519 research outputs found

    A high speed Tri-Vision system for automotive applications

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    Purpose: Cameras are excellent ways of non-invasively monitoring the interior and exterior of vehicles. In particular, high speed stereovision and multivision systems are important for transport applications such as driver eye tracking or collision avoidance. This paper addresses the synchronisation problem which arises when multivision camera systems are used to capture the high speed motion common in such applications. Methods: An experimental, high-speed tri-vision camera system intended for real-time driver eye-blink and saccade measurement was designed, developed, implemented and tested using prototype, ultra-high dynamic range, automotive-grade image sensors specifically developed by E2V (formerly Atmel) Grenoble SA as part of the European FP6 project – sensation (advanced sensor development for attention stress, vigilance and sleep/wakefulness monitoring). Results : The developed system can sustain frame rates of 59.8 Hz at the full stereovision resolution of 1280 × 480 but this can reach 750 Hz when a 10 k pixel Region of Interest (ROI) is used, with a maximum global shutter speed of 1/48000 s and a shutter efficiency of 99.7%. The data can be reliably transmitted uncompressed over standard copper Camera-Link® cables over 5 metres. The synchronisation error between the left and right stereo images is less than 100 ps and this has been verified both electrically and optically. Synchronisation is automatically established at boot-up and maintained during resolution changes. A third camera in the set can be configured independently. The dynamic range of the 10bit sensors exceeds 123 dB with a spectral sensitivity extending well into the infra-red range. Conclusion: The system was subjected to a comprehensive testing protocol, which confirms that the salient requirements for the driver monitoring application are adequately met and in some respects, exceeded. The synchronisation technique presented may also benefit several other automotive stereovision applications including near and far-field obstacle detection and collision avoidance, road condition monitoring and others.Partially funded by the EU FP6 through the IST-507231 SENSATION project.peer-reviewe

    A Sensor for Urban Driving Assistance Systems Based on Dense Stereovision

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    Advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) form a complex multidisciplinary research field, aimed at improving traffic efficiency and safety. A realistic analysis of the requirements and of the possibilities of the traffic environment leads to the establishment of several goals for traffic assistance, to be implemented in the near future (ADASE, INVENT

    Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis of a Stereo Vision-Based Driver Assistance System

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    Az http://intechweb.org/ alatti "Books" fül alatt kell rákeresni a "Stereo Vision" címre és az 1. fejezetre

    A novel ultrasonic strain gauge for single-sided measurement of a local 3D strain field

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    A novel method is introduced for the measurement of a 3D strain field by exploiting the interaction between ultrasound waves and geometrical characteristics of the insonified specimen. First, the response of obliquely incident harmonic waves to a deterministic surface roughness is utilized. Analysis of backscattered amplitudes in Bragg diffraction geometry then yields a measure for the in-plane strain field by mapping any shift in angular dependency. Secondly, the analysis of the reflection characteristics of normal incident pulsed waves in frequency domain provides a measure of the out-of-plane normal strain field component, simply by tracking any change in the stimulation condition for a thickness resonance. As such, the developed ultrasonic strain gauge yields an absolute, contactless and single-sided mapping of a local 3D strain field, in which both sample preparation and alignment procedure are needless. Results are presented for cold-rolled DC06 steel samples onto which skin passing of the work rolls is applied. The samples have been mechanically loaded, introducing plastic strain levels ranging from 2% up to 35%. The ultrasonically measured strains have been validated with various other strain measurement techniques, including manual micrometer, longitudinal and transverse mechanical extensometer and optical mono- and stereovision digital image correlation. Good agreement has been obtained between the ultrasonically determined strain values and the results of the conventional methods. As the ultrasonic strain gauge provides all three normal strain field components, it has been employed for the extraction of Lankford ratios at different applied longitudinal plastic strain levels, revealing a strain dependent plastic anisotropy of the investigated DC06 steel sheet

