10 research outputs found

    Revisión de la literatura sobre la flexibilidad de decisión operacional

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    [ES] En este artículo se presenta una revisión de la literatura sobre la flexibilidad en la toma de decisiones operacionales en el contexto de planificación y gestión en las cadenas de suministro. Esta revisión reflexiona sobre algunas de las definiciones propuestas en la literatura sobre la flexibilidad en la planificación estratégica. Se propone una caracterización de los diferentes tipos de flexibilidad presentes en la literatura en función de las diferentes tareas de planificación existentes y de las diferentes consideraciones en el uso de los materiales.El presente trabajo se ha desarrollado gracias a la ayuda DPI2010-18243 del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España dentro del programa de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental no orientada, con el título "COORDINACION DE OPERACIONES EN REDES DE SUMINISTRO/DEMANDA AJUSTADAS, RESILIENTES A LA INCERTIDUMBRE: MODELOS Y ALGORITMOS PARA LA GESTION DE LA INCERTIDUMBRE Y LA COMPLEJIDAD". Asimismo, esta investigación también ha sido financiada mediante una beca doctoral concedida por la Generalitat Valenciana de España a Julien Maheut (Ref. ACIF/2010).Maheut, J. (2011). Revisión de la literatura sobre la flexibilidad de decisión operacional. Working Papers on Operations Management. 2(1):39-48. https://doi.org/10.4995/wpom.v2i1.814SWORD394821Aissaoui, N., Haouari, M., & Hassini, E. (2007). Supplier selection and order lot sizing modeling: A review. Computers & Operations Research, 34(12), 3516-3540. doi:10.1016/j.cor.2006.01.016Akkerman, R., & van Donk, D. P. (2009). Product mix variability with correlated demand in two-stage food manufacturing with intermediate storage. International Journal of Production Economics, 121(2), 313-322. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2006.11.021Arunapuram, S., Mathur, K., & Solow, D. (2003). Vehicle Routing and Scheduling with Full Truckloads. Transportation Science, 37(2), 170-182. doi:10.1287/trsc., A., & Geunes, J. (2000). 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    Freight transportation is a potential component of the logistics system, which absorbs between one - third and two - thirds of the total logistics costs. In the transport field, transportation companies try to search the best operating ways or alternatives which could help them compete with others, so there are competitions among different transport modes (road, rail, air, and water modes). Instead of finding the better alternative for such competition, this paper has considered to build the freight transport networks based on the coordination among modes, which makes the transport systems operate more effectively. This concept is called intermodal freight transport or intermodalism model. Depending on different conditions, the best suitable intermodalism models will be proposed. Author will study, construct, analyze, evaluate, and apply the intermodal freight transport models that suit for the special conditions in Vietnam. Besides, constructing the optimum transportation networks, which are used for collecting or distributing freight to/from depot centers from/to customer zones, is a challenge of logicians. In this paper, author will present one of the general ways to do it. Transportation model is built, in which objective and constraint functions are formulated. An experience method to solve this problem is proposed, where it follows three phases. The first one is that a possible set of tours is generated. An optimum alternative, then, is determined in phase 2 by using optimization program, Lingo software. Finally, suitable fleets are assigned to response it. To illustrate the method, an example transportation problem is presented.