30 research outputs found

    Design and Analysis of Improved Domino Logic with Noise Tolerance and High Performance

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    The demands of upcoming computing, as well as the challenges of nanometer-era of VLSI design necessitate new digital logic techniques and styles that are at the same time high performance, energy efficient and robust to noise and variation. Dynamic CMOS logic gates are broadly used to design high performance circuits due to their high speed. Conversely, the vital demerit of dynamic logic style is its high noise sensitivity. The main reason for this is the sub-threshold leakage current flowing through the pull down network. With continuous technology scaling, this problem is getting more and more severe. In this thesis, a new noise tolerant dynamic CMOS circuit technique is proposed. In the proposed work, we have enhanced the behavior of the domino CMOS logic. This technique also gets benefit in terms of delay and power. This thesis describes the new low power, noise tolerant and high speed domino logic technique and presents a comparison result of this logic with previously reported schemes. Simulation results prove that, in 180 nm CMOS technology when we used this logic style to realize wide fan-in logic gates, it could achieve maximum level of noise robustness as compared to its basic counterpart. In addition, the logic also works efficiently with sequential circuits. The feasibility of this new technique is demonstrated by means of a real hardware, we have built a custom test-chip in the UMC 180 nm process technology with an ALU core, using the proposed domino logic style for each design block. In this thesis, we have also described the design and implementation of this chip. In addition to this, we have also presented initial power and delay performance comparisons between the circuit level simulated ALU and test-chip implemented in the proposed domino logic style. Finally we conclude that, the thesis contributes a very efficient logic style for wide fan-in gates, which is not only noise robust but also energy efficient and high speed

    A Reconfigurable Digital Multiplier and 4:2 Compressor Cells Design

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    With the continually growing use of portable computing devices and increasingly complex software applications, there is a constant push for low power high speed circuitry to support this technology. Because of the high usage and large complex circuitry required to carry out arithmetic operations used in applications such as digital signal processing, there has been a great focus on increasing the efficiency of computer arithmetic circuitry. A key player in the realm of computer arithmetic is the digital multiplier and because of its size and power consumption, it has moved to the forefront of today\u27s research. A digital reconfigurable multiplier architecture will be introduced. Regulated by a 2-bit control signal, the multiplier is capable of double and single precision multiplication, as well as fault tolerant and dual throughput single precision execution. The architecture proposed in this thesis is centered on a recursive multiplication algorithm, where a large multiplication is carried out using recursions of simpler submultiplier modules. Within each sub-multiplier module, instead of carry save adder arrays, 4:2 compressor rows are utilized for partial product reduction, which present greater efficiency, thus result in lower delay and power consumption of the whole multiplier. In addition, a study of various digital logic circuit styles are initially presented, and then three different designs of 4:2 compressor in Domino Logic are presented and simulation results confirm the property of proposed design in terms of delay, power consumption and operation frequenc

    Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

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    Ny forskning innenfor feltet trådløse sensornettverk åpner for nye og innovative produkter og løsninger. Biomedisinske anvendelser er blant områdene med størst potensial og det investeres i dag betydelige beløp for å bruke denne teknologien for å gjøre medisinsk diagnostikk mer effektiv samtidig som man åpner for fjerndiagnostikk basert på trådløse sensornoder integrert i et ”helsenett”. Målet er å forbedre tjenestekvalitet og redusere kostnader samtidig som brukerne skal oppleve forbedret livskvalitet som følge av økt trygghet og mulighet for å tilbringe mest mulig tid i eget hjem og unngå unødvendige sykehusbesøk og innleggelser. For å gjøre dette til en realitet er man avhengige av sensorelektronikk som bruker minst mulig energi slik at man oppnår tilstrekkelig batterilevetid selv med veldig små batterier. I sin avhandling ” Ultra Low power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications” har PhD-kandidat Farshad Moradi fokusert på nye løsninger innenfor konstruksjon av energigjerrig digital kretselektronikk. Avhandlingen presenterer nye løsninger både innenfor aritmetiske og kombinatoriske kretser, samtidig som den studerer nye statiske minneelementer (SRAM) og alternative minnearkitekturer. Den ser også på utfordringene som oppstår når silisiumteknologien nedskaleres i takt med mikroprosessorutviklingen og foreslår løsninger som bidrar til å gjøre kretsløsninger mer robuste og skalerbare i forhold til denne utviklingen. De viktigste konklusjonene av arbeidet er at man ved å introdusere nye konstruksjonsteknikker både er i stand til å redusere energiforbruket samtidig som robusthet og teknologiskalerbarhet øker. Forskningen har vært utført i samarbeid med Purdue University og vært finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd gjennom FRINATprosjektet ”Micropower Sensor Interface in Nanometer CMOS Technology”

