960 research outputs found

    Design of Analog-to-Digital Converters with Embedded Mixing for Ultra-Low-Power Radio Receivers

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    In the field of radio receivers, down-conversion methods usually rely on one (or more) explicit mixing stage(s) before the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). These stages not only contribute to the overall power consumption but also have an impact on area and can compromise the receiver’s performance in terms of noise and linearity. On the other hand, most ADCs require some sort of reference signal in order to properly digitize an analog input signal. The implementation of this reference signal usually relies on bandgap circuits and reference buffers to generate a constant, stable, dc signal. Disregarding this conventional approach, the work developed in this thesis aims to explore the viability behind the usage of a variable reference signal. Moreover, it demonstrates that not only can an input signal be properly digitized, but also shifted up and down in frequency, effectively embedding the mixing operation in an ADC. As a result, ADCs in receiver chains can perform double-duty as both a quantizer and a mixing stage. The lesser known charge-sharing (CS) topology, within the successive approximation register (SAR) ADCs, is used for a practical implementation, due to its feature of “pre-charging” the reference signal prior to the conversion. Simulation results from an 8-bit CS-SAR ADC designed in a 0.13 μm CMOS technology validate the proposed technique

    Design and debugging of multi-step analog to digital converters

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    With the fast advancement of CMOS fabrication technology, more and more signal-processing functions are implemented in the digital domain for a lower cost, lower power consumption, higher yield, and higher re-configurability. The trend of increasing integration level for integrated circuits has forced the A/D converter interface to reside on the same silicon in complex mixed-signal ICs containing mostly digital blocks for DSP and control. However, specifications of the converters in various applications emphasize high dynamic range and low spurious spectral performance. It is nontrivial to achieve this level of linearity in a monolithic environment where post-fabrication component trimming or calibration is cumbersome to implement for certain applications or/and for cost and manufacturability reasons. Additionally, as CMOS integrated circuits are accomplishing unprecedented integration levels, potential problems associated with device scaling – the short-channel effects – are also looming large as technology strides into the deep-submicron regime. The A/D conversion process involves sampling the applied analog input signal and quantizing it to its digital representation by comparing it to reference voltages before further signal processing in subsequent digital systems. Depending on how these functions are combined, different A/D converter architectures can be implemented with different requirements on each function. Practical realizations show the trend that to a first order, converter power is directly proportional to sampling rate. However, power dissipation required becomes nonlinear as the speed capabilities of a process technology are pushed to the limit. Pipeline and two-step/multi-step converters tend to be the most efficient at achieving a given resolution and sampling rate specification. This thesis is in a sense unique work as it covers the whole spectrum of design, test, debugging and calibration of multi-step A/D converters; it incorporates development of circuit techniques and algorithms to enhance the resolution and attainable sample rate of an A/D converter and to enhance testing and debugging potential to detect errors dynamically, to isolate and confine faults, and to recover and compensate for the errors continuously. The power proficiency for high resolution of multi-step converter by combining parallelism and calibration and exploiting low-voltage circuit techniques is demonstrated with a 1.8 V, 12-bit, 80 MS/s, 100 mW analog to-digital converter fabricated in five-metal layers 0.18-µm CMOS process. Lower power supply voltages significantly reduce noise margins and increase variations in process, device and design parameters. Consequently, it is steadily more difficult to control the fabrication process precisely enough to maintain uniformity. Microscopic particles present in the manufacturing environment and slight variations in the parameters of manufacturing steps can all lead to the geometrical and electrical properties of an IC to deviate from those generated at the end of the design process. Those defects can cause various types of malfunctioning, depending on the IC topology and the nature of the defect. To relive the burden placed on IC design and manufacturing originated with ever-increasing costs associated with testing and debugging of complex mixed-signal electronic systems, several circuit techniques and algorithms are developed and incorporated in proposed ATPG, DfT and BIST methodologies. Process variation cannot be solved by improving manufacturing tolerances; variability must be reduced by new device technology or managed by design in order for scaling to continue. Similarly, within-die performance variation also imposes new challenges for test methods. With the use of dedicated sensors, which exploit knowledge of the circuit structure and the specific defect mechanisms, the method described in this thesis facilitates early and fast identification of excessive process parameter variation effects. The expectation-maximization algorithm makes the estimation problem more tractable and also yields good estimates of the parameters for small sample sizes. To allow the test guidance with the information obtained through monitoring process variations implemented adjusted support vector machine classifier simultaneously minimize the empirical classification error and maximize the geometric margin. On a positive note, the use of digital enhancing calibration techniques reduces the need for expensive technologies with special fabrication steps. Indeed, the extra cost of digital processing is normally affordable as the use of submicron mixed signal technologies allows for efficient usage of silicon area even for relatively complex algorithms. Employed adaptive filtering algorithm for error estimation offers the small number of operations per iteration and does not require correlation function calculation nor matrix inversions. The presented foreground calibration algorithm does not need any dedicated test signal and does not require a part of the conversion time. It works continuously and with every signal applied to the A/D converter. The feasibility of the method for on-line and off-line debugging and calibration has been verified by experimental measurements from the silicon prototype fabricated in standard single poly, six metal 0.09-µm CMOS process