화물운송은 물류시스템에서 총 물류비용의 1/3 에서 2/3 을 줄일 수 있는 중요한 요소이다. 운송회사들은 최선의 경로나 다른 경쟁력 있는 운송수단(도로, 철도, 항공 및 선박)을 통해 비용을 줄일 수 있는 대안을 찾기 위해 노력한다. 본 논문에서는 운송 시스템을 더 효과적으로 만들기 위해 운송수단 사이의 관계를 기반으로 한 화물운송 네트워크를 구성하고자 한다. 여러 상황을 고려한 최선의 복합운송 모델을 제시할 것이다. 베트남 상황에 알맞은 복합운송모델을 구성, 분석, 평가할 것이다. 화물을 유통 거점으로부터 소비자에게 또는 소비자로부터 유통거점으로 모집 또는 분배를 위한 최적의 운송 네트워크를 구성한다. 운송모델의 구성에는 객관적이고 제약적인 기능이 나타난다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위한 method 는 다음 3 가지를 따른다. 첫째, 가능한 모든 루트를 나열한다. 둘째로 최적의 대안은 최적화 프로그램인 'Lingo software'를 이용하여 결정한다. 마지막으로 알맞은 루트는 응답을 통해 선정한다. 수송수단의 문제점을 보여줌으로서 method 를 설명하고자 한다.Chapter 1: Introduction = 1 1.1 Introduction = 1 1.2 Objectives = 2 1.3 Scale and scope = 2 1.4 Structure of thesis = 3 Chapter 2: Literature Review = 4 2.1 Transportation options = 4 2.2 Intermodalism = 4 2.2.1 Definitions of intermodalism = 4 2.2.2 Characteristics of intermodalism = 6 2.2.3 Factors impact on transport mode selection = 6 2.3 Spread of intermodalism = 7 2.3.1 Europe = 8 2.3.2 North America = 8 2.3.3 Canada = 8 2.3.4 The Baltic States = 8 2.3.5 Asia = 8 2.3.6 Australia = 8 2.4 Methods to select the best combination of transportation modes = 9 2.4.1 Usage of the Shortest Path Problem = 9 2.4.2 Usage of AHP for model ranking = 10 Chapter 3: A brief introduction about Vietnam = 16 3.1 Geography = 16 3.2 Economy = 16 3.3 Transportation infrastructure and superstructure = 18 3.3.1 Roads = 18 3.3.2 Rail = 19 3.3.3 Waterways = 19 3.3.4 Airways = 20 3.4 Freight transportation = 20 3.4.1 Freight transport volume vs. freight traffic volume = 20 3.4.2 Domestics freight transport costs = 22 Chapter 4: Methodology = 24 4.1 Description of methodology = 24 4.2 An analysis of intermodal applicability in Vietnam = 25 4.3 Model selection and evaluation methodology = 26 4.3.1 Selection factors = 26 4.3.2 Market segmentation = 27 4.3.3 Evaluation method = 29 Chapter 5: Model Proposition, Selection, and Evaluation = 31 5.1 Model proposition = 31 5.1.1 Road-Rail-Road transport system = 31 5.1.2 Road-Coast-Road transport system = 33 5.1.3 Road-Air-Road transport system = 34 5.1.4 Inland waterway-Coast-Inland waterway transport system = 35 5.2 Evaluating intermodal freight transport network design = 36 5.2.1 North-Middle market segment = 37 5.2.2 Middle-South market segment = 39 5.2.3 North-South market segment = 41 5.3 Model ranking based on AHP method = 43 5.3.1 AHP model construction = 44 5.3.2 Results = 47 5.4 Chapter discussions and conclusions = 47 Chapter 6: Transportation Network Problems: An experience way to construct and solve = 49 6.1 Transportation problem description = 49 6.2 An experience-solving method = 50 6.3 A numerical example = 54 6.4 Chapter conclusions = 56 Chapter 7: Conclusions and recommendations = 57 7.1 Conclusions = 57 7.2 Recommendations = 57 7.2.1 Factors that make intermodalism successful in Vietnam = 57 7.2.2 Recommendations for further studies = 59 References = 60 Appendix = 6