    Obstacle Detection Based on Fusion Between Stereovision and 2D Laser Scanner

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    International audienceObstacle detection is an essential task for mobile robots. This subject has been investigated for many years by researchers and a lot of obstacle detection systems have been proposed so far. Yet designing an accurate and totally robust and reliable system remains a challenging task, above all in outdoor environments. Thus, the purpose of this chapter is to present new techniques and tools to design an accurate, robust and reliable obstacle detection system in outdoor environments based on a minimal number of sensors. So far, experiments and assessments of already developed systems show that using a single sensor is not enough to meet the requirements: at least two complementary sensors are needed. In this chapter a stereovision sensor and a 2D laser scanner are considered

    Stereo vision-based road estimation assisted by efficient planar patch calculation

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    Fuzzy Free Path Detection from Disparity Maps by Using Least-Squares Fitting to a Plane

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    A method to detect obstacle-free paths in real-time which works as part of a cognitive navigation aid system for visually impaired people is proposed. It is based on the analysis of disparity maps obtained from a stereo vision system which is carried by the blind user. The presented detection method consists of a fuzzy logic system that assigns a certainty to be part of a free path to each group of pixels, depending on the parameters of a planar-model fitting. We also present experimental results on different real outdoor scenarios showing that our method is the most reliable in the sense that it minimizes the false positives rate.N. Ortigosa acknowledges the support of Universidad Politecnica de Valencia under grant FPI-UPV 2008 and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant MTM2010-15200. S. Morillas acknowledges the support of Universidad Politecnica de Valencia under grant PAID-05-12-SP20120696.Ortigosa Araque, N.; Morillas Gómez, S. (2014). Fuzzy Free Path Detection from Disparity Maps by Using Least-Squares Fitting to a Plane. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. 75(2):313-330. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10846-013-9997-1S313330752Cai, L., He, L., Xu, Y., Zhao, Y., Yang, X.: Multi-object detection and tracking by stereovision. Pattern Recognit. 43(12), 4028–4041 (2010)Hikosaka, N., Watanabe, K., Umeda, K.: Obstacle detection of a humanoid on a plane using a relative disparity map obtained by a small range image sensor. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, vol. 1, pp. 3048–3053 (2007)Benenson, R., Mathias, M., Timofte, R., Van Gool, L.: Fast stixel computation for fast pedestrian detection. In: ECCV, CVVT workshop, October (2012)Huang, Y., Fu, S., Thompson, C.: Stereovision-based object segmentation for automotive applications. EURASIP J. Appl. 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In: Proceedings International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, vol. 1, pp. 164–167 (2010)Franke, U., Joos, A.: Real-time stereo vision for urban traffic scene understanding. In: IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp. 273–278. IEEE (2000)Wedel, A., Badino, H., Rabe, C., Loose, H., Franke, U., Cremers, D.: B-spline modeling of road surfaces with an application to free-space estimation. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 10(4), 572–583 (2009)Vergauwen, M., Pollefeys, M., Van Gool, L.: A stereo-vision system for support of planetary surface exploration. Mach. Vis. Appl. 14(1), 5–14 (2003)Tarel, J.P., Leng, S.S., Charbonnier, P.: Accurate and robust image alignment for road profile reconstruction. In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 365–368. IEEE (2007)Kostavelis, I., Gasteratos, A.: Stereovision-based algorithm for obstacle avoidance. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 195–204. 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    Intelligent imaging systems for automotive applications

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    In common with many other application areas, visual signals are becoming an increasingly important information source for many automotive applications. For several years CCD cameras have been used as research tools for a range of automotive applications. Infrared cameras, RADAR and LIDAR are other types of imaging sensors that have also been widely investigated for use in cars. This paper will describe work in this field performed in C2VIP over the last decade - starting with Night Vision Systems and looking at various other Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. Emerging from this experience, we make the following observations which are crucial for "intelligent" imaging systems: 1. Careful arrangement of sensor array. 2. Dynamic-Self-Calibration. 3. Networking and processing. 4. Fusion with other imaging sensors, both at the image level and the feature level, provides much more flexibility and reliability in complex situations. We will discuss how these problems can be addressed and what are the outstanding issue


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