65 research outputs found

    An Axiological Dimension of Qur’ānic Epistemology

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    This study inquires into the value system associated with two epistemological conceptual schemes of the Qur’ān, namely, āyah (sign) and ḥikmah (wisdom). In many respects, the rapid accumulation of all types of knowledge and the progress in the predominantly secular science and technology of modern times have marginalised values from scientific inquiry, leading to intellectual crisis, epistemological confusion and social disorientation. Thus, there is a clarion call to revisit the place of values in epistemological discourse. In an attempt to broaden the human horizon, the Qur’ān propounds a unified system of knowledge and value whereby it draws attention to several natural phenomena seen as āyāt (signs) of Allah which should be explored through a ḥikmah-based framework of value judgment. Guided by axiological concern, this study examines the place of value in Qur’ānic epistemology.Keywords: Axiology; āyah (sign); epistemology; ḥikmah (wisdom); Qur‟ān


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    Predicting developmental growth stages in soft red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (SRWW) could improve agronomic management in Kentucky. However, predicting SRWW development is complex due to vernalization requirement and photoperiod sensitivity differences of cultivars. The objectives of this study are to (1) determine ability of Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP) genotyping to predict phenotype; (2) determine the relative vernalization requirement (RVR) of 50 SRWW cultivars in a greenhouse (GH) assay; and (3) measure growing degree-days (GDD) required by cultivars to reach eight growth stages in a field assay. Fifty SRWW cultivars were characterized with 14 KASP markers for Vrn and Ppd loci. Additionally, cultivars were grown in a GH, vernalized outdoors for three, six, or nine weeks, and moved back into the GH where days to full flower were measured. Cultivars were also seeded into hill plots monthly from October to March at Princeton (2016; 2017) and Lexington, KY (2017) in three field trials. Cumulative GDD to emergence, green-up, pseudo-stem erection, jointing, flag leaf, beginning flower, full flower, and harvest maturity were measured. Field trials and supporting historical wheat development data suggest that prediction of SRWW growth and development is possible using a cumulative GDD scale in Kentucky


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    Today's children are required to always adapt to the times so that local culture begins to disappear among children. Technological advances have an impact on shifting values, attitudes, and culture, one of which is tolerance. Education has an important role in designing interesting learning because education is the most effective place in providing education to improve knowledge, attitudes, and love of culture. One of the causes for the fading of children's tolerance is the lack of understanding and attention from educational institutions to always educate the importance of learning design in shaping children's tolerance attitudes. The purpose of this study was to analyze the design of learning by utilizing teaching materials the gobak sodor game approach can form an attitude of tolerance or not. This study uses qualitative methods and data collection steps as follows; 1) Planning Stage, 2) Field research stage, 3) Data analysis stage, 4) Data reduction, 5) Display and 6) Data verification. While the results of the study in the form of the tolerance aspect got a final score of 87.5 with a good category and the traditional game aspect of Gobak Sodor got a final score of 85 with a good category


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    Abstrak: Rai Malang adalah salah satu Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di Kota Malang yang saat ini sedang terdampak akibat pandemi covid-19. Untuk dapat tetap bertahan di masa pandemi, pemerintah memberikan batuan Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) kepada UMKM yang telah memenuhi syarat salah satunya yaitu UMKM yang telah memiliki laporan keuangan sesuai standar keuangan SAK EMKM. Pelatihan penyusunan laporan keuangan SAK EMKM dalam kegiatan pengabdian masayarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja keuangan Rai Malang; mengetahui posisi dana baik sumber maupun penggunaannya; membuat sistem anggaran yang baik; dan mengetahui aliran uang tunai dalam periode tertentu. Kegiatan pelatihan dilaksanakan secara daring pada tanggal 18 Juli 2021 diikuti oleh 10 orang. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah ceramah untuk menyampaikan konsep materi, praktik menyelesaikan satu siklus akuntansi dalam bentuk kasus. Hasil monitoring dan evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa para peserta mampu menyerap rata-rata 60% materi pelatihan yang diberikan. Para peserta juga merasa puas dan memandang bahwa pelatihan SAK EMKM ini bermanfaat.Abstract: Rai Malang is one of the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Malang City, which is currently affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. To survive amid a pandemic, the government provides People's Business Credit (KUR) to MSMEs that have met the requirements, one of which is MSMEs that already have financial reports according to SAK EMKM financial standards. The training for preparing SAK EMKM financial reports in this community service activity aims to determine the financial performance of Rai Malang; knowing the position of funds both source and use; create a good budget system, and knowing the cash flow in a certain period. The training activity was carried out online on July 18, 2021, attended by ten people. The implementation method used in this community service activity is a lecture to convey the concept of the material, the practice of completing an accounting cycle in a case. The monitoring and evaluation results showed that the participants were able to absorb an average of 60% of the training materials provided. The participants were also satisfied and saw that the SAK EMKM training was helpful

    Chemistry and Application of Pulses as Value-Added Ingredients in Processed Foods

