47 research outputs found

    Fuzzy automata system with application to target recognition based on image processing

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    AbstractIn order to get better image processing and target recognition, this paper presents a fuzzy automata system to target recognition. The system first performs image processing, and then accomplishes the target recognition. The system consists of four parts: image preprocessing, feature extraction, target matching and experiment. Compared with existing approaches, this paper uses both global features and local features of the target image, and carries out target recognition by using a fuzzy automata system. Simulation results show that the correct recognition rate based on the fuzzy automata system for target recognition is higher at 94.59%, an improvement on an average of 29.24%, compared to other existing approaches. Finally, some directions for future research are described

    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition

    Image forgery detection using textural features and deep learning

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    La croissance exponentielle et les progrès de la technologie ont rendu très pratique le partage de données visuelles, d'images et de données vidéo par le biais d’une vaste prépondérance de platesformes disponibles. Avec le développement rapide des technologies Internet et multimédia, l’efficacité de la gestion et du stockage, la rapidité de transmission et de partage, l'analyse en temps réel et le traitement des ressources multimédias numériques sont progressivement devenus un élément indispensable du travail et de la vie de nombreuses personnes. Sans aucun doute, une telle croissance technologique a rendu le forgeage de données visuelles relativement facile et réaliste sans laisser de traces évidentes. L'abus de ces données falsifiées peut tromper le public et répandre la désinformation parmi les masses. Compte tenu des faits mentionnés ci-dessus, la criminalistique des images doit être utilisée pour authentifier et maintenir l'intégrité des données visuelles. Pour cela, nous proposons une technique de détection passive de falsification d'images basée sur les incohérences de texture et de bruit introduites dans une image du fait de l'opération de falsification. De plus, le réseau de détection de falsification d'images (IFD-Net) proposé utilise une architecture basée sur un réseau de neurones à convolution (CNN) pour classer les images comme falsifiées ou vierges. Les motifs résiduels de texture et de bruit sont extraits des images à l'aide du motif binaire local (LBP) et du modèle Noiseprint. Les images classées comme forgées sont ensuite utilisées pour mener des expériences afin d'analyser les difficultés de localisation des pièces forgées dans ces images à l'aide de différents modèles de segmentation d'apprentissage en profondeur. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que l'IFD-Net fonctionne comme les autres méthodes de détection de falsification d'images sur l'ensemble de données CASIA v2.0. Les résultats discutent également des raisons des difficultés de segmentation des régions forgées dans les images du jeu de données CASIA v2.0.The exponential growth and advancement of technology have made it quite convenient for people to share visual data, imagery, and video data through a vast preponderance of available platforms. With the rapid development of Internet and multimedia technologies, performing efficient storage and management, fast transmission and sharing, real-time analysis, and processing of digital media resources has gradually become an indispensable part of many people’s work and life. Undoubtedly such technological growth has made forging visual data relatively easy and realistic without leaving any obvious visual clues. Abuse of such tampered data can deceive the public and spread misinformation amongst the masses. Considering the facts mentioned above, image forensics must be used to authenticate and maintain the integrity of visual data. For this purpose, we propose a passive image forgery detection technique based on textural and noise inconsistencies introduced in an image because of the tampering operation. Moreover, the proposed Image Forgery Detection Network (IFD-Net) uses a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) based architecture to classify the images as forged or pristine. The textural and noise residual patterns are extracted from the images using Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and the Noiseprint model. The images classified as forged are then utilized to conduct experiments to analyze the difficulties in localizing the forged parts in these images using different deep learning segmentation models. Experimental results show that both the IFD-Net perform like other image forgery detection methods on the CASIA v2.0 dataset. The results also discuss the reasons behind the difficulties in segmenting the forged regions in the images of the CASIA v2.0 dataset

    Estimation of real traffic radiated emissions from electric vehicles in terms of the driving profile using neural networks

