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    Penelitian ini merupakan kajian sintaksis dan semantis terhadap setsuzokujoshi noni dan temo dalam percakapan serial drama Jepang. Noni dan temo sering digunakan oleh orang Jepang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, seperti dalam acara televisi, serial drama Jepang, dan lain-lain. Noni dan temo merupakan salah satu materi pembelajaran pada jenjang S1. Dalam tesis ini penulis mencoba untuk mendeskripsikan apakah materi noni dan temo yang diberikan di bangku perkuliahan sudah sampai pada penggunaan dalam realita kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Jepang. Menurut para ahli makna noni dan temo dikategorikan menjadi masing-masing empat makna sesuai konteks kalimatnya, noni yang bermakna tidak adanya hubungan sebab akibat, hubungan yang kontras, diluar prediksi, serta menyatakan perasaan kecewa. Sementara temo bermakna untuk menyatakan hal yang kontradiksi, kalimat susunan persyaratan, pertanyaan dan kesamaan, serta bermakna persyaratan yang tidak faktual dan faktual. Selain kategorisasi tersebut, ada pula fungsi noni dan temo yang digunakan bersama pada kalimat bermakna keadaan, aktifitas, pengaruh, maksud atau keinginan, serta kalimat tanya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa makna dan fungsi noni dan temo yang dikemukakan oleh para ahli, semuanya muncul pada serial drama Jepang. Sementara pada teks bahan ajar ada yang tidak muncul. Noni yang bermakna mengontraskan suatu hal tidak ditemukan. Kemudian, pada teks bahan ajar, temo yang digunakan bersama kalimat bermakna pengaruh, kalimat yang bermakna maksud atau keinginan tidak ditemukan. Selanjutnya, noni yang digunakan bersama kalimat yang bermakna aktifitas, kalimat yang bermakna pengaruh, kalimat yang bermakna maksud atau keinginan, serta kalimat tanya tidak ditemukan.;--- dialogues of Japanese drama series. The Japanese using noni and temo in their daily life. For instance the usage of noni and temo in television programs, japanese drama series, etc. Noni and temo are part of learning materials that have been given in the lecture during the process to get first university degree. In this thesis the author tries to describes whether the learning materials regarding to the themes noni and temo that have been given during the lecture match with the usage of noni and temo in Japanese real daily life. According to the experts the meaning of noni and temo are classified into four categories of meaning depend on its context, noni which means fail consequence, a contrast relation, unpredictable, and expression of dissapointment. The meaning of temo are expression of contradiction, a compound sentence, question about something, reality and the opposite of the reality. Other than those categories, the functions of noni and temo its use to together in a sentence that explain about situations, activity, influence, intention or desire, and interogative sentence. The results of this research indicated that all of the meaning and function of noni and temo state by the experts, appear in Japanese drama series. Meanwhile, there are several meaning and functions that not appeared in learning material textes. They are noni that explain contrast relation, and temo that used with a sentence meaning influence, intention and desire. Also noni that used with a sentence meaning activity, influence, intention and desire, and noni in interogative sentence

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Buah Jeruk Nipis dan Buah Mengkudu Terhadap Mortalitas Pediculus humanus capitis

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    Head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) greatly interferes with human activity because it can cause itching of the head, redness and severe infections. The use of natural insecticides is recommended, because natural insecticides are considered safer. Potential anti lice plants are lime and noni. The combination of the two is believed to have a more effective effect on head lice mortality. This study aims to study and determine the effect of a combination of lime juice and noni on the mortality of Pediculus humanus capitis. The concentration of lime and noni which are used are 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%, respectively. The combination of test materials used was 25% limes 75% noni; 50% lime 50% noni; 75% lime and 25% noni, negative control and positive control. The combination of the extract of noni and lime juice had the highest mortality effect on Pediculus humanus capitis with a concentration of 25% combination of lime; 75% noni


