25 research outputs found

    Parikh's Theorem: A simple and direct automaton construction

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    Parikh's theorem states that the Parikh image of a context-free language is semilinear or, equivalently, that every context-free language has the same Parikh image as some regular language. We present a very simple construction that, given a context-free grammar, produces a finite automaton recognizing such a regular language.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Approximating Petri Net Reachability Along Context-free Traces

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    We investigate the problem asking whether the intersection of a context-free language (CFL) and a Petri net language (PNL) is empty. Our contribution to solve this long-standing problem which relates, for instance, to the reachability analysis of recursive programs over unbounded data domain, is to identify a class of CFLs called the finite-index CFLs for which the problem is decidable. The k-index approximation of a CFL can be obtained by discarding all the words that cannot be derived within a budget k on the number of occurrences of non-terminals. A finite-index CFL is thus a CFL which coincides with its k-index approximation for some k. We decide whether the intersection of a finite-index CFL and a PNL is empty by reducing it to the reachability problem of Petri nets with weak inhibitor arcs, a class of systems with infinitely many states for which reachability is known to be decidable. Conversely, we show that the reachability problem for a Petri net with weak inhibitor arcs reduces to the emptiness problem of a finite-index CFL intersected with a PNL.Comment: 16 page

    Underapproximation of Procedure Summaries for Integer Programs

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    We show how to underapproximate the procedure summaries of recursive programs over the integers using off-the-shelf analyzers for non-recursive programs. The novelty of our approach is that the non-recursive program we compute may capture unboundedly many behaviors of the original recursive program for which stack usage cannot be bounded. Moreover, we identify a class of recursive programs on which our method terminates and returns the precise summary relations without underapproximation. Doing so, we generalize a similar result for non-recursive programs to the recursive case. Finally, we present experimental results of an implementation of our method applied on a number of examples.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures (this report supersedes the STTT version which in turn supersedes the TACAS'13 version

    Algorithmic Verification of Asynchronous Programs

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    Asynchronous programming is a ubiquitous systems programming idiom to manage concurrent interactions with the environment. In this style, instead of waiting for time-consuming operations to complete, the programmer makes a non-blocking call to the operation and posts a callback task to a task buffer that is executed later when the time-consuming operation completes. A co-operative scheduler mediates the interaction by picking and executing callback tasks from the task buffer to completion (and these callbacks can post further callbacks to be executed later). Writing correct asynchronous programs is hard because the use of callbacks, while efficient, obscures program control flow. We provide a formal model underlying asynchronous programs and study verification problems for this model. We show that the safety verification problem for finite-data asynchronous programs is expspace-complete. We show that liveness verification for finite-data asynchronous programs is decidable and polynomial-time equivalent to Petri Net reachability. Decidability is not obvious, since even if the data is finite-state, asynchronous programs constitute infinite-state transition systems: both the program stack and the task buffer of pending asynchronous calls can be potentially unbounded. Our main technical construction is a polynomial-time semantics-preserving reduction from asynchronous programs to Petri Nets and conversely. The reduction allows the use of algorithmic techniques on Petri Nets to the verification of asynchronous programs. We also study several extensions to the basic models of asynchronous programs that are inspired by additional capabilities provided by implementations of asynchronous libraries, and classify the decidability and undecidability of verification questions on these extensions.Comment: 46 pages, 9 figure

    A Type Checking Algorithm for Concurrent Object Protocols

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    Concurrent objects can be accessed and possibly modified concurrently by several running processes. It is notoriously difficult to make sure that such objects are consistent with – and are used according to – their intended protocol. In this paper we detail a type checking algorithm for concurrent objects protocols that provides automated support for this verification task. We model concurrent objects in the Objective Join Calculus and specify protocols using terms of a Commutative Kleene Algebra. The presented results are an essential first step towards the application of this static analysis technique to real-world programs

    Polynomial Time Convergence of the Iterative Evaluation of Datalogo Programs

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    Datalogo is an extension of Datalog that allows for aggregation and recursion over an arbitrary commutative semiring. Like Datalog, Datalogo programs can be evaluated via the natural iterative algorithm until a fixed point is reached. However unlike Datalog, the natural iterative evaluation of some Datalogo programs over some semirings may not converge. It is known that the commutative semirings for which the iterative evaluation of Datalogo programs is guaranteed to converge are exactly those semirings that are stable [7]. Previously, the best known upper bound on the number of iterations until convergence over pp-stable semirings is ∑i=1n(p+2)i=Θ(pn)\sum_{i=1}^n (p+2)^i = \Theta(p^n) steps, where nn is (essentially) the output size. We establish that, in fact, the natural iterative evaluation of a Datalogoprogram over a pp-stable semiring converges within a polynomial number of iterations. In particular our upper bound is O(σpn2(n2lg⁥λ+lgâĄÏƒ))O( \sigma p n^2( n^2 \lg \lambda + \lg \sigma)) where σ\sigma is the number of elements in the semiring present in either the input databases or the Datalogo program, and λ\lambda is the maximum number of terms in any product in the Datalogo program

    On the Convergence Rate of Linear Datalogo over Stable Semirings

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    Datalogo is an extension of Datalog, where instead of a program being a collection of union of conjunctive queries over the standard Boolean semiring, a program may now be a collection of sum-sum-product queries over an arbitrary commutative partially ordered pre-semiring. Datalogo is more powerful than Datalog in that its additional algebraic structure alows for supporting recursion with aggregation. At the same time, Datalogo retains the syntactic and semantic simplicity of Datalog: Datalogo has declarative least fixpoint semantics. The least fixpoint can be found via the na\"ive evaluation algorithm that repeatedly applies the immediate sequence opeator until no further change is possible. It was shown that, when the underlying semiring is pp-stable, then the naive evaluation of any Datalogo program over the semiring converges in a finite number of steps. However, the upper bounds on the rate of convergence were exponential in the number of ground IDB atoms. This paper establishes polynomial upper bounds on the convergence rate of the na\"ive algorithm on {\bf linear} Datalogo programs, which is quite common in practice. In particular, the main result of this paper is that the convergence rate of linear Datalogo programs under any pp-stable semiring is O(pn3)O(pn^3). Furthermore, we show a matching lower bound by constructing a pp-stable semiring and a linear Datalogo program that requires Ω(pn3)\Omega(pn^3) iterations for the na\"ive iteration algorithm to converge. Next, we study the convergence rate in terms of the number of elements in the semiring for linear Datalogo programs. When LL is the number of elements, the convergence rate is bounded by O(pnlog⁥L)O(pn \log L). This significantly improves the convergence rate for small LL. We show a nearly matching lower bound as well