59 research outputs found

    Equalization Methods in Digital Communication Systems

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    Tato práce je psaná v angličtině a je zaměřená na problematiku ekvalizace v digitálních komunikačních systémech. Teoretická část zahrnuje stručné pozorování různých způsobů návrhu ekvalizérů. Praktická část se zabývá implementací nejčastěji používaných ekvalizérů a s jejich adaptačními algoritmy. Cílem praktické části je porovnat jejich charakteristiky a odhalit činitele, které ovlivňují kvalitu ekvalizace. V rámci problematiky ekvalizace jsou prozkoumány tři typy ekvalizérů. Lineární ekvalizér, ekvalizér se zpětnou vazbou a ML (Maximum likelihood) ekvalizér. Každý ekvalizér byl testován na modelu, který simuloval reálnou přenosovou soustavu s komplexním zkreslením, která je složena z útlumu, mezisymbolové interference a aditivního šumu. Na základě implenentace byli určeny charakteristiky ekvalizérů a stanoveno že optimální výkon má ML ekvalizér. Adaptační algoritmy hrají významnou roli ve výkonnosti všech zmíněných ekvalizérů. V práci je nastudována skupina stochastických algoritmů jako algoritmus nejmenších čtverců(LMS), Normalizovaný LMS, Variable step-size LMS a algoritmus RLS jako zástupce deterministického přístupu. Bylo zjištěno, že RLS konverguje mnohem rychleji, než algoritmy založené na LMS. Byly nastudovány činitele, které ovlivnili výkon popisovaných algoritmů. Jedním z důležitých činitelů, který ovlivňuje rychlost konvergence a stabilitu algoritmů LMS je parametr velikosti kroku. Dalším velmi důležitým faktorem je výběr trénovací sekvence. Bylo zjištěno, že velkou nevýhodou algoritmů založených na LMS v porovnání s RLS algoritmy je, že kvalita ekvalizace je velmi závislá na spektrální výkonové hustotě a a trénovací sekvenci.The thesis is focused on the problem of equalization in digital communication systems. Theoretical part includes brief observation of different approaches of equalizer designing. The practical part deals with implementation of the most often used equalizers and their adaptation algorithms. The aim of practical part is to make a comparison characteristic of different type of equalizers and reveal factors that influence the quality of equalization. Within a framework of the problem of equalization three types of equalizers were researched: linear equalizers, decision feedback equalizers (DFE) and maximum likelihood equalizers (ML). Each equalizer was tested on the model which approximates the real transmission system with complex distortion consisted of attenuation, intersymbol interference and additive noise. The comparison characteristics of equalizers were revealed on the basis of implementation. It was ascertained that ML equalizer has the optimum performance among three equalizers. The adaptation algorithm play significant role in performance of mentioned equalizers. Two groups of algorithms were studied: stochastic and deterministic. The first one includes following algorithms: least-mean-square algorithm (LMS), normalized LMS algorithm (NLMS) and variable step-size LMS algorithm (VSLMS). The second one is represented by RLS algorithm. It was determined that RLS algorithm converges much faster than LMS-based algorithms. The several factors that influenced the performance of all algorithms were studied. One of the most important factors that influences the speed of convergence and stability of the LMS algorithm is step-size parameter. Another very important factor is selecting the training sequence. The big disadvantage of LMS-based algorithms compare to RLS-based algorithms was found: the quality of equalization is highly dependent on the power spectral density of the training sequence.

    Dynamic length equaliser and its application to the DS-CDMA systems

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    Adaptive non linear system identification and channel equalization usinf functional link artificial neural network