    Design and Implementation of Novel High Performance Domino Logic

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    This dissertation presents design and implementation of novel high performance domino logic techniques with increased noise robustness and reduced leakages. The speed and overhead area became the primary parameters of choice for fabrication industry that led to invention of clocked logic styles named as Dynamic logic and Domino logic families. Most importantly, power consumption, noise immunity, speed of operation, area and cost are the predominant parameters for designing any kind of digital logic circuit technique with effective trade-off amongst these parameters depending on the situation and application of design. Because of its high speed and low overhead area domino logic became process of choice for designing of high speed application circuits. The concerning issues are large power consumption and high sensitivity towards noise. Hence, there is a need for designing new domino methodology to meet the requirements by overcoming above mentioned drawbacks which led to ample opportunities for diversified research in this field. Therefore, the outcome of research must be able to handle the primary design parameters efficiently. Besides this, the designed circuit must exhibit high degree of robustness towards noise.In this thesis, few domino logic circuit techniques are proposed to deal with noise and sub-threshold leakages. Effect of signal integrity issues on domino logic techniques is studied. Furthermore, having been subjected to process corner analysis and noise analysis, the overall performance of proposed domino techniques is found to be enhanced despite a few limitations that are mentioned in this work. Besides this, lector based domino and dynamic node stabilized techniques are also proposed and are investigated thoroughly. Simulations show that proposed circuits are showing superior performance. In addition to this, domino based Schmitt triggers with various hysteresis phenomena are designed and simulated. Pre-layout and post-layout simulation results are compared for proposed Schmitt trigger. Simulations reveal that proposed Schmitt trigger techniques are more noise tolerant than CMOS counterparts. Moreover, a test chip for domino based Schmitt trigger is done in UMC 180 nm technology for fabrication

    Design of Soft Error Robust High Speed 64-bit Logarithmic Adder

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    Continuous scaling of the transistor size and reduction of the operating voltage have led to a significant performance improvement of integrated circuits. However, the vulnerability of the scaled circuits to transient data upsets or soft errors, which are caused by alpha particles and cosmic neutrons, has emerged as a major reliability concern. In this thesis, we have investigated the effects of soft errors in combinational circuits and proposed soft error detection techniques for high speed adders. In particular, we have proposed an area-efficient 64-bit soft error robust logarithmic adder (SRA). The adder employs the carry merge Sklansky adder architecture in which carries are generated every 4 bits. Since the particle-induced transient, which is often referred to as a single event transient (SET) typically lasts for 100~200 ps, the adder uses time redundancy by sampling the sum outputs twice. The sampling instances have been set at 110 ps apart. In contrast to the traditional time redundancy, which requires two clock cycles to generate a given output, the SRA generates an output in a single clock cycle. The sampled sum outputs are compared using a 64-bit XOR tree to detect any possible error. An energy efficient 4-input transmission gate based XOR logic is implemented to reduce the delay and the power in this case. The pseudo-static logic (PSL), which has the ability to recover from a particle induced transient, is used in the adder implementation. In comparison with the space redundant approach which requires hardware duplication for error detection, the SRA is 50% more area efficient. The proposed SRA is simulated for different operands with errors inserted at different nodes at the inputs, the carry merge tree, and the sum generation circuit. The simulation vectors are carefully chosen such that the SET is not masked by error masking mechanisms, which are inherently present in combinational circuits. Simulation results show that the proposed SRA is capable of detecting 77% of the errors. The undetected errors primarily result when the SET causes an even number of errors and when errors occur outside the sampling window

