101 research outputs found

    Types and indices of democratic regimes

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    Today democracy is seen as the only legitimate form of government almost all over the world. That it can be institutionalized differently leads to the question which kind of democracy might be better or worse. This question can be answered normatively, but also on the basis of different performances that can be determined empirically. The latter requires an adequate theoretical conceptualization of types of democratic regimes and the operationalization of these types in the form of indices. This is the subject of the analysis. Types and indices of democratic regimes that figure in the current comparative and empirical research on democracy are compared against the background of a theoretical framework. They are categorized as presidentialism-parliamentarism-approaches or veto-playerapproaches. Thereby, the analysis implies a comparison of these two basic approaches to the construction of types and indices of democratic regimes. -- Die Demokratie wird heute nahezu weltweit als die einzig legitime Herrschaftsordnung angesehen. Daß sie in unterschiedlicher Weise institutionalisiert werden kann, fĂŒhrt zu der Frage, welche Form der Demokratie besser oder schlechter ist. Diese Frage kann normativ beantwortet werden, aber auch auf der Grundlage von empirisch feststellbaren Performanzen. Letzteres setzt aber eine theoretische Konzeptualisierung unterschiedlicher Typen demokratischer Regime voraus und die Operationalisierung dieser Typen durch Indizes. Das ist das Thema der Analyse. Typen und Indizes demokratischer Regime werden vor dem Hintergrund eines theoretischen Rahmens miteinander verglichen. Sie werden zu zwei allgemeineren AnsĂ€tzen zusammengefasst: dem PrĂ€sidentialismus- Parlamentarismus- und dem Veto-Spieler-Ansatz. Das ermöglicht auch einen Vergleich dieser unterschiedlichen Vorgehensweisen bei der Konstruktion von Typen und Indizes demokratischer Regime.

    Realization of public administration in the modern conditions of social development

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    Within the framework of this article the theoretical and methodological analysis of the implementation of public administration in the modern conditions of social development was carried out, on the basis of this identity the public administration as a system of cooperation of state, non-state, private and mixed structures that serve the realization of the interests of society is identified; It has been shown that public administration by ensuring the creation of a public-state system of government organization is a fundamental institution for providing quality management services; various theoretical and practical constructs of identification of the content of public administration in the context of methodologically determined interaction of state administration, state management, public and state policy are articulated, the gnostic expediency of a thorough analysis of modern conditions of development of public administration, which serves as a mobilization factor for its genetic change in the postmodern age, has been proved.Within the framework of this article the theoretical and methodological analysis of the implementation of public administration in the modern conditions of social development was carried out, on the basis of this identity the public administration as a system of cooperation of state, non-state, private and mixed structures that serve the realization of the interests of society is identified; It has been shown that public administration by ensuring the creation of a public-state system of government organization is a fundamental institution for providing quality management services; various theoretical and practical constructs of identification of the content of public administration in the context of methodologically determined interaction of state administration, state management, public and state policy are articulated, the gnostic expediency of a thorough analysis of modern conditions of development of public administration, which serves as a mobilization factor for its genetic change in the postmodern age, has been proved

    What Happened to Political Development?

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    Political Economy,

    Civil Society and International Organizations: A Liberal Framework for Global Governance

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    An earlier draft of this Article was presented at a faculty workshop at the University of Illinois College of Law. (Author\u27s Manuscript, March 2005) This analysis of how civil society can contribute to a better system of global governance draws on the political philosophy of civil society and the comparative law of democracy. Its first part describes the civil society phenomenon in three different international organizations: the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, and the European Union. Part Two puts forward the moral principle upon which my argument rests: liberal democracy. The next part sets the stage for the discussion of contemporary liberal theories of civil society by reviewing the history of the concept. Part Four critically examines the four dominant theories of citizen associations and their contribution to the good life in democratic societies. These theories serve as the basis for evaluating the pro-civil society reforms that have been made to date in international organizations and for suggesting additional areas of improvement. Yet the review of the literature also demonstrates, somewhat surprisingly, that the political philosophers and the civil society activists are talking past one another: the theory does not address head-on the question whether associations should be represented in public decisionmaking. For civil society theory, the democratizing potential of civil society lies in collective life outside the state. Thus, Part Five explores the comparative law of contemporary democracies and shows that interest and identity groups can participate in public life in at least three different ways: pluralism, corporatism, and republicanism. The concluding section returns to the institutional reform of international organizations. In view of the premises and ideals that inform different cultures of democracy and the realities of politics in the international realm, I argue that the public law of corporatism is the most appropriate for today\u27s international organizations

    The emergence of East Central Europe in a welfare regime typology

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    Socio-Economic Characteristics of Households Determining Housing Satisfaction in Bauchi Metropolis, Bauchi State, Nigeria

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    Life satisfaction and housing quality are inextricably linked, and socio-economic factors have an impact on both. Low income families in poor quality housing thus bearing the impact of income-related deficits with housing satisfaction. There is potential call for lower-income families to make more frequent housing adjustment in order to be content with less-than-ideal living conditions. In Bauchi, it has been observed that socio-economic characteristics of an individual translates into his earning, thereby influences his choice of location and housing satisfaction. This study's goal was to determine examining the impact of socio-economic characteristics of households on housing satisfaction in the study area. The study employed a quantitative methodology descriptive survey. 380 household heads received a questionnaire, of which 258 were recouped and used for data analysis. Households were surveyed employing stratified random sampling to gather data on the socio-economic characteristics of the households and satisfaction with environmental and physical characteristics. To determine the symbolic importance of the various elements, the gathered questionnaire was subjected to ordinal regression and descriptive statistics. According to the research findings, household’s satisfaction is correlated with their housing. There is significant link between socio-economic indicators and households’ housing satisfaction in the study area. The socio-economic factors in the study area that had a significant impact on housing satisfaction were gender and farming as a form of occupation. The government was advised to build the social facilities that are needed, repair the ones that are in bad shape, and implement the development control requirements as soon as possible
