45 research outputs found

    Adaptive Non-singleton Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems: A Way Forward for Handling Numerical Uncertainties in Real World Applications

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    Real world environments are characterized by high levels of linguistic and numerical uncertainties. A Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) is recognized as an adequate methodology to handle the uncertainties and imprecision available in real world environments and applications. Since the invention of fuzzy logic, it has been applied with great success to numerous real world applications such as washing machines, food processors, battery chargers, electrical vehicles, and several other domestic and industrial appliances. The first generation of FLSs were type-1 FLSs in which type-1 fuzzy sets were employed. Later, it was found that using type-2 FLSs can enable the handling of higher levels of uncertainties. Recent works have shown that interval type-2 FLSs can outperform type-1 FLSs in the applications which encompass high uncertainty levels. However, the majority of interval type-2 FLSs handle the linguistic and input numerical uncertainties using singleton interval type-2 FLSs that mix the numerical and linguistic uncertainties to be handled only by the linguistic labels type-2 fuzzy sets. This ignores the fact that if input numerical uncertainties were present, they should affect the incoming inputs to the FLS. Even in the papers that employed non-singleton type-2 FLSs, the input signals were assumed to have a predefined shape (mostly Gaussian or triangular) which might not reflect the real uncertainty distribution which can vary with the associated measurement. In this paper, we will present a new approach which is based on an adaptive non-singleton interval type-2 FLS where the numerical uncertainties will be modeled and handled by non-singleton type-2 fuzzy inputs and the linguistic uncertainties will be handled by interval type-2 fuzzy sets to represent the antecedents’ linguistic labels. The non-singleton type-2 fuzzy inputs are dynamic and they are automatically generated from data and they do not assume a specific shape about the distribution associated with the given sensor. We will present several real world experiments using a real world robot which will show how the proposed type-2 non-singleton type-2 FLS will produce a superior performance to its singleton type-1 and type-2 counterparts when encountering high levels of uncertainties.</jats:p

    Cardiomyopathy Detection from Electrocardiogram Features

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    Cardiomyopathy means heart (cardio) muscle (myo) disease (pathy) . Currently, cardiomyopathies are defined as myocardial disorders in which the heart muscle is structurally and/or functionally abnormal in the absence of a coronary artery disease, hypertension, valvular heart disease or congenital heart disease sufficient to cause the observed myocardial abnormalities. This book provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of the current knowledge of cardiomyopathies. Instead of following the classic interdisciplinary division, the entire cardiovascular system is presented as a functional unity, and the contributors explore pathophysiological mechanisms from different perspectives, including genetics, molecular biology, electrophysiology, invasive and non-invasive cardiology, imaging methods and surgery. In order to provide a balanced medical view, this book was edited by a clinical cardiologist

    Advances in fuzzy rule-based system for pattern classification

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    ADONiS - Adaptive Online Non-Singleton Fuzzy Logic Systems

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    Non-Singleton Fuzzy Logic Systems (NSFLSs) have the potential to capture and handle input noise within the design of input fuzzy sets. In this paper, we propose an online learning method which utilises a sequence of observations to continuously update the input Fuzzy Sets (FSs) of an NSFLS, thus providing an improved capacity to deal with variations in the level of input-affecting noise, common in real-world applications. The method removes the requirement for both a priori knowledge of noise levels or relying on offline training procedures to define input FS parameters. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed ADaptive, ONline Non-Singleton (ADONiS) Fuzzy Logic System (FLS) framework represents the first end-to-end framework to adaptively configure non-singleton input FSs. The latter is achieved through online uncertainty detection applied to a sliding window of observations. Since real-world environments are influenced by a broad range of noise sources, which can vary greatly in magnitude over time, the proposed technique for combining online determination of noise levels with associated adaptation of input FSs provides an efficient and effective solution which elegantly models input uncertainty in the FLS's input FSs, without requiring changes in any other part (e.g. antecedents, rules or consequents) of the FLS. In this paper, two common chaotic time series (Mackey-Glass, Lorenz) are used to perform prediction experiments to demonstrate and evaluate the proposed framework. Results indicate that the proposed adaptive NSFLS framework provides significant advantages, particularly in environments that include high variation in noise levels, which are common in real-world applications