    Design Techniques for High Speed Low Voltage and Low Power Non-Calibrated Pipeline Analog to Digital Converters

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    The profound digitization of modern microelectronic modules made Analog-to- Digital converters (ADC) key components in many systems. With resolutions up to 14bits and sampling rates in the 100s of MHz, the pipeline ADC is a prime candidate for a wide range of applications such as instrumentation, communications and consumer electronics. However, while past work focused on enhancing the performance of the pipeline ADC from an architectural standpoint, little has been done to individually address its fundamental building blocks. This work aims to achieve the latter by proposing design techniques to improve the performance of these blocks with minimal power consumption in low voltage environments, such that collectively high performance is achieved in the pipeline ADC. Towards this goal, a Recycling Folded Cascode (RFC) amplifier is proposed as an enhancement to the general performance of the conventional folded cascode. Tested in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) 0.18?m Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology, the RFC provides twice the bandwidth, 8-10dB additional gain, more than twice the slew rate and improved noise performance over the conventional folded cascode-all at no additional power or silicon area. The direct auto-zeroing offset cancellation scheme is optimized for low voltage environments using a dual level common mode feedback (CMFB) circuit, and amplifier differential offsets up to 50mV are effectively cancelled. Together with the RFC, the dual level CMFB was used to implement a sample and hold amplifier driving a singleended load of 1.4pF and using only 2.6mA; at 200MS/s better than 9bit linearity is achieved. Finally a power conscious technique is proposed to reduce the kickback noise of dynamic comparators without resorting to the use of pre-amplifiers. When all techniques are collectively used to implement a 1Vpp 10bit 160MS/s pipeline ADC in Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) 0.18[mu]m CMOS, 9.2 effective number of bits (ENOB) is achieved with a near Nyquist-rate full scale signal. The ADC uses an area of 1.1mm2 and consumes 42mW in its analog core. Compared to recent state-of-the-art implementations in the 100-200MS/s range, the presented pipeline ADC uses the least power per conversion rated at 0.45pJ/conversion-step

    Caratterizzazione dello spazio architetturale di un amplificatore transconduttivo

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    Il presente lavoro di tesi affronta il problema della progettazione analogica a livello di sistema studiando un convertitore analogico/digitale di tipo pipeline ad elevate prestazioni in tecnologia CMOS a 0.13 um. Più specificamente, viene studiato l’amplificatore interstadio al fine di valutare l’ottimalità delle specifiche richieste nel progetto originale. Viene applicata una metodologia di progetto basata sulla esplorazione e caratterizzazione dello spazio architetturale di interesse, volta alla creazione di una libreria (Piattaforma Analogica) che racchiuda sia modelli di prestazioni dell’ amplificatore sia modelli comportamentali dello stesso da utilizzarsi per progettazione ad alto livello. Inizialmente, viene effettuata un’ analisi del primo stadio del convertitore pipeline volta a ricavare le specifiche del blocco amplificatore. La metodologia prevede un campionamento dello spazio delle prestazioni attraverso simulazione di configurazioni generate perturbando il progetto originale. Al fine di specificare lo spazio di campionamento, vengono ricavate delle relazioni che vincolano le dimensioni dei singoli dispositivi imponendo condizioni di polarizzazione, minimo guadagno e minima banda. Le relazioni vengono quindi manipolate al fine di ottenere uno schema valutativo, basato su MATLAB/Ocean, in grado di generare configurazioni casuali del circuito che rispettano le relazioni stesse. Un insieme di indici di prestazione viene ricavato dai dati delle simulazioni cui si ricorre dato lo scarso potere predittivo dei modelli analitici. Infatti, con le moderne tecnologie CMOS i parametri di merito sono legati alle dimensioni dei dispositivi attraverso equazioni non esprimibili in forma analitica. Gli indici di prestazione vengono utilizzati per la creazione di un modello di prestazione il cui scopo è di vincolare i parametri del modello comportamentale corrispondente a valori effettivamente ottenibili dall’architettura prescelta. Tale modello di prestazione può essere utilizzato per selezionare, tramite ottimizzazione a livello di sistema, un insieme di specifiche ottime per l’amplificatore in esame