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    The increment of the use of electric vehicles leads to a worry about measuring its principal source of environmental pollution: electromagnetic emissions. Given the complexity of directly measuring vehicular radiated emissions in real traffic, the main contribution of this PhD thesis is to propose an indirect solution to estimate such type of vehicular emissions. Relating the on-road vehicular radiated emissions with the driving profile is a complicated task. This is because it is not possible to directly measure the vehicular radiated interferences in real traffic due to potential interferences from another electromagnetic wave sources. This thesis presents a microscopic artificial intelligence model based on neural networks to estimate real traffic radiated emissions of electric vehicles in terms of the driving dynamics. Instantaneous values of measured speed and calculated acceleration have been used to characterize the driving profile. Experimental electromagnetic interference tests have been carried out with a Vectrix electric motorcycle as well as Twizy electric cars in semi-anechoic chambers. Both the motorcycle and the car have been subjected to different urban and interurban driving profiles. Time Domain measurement methodology of electromagnetic radiated emissions has been adopted in this work to save the overall measurement time. The relationship between the magnetic radiated emissions of the Twizy and the corresponding speed has been very noticeable. Maximum magnetic field levels have been observed during high speed cruising in extra-urban driving and acceleration in urban environments. A comparative study of the prediction performance between various static and dynamic neural models has been introduced. The Multilayer Perceptron feedforward neural network trained with Extreme Learning Machines has achieved the best estimation results of magnetic radiated disturbances as function of instantaneous speed and acceleration. In this way, on-road magnetic radiated interferences from an electric vehicle equipped with a Global Positioning System can be estimated. This research line will allow quantify the pollutant electromagnetic emissions of electric vehicles and study new policies to preserve the environment

    Estimation of real traffic radiated emissions from electric vehicles in terms of the driving profile using neural networks

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    The increment of the use of electric vehicles leads to a worry about measuring its principal source of environmental pollution: electromagnetic emissions. Given the complexity of directly measuring vehicular radiated emissions in real traffic, the main contribution of this PhD thesis is to propose an indirect solution to estimate such type of vehicular emissions. Relating the on-road vehicular radiated emissions with the driving profile is a complicated task. This is because it is not possible to directly measure the vehicular radiated interferences in real traffic due to potential interferences from another electromagnetic wave sources. This thesis presents a microscopic artificial intelligence model based on neural networks to estimate real traffic radiated emissions of electric vehicles in terms of the driving dynamics. Instantaneous values of measured speed and calculated acceleration have been used to characterize the driving profile. Experimental electromagnetic interference tests have been carried out with a Vectrix electric motorcycle as well as Twizy electric cars in semi-anechoic chambers. Both the motorcycle and the car have been subjected to different urban and interurban driving profiles. Time Domain measurement methodology of electromagnetic radiated emissions has been adopted in this work to save the overall measurement time. The relationship between the magnetic radiated emissions of the Twizy and the corresponding speed has been very noticeable. Maximum magnetic field levels have been observed during high speed cruising in extra-urban driving and acceleration in urban environments. A comparative study of the prediction performance between various static and dynamic neural models has been introduced. The Multilayer Perceptron feedforward neural network trained with Extreme Learning Machines has achieved the best estimation results of magnetic radiated disturbances as function of instantaneous speed and acceleration. In this way, on-road magnetic radiated interferences from an electric vehicle equipped with a Global Positioning System can be estimated. This research line will allow quantify the pollutant electromagnetic emissions of electric vehicles and study new policies to preserve the environment

    Biometric Systems

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    Biometric authentication has been widely used for access control and security systems over the past few years. The purpose of this book is to provide the readers with life cycle of different biometric authentication systems from their design and development to qualification and final application. The major systems discussed in this book include fingerprint identification, face recognition, iris segmentation and classification, signature verification and other miscellaneous systems which describe management policies of biometrics, reliability measures, pressure based typing and signature verification, bio-chemical systems and behavioral characteristics. In summary, this book provides the students and the researchers with different approaches to develop biometric authentication systems and at the same time includes state-of-the-art approaches in their design and development. The approaches have been thoroughly tested on standard databases and in real world applications

    Computerized cancer malignancy grading of fine needle aspirates

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    According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is a leading cause of death among middle-aged women. Precise diagnosis and correct treatment significantly reduces the high number of deaths caused by breast cancer. Being successful in the treatment strictly relies on the diagnosis. Specifically, the accuracy of the diagnosis and the stage at which a cancer was diagnosed. Precise and early diagnosis has a major impact on the survival rate, which indicates how many patients will live after the treatment. For many years researchers in medical and computer science fields have been working together to find the approach for precise diagnosis. For this thesis, precise diagnosis means finding a cancer at as early a stage as possible by developing new computer aided diagnostic tools. These tools differ depending on the type of cancer and the type of the examination that is used for diagnosis. This work concentrates on cytological images of breast cancer that are produced during fine needle aspiration biopsy examination. This kind of examination allows pathologists to estimate the malignancy of the cancer with very high accuracy. Malignancy estimation is very important when assessing a patients survival rate and the type of treatment. To achieve precise malignancy estimation, a classification framework is presented. This framework is able to classify breast cancer malignancy into two malignancy classes and is based on features calculated according to the Bloom-Richardson grading scheme. This scheme is commonly used by pathologists when grading breast cancer tissue. In Bloom-Richardson scheme two types of features are assessed depending on the magnification. Low magnification images are used for examining the dispersion of the cells in the image while the high magnification images are used for precise analysis of the cells' nuclear features. In this thesis, different types of segmentation algorithms were compared to estimate the algorithm that allows for relatively fast and accurate nuclear segmentation. Based on that segmentation a set of 34 features was extracted for further malignancy classification. For classification purposes 6 different classifiers were compared. From all of the tests a set of the best preforming features were chosen. The presented system is able to classify images of fine needle aspiration biopsy slides with high accurac

