212 research outputs found

    JPEG steganography with particle swarm optimization accelerated by AVX

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    Digital steganography aims at hiding secret messages in digital data transmitted over insecure channels. The JPEG format is prevalent in digital communication, and images are often used as cover objects in digital steganography. Optimization methods can improve the properties of images with embedded secret but introduce additional computational complexity to their processing. AVX instructions available in modern CPUs are, in this work, used to accelerate data parallel operations that are part of image steganography with advanced optimizations.Web of Science328art. no. e544

    Automated Generation of Cross-Domain Analogies via Evolutionary Computation

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    Analogy plays an important role in creativity, and is extensively used in science as well as art. In this paper we introduce a technique for the automated generation of cross-domain analogies based on a novel evolutionary algorithm (EA). Unlike existing work in computational analogy-making restricted to creating analogies between two given cases, our approach, for a given case, is capable of creating an analogy along with the novel analogous case itself. Our algorithm is based on the concept of "memes", which are units of culture, or knowledge, undergoing variation and selection under a fitness measure, and represents evolving pieces of knowledge as semantic networks. Using a fitness function based on Gentner's structure mapping theory of analogies, we demonstrate the feasibility of spontaneously generating semantic networks that are analogous to a given base network.Comment: Conference submission, International Conference on Computational Creativity 2012 (8 pages, 6 figures

    Optimal Planar Electric Dipole Antenna

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    Considerable time is often spent optimizing antennas to meet specific design metrics. Rarely, however, are the resulting antenna designs compared to rigorous physical bounds on those metrics. Here we study the performance of optimized planar meander line antennas with respect to such bounds. Results show that these simple structures meet the lower bound on radiation Q-factor (maximizing single resonance fractional bandwidth), but are far from reaching the associated physical bounds on efficiency. The relative performance of other canonical antenna designs is compared in similar ways, and the quantitative results are connected to intuitions from small antenna design, physical bounds, and matching network design.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables, 4 boxe

    Multiobjective optimization of electromagnetic structures based on self-organizing migration

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    Práce se zabývá popisem nového stochastického vícekriteriálního optimalizačního algoritmu MOSOMA (Multiobjective Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm). Je zde ukázáno, že algoritmus je schopen řešit nejrůznější typy optimalizačních úloh (s jakýmkoli počtem kritérií, s i bez omezujících podmínek, se spojitým i diskrétním stavovým prostorem). Výsledky algoritmu jsou srovnány s dalšími běžně používanými metodami pro vícekriteriální optimalizaci na velké sadě testovacích úloh. Uvedli jsme novou techniku pro výpočet metriky rozprostření (spread) založené na hledání minimální kostry grafu (Minimum Spanning Tree) pro problémy mající více než dvě kritéria. Doporučené hodnoty pro parametry řídící běh algoritmu byly určeny na základě výsledků jejich citlivostní analýzy. Algoritmus MOSOMA je dále úspěšně použit pro řešení různých návrhových úloh z oblasti elektromagnetismu (návrh Yagi-Uda antény a dielektrických filtrů, adaptivní řízení vyzařovaného svazku v časové oblasti…).This thesis describes a novel stochastic multi-objective optimization algorithm called MOSOMA (Multi-Objective Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm). It is shown that MOSOMA is able to solve various types of multi-objective optimization problems (with any number of objectives, unconstrained or constrained problems, with continuous or discrete decision space). The efficiency of MOSOMA is compared with other commonly used optimization techniques on a large suite of test problems. The new procedure based on finding of minimum spanning tree for computing the spread metric for problems with more than two objectives is proposed. Recommended values of parameters controlling the run of MOSOMA are derived according to their sensitivity analysis. The ability of MOSOMA to solve real-life problems from electromagnetics is shown in a few examples (Yagi-Uda and dielectric filters design, adaptive beam forming in time domain…).

    Gamesourcing: Perspectives and Implementations

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    This chapter discusses game-based methods of problem solution and data processing, analysis, and information mining. Attention is mainly focused on swarm algorithm and principles used in the task of complex problem solving using computer games. We intensively discuss the interdisciplinary intersection between swarm systems dynamics and computer science, including a variety of data sources and examples. Possibilities of the new approach based on swarm algorithm used in a game or using principles of swarm algorithms to solve the problem are demonstrated here. More precisely, this chapter discusses modern methods of calculation and crowd use, so-called gamesourcing, i.e., game-driven crowdsourcing, from various points of view such as history, motivation, or paradigm and presents several examples of contemporary projects of this kind. Ideas, results, and methodologies reported and mentioned here are based on our previous results and experiments that are fully reported here for detailed study in the case of reader’s interest. Therefore, this chapter is an overview survey of our research

    Optimized Load Balancing based Task Scheduling in Cloud Environment

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    The fundamental issue of Task scheduling is one important factor to load balance between the virtual machines in a Cloud Computing network. However, the optimal broadcast methods which have been proposed so far focus only on cluster or grid environment. In this paper, task scheduling strategy based on load balancing Quantum Particles Swarm algorithm (BLQPSO) was proposed. The fitness function based minimizing the makespan and data transmission cost. In addition, the salient feature of this algorithm is to optimize node available throughput dynamically using MatLab10A software. Furthermore, the performance of proposed algorithm had been compared with existing PSO and shows their effectiveness in balancing the load