    Models for intra-hospital patient routing

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    Diese Magisterarbeit befasst sich mit dem in-house Transport von Patienten in pavillonartig strukturierten Krankenhäusern. Dieses Thema hat in den letzten Jahren an Bedeutung gewonnen, da Routing in Krankenhäusern große Kosten verursacht und ein effizienteres Routing sowohl die Kosten senken, als auch die Servicequalität, gemessen an der Patientenzufriedenheit, erhöhen kann. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein neues Modell für das in-house Routing von Patienten in Krankenhäusern zu entwickeln, das die Ansprüche von Patienten und Management gleichermaßen erfüllt. Patienten in Krankenhäusern haben fixe Termine, wie z.B. Röntgen- oder Ultraschalluntersuchungen, und müssen aus medizinischen Gründen oft von Trägern zu diesen Terminen begleitet werden. Im Modell werden die logistischen Kosten der Verwendung von Trägern und die Unannehmlichkeiten von Patienten minimiert. Außerdem gibt es zwei Erweiterungen, in der Ersten stehen primär patientenorientierte Sachverhalte im Vordergrund, in der Zweiten stehen krankenhaus- bzw. managementorientierte Sachverhalte im Vordergrund. Es wird gezeigt, dass die entwickelten Modelle in der Lage sind, reale Problemstellungen in mittelgroßen Krankenhäusern zu lösen. Das Modell gehört zur Gruppe der Pickup and Delivery-Probleme. Unter bestimmten Umständen kann das Model auch als Dial-a-Ride-Problem oder als spezielle Variante eines Stacker-Crane-Problems gesehen werden.This thesis deals with the in-house transportation of the patients in pavilion structured hospitals. This topic has gained increased attention over the last years, due to the fact that routing operations come at a high price and that efficient routing plan could not only help reduce the costs, but also to improve the service quality, which is reflected through patients’ satisfaction. The aim of this work is to introduce a new model for intra-hospital routing of patients, considering both client- and management related issues. Patients in a hospital have fixed appointments, such as x-rays or ultrasonic and due to medical reasons they may not be able to walk on their own, so they have to be escorted by porters. In the model logistical costs for the usage of porters and patient inconvenience are minimized. Furthermore, the model is expanded and changed accordingly in order to capture distinguish patient centred issues on one hand and hospital centred issues on the other hand. It has been shown that the different developed model variants are tractable for realistic problem instances in medium-sized hospitals. The model belongs to the group of pickup and delivery problems. Under some circumstances, the problem can be also seen as a dial-a-ride problem, or a special type of a stacker-crane problem

    Ανάλυση της εφοδιαστικής αλυσίδας γιαουρτιού στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα

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    Η παρούσα εργασία εξετάζει την ανάλυση της εφοδιαστικής αλυσίδας του γιαουρτιού στη βόρεια Ελλάδα και των λογιστικών δαπανών που συνδέονται με αυτήν, με έμφαση στην ενέργεια και τις περιβαλλοντικές επιδράσεις. Αυτή η πρωτοβουλία είναι μια απάντηση στην πρόταση DEST/INRETS για να συμμετέχει σε μια έρευνα για την εφοδιαστική αλυσίδα και την κατανάλωση ενέργειας. Ο στόχος σε αυτή την εργασία είναι η αξιολόγηση της κατανάλωσης ενέργειας όλων των δραστηριοτήτων που εκτελούνται κατά μήκος της εφοδιαστικής αλυσίδας γιαουρτιού συμπεριλαμβανομένης της μεταφοράς, της ψύξης, του χειρισμού, της αποθήκευσης. Για αυτόν τον στόχο, έχουν επιλεχθεί ιδιαίτερα case studies και συγκεκριμένοι εμπλεκόμενοι φορείς που συμμετέχουν σε αυτήν την περιοχή δραστηριότητας. Αυτά τα case studies που επιλέγονται είναι σχετικά με τους στόχους της έρευνας, δίνοντας τη σπουδαιότητα των βιομηχανιών που εμπλέκονται (οι οποίες κατατάσσονται στις πρώτες θέσεις για τις ποσότητες του γιαουρτιού που επεξεργάζονται /στον κύκλο δραστηριότητας). Στην παρούσα εργασία όμως θα δοθεί περισσότερη βαρύτητα στον υπολογισμό κατανάλωσης ενέργειας από τη Θεσσαλονίκη μέχρι την Θράκη. Εκτός από το γεωγραφικό ενδιαφέρον, ο καθημερινός ανεφοδιασμός στα καθημερινά προϊόντα των επιλεγμένων περιοχών είναι πραγματικά κατανάλωση ενέργειας και αξίζει να μελετηθεί. Εκτός όμως από την κατανάλωση ενέργειας που υπολογίζεται εξίσου σημαντική είναι η μελέτη πιθανών προβλημάτων που αντιμετωπίζουν οι επιχειρήσεις στη διαχείριση του κυκλώματος logistics. Οι εταιρίες όμως τείνουν να βελτιστοποιήσουν όλα τα στάδια της εφοδιαστικής αλυσίδας που τις αφορούν. Πολλές από αυτές κάνουν μια εκτεταμένη έρευνα πάνω στα κομμάτια της εφοδιαστικής αλυσίδας (πχ τρόπος διανομής-αποθήκευσης προϊόντων) για να βρουν μια βέλτιστη λύση που θα τους αποφέρει περισσότερα κέρδη. Ένας τρόπος (που εφαρμόζεται κυρίως στο εξωτερικό) είναι η συνεργασία μεταξύ δύο ή και περισσοτέρων εταιριών