    Energy Efficient Design for Deep Sub-micron CMOS VLSIs

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    Over the past decade, low power, energy efficient VLSI design has been the focal point of active research and development. The rapid technology scaling, the growing integration capacity, and the mounting active and leakage power dissipation are contributing to the growing complexity of modern VLSI design. Careful power planning on all design levels is required. This dissertation tackles the low-power, low-energy challenges in deep sub-micron technologies on the architecture and circuit levels. Voltage scaling is one of the most efficient ways for reducing power and energy. For ultra-low voltage operation, a new circuit technique which allows bulk CMOS circuits to work in the sub-0. 5V supply territory is presented. The threshold voltage of the slow PMOS transistor is controlled dynamically to get a lower threshold voltage during the active mode. Due to the reduced threshold voltage, switching speed becomes faster while active leakage current is increased. A technique to dynamically manage active leakage current is presented. Energy reduction resulting from using the proposed structure is demonstrated through simulations of different circuits with different levels of complexity. As technology scales, the mounting leakage current and degraded noise immunity impact performance especially that of high performance dynamic circuits. Dual threshold technology shows a good potential for leakage reduction while meeting performance goals. A model for optimally selecting threshold voltages and transistor sizes in wide fan-in dynamic circuits is presented. On the circuit level, a novel circuit level technique which handles the trade-off between noise immunity and energy dissipation for wide fan-in dynamic circuits is presented. Energy efficiency of the proposed wide fan-in dynamic circuit is further enhanced through efficient low voltage operation. Another direct consequence of technology scaling is the growing impact of interconnect parasitics and process variations on performance. Traditionally, worst case process, parasitics, and environmental conditions are considered. Designing for worst case guarantees a fail-safe operation but requires a large delay and voltage margins. This large margin can be recovered if the design can adapt to the actual silicon conditions. Dynamic voltage scaling is considered a key enabler in reducing such margin. An on-chip process identifier to recover the margin required due to process variations is described. The proposed architecture adjusts supply voltage using a hybrid between the one-time voltage setting and the continuous monitoring modes of operation. The interconnect impact on delay is minimized through a novel adaptive voltage scaling architecture. The proposed system recovers the large delay and voltage margins required by conventional systems by closely tracking the actual critical path at anytime. By tracking the actual critical path, the proposed system is robust and more energy efficient compared to both the conventional open-loop and closed-loop systems

    Design, Analysis and Test of Logic Circuits under Uncertainty.

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    Integrated circuits are increasingly susceptible to uncertainty caused by soft errors, inherently probabilistic devices, and manufacturing variability. As device technologies scale, these effects become detrimental to circuit reliability. In order to address this, we develop methods for analyzing, designing, and testing circuits subject to probabilistic effects. Our main contributions are: 1) a fast, soft-error rate (SER) analyzer that uses functional-simulation signatures to capture error effects, 2) novel design techniques that improve reliability using little area and performance overhead, 3) a matrix-based reliability-analysis framework that captures many types of probabilistic faults, and 4) test-generation/compaction methods aimed at probabilistic faults in logic circuits. SER analysis must account for the main error-masking mechanisms in ICs: logic, timing, and electrical masking. We relate logic masking to node testability of the circuit and utilize functional-simulation signatures, i.e., partial truth tables, to efficiently compute estability (signal probability and observability). To account for timing masking, we compute error-latching windows (ELWs) from timing analysis information. Electrical masking is incorporated into our estimates through derating factors for gate error probabilities. The SER of a circuit is computed by combining the effects of all three masking mechanisms within our SER analyzer called AnSER. Using AnSER, we develop several low-overhead techniques that increase reliability, including: 1) an SER-aware design method that uses redundancy already present within the circuit, 2) a technique that resynthesizes small logic windows to improve area and reliability, and 3) a post-placement gate-relocation technique that increases timing masking by decreasing ELWs. We develop the probabilistic transfer matrix (PTM) modeling framework to analyze effects beyond soft errors. PTMs are compressed into algebraic decision diagrams (ADDs) to improve computational efficiency. Several ADD algorithms are developed to extract reliability and error susceptibility information from PTMs representing circuits. We propose new algorithms for circuit testing under probabilistic faults, which require a reformulation of existing test techniques. For instance, a test vector may need to be repeated many times to detect a fault. Also, different vectors detect the same fault with different probabilities. We develop test generation methods that account for these differences, and integer linear programming (ILP) formulations to optimize test sets.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/61584/1/smita_1.pd

