A Secured Joint Encrypted Watermarking In Medical Image Using Block Cipher Algorithm


ABSTRACT At present year, most of the hospitals and diagnostic centre have exchanging the biomedical information through wireless media. reliability of the information can be verified by adding ownership data as the watermarking and encryption in the original information. In our proposed work, a joint encryption/watermarking system for the purpose of protecting medical image. This system based on approach which combines a substitutive watermarking algorithm with an encryption algorithm, advanced encryption standard (AES) in counter mode. If the watermarking and encryption are conducted jointly at the protection stage, watermark extraction and decryption can be applied independently. The capability of our system to securely make available security attributes in encrypted domains while minimizing the elapsed time. Furthermore, by making use of the AES algorithm in counter (CTR) mode make our compliant with the DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) standard

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