3,831 research outputs found

    Some lower bound results for decentralized extrema-finding in rings of processors

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    AbstractWe consider the problem of finding the largest of a set of n uniquely numbered processors, arranged in a ring, by means of an asynchronous distributed algorithm without a central controller. Processors are identical, except for their unique number (identity). Using a technique of Frederickson and Lynch we show that arbitrary algorithms that solve this problem on rings where processors know the ring size cannot have a better worst-case number of messages than algorithms that use only comparisons between identities. We show a similar type of result for rings, where the ring size is not known. We use these results to answer a question, posed by Korach, Rotem, and Santoro in 1981 whether each extrema-finding algorithm that uses time n on a ring of n processors must use a quadratic number of messages; and to show a lower bound of 0.683 n log(n) on the worst-case number of messages for unidirectional rings with known ring size n. Also, we give a lower bound of 12n log(n) on the average number of messages for algorithms that use only comparisons on rings with known ring size n

    Bounds for self-stabilization in unidirectional networks

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    A distributed algorithm is self-stabilizing if after faults and attacks hit the system and place it in some arbitrary global state, the systems recovers from this catastrophic situation without external intervention in finite time. Unidirectional networks preclude many common techniques in self-stabilization from being used, such as preserving local predicates. In this paper, we investigate the intrinsic complexity of achieving self-stabilization in unidirectional networks, and focus on the classical vertex coloring problem. When deterministic solutions are considered, we prove a lower bound of nn states per process (where nn is the network size) and a recovery time of at least n(n1)/2n(n-1)/2 actions in total. We present a deterministic algorithm with matching upper bounds that performs in arbitrary graphs. When probabilistic solutions are considered, we observe that at least Δ+1\Delta + 1 states per process and a recovery time of Ω(n)\Omega(n) actions in total are required (where Δ\Delta denotes the maximal degree of the underlying simple undirected graph). We present a probabilistically self-stabilizing algorithm that uses k\mathtt{k} states per process, where k\mathtt{k} is a parameter of the algorithm. When k=Δ+1\mathtt{k}=\Delta+1, the algorithm recovers in expected O(Δn)O(\Delta n) actions. When k\mathtt{k} may grow arbitrarily, the algorithm recovers in expected O(n) actions in total. Thus, our algorithm can be made optimal with respect to space or time complexity

    Leader election in synchronous networks

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    Worst, best and average number of messages and running time of leader election algorithms of different distributed systems are analyzed. Among others the known characterizations of the expected number of messages for LCR algorithm and of the worst number of messages of Hirschberg-Sinclair algorithm are improve

    Memory requirements for silent stabilization

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    A self-stabilizing algorithm is silent if it converges to a glc)bal state after which the values stored in the com-munication registers are fixed. The silence property of self-stabilizing algorithms is a desirable property in terms of simplicity and communication overhead. In this work we show that no constant memory silent self-stabilizing algorithms exist for identification of the centers of a graph, leader election, and spanning tree construction. Lower bounds of Cl(log n) bits per communication register are obtained for each of the above tasks. The existence of a silent legitimate global state that uses less than log n bits per register is assumed. This legitimate global state is used to construct a silent global state that is illegitimate.

    Shared memory with hidden latency on a family of mesh-like networks

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    Asynchronous neighborhood task synchronization

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    Faults are likely to occur in distributed systems. The motivation for designing self-stabilizing system is to be able to automatically recover from a faulty state. As per Dijkstra\u27s definition, a system is self-stabilizing if it converges to a desired state from an arbitrary state in a finite number of steps. The paradigm of self-stabilization is considered to be the most unified approach to designing fault-tolerant systems. Any type of faults, e.g., transient, process crashes and restart, link failures and recoveries, and byzantine faults, can be handled by a self-stabilizing system; Many applications in distributed systems involve multiple phases. Solving these applications require some degree of synchronization of phases. In this thesis research, we introduce a new problem, called asynchronous neighborhood task synchronization ( NTS ). In this problem, processes execute infinite instances of tasks, where a task consists of a set of steps. There are several requirements for this problem. Simultaneous execution of steps by the neighbors is allowed only if the steps are different. Every neighborhood is synchronized in the sense that all neighboring processes execute the same instance of a task. Although the NTS problem is applicable in nonfaulty environments, it is more challenging to solve this problem considering various types of faults. In this research, we will present a self-stabilizing solution to the NTS problem. The proposed solution is space optimal, fault containing, fully localized, and fully distributed. One of the most desirable properties of our algorithm is that it works under any (including unfair) daemon. We will discuss various applications of the NTS problem

    Deterministic Logarithmic Completeness in the Distributed Sleeping Model

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    In this paper we provide a deterministic scheme for solving any decidable problem in the distributed sleeping model. The sleeping model [Valerie King et al., 2011; Soumyottam Chatterjee et al., 2020] is a generalization of the standard message-passing model, with an additional capability of network nodes to enter a sleeping state occasionally. As long as a vertex is in the awake state, it is similar to the standard message-passing setting. However, when a vertex is asleep it cannot receive or send messages in the network nor can it perform internal computations. On the other hand, sleeping rounds do not count towards awake complexity. Awake complexity is the main complexity measurement in this setting, which is the number of awake rounds a vertex spends during an execution. In this paper we devise algorithms with worst-case guarantees on the awake complexity. We devise a deterministic scheme with awake complexity of O(log n) for solving any decidable problem in this model by constructing a structure we call Distributed Layered Tree. This structure turns out to be very powerful in the sleeping model, since it allows one to collect the entire graph information within a constant number of awake rounds. Moreover, we prove that our general technique cannot be improved in this model, by showing that the construction of distributed layered trees itself requires ?(log n) awake rounds. This is obtained by a reduction from message-complexity lower bounds, which is of independent interest. Furthermore, our scheme also works in the CONGEST setting where we are limited to messages of size at most O(log n) bits. This result is shown for a certain class of problems, which contains problems of great interest in the research of the distributed setting. Examples for problems we can solve under this limitation are leader election, computing exact number of edges and average degree. Another result we obtain in this work is a deterministic scheme for solving any problem from a class of problems, denoted O-LOCAL, in O(log ? + log^*n) awake rounds. This class contains various well-studied problems, such as MIS and (?+1)-vertex-coloring. Our main structure in this case is a tree as well, but is sharply different from a distributed layered tree. In particular, it is constructed in the local memory of each processor, rather than distributively. Nevertheless, it provides an efficient synchronization scheme for problems of the O-LOCAL class