    Reliability-aware circuit design to mitigate impact of device defects and variability in emerging memristor-based applications

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    In the last decades, semiconductor industry has fostered a fast downscale in technology, propelling the large scale integration of CMOS-based systems. The benefits in miniaturization are numerous, highlighting faster switching frequency, lower voltage supply and higher device density. However, this aggressive scaling trend it has not been without challenges, such as leakage currents, yield reduction or the increase in the overall system power dissipation. New materials, changes in the device structures and new architectures are key to keep the miniaturization trend. It is foreseen that 2D integration will eventually come to an insurmountable physical and economic limit, in which new strategic directions are required, such as the development of new device structures, 3D architectures or heterogeneous systems that takes advantage of the best of different technologies, both the ones already consolidated as well as emergent ones that provide performance and efficiency improvements in applications. In this context, memristor arises as one of several candidates in the race to find suitable emergent devices. Memristor, a blend of the words memory and resistor, is a passive device postulated by Leon Chua in 1971. In contrast with the other fundamental passive elements, memristors have the distinctive feature of modifying their resistance according to the charge that passes through these devices, and remaining unaltered when charge no longer flows. Although when it appeared no physical device implementation was acknowledged, HP Labs claimed in 2008 the manufacture of the first real memristor. This milestone triggered an unexpectedly high research activity about memristors, both in searching new materials and structures as well as in potential applications. Nowadays, memristors are not only appreciated in memory systems by their nonvolatile storage properties, but in many other fields, such as digital computing, signal processing circuits, or non-conventional applications like neuromorphic computing or chaotic circuits. In spite of their promising features, memristors show a primarily downside: they show significant device variation and limited lifetime due degradation compared with other alternatives. This Thesis explores the challenges that memristor variation and malfunction imposes in potential applications. The main goal is to propose circuits and strategies that either avoid reliability problems or take advantage of them. Throughout a collection of scenarios in which reliability issues are present, their impact is studied by means of simulations. This thesis is contextualized and their objectives are exposed in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 the memristor is introduced, at both conceptual and experimental levels, and different compact levels are presented to be later used in simulations. Chapter 3 deepens in the phenomena that causes the lack of reliability in memristors, and models that include these defects in simulations are provided. The rest of the Thesis covers different applications. Therefore, Chapter 4 exhibits nonvolatile memory systems, and specifically an online test method for faulty cells. Digital computing is presented in Chapter 5, where a solution for the yield reduction in logic operations due to memristors variability is proposed. Lastly, Chapter 6 reviews applications in the analog domain, and it focuses in the exploitation of results observed in faulty memristor-based interconnect mediums for chaotic systems synchronization purposes. Finally, the Thesis concludes in Chapter 7 along with perspectives about future work.Este trabajo desarrolla un novedoso dispositivo condensador basado en el uso de la nanotecnología. El dispositivo parte del concepto existente de metal-aislador-metal (MIM), pero en lugar de una capa aislante continua, se utilizan nanopartículas dieléctricas. Las nanopartículas son principalmente de óxido de silicio (sílice) y poliestireno (PS) y los valores de diámetro son 255nm y 295nm respectivamente. Las nanopartículas contribuyen a una alta relación superficie/volumen y están fácilmente disponibles a bajo costo. La tecnología de depósito desarrollada en este trabajo se basa en la técnica de electrospray, que es una tecnología de fabricación ascendente (bottom-up) que permite el procesamiento por lotes y logra un buen compromiso entre una gran superficie y un bajo tiempo de depósito. Con el objetivo de aumentar la superficie de depósito, la configuración de electrospray ha sido ajustada para permitir áreas de depósito de 1cm2 a 25cm2. El dispositivo fabricado, los llamados condensadores de metal aislante de nanopartículas (NP-MIM) ofrecen valores de capacidad más altos que un condensador convencional similar con una capa aislante continua. En el caso de los NP-MIM de sílice, se alcanza un factor de hasta 1000 de mejora de la capacidad, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno exhibe una ganancia de capacidad en el rango de 11. Además, los NP-MIM de sílice muestran comportamientos capacitivos en específicos rangos de frecuencias que depende de la humedad y el grosor de la capa de nanopartículas, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno siempre mantienen su comportamiento capacitivo. Los dispositivos fabricados se han caracterizado mediante medidas de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) complementadas con perforaciones de haz de iones focalizados (FIB) para caracterizar la topografía de los NP-MIMs. Los dispositivos también se han caracterizado por medidas de espectroscopia de impedancia, a diferentes temperaturas y humedades. El origen de la capacitancia aumentada está asociado en parte a la humedad en las interfaces de las nanopartículas. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de un circuito basado en elementos distribuidos para ajustar y predecir el comportamiento eléctrico de los NP-MIMs. En resumen, esta tesis muestra el diseño, fabricación, caracterización y modelización de un nuevo y prometedor condensador nanopartículas metal-aislante-metal que puede abrir el camino al desarrollo de una nueva tecnología de supercondensadores MIM.Postprint (published version