    High Performance Reconfigurable Fuzzy Logic Device for Medical Risk Evaluation

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    To date cardiovascular diseases (CVD) account for approximately 35% of all deaths worldwide. Many of these deaths are preventable if the risk of developing them can be accurately assessed early. Medical devices in use today cannot determine a patient's risk of developing a CVD condition. If accurate risk assessment was readily available to doctors, they can track rising trends in risk levels and recommend preventative measures for their patients. If patients had this risk assessment information before symptoms developed or life-threatening conditions occurred, they can contact their doctors to inquire about recommendations or seek help in emergency situations.This thesis research proposes the idea of using evolutionary programmed and tuned fuzzy logic controllers to diagnose a patient's risk of developing a CVD condition. The specific aim of this research seeks to advance the flexibility and functionality of fuzzy logic systems without sacrificing high speed and low resource utilization. The proposed system can be broken down into two layers. The bottom layer contains the controller that implements the fuzzy logic model and calculates the patient's risk of developing a CVD. The controller is designed in a context switchable hardware architecture the can be reconfigured to assess the risk of different CVD diseases. The top layer implements the evolutionary genetic algorithm in software, which configures the fuzzy parameters that optimize the behavior of the controller. The current implementation inputs patient's personal data such as electrocardiogram (ECG) wave features, age and body mass index (BMI) and outputs a risk percentage for Sinus Bradycardia (SB), a common cardiac arrhythmia. We validated this system via Matlab and Modelsim simulations and built the first prototype on a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA platform. Experimental results show that this 3-input-1-output fuzzy controller with 5 fuzzy sets per variable and 125 rule propositions produces results within an interval of approximately 1us while reducing hardware resource utilization by at least 25% when compared with existing designs

    Fuzzy machine vision based inspection

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    Machine vision system has been fostered to solve many realistic problems in various fields. Its role in achieving superior quality and productivity is of paramount importance. But, for such system to be attractive, it needs to be fast, accurate and cost-effective. This dissertation is based on a number of practical machine vision based inspection projects obtained from the automotive industry. It presents a collection of developed efficient fuzzy machine vision approaches endorsed with experimental results. It also covers the conceptual design, development and testing of various fuzzy machine vision based inspection approaches for different industrial applications. To assist in developing and evaluating the performance of the proposed approaches, several parts are tested under varying lighting conditions. This research deals with two important aspects of machine vision based inspection. In the first part, it concentrates on the topics of component detection and component orientation identification. The components used in this part are metal clips mounted on a dash panel frame that is installed in the door of trucks. Therefore, we propose a fuzzy machine vision based clip detection model and a fuzzy machine vision based clip orientation identification model to inspect the proper placement of clips on dash panels. Both models are efficient and fast in terms of accuracy and processing time. In the second part of the research, we are dealing with machined part defects such as broken edge, porosity and tool marks. The se defects occur on the surface of die cast aluminum automotive pump housings. As a result, an automated fuzzy machine vision based broken edge detection method, an efficient fuzzy machine vision based porosity detection technique and a neuro-fuzzy part classification model based on tool marks are developed. Computational results show that the proposed approaches are effective in yielding satisfactory results to the tested image databases. There are four main contributions to this work. The first contribution is the development of the concept of composite matrices in conjunction with XOR feature extractor using fuzzy subtractive clustering for clip detection. The second contribution is about a proposed model based on grouping and counting pixels in pre-selective areas which tracks pixel colors in separated RGB channels to determine whether the orientation of the clip is acceptable or not. The construction of three novel edge based features embedded in fuzzy C-means clustering for broken edge detection marks the third contribution. At last, the fourth contribution presents the core of porosity candidates concept and its correlation with twelve developed matrices. This, in turn, results in the development of five different features used in our fuzzy machine vision based porosity detection approach

    Diagnosis of the sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome : a comprehensive approach through an intelligent system to support medical decision

