255 research outputs found

    Image morphology: from perception to rendering

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    Complete image ontology can be obtained by formalising a top-down meta-language wich must address all possibilities, from global message and composition to objects and local surface properties

    Visual Techniques for Geological Fieldwork Using Mobile Devices

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    Visual techniques in general and 3D visualisation in particular have seen considerable adoption within the last 30 years in the geosciences and geology. Techniques such as volume visualisation, for analysing subsurface processes, and photo-coloured LiDAR point-based rendering, to digitally explore rock exposures at the earth’s surface, were applied within geology as one of the first adopting branches of science. A large amount of digital, geological surface- and volume data is nowadays available to desktop-based workflows for geological applications such as hydrocarbon reservoir exploration, groundwater modelling, CO2 sequestration and, in the future, geothermal energy planning. On the other hand, the analysis and data collection during fieldwork has yet to embrace this ”digital revolution”: sedimentary logs, geological maps and stratigraphic sketches are still captured in each geologist’s individual fieldbook, and physical rocks samples are still transported to the lab for subsequent analysis. Is this still necessary, or are there extended digital means of data collection and exploration in the field ? Are modern digital interpretation techniques accurate and intuitive enough to relevantly support fieldwork in geology and other geoscience disciplines ? This dissertation aims to address these questions and, by doing so, close the technological gap between geological fieldwork and office workflows in geology. The emergence of mobile devices and their vast array of physical sensors, combined with touch-based user interfaces, high-resolution screens and digital cameras provide a possible digital platform that can be used by field geologists. Their ubiquitous availability increases the chances to adopt digital workflows in the field without additional, expensive equipment. The use of 3D data on mobile devices in the field is furthered by the availability of 3D digital outcrop models and the increasing ease of their acquisition. This dissertation assesses the prospects of adopting 3D visual techniques and mobile devices within field geology. The research of this dissertation uses previously acquired and processed digital outcrop models in the form of textured surfaces from optical remote sensing and photogrammetry. The scientific papers in this thesis present visual techniques and algorithms to map outcrop photographs in the field directly onto the surface models. Automatic mapping allows the projection of photo interpretations of stratigraphy and sedimentary facies on the 3D textured surface while providing the domain expert with simple-touse, intuitive tools for the photo interpretation itself. The developed visual approach, combining insight from all across the computer sciences dealing with visual information, merits into the mobile device Geological Registration and Interpretation Toolset (GRIT) app, which is assessed on an outcrop analogue study of the Saltwick Formation exposed at Whitby, North Yorkshire, UK. Although being applicable to a diversity of study scenarios within petroleum geology and the geosciences, the particular target application of the visual techniques is to easily provide field-based outcrop interpretations for subsequent construction of training images for multiple point statistics reservoir modelling, as envisaged within the VOM2MPS project. Despite the success and applicability of the visual approach, numerous drawbacks and probable future extensions are discussed in the thesis based on the conducted studies. Apart from elaborating on more obvious limitations originating from the use of mobile devices and their limited computing capabilities and sensor accuracies, a major contribution of this thesis is the careful analysis of conceptual drawbacks of established procedures in modelling, representing, constructing and disseminating the available surface geometry. A more mathematically-accurate geometric description of the underlying algebraic surfaces yields improvements and future applications unaddressed within the literature of geology and the computational geosciences to this date. Also, future extensions to the visual techniques proposed in this thesis allow for expanded analysis, 3D exploration and improved geological subsurface modelling in general.publishedVersio

    Augmented Reality and Its Application

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is a discipline that includes the interactive experience of a real-world environment, in which real-world objects and elements are enhanced using computer perceptual information. It has many potential applications in education, medicine, and engineering, among other fields. This book explores these potential uses, presenting case studies and investigations of AR for vocational training, emergency response, interior design, architecture, and much more

    A Unified Framework for Neuroscience Morphological Data Visualization

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    The complexity of the human brain makes its understanding one of the biggest challenges that science is currently confronting. Due to its complexity, the brain has been studied at many different levels and from many disciplines and points of view, using a diversity of techniques for getting meaningful data at each specific level and perspective, producing sometimes data that are difficult to integrate. In order to advance understanding of the brain, scientists need new tools that can speed up this analysis process and that can facilitate integrating research results from different disciplines and techniques. Visualization has proved to be useful in the analysis of complex data, and this paper focuses on the design of visualization solutions adapted to the specific problems posed by brain research. In this paper, we propose a unified framework that allows the integration of specific tools to work together in a coordinated manner in a multiview environment, displaying information at different levels of abstraction and combining schematic and realistic representations. The two use cases presented here illustrate the capability of this approach for providing a visual environment that supports the exploration of the brain at all its organizational levels