    Reliability-aware circuit design to mitigate impact of device defects and variability in emerging memristor-based applications

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    In the last decades, semiconductor industry has fostered a fast downscale in technology, propelling the large scale integration of CMOS-based systems. The benefits in miniaturization are numerous, highlighting faster switching frequency, lower voltage supply and higher device density. However, this aggressive scaling trend it has not been without challenges, such as leakage currents, yield reduction or the increase in the overall system power dissipation. New materials, changes in the device structures and new architectures are key to keep the miniaturization trend. It is foreseen that 2D integration will eventually come to an insurmountable physical and economic limit, in which new strategic directions are required, such as the development of new device structures, 3D architectures or heterogeneous systems that takes advantage of the best of different technologies, both the ones already consolidated as well as emergent ones that provide performance and efficiency improvements in applications. In this context, memristor arises as one of several candidates in the race to find suitable emergent devices. Memristor, a blend of the words memory and resistor, is a passive device postulated by Leon Chua in 1971. In contrast with the other fundamental passive elements, memristors have the distinctive feature of modifying their resistance according to the charge that passes through these devices, and remaining unaltered when charge no longer flows. Although when it appeared no physical device implementation was acknowledged, HP Labs claimed in 2008 the manufacture of the first real memristor. This milestone triggered an unexpectedly high research activity about memristors, both in searching new materials and structures as well as in potential applications. Nowadays, memristors are not only appreciated in memory systems by their nonvolatile storage properties, but in many other fields, such as digital computing, signal processing circuits, or non-conventional applications like neuromorphic computing or chaotic circuits. In spite of their promising features, memristors show a primarily downside: they show significant device variation and limited lifetime due degradation compared with other alternatives. This Thesis explores the challenges that memristor variation and malfunction imposes in potential applications. The main goal is to propose circuits and strategies that either avoid reliability problems or take advantage of them. Throughout a collection of scenarios in which reliability issues are present, their impact is studied by means of simulations. This thesis is contextualized and their objectives are exposed in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 the memristor is introduced, at both conceptual and experimental levels, and different compact levels are presented to be later used in simulations. Chapter 3 deepens in the phenomena that causes the lack of reliability in memristors, and models that include these defects in simulations are provided. The rest of the Thesis covers different