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    [Abstract] This doctoral thesis carries out the development of an intelligent system to support medical decision in the diagnosis of the Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome (SAHS). SAHS is the most common disorder within those affecting sleep. The estimates of the disease prevalence range from 3% to 7%. Diagnosis of SAHS requires of a polysomnographic test (PSG) to be done in the Sleep Unit of a medical center. Manual scoring of the resulting recording entails too much effort and time to the medical specialists and as a consequence it implies a high economic cost. In the developed system, automatic analysis of the PSG is accomplished which follows a comprehensive perspective. Firstly an analysis of the neurophysiological signals related to the sleep function is carried out in order to obtain the hypnogram. Then, an analysis is performed over the respiratory signals which have to be subsequently interpreted in the context of the remaining signals included in the PSG. In order to carry out such a task, the developed system is supported by the use of artificial intelligence techniques, specially focusing on the use of reasoning mechanisms capable of handling data imprecision. Ultimately, it is the aim of the proposed system to improve the diagnostic procedure and help physicians in the diagnosis of SAHS.[Resumen] Esta tesis aborda el desarrollo de un sistema inteligente de apoyo a la decisión clínica para el diagnóstico del Síndrome de Apneas-Hipopneas del Sueño (SAHS). El SAHS es el trastorno más común de aquellos que afectan al sueño. Afecta a un rango del 3% al 7% de la población con consecuencias severas sobre la salud. El diagnóstico requiere la realización de un análisis polisomnográfico (PSG) en una Unidad del Sueño de un centro hospitalario. El análisis manual de dicha prueba resulta muy costoso en tiempo y esfuerzo para el médico especialista, y como consecuencia en un elevado coste económico. El sistema desarrollado lleva a cabo el análisis automático del PSG desde una perspectiva integral. A tal efecto, primero se realiza un análisis de las señales neurofisiológicas vinculadas al sueño para obtener el hipnograma, y seguidamente, se lleva a cabo un análisis neumológico de las señales respiratorias interpretándolas en el contexto que marcan las demás señales del PSG. Para lleva a cabo dicha tarea el sistema se apoya en el uso de distintas técnicas de inteligencia artificial, con especial atención al uso mecanismos de razonamiento con soporte a la imprecisión. El principal objetivo del sistema propuesto es la mejora del procedimiento diagnóstico y ayudar a los médicos en diagnóstico del SAHS.[Resumo] Esta tese aborda o desenvolvemento dun sistema intelixente de apoio á decisión clínica para o diagnóstico do Síndrome de Apneas-Hipopneas do Sono (SAHS). O SAHS é o trastorno máis común daqueles que afectan ao sono. Afecta a un rango do 3% ao 7% da poboación con consecuencias severas sobre a saúde. O diagnóstico pasa pola realización dunha análise polisomnográfica (PSG) nunha Unidade do Sono dun centro hospitalario. A análise manual da devandita proba resulta moi custosa en tempo e esforzo para o médico especialista, e como consecuencia nun elevado custo económico. O sistema desenvolvido leva a cabo a análise automática do PSG dende unha perspectiva integral. A tal efecto, primeiro realizase unha análise dos sinais neurofisiolóxicos vinculados ao sono para obter o hipnograma, e seguidamente, lévase a cabo unha análise neumolóxica dos sinais respiratorios interpretándoos no contexto que marcan os demais sinais do PSG. Para leva a cabo esta tarefa o sistema apoiarase no uso de distintas técnicas de intelixencia artificial, con especial atención a mecanismos de razoamento con soporte para a imprecisión. O principal obxectivo do sistema proposto é a mellora do procedemento diagnóstico e axudar aos médicos no diagnóstico do SAHS

    Computational Intelligence in Healthcare

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    This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue Computational Intelligence in Healthcare that was published in Electronic

    Computational Intelligence in Healthcare

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    The number of patient health data has been estimated to have reached 2314 exabytes by 2020. Traditional data analysis techniques are unsuitable to extract useful information from such a vast quantity of data. Thus, intelligent data analysis methods combining human expertise and computational models for accurate and in-depth data analysis are necessary. The technological revolution and medical advances made by combining vast quantities of available data, cloud computing services, and AI-based solutions can provide expert insight and analysis on a mass scale and at a relatively low cost. Computational intelligence (CI) methods, such as fuzzy models, artificial neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, and probabilistic methods, have recently emerged as promising tools for the development and application of intelligent systems in healthcare practice. CI-based systems can learn from data and evolve according to changes in the environments by taking into account the uncertainty characterizing health data, including omics data, clinical data, sensor, and imaging data. The use of CI in healthcare can improve the processing of such data to develop intelligent solutions for prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up, as well as for the analysis of administrative processes. The present Special Issue on computational intelligence for healthcare is intended to show the potential and the practical impacts of CI techniques in challenging healthcare applications