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    Penelitian ini menganalisis makna kalimat yang menggunakan konjungsi ~nagara, ~noni, dan ~kuseni yang menyatakan pertentangan ditinjau dari sisi semantik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan makna lain dari konjungsi ~nagara, ~noni, dan ~kuseni pada kalimat yang menyatakan pertentangan dalam bahasa Jepang, persamaan serta perbedaan dari konjungsi ~nagara, ~noni, dan ~kuseni, dan apakah ketiga konjungsi tersebut dapat saling menggantikan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Dalam penelitian terdahulu diketahui bahwa konjungsi ~nagara, ~noni, dan ~kuseni digunakan untuk menyatakan pertentangan, tetapi pada penelitian ini, ada pula makna lain yang dimunculkan oleh konjungsi ~nagara, ~noni, dan ~kuseni selain dari makna pertentangan. Konjungsi ~nagara dan ~noni dapat digunakan untuk diri sendiri maupun ditujukkan kepada orang lain, tetapi konjungsi ~kuseni hanya dapat ditujukkan kepada orang lain dan tidak dapat digunakan kepada diri sendiri. Meskipun ketiga konjungsi tersebut memiliki makna pertentangan, namun tidak selalu dapat saling menggantikan. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa konjungsi ~nagara dan konjugsi ~noni dapat saling menggantikan, konjungsi ~noni dan ~kuseni dapat saling menggantikan namun nuansanya berubah, dan konjungsi ~nagara dan konjungsi ~kuseni pun dapat saling menggantikan namun nuansanya pun berubah. Ketiga konjungsi tersebut dapat saling menggantikan tergantung dari konteks kalimatnya.;---This study analyzes the meaning of sentences that using conjunctions stating opposition in Japanese: ~nagara, ~noni, and ~kuseni from the view of semantics. The purpose of this study is to find another meaning of conjunctions stating opposition in Japanese: ~nagara, ~noni, and ~kuseni, their similarities and differences of ~nagara, ~noni, and ~kuseni, and whether those three conjunctions are interchangeable. The method used in this research is descriptive. In previous studies it was known that the conjunction ~nagara, ~noni, and ~kuseni contain the meaning of opposition, but in this study it was also found another meaning of conjunctions ~nagara, ~noni, and ~kuseni beside the meaning of opposition. Conjunction ~nagara, ~noni, and ~kuseni can be used for oneself or others, but conjunctions ~kuseni can only be addressed to other people and cannot be used to oneself. Although all three conjunctions have the meaning of opposition, yet are not always interchangeable. This study found that conjunctions ~nagara and ~noni are interchangeable, conjunctions ~noni and ~kuseni can be interchangeable but the nuance is changed, and conjunction ~nagara and ~kuseni can replace each other, but the nuance is also changed

    Aktivitas Antikanker Nanokapsul Ekstrak Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.) dengan Pengujian in Vivo Pada Fibrosarkoma Mencit Jantan Balb/c

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    Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) is one of the many herbs which known as an anticancer agent. Nanoencapsulated form of noni extracts could help the body absorption and able to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells in vitro. This study was conducted to examine the anticancer activity of nanoencapsulated noni extracts in vivo as the anti-proliferation agent of cancer cells. Noni extract was obtained by maceration method using water as a solvent. The nanocapsule of noni extracts was made using the ionic gelation method by magnetic stirrer with the speed of 1500 rpm. In vivo anticancer activity test was conducted in Balb/c male mice by comparing the treatment of nanoencapsulation noni extracts and non-encapsulated extracts. The result showed that the nanoencapsulated noni extracts have a particle size of 27-59 nm. Percent of inhibition of nanocapsule on cancer cells (specifically on fibrosarcoma of Balb/c male mice) were equal to 54.75%, while non-encapsulated is 49.72%. Nanocapsule of noni extracts has anticancer activity better than non-encapsulated form on fibrosarcoma of Balb/c male mice. Keywords: anticancer, nanoencapsulation, noni extrac

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Buah Jeruk Nipis dan Buah Mengkudu Terhadap Mortalitas Pediculus humanus capitis

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    Head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) greatly interferes with human activity because it can cause itching of the head, redness and severe infections. The use of natural insecticides is recommended, because natural insecticides are considered safer. Potential anti lice plants are lime and noni. The combination of the two is believed to have a more effective effect on head lice mortality. This study aims to study and determine the effect of a combination of lime juice and noni on the mortality of Pediculus humanus capitis. The concentration of lime and noni which are used are 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%, respectively. The combination of test materials used was 25% limes 75% noni; 50% lime 50% noni; 75% lime and 25% noni, negative control and positive control. The combination of the extract of noni and lime juice had the highest mortality effect on Pediculus humanus capitis with a concentration of 25% combination of lime; 75% noni

    Analisis Ekonomi Pemeliharaan Broiler dengan Pemberian Tepung Daun Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.)