applications. Therefore, Chapter 4 exhibits nonvolatile memory systems, and specifically an online test method for faulty cells. Digital computing is presented in Chapter 5, where a solution for the yield reduction in logic operations due to memristors variability is proposed. Lastly, Chapter 6 reviews applications in the analog domain, and it focuses in the exploitation of results observed in faulty memristor-based interconnect mediums for chaotic systems synchronization purposes. Finally, the Thesis concludes in Chapter 7 along with perspectives about future work.Este trabajo desarrolla un novedoso dispositivo condensador basado en el uso de la nanotecnología. El dispositivo parte del concepto existente de metal-aislador-metal (MIM), pero en lugar de una capa aislante continua, se utilizan nanopartículas dieléctricas. Las nanopartículas son principalmente de óxido de silicio (sílice) y poliestireno (PS) y los valores de diámetro son 255nm y 295nm respectivamente. Las nanopartículas contribuyen a una alta relación superficie/volumen y están fácilmente disponibles a bajo costo. La tecnología de depósito desarrollada en este trabajo se basa en la técnica de electrospray, que es una tecnología de fabricación ascendente (bottom-up) que permite el procesamiento por lotes y logra un buen compromiso entre una gran superficie y un bajo tiempo de depósito. Con el objetivo de aumentar la superficie de depósito, la configuración de electrospray ha sido ajustada para permitir áreas de depósito de 1cm2 a 25cm2. El dispositivo fabricado, los llamados condensadores de metal aislante de nanopartículas (NP-MIM) ofrecen valores de capacidad más altos que un condensador convencional similar con una capa aislante continua. En el caso de los NP-MIM de sílice, se alcanza un factor de hasta 1000 de mejora de la capacidad, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno exhibe una ganancia de capacidad en el rango de 11. Además, los NP-MIM de sílice muestran comportamientos capacitivos en específicos rangos de frecuencias que depende de la humedad y el grosor de la capa de nanopartículas, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno siempre mantienen su comportamiento capacitivo. Los dispositivos fabricados se han caracterizado mediante medidas de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) complementadas con perforaciones de haz de iones focalizados (FIB) para caracterizar la topografía de los NP-MIMs. Los dispositivos también se han caracterizado por medidas de espectroscopia de impedancia, a diferentes temperaturas y humedades. El origen de la capacitancia aumentada está asociado en parte a la humedad en las interfaces de las nanopartículas. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de un circuito basado en elementos distribuidos para ajustar y predecir el comportamiento eléctrico de los NP-MIMs. En resumen, esta tesis muestra el diseño, fabricación, caracterización y modelización de un nuevo y prometedor condensador nanopartículas metal-aislante-metal que puede abrir el camino al desarrollo de una nueva tecnología de supercondensadores MIM

    Reliability-aware circuit design to mitigate impact of device defects and variability in emerging memristor-based applications

