23 research outputs found

    Analyzing Computational Components of Standard Block Encryption Schemes

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    Encryption is used to secure sensitive computer data which may be at rest or in motion. There are several standard encryption algorithms that have been used to encrypt and protect blocks of sensitive data to ensure confidentiality. The most popular standard block encryption schemes are the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), and the first standardized encryption scheme, which is no longer the standard scheme now, namely the Data Encryption Standard (DES). AES is the current standard for block encryption used worldwide and is implemented on many processors. In this work, we compare the hardware performance of these three encryption schemes. First, we identified the underlying computational components for these three encryption schemes, and then we analyzed to what extent these computational components were being used in these block encryption schemes to encrypt and decrypt a given message. In this paper, we compared the contribution of these computational components to evaluate the overall encryption efficiency in terms of speed and computational delays for encrypting a given block of data for a given hardware platform. AES was found to be the faster scheme in terms of hardware computation speed in accomplishing the same encryption task compared to the other two block encryption schemes, namely, the DES and 3DES schemes


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    The increase number of eavesdropping or cracker to attack the information and hack the privacy of people. So, the essential issue is making system capable of ciphering information with rapid speed. Due to the advance in computer eavesdropping and cracker that made them to analysis the way of ciphering in rapid speed way. The development in the computer especially in the rapid processer in the last decade create the breaching of any system is a matter of time. Owing to most of breaching ways are based on analysis of system that requireы to be breached and to try brute force on that system to crack it. However, the lacking of influential processers that are capable of breaching system since earlier processors are limit to number of instructions. It can be done in second, which was not sufficient trying to break the system using brute force. In addition, the time required is far away from getting valuable messages in the time that needed. So, the research gives the focus on performing rapid system for ciphering the information rapidly and changing the ciphering every few milliseconds. The changing of ciphering in every millisecond helps system form preventing the eavesdropping and cracker from imposing brute force on the system and hacking the messages and images. The system that created is based on Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), which is it very best performing algorithm in ciphering and deciphering since it doesn’t need complex mathematical formula. The research is about designing system that capable of performing AES by using high processer designed on Field programmable gate Area (FPGA). The ciphering of AES using FPGA helps minimize the time required to cipher the information. Also, the research will focus on ciphering and deciphering of images by AES using FPG

    Java Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Some Cryptographic Ciphers under WinXP and Linux Operating System Platforms

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    In this article we present a performance comparison of four symmetric block ciphers namely DES, Triple-DES, AES, and Blowfish. Performance evaluation based on CPU execution time is conducted under WinXP and Ubuntu /Linux version 8.10 operating system platforms. The study is conducted using Java programming language, Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE). The evaluation of the performance of these algorithms is done for encryption, decryption and key generation operations. Keywords: DES, Triple-DES, AES, Blowfish, Performance Evaluation, Cryptography, JCA & JCE, Operating Systems

    Comparative Analysis of Some Efficient Data Security Methods among Cryptographic Techniques for Cloud Data Security

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    The concept of cloud computing model is to grant users access to outsource data from the cloud server without them having to worry about aspects of the hardware and software management. The owner of the data encrypts it before outsourcing to a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) server for effective deployment of sensitive data. Data confidentiality is a demanding task of cloud data protection. Thus, to solve this problem, lots of techniques are needed to defend the shared data. We focus on cryptography to secure the data while transmitting in the network. We deployed Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) used as encryption method for cloud data security, to encrypt the sensitive data which is to be transmitted from sender to receiver in the network and to decrypt so that the receiver can view the original data. Arrays of encryption systems are being deployed in the world of Information Systems by various organizations. In this paper, comparative analysis of some various encryption algorithms in cryptography have been implemented by comparing their performance in terms of stimulated time during Encryption and decryption in the network. Keywords: AES, Data Control, Data Privacy, Data Storage, Encryption Algorithms, Verification

    Enriching Information Security via Hybrid of New Expand Rivest Shamir Adleman and Data Encryption Standard Cryptosystem

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    Cryptography system gives security services ability to protect information from people who are authorized to use it. This research introduces elevated information security system via hybrid of new expand Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) and data encryption standard (DES) cryptosystem using appropriate standard lgorithms. An Expand Algorithm (ERSA) algorithm Key cryptosystem based on nth large prime number system was introduced. Then a hybrid between the Expand Algorithm (ERSA) with Data Encryption Standard (DES) was applied using four randomly selected variables, each generated from large factor of “N” prime numbers. The information undergoes a cypher text-decryption process which provides strong security and uphold high information confidentiality and integrity of data. Results showed that the use of ERSA and DES algorithm reduced the key generation period and its complexity analysis of encryption and decryption are stronger, unlike the application of traditional RSA algorithm