    Offline Signature Verification for Arabic Language

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    Biometrics relies on biological features (e.g. finger print, iris or the retina) or behavioral features (voice, signature). Those features can be used for identity verification for an individual. For this it became one of the most trusted and natural ways to identify a person and controlling access to the systems. Signature is a behavioral biometric. Signature is not unique like iris or finger print as it can be forged. Automatic signature verification is divided into two areas depending on the way of data capturing: offline and online signature verification. In offline signature verification, the signature is scanned from a document using a scanner to get the image of the signature. In online signature, a digitizing tablet is used to collect the movements during the signing. In this work we present a system for offline signature verification. In this system the user has to submit a number of signatures which are used to extract two types of features, statistical features and structural features. A vector obtained from each of them is used to train propagation neural net in the verification stage. A test signature is then taken from the user, to compare it with those the net had been trained with. A test experiment was carried out with two sets of data are collected. One set is used as a training set for the propagation neural net in its verification stage. This set with four signatures form each user is used for the training purpose. The second set consisting of one sample of signature for each of the 20 persons is used as a test set for the system. A negative identification test was carried out using a signature of one person to test others’ signatures. The system gave encouraging results

    Vision-based neural network classifiers and their applications

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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of University of LutonVisual inspection of defects is an important part of quality assurance in many fields of production. It plays a very useful role in industrial applications in order to relieve human inspectors and improve the inspection accuracy and hence increasing productivity. Research has previously been done in defect classification of wood veneers using techniques such as neural networks, and a certain degree of success has been achieved. However, to improve results in tenus of both classification accuracy and running time are necessary if the techniques are to be widely adopted in industry, which has motivated this research. This research presents a method using rough sets based neural network with fuzzy input (RNNFI). Variable precision rough set (VPRS) method is proposed to remove redundant features utilising the characteristics of VPRS for data analysis and processing. The reduced data is fuzzified to represent the feature data in a more suitable foml for input to an improved BP neural network classifier. The improved BP neural network classifier is improved in three aspects: additional momentum, self-adaptive learning rates and dynamic error segmenting. Finally, to further consummate the classifier, a uniform design CUD) approach is introduced to optimise the key parameters because UD can generate a minimal set of uniform and representative design points scattered within the experiment domain. Optimal factor settings are achieved using a response surface (RSM) model and the nonlinear quadratic programming algorithm (NLPQL). Experiments have shown that the hybrid method is capable of classifying the defects of wood veneers with a fast convergence speed and high classification accuracy, comparing with other methods such as a neural network with fuzzy input and a rough sets based neural network. The research has demonstrated a methodology for visual inspection of defects, especially for situations where there is a large amount of data and a fast running speed is required. It is expected that this method can be applied to automatic visual inspection for production lines of other products such as ceramic tiles and strip steel

    Human Face Recognition

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    Face recognition, as the main biometric used by human beings, has become more popular for the last twenty years. Automatic recognition of human faces has many commercial and security applications in identity validation and recognition and has become one of the hottest topics in the area of image processing and pattern recognition since 1990. Availability of feasible technologies as well as the increasing request for reliable security systems in today’s world has been a motivation for many researchers to develop new methods for face recognition. In automatic face recognition we desire to either identify or verify one or more persons in still or video images of a scene by means of a stored database of faces. One of the important features of face recognition is its non-intrusive and non-contact property that distinguishes it from other biometrics like iris or finger print recognition that require subjects’ participation. During the last two decades several face recognition algorithms and systems have been proposed and some major advances have been achieved. As a result, the performance of face recognition systems under controlled conditions has now reached a satisfactory level. These systems, however, face some challenges in environments with variations in illumination, pose, expression, etc. The objective of this research is designing a reliable automated face recognition system which is robust under varying conditions of noise level, illumination and occlusion. A new method for illumination invariant feature extraction based on the illumination-reflectance model is proposed which is computationally efficient and does not require any prior information about the face model or illumination. A weighted voting scheme is also proposed to enhance the performance under illumination variations and also cancel occlusions. The proposed method uses mutual information and entropy of the images to generate different weights for a group of ensemble classifiers based on the input image quality. The method yields outstanding results by reducing the effect of both illumination and occlusion variations in the input face images