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    Chemical characterization of pulses allows for varying rates of water absorption, least gelation capacity, and retrogradation depending on species. Nutritionally, pulses are good sources of protein while being low in fat. Pulses deliver a readily bioavailable food form of several key minerals. Additionally, they deliver fiber. The insoluble fiber components are both natural and formed resistant starch in addition to the oligosaccharide content. Therefore, pulses can serve both a nutritional and functional role when used as a value-added ingredient. Meat patties were produced from beef and 23 different pulses at 35%, 42.5%, and 50% ratios. Each patty was tested for weight loss, diameter loss, color, and texture. The 50:50 ratio samples had the least amount of cook loss but the greatest visible bean fraction. All fractions improved nutritional profile. Navy, Light Red Kidney (LRB), and Small Red Beans were found to be most beneficial/acceptable as partial meat substitutes. The 42.5% patties were tested using two consumer focus groups. The recommendations from the focus group was used in a consumer study for both liking and difference. Panelists found significant differences for overall liking; however, panelists failed to determine difference Therefore, LRB modified meat patty (MMP) could be implemented at the USDA National School Lunch Program. The health impact of the MMP verses a control diet (CD) was tested using Syrian hamsters. The hamsters were fed for four weeks with weekly measurements of weight gain. After necropsy, organ weights and blood lipid levels were measured. All non-CD diet hamsters resulted in higher finished body weights. Hamsters on LRB or MMP diets had reduced LDL and VLDL averages of 22.7 and 8.1 mg/dL respectively compared to the CD. Additionally, average HDL:LDL ratios for the MMP and LRB diets increased from 1.47:1 for the CD to 1.9:1 and 2.2:1 respectively. Hamsters on CD and LRB diets had lower liver weights and reduced epididymal adipose weight compared to diets containing MMP or GB. The results suggest partial substitution of LRB in GB can have significant impact on cholesterol levels and visceral fat deposition due to synergism between sat fat and cholesterol in the diet

    An investigation of the acceptance of solar heating and cooling in the housing industry in New Mexico

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    A data base of information relating to the acceptability of solar-energy technology in the New Mexican housing industry was developed. Topics examined include: (1) the factors which influence the adoption of solar-energy systems in the New Mexican housing industry; (2) the degree of acceptability of various solar factors among New Mexican consumers, architects, contractors, financiers, energy suppliers, and governmental officials; and (3) the current attitudes toward the acceptability of solar energy factors in the New Mexican housing industry

    Development and Use of a Detached Leaf Assay to Assess Soybean Cultivar Resistance to Target Spot, Caused by Corynespora cassiicola

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    Target spot, caused by the fungus Corynespora cassiicola, was once considered a minor foliar disease of soybean in the US. However, a severe outbreak of target spot occurred in the southeastern U.S in 2016. Due to the lack of information on resistance in soybean cultivars, and the challenges in screening cultivars in the field, a detached leaf assay was developed to evaluate resistance. The objectives of the effort were to 1) develop a greenhouse inoculation method of soybean with C. cassiicola 2) use that method to compare reactions of soybean germplasm lines to target spot 3) collect and characterize isolates of C. cassiicola from Arkansas soybean leaves. Initially, soybean seedlings were spray-inoculated with either a mycelial suspension or spores of the pathogen and placed in a dew chamber for three or more days. Small lesions developed but did not develop into typical target spot lesions. However, a detached leaf assay that placed a droplet of either inoculum on wounded leaves resulted in typical target spot lesions that continued to expand. There were significant differences between cultivars, with some cultivars showing little disease development. The detached leaf assay involved the use of detached unifoliate leaves. Wounded leaves were inoculated with a conidial suspension (1 x 105), incubated in Petri dishes on moist filter paper, and incubated at 23ºC under 12-hour light. Disease was assessed based on percent leaf area with symptoms and recorded between 7-17 days using the Bioleaf foliar analysis mobile application. Area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) after inoculation was calculated. The assay was used to evaluate 37 breeding lines and the commercial cultivars DG48E49, LS4299XS and a moderately susceptible check, Hutcheson. Reactions ranged from resistant to susceptible and most lines were consistent between runs. A two-location field trial was conducted to determine target spot susceptibility. Although disease in both locations was low, there were significant differences between cultivars and between locations. However, there was low correlation between the field and detached leaf results. While the detached leaf assay consistently separates soybean cultivars based on disease development, further testing is required to address variability within and between tests, and additional field data is needed to determine the capability of the assay to predict field performance. To compare isolates of C. cassiicola, 28 single-spore isolates were collected from symptomatic soybean leaves at multiple Arkansas locations in 2020 and 2021. Isolates were compared morphologically in culture and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of each isolate was sequenced. All isolates produced colonies and conidia consistent with C. cassiicola; isolates differed in the amount of sporulation. Based on sequence analysis in BLAST, the isolates were confirmed to be C. cassiicola with a ≥ 98% match with sequences of C. cassiicola in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database. The isolates were assessed for aggressiveness in the detached leaf assay by measuring the percent leaf area and calculating AUDPC. Isolate Cory 20-03 was selected to evaluate the soybean cultivars for resistance in the detached leaf assay. Despite the initial comparison of isolates showing a high level of consistency in culture and the ITS region, the variation in aggressiveness and sporulation ability suggests further sequencing of additional genes is required