182,986 research outputs found

    Shape and data-driven texture segmentation using local binary patterns

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    We propose a shape and data driven texture segmentation method using local binary patterns (LBP) and active contours. In particular, we pass textured images through a new LBP-based filter, which produces non-textured images. In this “filtered” domain each textured region of the original image exhibits a characteristic intensity distribution. In this domain we pose the segmentation problem as an optimization problem in a Bayesian framework. The cost functional contains a data-driven term, as well as a term that brings in information about the shapes of the objects to be segmented. We solve the optimization problem using level set-based active contours. Our experimental results on synthetic and real textures demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in segmenting challenging textures as well as its robustness to missing data and occlusions

    A Local binary patterns and shape priors based texture segmentation method

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    We propose a shape and data driven texture segmentation method using local binary patterns (LBP) and active contours. In particular, we pass textured images through a new LBP-based filter, which produces non-textured images. In this “filtered” domain each textured region of the original image exhibits a characteristic intensity distribution. In this domain we pose the segmentation problem as an optimization problem in a Bayesian framework. The cost functional contains a data-driven term, as well as a term that brings in information about the shapes of the objects to be segmented. We solve the optimization problem using level set-based active contours. Our experimental results on synthetic and real textures demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in segmenting challenging textures as well as its robustness to missing data and occlusions

    Gap Closure in (Road) Networks Using Higher-Order Active Contours

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    We present a new model for the extraction of networks from images in the presence of occlusions. Such occlusions cause gaps in the extracted network that need to he closed. Using higher-order active contours, which allow the incorporation of sophisticated geometric information, we introduce a new, non-local, 'gap closure' force that causes pairs of network extremities that are close together to extend towards one another and join, thus closing the gap between them. We demonstrate the benefits of the model using the problem of road network extraction, presenting results on aerial images

    A higher-order active contour model of a `gas of circles' and its application to tree crown extraction

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    Many image processing problems involve identifying the region in the image domain occupied by a given entity in the scene. Automatic solution of these problems requires models that incorporate significant prior knowledge about the shape of the region. Many methods for including such knowledge run into difficulties when the topology of the region is unknown a priori, for example when the entity is composed of an unknown number of similar objects. Higher-order active contours (HOACs) represent one method for the modelling of non-trivial prior knowledge about shape without necessarily constraining region topology, via the inclusion of non-local interactions between region boundary points in the energy defining the model. The case of an unknown number of circular objects arises in a number of domains, e.g. medical, biological, nanotechnological, and remote sensing imagery. Regions composed of an a priori unknown number of circles may be referred to as a `gas of circles'. In this report, we present a HOAC model of a `gas of circles'. In order to guarantee stable circles, we conduct a stability analysis via a functional Taylor expansion of the HOAC energy around a circular shape. This analysis fixes one of the model parameters in terms of the others and constrains the rest. In conjunction with a suitable likelihood energy, we apply the model to the extraction of tree crowns from aerial imagery, and show that the new model outperforms other techniques

    Achieving the Way for Automated Segmentation of Nuclei in Cancer Tissue Images through Morphology-Based Approach: a Quantitative Evaluation

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    In this paper we address the problem of nuclear segmentation in cancer tissue images, that is critical for specific protein activity quantification and for cancer diagnosis and therapy. We present a fully automated morphology-based technique able to perform accurate nuclear segmentations in images with heterogeneous staining and multiple tissue layers and we compare it with an alternate semi-automated method based on a well established segmentation approach, namely active contours. We discuss active contours’ limitations in the segmentation of immunohistochemical images and we demonstrate and motivate through extensive experiments the better accuracy of our fully automated approach compared to various active contours implementations

    Image segmentation with variational active contours

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    An important branch of computer vision is image segmentation. Image segmentation aims at extracting meaningful objects lying in images either by dividing images into contiguous semantic regions, or by extracting one or more specific objects in images such as medical structures. The image segmentation task is in general very difficult to achieve since natural images are diverse, complex and the way we perceive them vary according to individuals. For more than a decade, a promising mathematical framework, based on variational models and partial differential equations, have been investigated to solve the image segmentation problem. This new approach benefits from well-established mathematical theories that allow people to analyze, understand and extend segmentation methods. Moreover, this framework is defined in a continuous setting which makes the proposed models independent with respect to the grid of digital images. This thesis proposes four new image segmentation models based on variational models and the active contours method. The active contours or snakes model is more and more used in image segmentation because it relies on solid mathematical properties and its numerical implementation uses the efficient level set method to track evolving contours. The first model defined in this dissertation proposes to determine global minimizers of the active contour/snake model. Despite of great theoretic properties, the active contours model suffers from the existence of local minima which makes the initial guess critical to get satisfactory results. We propose to couple the geodesic/geometric active contours model with the total variation functional and the Mumford-Shah functional to determine global minimizers of the snake model. It is interesting to notice that the merging of two well-known and "opposite" models of geodesic/geometric active contours, based on the detection of edges, and active contours without edges provides a global minimum to the image segmentation algorithm. The second model introduces a method that combines at the same time deterministic and statistical concepts. We define a non-parametric and non-supervised image classification model based on information theory and the shape gradient method. We show that this new segmentation model generalizes, in a conceptual way, many existing models based on active contours, statistical and information theoretic concepts such as mutual information. The third model defined in this thesis is a variational model that extracts in images objects of interest which geometric shape is given by the principal components analysis. The main interest of the proposed model is to combine the three families of active contours, based on the detection of edges, the segmentation of homogeneous regions and the integration of geometric shape prior, in order to use simultaneously the advantages of each family. Finally, the last model presents a generalization of the active contours model in scale spaces in order to extract structures at different scales of observation. The mathematical framework which allows us to define an evolution equation for active contours in scale spaces comes from string theory. This theory introduces a mathematical setting to process a manifold such as an active contour embedded in higher dimensional Riemannian spaces such as scale spaces. We thus define the energy functional and the evolution equation of the multiscale active contours model which can evolve in the most well-known scale spaces such as the linear or the curvature scale space

    Automated segmentation of tissue images for computerized IHC analysis

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    This paper presents two automated methods for the segmentation ofimmunohistochemical tissue images that overcome the limitations of themanual approach aswell as of the existing computerized techniques. The first independent method, based on unsupervised color clustering, recognizes automatically the target cancerous areas in the specimen and disregards the stroma; the second method, based on colors separation and morphological processing, exploits automated segmentation of the nuclear membranes of the cancerous cells. Extensive experimental results on real tissue images demonstrate the accuracy of our techniques compared to manual segmentations; additional experiments show that our techniques are more effective in immunohistochemical images than popular approaches based on supervised learning or active contours. The proposed procedure can be exploited for any applications that require tissues and cells exploration and to perform reliable and standardized measures of the activity of specific proteins involved in multi-factorial genetic pathologie