    Comparativa de técnicas metaheurísticas para la optimización del problema del acarreo terrestre

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    El presente ejercicio aborda diferentes técnicas de resolución aplicadas al problema del acarreo terrestre con ventanas temporales. Estas técnicas se encuentran en el campo de la metaheurística y trataran de resolver en mayor o menor medida el problema planteado. El problema del acarreo terrestre se centra en el transporte y entrega de mercadería, recursos, o diferente tipo de mercadería en diferentes nodos dentro de unos horizontes temporales que han sido marcados de antemano. En concreto, se trata de dar respuesta a las necesidades logísticas del mercado. Para lograr dar una buena respuesta, se usan varios tipos de medios como pueden ser medios terrestres, aéreos o marítimos. Por tanto, el ejercicio que se plantea en este trabajo podría denominarse como: una parte de la cadena intermodal de transporte que da cobertura a un conjunto de nodos (diferentes puntos que demandan este servicio) y que, además, se provee con un solo tipo de transporte. En el caso estudiado, el método de transporte estará representado por camiones que realizarán el proceso de provisión entre los nodos. En breves palabras, el objetivo del problema queda definido entonces por la reducción del uso de los camiones en número y cantidad de kilómetros que estos recorren. Atendiendo a la forma de resolver el caso, el ejercicio ha sido enfocado bajo un enfoque metaheurístico. Se han propuesto 3 técnicas diferentes: Búsqueda tabú, Recocido Simulado y Algoritmo genético. Esta manera de resolver el problema logra diferenciar este trabajo de los demás presentados hasta el momento, y así poder ver cómo afecta cada una de esta metaheurísticas a la respuesta final del ejercicio. Para la resolución del ejercicio, se planteará una batería de 12 problemas diferentes que serán resueltos por cada una de las metaheurísticas un número determinado de veces para poder certificar la calidad de estas. Analizando la literatura científica existente, el presente problema ha sido estudiado en diferentes ocasiones. De manera, que lo que se propone en este ejercicio es comprobar la funcionalidad de las tres técnicas metaheurísticas propuestas, comparándolas para cada una de los diferentes escenarios. En cada escenario, el problema será resuelto un número definido de veces por cada método, viéndose así la homogeneidad y calidad que cada uno presenta.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster Universitario en Organización Industrial y Gestión de Empresa