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    In system theory, characterization and identification are fundamental problems. When the plant behavior is completely unknown, it may be characterized using certain model and then, its identification may be carried out with some artificial neural networks(ANN) like multilayer perceptron(MLP) or functional link artificial neural network(FLANN) using some learning rules such as back propagation (BP) algorithm. They offer flexibility, adaptability and versatility, so that a variety of approaches may be used to meet a specific goal, depending upon the circumstances and the requirements of the design specifications. The primary aim of the present thesis is to provide a framework for the systematic design of adaptation laws for nonlinear system identification and channel equalization. While constructing an artificial neural network the designer is often faced with the problem of choosing a network of the right size for the task. The advantages of using a smaller neural network are cheaper cost of computation and better generalization ability. However, a network which is too small may never solve the problem, while a larger network may even have the advantage of a faster learning rate. Thus it makes sense to start with a large network and then reduce its size. For this reason a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based pruning strategy is reported. GA is based upon the process of natural selection and does not require error gradient statistics. As a consequence, a GA is able to find a global error minimum. Transmission bandwidth is one of the most precious resources in digital communication systems. Communication channels are usually modeled as band-limited linear finite impulse response (FIR) filters with low pass frequency response. When the amplitude and the envelope delay response are not constant within the bandwidth of the filter, the channel distorts the transmitted signal causing intersymbol interference (ISI). The addition of noise during propagation also degrades the quality of the received signal. All the signal processing methods used at the receiver's end to compensate the introduced channel distortion and recover the transmitted symbols are referred as channel equalization techniques.When the nonlinearity associated with the system or the channel is more the number of branches in FLANN increases even some cases give poor performance. To decrease the number of branches and increase the performance a two stage FLANN called cascaded FLANN (CFLANN) is proposed.This thesis presents a comprehensive study covering artificial neural network (ANN) implementation for nonlinear system identification and channel equalization. Three ANN structures, MLP, FLANN, CFLANN and their conventional gradient-descent training methods are extensively studied. Simulation results demonstrate that FLANN and CFLANN methods are directly applicable for a large class of nonlinear control systems and communication problems

    Non-linear adaptive equalization based on a multi-layer perceptron architecture.

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    Adaptive Channel Equalization using Radial Basis Function Networks and MLP

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    One of the major practical problems in digital communication systems is channel distortion which causes errors due to intersymbol interference. Since the source signal is in general broadband, the various frequency components experience different steady state amplitude and phase changes as they pass through the channel, causing distortion in the received message. This distortion translates into errors in the received sequence. Our problem as communication engineers is to restore the transmitted sequence or, equivalently, to identify the inverse of the channel, given the observed sequence at the channel output. This task is accomplished by adaptive equalizers. Typically, adaptive equalizers used in digital communications require an initial training period, during which a known data sequence is transmitted. A replica of this sequence is made available at the receiver in proper synchronism with the transmitter, thereby making it possible for adjustments to be made to the equalizer coefficients in accordance with the adaptive filtering algorithm employed in the equalizer design. When the training is completed, the equalizer is switched to its decision directed mode. Decision feedback equalizers are used extensively in practical communication systems. They are more powerful than linear equalizers especially for severe inter-symbol interference (ISI) channels without as much noise enhancement as the linear equalizers. This thesis addresses the problem of adaptive channel equalization in environments where the interfering noise exhibits Gaussian behavior. In this thesis, radial basis function (RBF) network is used to implement DFE. Advantages and problems of this system are discussed and its results are then compared with DFE using multi layer perceptron net (MLP).Results indicate that the implemented system outperforms both the least-mean square(LMS) algorithm and MLP, given the same signal-to-noise ratio as it offers minimum mean square error. The learning rate of the implemented system is also faster than both LMS and the multilayered case