    Alternative Methods for Non-Linearity Estimation in High-Resolution Analog-to-Digital Converters

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    The evaluation of the linearity performance of a high resolution Analog-to- Digital Converter (ADC) by the Standard Histogram method is an outstanding challenge due to the requirement of high purity of the input signal and the high number of output data that must be acquired to obtain an acceptable accuracy on the estimation. These requirements become major application drawbacks when the measures have to be performed multiple times within long test flows and for many parts, and under an industrial environment that seeks to reduce costs and lead times as is the case in the New Space sector. This thesis introduces two alternative methods that succeed in relaxing the two previous requirements for the estimation of the Integral Nonlinearity (INL) parameter in ADCs. The methods have been evaluated by estimating the Integral Non-Linearity pattern by simulation using realistic high-resolution ADC models and experimentally by applying them to real high performance ADCs. First, the challenge of applying the Standard Histogram method for the evaluation of static parameters in high resolution ADCs and how the drawbacks are accentuated in the New Space industry is analysed, being a highly expensive method for an industrial environment where cost and lead time reduction is demanded. Several alternative methods to the Standard Histogram for estimating Integral Nonlinearity in high resolution ADCs are reviewed and studied. As the number of existing works in the literature is very large and addressing all of them is a challenge in itself, only those most relevant to the development of this thesis have been included. Methods based on spectral processing to reduce the number of data acquired for the linearity test and methods based on a double histogram to be able to use generators that do not meet the the purity requirement against the ADC to be tested are further analysed. Two novel contributions are presented in this work for the estimation of the Integral Nonlinearity in ADCs, as possible alternatives to the Standard Histogram method. The first method, referred to as SSA (Simple Spectral Approach), seeks to reduce the number of output data that need to be acquired and focuses on INL estimation using an algorithm based on processing the spectrum of the output signal when a sinusoidal input stimulus is used. This type of approach requires a much smaller number of samples than the Standard Histogram method, although the estimation accuracy will depend on how smooth or abrupt the ADC nonlinearity pattern is. In general, this algorithm cannot be used to perform a calibration of the ADC nonlinearity error, but it can be applied to find out between which limits it lies and what its approximate shape is. The second method, named SDH (Simplified Double Histogram)aims to estimate the Non-Linearity of the ADC using a poor linearity generator. The approach uses two histograms constructed from the two set of output data in response to two identical input signals except for a dc offset between them. Using a simple adder model, an extended approach named ESDH (Extended Simplified Double Histogram) addresses and corrects for possible time drifts during the two data acquisitions, so that it can be successfully applied in a non-stationary test environment. According to the experimental results obtained, the proposed algorithm achieves high estimation accuracy. Both contributions have been successfully tested in high-resolution ADCs with both simulated and real laboratory experiments, the latter using a commercial ADC with 14-bit resolution and 65Msps sampling rate (AD6644 from Analog Devices).La medida de la característica de linealidad de un convertidor analógicodigital (ADC) de alta resolución mediante el método estándar del Histograma constituye un gran desafío debido los requisitos de alta pureza de la señal de entrada y del elevado número de datos de salida que deben adquirirse para obtener una precisión aceptable en la estimación. Estos requisitos encuentran importantes inconvenientes para su aplicación cuando las medidas deben realizarse dentro de largos flujos de pruebas, múltiples veces y en un gran número de piezas, y todo bajo un entorno industrial que busca reducir costes y plazos de entrega como es el caso del sector del Nuevo Espacio. Esta tesis introduce dos métodos alternativos que consiguen relajar los dos requisitos anteriores para la estimación de los parámetros de no linealidad en los ADCs. Los métodos se han evaluado estimando el patrón de No Linealidad Integral (INL) mediante simulación utilizando modelos realistas de ADC de alta resolución y experimentalmente aplicándolos en ADCs reales. Inicialmente se analiza el reto que supone la aplicación del método estándar del Histograma para la evaluación de los parámetros estáticos en ADCs de alta resolución y cómo sus inconvenientes se acentúan en la industria del Nuevo Espacio, siendo un método altamente costoso para un entorno industrial donde se exige la reducción de costes y plazos de entrega. Se estudian métodos alternativos al Histograma estándar para la estimación de la No Linealidad Integral en ADCs de alta resolución. Como el número de trabajos es muy amplio y abordarlos todos es ya en sí un desafío, se han incluido aquellos más relevantes para el desarrollo de esta tesis. Se analizan especialmente los métodos basados en el procesamiento espectral para reducir el número de datos que necesitan ser adquiridos y los métodos basados en un doble histograma para poder utilizar generadores que no cumplen el requisito de precisión frente al ADC a medir. En este trabajo se presentan dos novedosas aportaciones para la estimación de la No Linealidad Integral en ADCs, como posibles alternativas al método estándar del Histograma. El primer método, denominado SSA (Simple Spectral Approach), busca reducir el número de datos de salida que es necesario adquirir y se centra en la estimación de la INL mediante un algoritmo basado en el procesamiento del espectro de la señal de salida cuando se utiliza un estímulo de entrada sinusoidal. Este tipo de enfoque requiere un número mucho menor de muestras que el método estándar del Histograma, aunque la precisión de la estimación dependerá de lo suave o abrupto que sea el patrón de no-linealidad del ADC a medir. En general, este algoritmo no puede utilizarse para realizar una calibración del error de no linealidad del ADC, pero puede aplicarse para averiguar entre qué límites se encuentra y cuál es su forma aproximada. El segundo método, denominado SDH (Simplified Double Histogram) tiene como objetivo estimar la no linealidad del ADC utilizando un generador de baja pureza. El algoritmo utiliza dos histogramas, construidos a partir de dos conjuntos de datos de salida en respuesta a dos señales de entrada idénticas, excepto por un desplazamiento constante entre ellas. Utilizando un modelo simple de sumador, un enfoque ampliado denominado ESDH (Extended Simplified Double Histogram) aborda y corrige las posibles derivas temporales durante las dos adquisiciones de datos, de modo que puede aplicarse con éxito en un entorno de prueba no estacionario. De acuerdo con los resultados experimentales obtenidos, el algoritmo propuesto alcanza una alta precisión de estimación. Ambas contribuciones han sido probadas en ADCs de alta resolución con experimentos tanto simulados como reales en laboratorio, estos últimos utilizando un ADC comercial con una resolución de 14 bits y una tasa de muestreo de 65Msps (AD6644 de Analog Devices)