    Neural Radiance Fields: Past, Present, and Future

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    The various aspects like modeling and interpreting 3D environments and surroundings have enticed humans to progress their research in 3D Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, and Machine Learning. An attempt made by Mildenhall et al in their paper about NeRFs (Neural Radiance Fields) led to a boom in Computer Graphics, Robotics, Computer Vision, and the possible scope of High-Resolution Low Storage Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality-based 3D models have gained traction from res with more than 1000 preprints related to NeRFs published. This paper serves as a bridge for people starting to study these fields by building on the basics of Mathematics, Geometry, Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics to the difficulties encountered in Implicit Representations at the intersection of all these disciplines. This survey provides the history of rendering, Implicit Learning, and NeRFs, the progression of research on NeRFs, and the potential applications and implications of NeRFs in today's world. In doing so, this survey categorizes all the NeRF-related research in terms of the datasets used, objective functions, applications solved, and evaluation criteria for these applications.Comment: 413 pages, 9 figures, 277 citation


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    The prevalence of wireless networks and the convenience of mobile cameras enable many new video applications other than security and entertainment. From behavioral diagnosis to wellness monitoring, cameras are increasing used for observations in various educational and medical settings. Videos collected for such applications are considered protected health information under privacy laws in many countries. Visual privacy protection techniques, such as blurring or object removal, can be used to mitigate privacy concern, but they also obliterate important visual cues of affect and social behaviors that are crucial for the target applications. In this dissertation, we propose to balance the privacy protection and the utility of the data by preserving the privacy-insensitive information, such as pose and expression, which is useful in many applications involving visual understanding. The Intellectual Merits of the dissertation include a novel framework for visual privacy protection by manipulating facial image and body shape of individuals, which: (1) is able to conceal the identity of individuals; (2) provide a way to preserve the utility of the data, such as expression and pose information; (3) balance the utility of the data and capacity of the privacy protection. The Broader Impacts of the dissertation focus on the significance of privacy protection on visual data, and the inadequacy of current privacy enhancing technologies in preserving affect and behavioral attributes of the visual content, which are highly useful for behavior observation in educational and medical settings. This work in this dissertation represents one of the first attempts in achieving both goals simultaneously

    Harnessing the Power of AI based Image Generation Model DALLE 2 in Agricultural Settings

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    This study investigates the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the enhancement of visualization processes in the agricultural sector, using the advanced AI image generator, DALLE 2, developed by OpenAI. By synergistically utilizing the natural language processing proficiency of chatGPT and the generative prowess of the DALLE 2 model, which employs a Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) framework, our research offers an innovative method to transform textual descriptors into realistic visual content. Our rigorously assembled datasets include a broad spectrum of agricultural elements such as fruits, plants, and scenarios differentiating crops from weeds, maintained for AI-generated versus original images. The quality and accuracy of the AI-generated images were evaluated via established metrics including mean squared error (MSE), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), and feature similarity index (FSIM). The results underline the significant role of the DALLE 2 model in enhancing visualization processes in agriculture, aiding in more informed decision-making, and improving resource distribution. The outcomes of this research highlight the imminent rise of an AI-led transformation in the realm of precision agriculture.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, 2 table

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationConfocal microscopy has become a popular imaging technique in biology research in recent years. It is often used to study three-dimensional (3D) structures of biological samples. Confocal data are commonly multichannel, with each channel resulting from a different fluorescent staining. This technique also results in finely detailed structures in 3D, such as neuron fibers. Despite the plethora of volume rendering techniques that have been available for many years, there is a demand from biologists for a flexible tool that allows interactive visualization and analysis of multichannel confocal data. Together with biologists, we have designed and developed FluoRender. It incorporates volume rendering techniques such as a two-dimensional (2D) transfer function and multichannel intermixing. Rendering results can be enhanced through tone-mappings and overlays. To facilitate analyses of confocal data, FluoRender provides interactive operations for extracting complex structures. Furthermore, we developed the Synthetic Brainbow technique, which takes advantage of the asynchronous behavior in Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) framebuffer loops and generates random colorizations for different structures in single-channel confocal data. The results from our Synthetic Brainbows, when applied to a sequence of developing cells, can then be used for tracking the movements of these cells. Finally, we present an application of FluoRender in the workflow of constructing anatomical atlases