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    In the last decades, semiconductor industry has fostered a fast downscale in technology, propelling the large scale integration of CMOS-based systems. The benefits in miniaturization are numerous, highlighting faster switching frequency, lower voltage supply and higher device density. However, this aggressive scaling trend it has not been without challenges, such as leakage currents, yield reduction or the increase in the overall system power dissipation. New materials, changes in the device structures and new architectures are key to keep the miniaturization trend. It is foreseen that 2D integration will eventually come to an insurmountable physical and economic limit, in which new strategic directions are required, such as the development of new device structures, 3D architectures or heterogeneous systems that takes advantage of the best of different technologies, both the ones already consolidated as well as emergent ones that provide performance and efficiency improvements in applications. In this context, memristor arises as one of several candidates in the race to find suitable emergent devices. Memristor, a blend of the words memory and resistor, is a passive device postulated by Leon Chua in 1971. In contrast with the other fundamental passive elements, memristors have the distinctive feature of modifying their resistance according to the charge that passes through these devices, and remaining unaltered when charge no longer flows. Although when it appeared no physical device implementation was acknowledged, HP Labs claimed in 2008 the manufacture of the first real memristor. This milestone triggered an unexpectedly high research activity about memristors, both in searching new materials and structures as well as in potential applications. Nowadays, memristors are not only appreciated in memory systems by their nonvolatile storage properties, but in many other fields, such as digital computing, signal processing circuits, or non-conventional applications like neuromorphic computing or chaotic circuits. In spite of their promising features, memristors show a primarily downside: they show significant device variation and limited lifetime due degradation compared with other alternatives. This Thesis explores the challenges that memristor variation and malfunction imposes in potential applications. The main goal is to propose circuits and strategies that either avoid reliability problems or take advantage of them. Throughout a collection of scenarios in which reliability issues are present, their impact is studied by means of simulations. This thesis is contextualized and their objectives are exposed in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2 the memristor is introduced, at both conceptual and experimental levels, and different compact levels are presented to be later used in simulations. Chapter 3 deepens in the phenomena that causes the lack of reliability in memristors, and models that include these defects in simulations are provided. The rest of the Thesis covers different applications. Therefore, Chapter 4 exhibits nonvolatile memory systems, and specifically an online test method for faulty cells. Digital computing is presented in Chapter 5, where a solution for the yield reduction in logic operations due to memristors variability is proposed. Lastly, Chapter 6 reviews applications in the analog domain, and it focuses in the exploitation of results observed in faulty memristor-based interconnect mediums for chaotic systems synchronization purposes. Finally, the Thesis concludes in Chapter 7 along with perspectives about future work.Este trabajo desarrolla un novedoso dispositivo condensador basado en el uso de la nanotecnología. El dispositivo parte del concepto existente de metal-aislador-metal (MIM), pero en lugar de una capa aislante continua, se utilizan nanopartículas dieléctricas. Las nanopartículas son principalmente de óxido de silicio (sílice) y poliestireno (PS) y los valores de diámetro son 255nm y 295nm respectivamente. Las nanopartículas contribuyen a una alta relación superficie/volumen y están fácilmente disponibles a bajo costo. La tecnología de depósito desarrollada en este trabajo se basa en la técnica de electrospray, que es una tecnología de fabricación ascendente (bottom-up) que permite el procesamiento por lotes y logra un buen compromiso entre una gran superficie y un bajo tiempo de depósito. Con el objetivo de aumentar la superficie de depósito, la configuración de electrospray ha sido ajustada para permitir áreas de depósito de 1cm2 a 25cm2. El dispositivo fabricado, los llamados condensadores de metal aislante de nanopartículas (NP-MIM) ofrecen valores de capacidad más altos que un condensador convencional similar con una capa aislante continua. En el caso de los NP-MIM de sílice, se alcanza un factor de hasta 1000 de mejora de la capacidad, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno exhibe una ganancia de capacidad en el rango de 11. Además, los NP-MIM de sílice muestran comportamientos capacitivos en específicos rangos de frecuencias que depende de la humedad y el grosor de la capa de nanopartículas, mientras que los NP-MIM de poliestireno siempre mantienen su comportamiento capacitivo. Los dispositivos fabricados se han caracterizado mediante medidas de microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) complementadas con perforaciones de haz de iones focalizados (FIB) para caracterizar la topografía de los NP-MIMs. Los dispositivos también se han caracterizado por medidas de espectroscopia de impedancia, a diferentes temperaturas y humedades. El origen de la capacitancia aumentada está asociado en parte a la humedad en las interfaces de las nanopartículas. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de un circuito basado en elementos distribuidos para ajustar y predecir el comportamiento eléctrico de los NP-MIMs. En resumen, esta tesis muestra el diseño, fabricación, caracterización y modelización de un nuevo y prometedor condensador nanopartículas metal-aislante-metal que puede abrir el camino al desarrollo de una nueva tecnología de supercondensadores MIM