    Tree-Structured Nonlinear Adaptive Signal Processing

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    In communication systems, nonlinear adaptive filtering has become increasingly popular in a variety of applications such as channel equalization, echo cancellation and speech coding. However, existing nonlinear adaptive filters such as polynomial (truncated Volterra series) filters and multilayer perceptrons suffer from a number of problems. First, although high Order polynomials can approximate complex nonlinearities, they also train very slowly. Second, there is no systematic and efficient way to select their structure. As for multilayer perceptrons, they have a very complicated structure and train extremely slowly Motivated by the success of classification and regression trees on difficult nonlinear and nonparametfic problems, we propose the idea of a tree-structured piecewise linear adaptive filter. In the proposed method each node in a tree is associated with a linear filter restricted to a polygonal domain, and this is done in such a way that each pruned subtree is associated with a piecewise linear filter. A training sequence is used to adaptively update the filter coefficients and domains at each node, and to select the best pruned subtree and the corresponding piecewise linear filter. The tree structured approach offers several advantages. First, it makes use of standard linear adaptive filtering techniques at each node to find the corresponding Conditional linear filter. Second, it allows for efficient selection of the subtree and the corresponding piecewise linear filter of appropriate complexity. Overall, the approach is computationally efficient and conceptually simple. The tree-structured piecewise linear adaptive filter bears some similarity to classification and regression trees. But it is actually quite different from a classification and regression tree. Here the terminal nodes are not just assigned a region and a class label or a regression value, but rather represent: a linear filter with restricted domain, It is also different in that classification and regression trees are determined in a batch mode offline, whereas the tree-structured adaptive filter is determined recursively in real-time. We first develop the specific structure of a tree-structured piecewise linear adaptive filter and derive a stochastic gradient-based training algorithm. We then carry out a rigorous convergence analysis of the proposed training algorithm for the tree-structured filter. Here we show the mean-square convergence of the adaptively trained tree-structured piecewise linear filter to the optimal tree-structured piecewise linear filter. Same new techniques are developed for analyzing stochastic gradient algorithms with fixed gains and (nonstandard) dependent data. Finally, numerical experiments are performed to show the computational and performance advantages of the tree-structured piecewise linear filter over linear and polynomial filters for equalization of high frequency channels with severe intersymbol interference, echo cancellation in telephone networks and predictive coding of speech signals

    Channel Equalization using GA Family

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    High speed data transmissions over communication channels distort the trans- mitted signals in both amplitude and phase due to presence of Inter Symbol Inter- ference (ISI). Other impairments like thermal noise, impulse noise and cross talk also cause further distortions to the received symbols. Adaptive equalization of the digital channels at the receiver removes/reduces the e®ects of such ISIs and attempts to recover the transmitted symbols. Basically an equalizer is an inverse ¯lter which is placed at the front end of the receiver. Its transfer function is inverse to the transfer function of the associated channel. The Least-Mean-Square (LMS), Recursive-Least-Square (RLS) and Multilayer perceptron (MLP) based adaptive equalizers aim to minimize the ISI present in the digital communication channel. These are gradient based learning algorithms and therefore there is possibility that during training of the equalizers, its weights do not reach to their optimum values due to ..

    On issues of equalization with the decorrelation algorithm : fast converging structures and finite-precision

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    To increase the rate of convergence of the blind, adaptive, decision feedback equalizer based on the decorrelation criterion, structures have been proposed which dramatically increase the complexity of the equalizer. The complexity of an algorithm has a direct bearing on the cost of implementing the algorithm in either hardware or software. In this thesis, more computationally efficient structures, based on the fast transversal filter and lattice algorithms, are proposed for the decorrelation algorithm which maintain the high rate of convergence of the more complex algorithms. Furthermore, the performance of the decorrelation algorithm in a finite-precision environment will be studied and compared to the widely used LMS algorithm

    Wireless Channel Equalization in Digital Communication Systems

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    Our modern society has transformed to an information-demanding system, seeking voice, video, and data in quantities that could not be imagined even a decade ago. The mobility of communicators has added more challenges. One of the new challenges is to conceive highly reliable and fast communication system unaffected by the problems caused in the multipath fading wireless channels. Our quest is to remove one of the obstacles in the way of achieving ultimately fast and reliable wireless digital communication, namely Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI), the intensity of which makes the channel noise inconsequential. The theoretical background for wireless channels modeling and adaptive signal processing are covered in first two chapters of dissertation. The approach of this thesis is not based on one methodology but several algorithms and configurations that are proposed and examined to fight the ISI problem. There are two main categories of channel equalization techniques, supervised (training) and blind unsupervised (blind) modes. We have studied the application of a new and specially modified neural network requiring very short training period for the proper channel equalization in supervised mode. The promising performance in the graphs for this network is presented in chapter 4. For blind modes two distinctive methodologies are presented and studied. Chapter 3 covers the concept of multiple cooperative algorithms for the cases of two and three cooperative algorithms. The select absolutely larger equalized signal and majority vote methods have been used in 2-and 3-algoirithm systems respectively. Many of the demonstrated results are encouraging for further research. Chapter 5 involves the application of general concept of simulated annealing in blind mode equalization. A limited strategy of constant annealing noise is experimented for testing the simple algorithms used in multiple systems. Convergence to local stationary points of the cost function in parameter space is clearly demonstrated and that justifies the use of additional noise. The capability of the adding the random noise to release the algorithm from the local traps is established in several cases