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    Alternative feed ingredients that can replace commercial feed ingredients such as corn namely noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf which has a high enough metabolic energy content. This study aims to analyze the economics of the application Morinda citrifolia L. in broiler feed. This research was conducted in the broiler cage at Lampung State Polytechnic. In this study, there were four treatments that are T1 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 0%, T2 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 2%, T3 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 4% and.T4 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 6%. The results of the research on the application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) as much 2% in broiler feed is able to reduce production costs. Analyze of Break Even Point (BEP) product 15,16 kg, Break Even Point (BEP) price Rp 21.265,39, Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) Rp 676.226,00, Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C) 1,74 and Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) 0,74.Alternative feed ingredients that can replace commercial feed ingredients such as corn namely noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf which has a high enough metabolic energy content. This study aims to analyze the economics of the application Morinda citrifolia L. in broiler feed. This research was conducted in the broiler cage at Lampung State Polytechnic. In this study, there were four treatments that are T1 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 0%, T2 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 2%, T3 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 4% and.T4 application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaf 6%. The results of the research on the application Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) as much 2% in broiler feed is able to reduce production costs. Analyze of Break Even Point (BEP) product 15,16 kg, Break Even Point (BEP) price Rp 21.265,39, Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) Rp 676.226,00, Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C) 1,74 and Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) 0,74


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    Noni fruit (Morindacitrifolia L.) is a medicinal plant that is well known by the people in Indonesia. Noni is efficacious as an immune enhancer, normalizes blood pressure, anti-cancer, analgesic, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, stroke, antimicrobial. To know the characteristics of simplicia and the class of compounds from the noni fruit as well as to analyze the flavonoid compounds contained in the noni fruit using the thin layer chromatography method. The flavonoid compounds were extracted by maceration using ethanol solvent and then the ethanol extract was tested by thin-layer chromatography using 1% HCl mobile phase and spotting with 1 N H2SO4 reagent and methanol pa (1: 1% v/v). Result of simplicia characterization of fruit Noni, obtained 1.32% water content, 38.41 % water soluble extract content, 16.7% ethanol soluble extract content, 6.09% total ash content, and 0.45 acid insoluble ash content. %. Noni fruit simplicia contains chemical compounds of alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, triterpenoids/steroids, anthraquinones, saponins with phytochemical screening tests. The value of Rf from the analysis of noni fruit flavonoid compounds using the Thin Layer Chromatography method with 3 repetitions is 0.75; 0.68 and 0.62. This indicates the presence of flavonoid compounds in the noni fruit

    Uji Efektivitas Pestisida Nabati Daun Mengkudu Terhadap Pengendalian Penyakit Antraknosa Pada Tanaman Cabai

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    Anthracnose is a disease that attacks and is very feared in chili cultivation. The low production and productivity of chili plants is caused by this disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness and concentration of noni leaf pesticides on the control of anthracnose. This research was arranged using a completely randomized design (CRD) with one factor, namely the treatment of giving concentrations of vegetable pesticides and noni. The treatment consisted of 6 levels of treatment, namely DM0 = Control (0 ml Noni leaf extract solution), DM1 = Noni leaf extract solution 5 g/100 ml water, DM2 = Noni leaf extract solution 10 g/100 ml water, DM3 = Leaf extract solution noni 15 g/100 ml water, DM4 = Noni leaf extract solution 20 g/100 ml water, FS = synthetic fungicide as positive control. The experiment was carried out 4 times, so that 24 experimental units were obtained. The results showed that noni leaf pesticides were effective in controlling anthracnose in cayenne pepper plants with an effective concentration found in DM4 treatment with 20 g/100 ml of water extract solution of noni leaf
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