    Foveated Path Tracing with Fast Reconstruction and Efficient Sample Distribution

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    Polunseuranta on tietokonegrafiikan piirtotekniikka, jota on käytetty pääasiassa ei-reaaliaikaisen realistisen piirron tekemiseen. Polunseuranta tukee luonnostaan monia muilla tekniikoilla vaikeasti saavutettavia todellisen valon ilmiöitä kuten heijastuksia ja taittumista. Reaaliaikainen polunseuranta on hankalaa polunseurannan suuren laskentavaatimuksen takia. Siksi nykyiset reaaliaikaiset polunseurantasysteemi tuottavat erittäin kohinaisia kuvia, jotka tyypillisesti suodatetaan jälkikäsittelykohinanpoisto-suodattimilla. Erittäin immersiivisiä käyttäjäkokemuksia voitaisiin luoda polunseurannalla, joka täyttäisi laajennetun todellisuuden vaatimukset suuresta resoluutiosta riittävän matalassa vasteajassa. Yksi mahdollinen ratkaisu näiden vaatimusten täyttämiseen voisi olla katsekeskeinen polunseuranta, jossa piirron resoluutiota vähennetään katseen reunoilla. Tämän johdosta piirron laatu on katseen reunoilla sekä harvaa että kohinaista, mikä asettaa suuren roolin lopullisen kuvan koostavalle suodattimelle. Tässä työssä esitellään ensimmäinen reaaliajassa toimiva regressionsuodatin. Suodatin on suunniteltu kohinaisille kuville, joissa on yksi polunseurantanäyte pikseliä kohden. Nopea suoritus saavutetaan tiileissä käsittelemällä ja nopealla sovituksen toteutuksella. Lisäksi työssä esitellään Visual-Polar koordinaattiavaruus, joka jakaa polunseurantanäytteet siten, että niiden jakauma seuraa silmän herkkyysmallia. Visual-Polar-avaruuden etu muihin tekniikoiden nähden on että se vähentää työmäärää sekä polunseurannassa että suotimessa. Nämä tekniikat esittelevät toimivan prototyypin katsekeskeisestä polunseurannasta, ja saattavat toimia tienraivaajina laajamittaiselle realistisen reaaliaikaisen polunseurannan käyttöönotolle.Photo-realistic offline rendering is currently done with path tracing, because it naturally produces many real-life light effects such as reflections, refractions and caustics. These effects are hard to achieve with other rendering techniques. However, path tracing in real time is complicated due to its high computational demand. Therefore, current real-time path tracing systems can only generate very noisy estimate of the final frame, which is then denoised with a post-processing reconstruction filter. A path tracing-based rendering system capable of filling the high resolution in the low latency requirements of mixed reality devices would generate a very immersive user experience. One possible solution for fulfilling these requirements could be foveated path tracing, wherein the rendering resolution is reduced in the periphery of the human visual system. The key challenge is that the foveated path tracing in the periphery is both sparse and noisy, placing high demands on the reconstruction filter. This thesis proposes the first regression-based reconstruction filter for path tracing that runs in real time. The filter is designed for highly noisy one sample per pixel inputs. The fast execution is accomplished with blockwise processing and fast implementation of the regression. In addition, a novel Visual-Polar coordinate space which distributes the samples according to the contrast sensitivity model of the human visual system is proposed. The specialty of Visual-Polar space is that it reduces both path tracing and reconstruction work because both of them can be done with smaller resolution. These techniques enable a working prototype of a foveated path tracing system and may work as a stepping stone towards wider commercial adoption of photo-realistic real-time path tracing

    AutoGraff: towards a computational understanding of graffiti writing and related art forms.

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    The aim of this thesis is to develop a system that generates letters and pictures with a style that is immediately recognizable as graffiti art or calligraphy. The proposed system can be used similarly to, and in tight integration with, conventional computer-aided geometric design tools and can be used to generate synthetic graffiti content for urban environments in games and in movies, and to guide robotic or fabrication systems that can materialise the output of the system with physical drawing media. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part describes a set of stroke primitives, building blocks that can be combined to generate different designs that resemble graffiti or calligraphy. These primitives mimic the process typically used to design graffiti letters and exploit well known principles of motor control to model the way in which an artist moves when incrementally tracing stylised letter forms. The second part demonstrates how these stroke primitives can be automatically recovered from input geometry defined in vector form, such as the digitised traces of writing made by a user, or the glyph outlines in a font. This procedure converts the input geometry into a seed that can be transformed into a variety of calligraphic and graffiti stylisations, which depend on parametric variations of the strokes