    The Benefits of Information Sharing in Carrier-Client Collaboration

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    This dissertation includes three related papers to investigate different methods that can help transport providers improve their operational efficiency. The first paper models and measures the profit improvement trucking companies can achieve by collaborating with their clients to obtain advance load information (ALI). The core research method is to formulate a comprehensive and flexible mixed integer mathematical model and implement it in a dynamic rolling horizon context. The findings illustrate that access to the second day ALI can improve the profit by an average of 22%. We also found that the impact of ALI depends on radius of service and trip length but statistically independent of load density and fleet size. The second paper investigates the following question of relevance to truckload dispatchers striving for profitable decisions in the context of dynamic pick-up and delivery problems: since not all future pick-up/delivery requests are known with certainty, how effective are alternative methods for guiding those decisions? We propose an intuitive policy and integrate it into a new two-index mixed integer programming formulation, which we implement using the rolling horizon approach. On average, in one of the practical transportation network settings, the proposed policy can, with just second-day ALI, yield an optimality ratio equal to almost 90% of profits in the static optimal solution. We enhance the proposed policy by adopting the idea of a multiple scenario approach. In comparison to other dispatching methods, our proposed policies were found to be very competitive in terms of solution quality and computational efficiency. Finally, inspired by a real-life third party logistic provider, the third paper addresses a dynamic pickup and delivery problem with full truckload (DPDFL) for local operators. The main purpose of this work is to investigate the impact of potential factors on the carriers’ operational efficiency. These factors, which are usually under managerial influence, are vehicle diversion capability, the DPDFL decision interval, and how far in advance the carrier knows of clients’ shipment requirements; i.e., ALI. Through comprehensive numerical experiments and statistical analysis, we found that the ALI and re-optimization interval significantly influence the total cost, but that diversion capability does not. A major contribution of this work is that we develop an efficient benchmark solution for the DPDFL’s static version by discretization of time windows. We observed that three-day ALI and an appropriate decision interval can reduce deviation from the benchmark solution to less than 8%

    An Adaptive Tabu Search Heuristic for the Location Routing Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows with a Theater Distribution Application

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    The time constrained pickup and delivery problem (PDPTW) is a problem of finding a set of routes for a fleet of vehicles in order to satisfy a set of transportation requests. Each request represents a user-specified pickup and delivery location. The PDPTW may be used to model many problems in logistics and public transportation. The location routing problem (LRP) is an extension of the vehicle routing problem where the solution identifies the optimal location of the depots and provides the vehicle schedules and distribution routes. This dissertation seeks to blend the PDPTW and LRP areas of research and formulate a location scheduling pickup and delivery problem with time windows (LPDPTW) in order to model the theater distribution problem and find excellent solutions. This research utilizes advanced tabu search techniques, including reactive tabu search and group theory applications, to develop a heuristic procedure for solving the LPDPTW. Tabu search is a metaheuristic that performs an intelligent search of the solution space. Group theory provides the structural foundation that supports the efficient search of the neighborhoods and movement through the solution space

    Collaborative Planning and Event Monitoring Over Supply Chain Network

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    The shifting paradigm of supply chain management is manifesting increasing reliance on automated collaborative planning and event monitoring through information-bounded interaction across organizations. An end-to-end support for the course of actions is turning vital in faster incident response and proactive decision making. Many current platforms exhibit limitations to handle supply chain planning and monitoring in decentralized setting where participants may divide their responsibilities and share computational load of the solution generation. In this thesis, we investigate modeling and solution generation techniques for shared commodity delivery planning and event monitoring problems in a collaborative setting. In particular, we first elaborate a new model of Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) to jointly serve customer demands using multiple vehicles followed by a heuristic technique to search near-optimal solutions for such problem instances. Secondly, we propose two distributed mechanisms, namely: Passive Learning and Active Negotiation, to find near-optimal MDVRP solutions while executing the heuristic algorithm at the participant's side. Thirdly, we illustrate a collaboration mechanism to cost-effectively deploy execution monitors over supply chain network in order to collect in-field plan execution data. Finally, we describe a distributed approach to collaboratively monitor associations among recent events from an incoming stream of plan execution data. Experimental results over known datasets demonstrate the efficiency of the approaches to handle medium and large problem instances. The work has also produced considerable knowledge on the collaborative transportation planning and execution event monitoring