A full-scale crash test is conventionally used for vehicle crashworthiness analysis. However, this approach is expensive and time-consuming. Vehicle crash reconstructions using different numerical modelling approaches can predict vehicle behavior and reduce the need for multiple full-scale crash tests, thus research on the crash reconstruction has received a great attention in the last few decades. Among modelling approaches, lumped parameters models (LPM) and finite element models (FEM) are commonly used in the vehicle crash reconstruction. This thesis focuses on developing and improving the LPM for vehicle frontal crash analysis. The study aims at reconstructing crash scenarios for vehicle-to-barrier (VTB), vehicleoccupant (V-Occ), and vehicle-to-vehicle (VTV), respectively. In this study, a single mass-spring-damper (MSD) is used to simulate a vehicle to-barrier or a wall. A double MSD is used to model the response of the chassis and passenger compartment in a frontal crash, a vehicle-occupant, and a vehicle-tovehicle, respectively. A curve fitting, state-space, and genetic algorithm are used to estimate parameters of the model for reconstructing the vehicle crash kinematics. Further, the piecewise LPM is developed to mimic the crash characteristics for VTB, VO, and VTV crash scenarios, and its predictive capability is compared with the explicit FEM. Within the framework, the advantages of the proposed methods are explained in detail, and suggested solutions are presented to address the limitations in the study.publishedVersio

    Autonomous Vehicles

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    This edited volume, Autonomous Vehicles, is a collection of reviewed and relevant research chapters, offering a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of vehicle autonomy. The book comprises nine chapters authored by various researchers and edited by an expert active in the field of study. All chapters are complete in itself but united under a common research study topic. This publication aims to provide a thorough overview of the latest research efforts by international authors, open new possible research paths for further novel developments, and to inspire the younger generations into pursuing relevant academic studies and professional careers within the autonomous vehicle field