13 research outputs found

    A parallel algorithm for finding spanning trees of graphs

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    We describe a parallel algorihm for finding the connected components of a graph. The algorithm constructs a spanning tree for each of its connected components in O(log²n) time with O((n+m)/log n) processors and O(n+m) space, under a CREW PRAM model, where n and m are the number of vertices and edges of the graph, respectively.Descrevemos um algoritmo paralelo para determinar os componentes conexos de uma grafo. O algoritmo constroi uma árvore geradora para cada um de seus componentes conexos em tempo O(log² n), com O((n+m)/log n) processadores e O(n+m) espaço, sob um modelo CREW PRAM, onde n e m representam os números de vertices e arestas do grafo, respectivamente

    An O(log n) Time Common CRCW PRAM Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryOffice of Naval Research / N00014-85-K-057

    Exploring the Design Space of Static and Incremental Graph Connectivity Algorithms on GPUs

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    Connected components and spanning forest are fundamental graph algorithms due to their use in many important applications, such as graph clustering and image segmentation. GPUs are an ideal platform for graph algorithms due to their high peak performance and memory bandwidth. While there exist several GPU connectivity algorithms in the literature, many design choices have not yet been explored. In this paper, we explore various design choices in GPU connectivity algorithms, including sampling, linking, and tree compression, for both the static as well as the incremental setting. Our various design choices lead to over 300 new GPU implementations of connectivity, many of which outperform state-of-the-art. We present an experimental evaluation, and show that we achieve an average speedup of 2.47x speedup over existing static algorithms. In the incremental setting, we achieve a throughput of up to 48.23 billion edges per second. Compared to state-of-the-art CPU implementations on a 72-core machine, we achieve a speedup of 8.26--14.51x for static connectivity and 1.85--13.36x for incremental connectivity using a Tesla V100 GPU

    Some Optimally Adaptive Parallel Graph Algorithms on EREW PRAM Model

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    The study of graph algorithms is an important area of research in computer science, since graphs offer useful tools to model many real-world situations. The commercial availability of parallel computers have led to the development of efficient parallel graph algorithms. Using an exclusive-read and exclusive-write (EREW) parallel random access machine (PRAM) as the computation model with a fixed number of processors, we design and analyze parallel algorithms for seven undirected graph problems, such as, connected components, spanning forest, fundamental cycle set, bridges, bipartiteness, assignment problems, and approximate vertex coloring. For all but the last two problems, the input data structure is an unordered list of edges, and divide-and-conquer is the paradigm for designing algorithms. One of the algorithms to solve the assignment problem makes use of an appropriate variant of dynamic programming strategy. An elegant data structure, called the adjacency list matrix, used in a vertex-coloring algorithm avoids the sequential nature of linked adjacency lists. Each of the proposed algorithms achieves optimal speedup, choosing an optimal granularity (thus exploiting maximum parallelism) which depends on the density or the number of vertices of the given graph. The processor-(time)2 product has been identified as a useful parameter to measure the cost-effectiveness of a parallel algorithm. We derive a lower bound on this measure for each of our algorithms