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    Salah satu cara mengamankan file digital yang dikirimkan melalui jaringan komputer adalah kriptografi. Kriptografi melakukan pengamanan terhadap file digital yang dikirimkan dengan melakukan pengacakan informasi asli (plaintext) menggunakan kunci (key). Pada penelitian ini akan diimplementasikan salah satu metode dalam melakukan enkripsi terhadap file berbentuk Teks (txt, pdf, docx dan rtf) dengan maksimal input file digital berukuran 80 MB menggunakan Feistel Block Cipher dengan metode 3DES. Proses penyandian (enkripsi) algoritma DES diproses sebanyak 3 kali menggunakan 3 kunci dengan total kunci yang dibangkitkan menjadi 168 bit. Ketiga kunci yang digunakan dapat bersifat saling bebas, atau hanya 2 kunci saja yang saling bebas tergantung penggunaan yang dibutuhkan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan ukuran file berpengaruh pada waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam proses enkripsi maupun dekripsi, selain itu proses yang berjalan pada sistem operasi juga mempengaruhi waktu pengenkripsian suatu file. Tabel hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam proses enkripsi tidak jauh berbeda dengan waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam proses dekripsi pada file yang sama, yaitu memiliki selisih sebesar 0.03% dimana proses dekripsi lebih cepat daripada proses enkripsi

    A Secured Joint Encrypted Watermarking In Medical Image Using Block Cipher Algorithm

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    ABSTRACT At present year, most of the hospitals and diagnostic centre have exchanging the biomedical information through wireless media. reliability of the information can be verified by adding ownership data as the watermarking and encryption in the original information. In our proposed work, a joint encryption/watermarking system for the purpose of protecting medical image. This system based on approach which combines a substitutive watermarking algorithm with an encryption algorithm, advanced encryption standard (AES) in counter mode. If the watermarking and encryption are conducted jointly at the protection stage, watermark extraction and decryption can be applied independently. The capability of our system to securely make available security attributes in encrypted domains while minimizing the elapsed time. Furthermore, by making use of the AES algorithm in counter (CTR) mode make our compliant with the DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) standard

    Study and Analysis of End-to-End Encryption Message Security Using Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Encryption

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    The development of the field of communication has progressed rapidly. One example is a message exchange application like Whatsapp. The advancement of technology and innovation in the field of communication has allowed us to connect with people around the world in an easier and faster way. However, with advances in communication technology, new challenges arise related to information security and privacy of messages that have been sent. One solution to overcome this problem is to apply Cryptographic Techniques. In cryptography, data sent over the network will be disguised in such a way with encryption techniques so that even if the data can be read, it cannot be understood by unauthorized parties. The data to be sent without being encoded is known as plaintext, and after being disguised in an encoding way, this plaintext will turn into ciphertext. The method chosen for this journal is the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange. In this journal, an analysis will be carried out regarding the end-to-end process of securing encrypted messages using the Python programming language

    CryptoQuestion: The Solution of Question Leakage

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    Question paper leakage is a severe problem, particularly in academic education. In Bangladesh, the catastrophe of question papers leak has taken an epidemic turn in recent few years. The tendency of question leakage is on the rise even after, a number of steps have been taken by the concerned authorities. Some solution has been proposed regarding the preventing of question leakage, but they do not address the confidentiality of question while storing in the server. In the research, we introduce a cryptography-based system for forming, warehousing and distributing question papers. As the proposed model requires no action for printing question and does not store the question undeviatingly, it supports full confidentiality of question paper in public examination. Theoretically the proposed system proves the ability to maintain confidentiality of question paper and to prevent question leakage. Keywords: CryptoQuestion, Question Bank, Set Protocol, Question Combo. DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/9-4-03 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Computational Complexity of Modified Blowfish Cryptographic Algorithm on Video Data

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    Background: The technological revolution has allowed users to exchange data and information in various fields, and this is one of the most prevalent uses of computer technologies. However, in a world where third parties are capable of collecting, stealing, and destroying information without authorization, cryptography remains the primary tool that assists users in keeping their information secure using various techniques. Blowfish is an encryption process that is modest, protected, and proficient, with the size of the message and the key size affecting its performance. Aim: the goal of this study is to design a modified Blowfish algorithm by changing the structure of the F function to encrypt and decrypt video data. After which, the performance of the normal and modified Blowfish algorithm will be obtained in terms of time complexity and the avalanche effect. Methods: To compare the encryption time and security, the modified Blowfish algorithm will use only two S-boxes in the F function instead of the four used in Blowfish. Encryption and decryption times were calculated to compare Blowfish to the modified Blowfish algorithm, with the findings indicating that the modified Blowfish algorithm performs better. Results: The Avalanche Effect results reveal that normal Blowfish has a higher security level for all categories of video file size than the modified Blowfish algorithm, with 50.7176% for normal Blowfish and 43.3398% for the modified Blowfish algorithm of 187 kb; hence, it is preferable to secure data and programs that demand a high level of security with Blowfish. Conclusions: From the experimental results, the modified Blowfish algorithm performs faster than normal Blowfish in terms of time complexity with an average execution time of 250.0 ms for normal Blowfish and 248.4 ms for the modified Blowfish algorithm. Therefore, it can be concluded that the modified Blowfish algorithm using the F-structure is time-efficient while normal Blowfish is better in terms of security.publishedVersio