    Noise-Shaping SAR ADCs.

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    This work investigates hybrid analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) that combine the phenomenal energy efficiency of successive-approximation (SAR) ADCs with the resolution enhancement strategies used by noise-shaping converters. Because charge-redistribution SAR ADCs contain few active components and rely on highly digital controllers, SAR ADCs demonstrate the best energy efficiencies of all low bandwidth, moderate resolution converters (~10 bits). SAR ADCs achieve remarkable power efficiency at low resolution, but as the resolution of the SAR ADC increases, the specifications for input-referred comparator noise become more stringent and total DAC capacitance becomes too large, which degrades both power efficiency and bandwidth. For these reasons, lower resolution, lower bandwidth applications tend to favor traditional SAR ADC architectures, while higher bandwidth, higher resolution applications tend to favor pipeline-SARs. Although the use of amplifiers in pipeline-assisted SARs relaxes the comparator noise requirements and improves bandwidth, amplifier design becomes more of a challenge in highly scaled processes with reduced supply voltages. In this work, we explore the use of feedback and noise-shaping to enhance the resolution of SAR ADCs. Unlike pipeline-SARs, which require high-gain, linear amplifiers, noise-shaping SARs can be constructed using passive FIR filter structures. Furthermore, the use of feedback and noise-shaping reduces the impact of thermal kT/C noise and comparator noise. This work details and explores a new class of noise-shaping SARs.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113647/1/fredenbu_1.pd