141 research outputs found

    Pain and other feelings in humans and animals

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    Evidence from neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and neuropsychology suggests that the experience of feelings in humans does not depend exclusively on structures of the cerebral cortex. It does not seem warranted to deny the possibility of feeling in animals on the grounds that their cerebral cortices are not comparable to those of humans

    Basic Principles of Organization of the Medium and Thinking Process of the Human in its Conceptual Presentation

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    Given in the report conceptual presentation of the main principles of fractal-complexity Ration of the media and thinking processes of the human was formulated on the bases of the cybernetic interpretation of scientific information (basically from neurophysiology and neuropsychology, containing the interpretation giving the best fit to the authors point of view) and plausible hypothesis's, filling the lack of knowledge

    Correlations in Acquiring Musician’s Dystonia Amongst Professional Musicians: Annotated Bibliography

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    Dystonia happens at a remarkable rate amongst musicians. The definition of acquired dystonia are types of dystonia that develop from other factors that cause damage or degenerate to the body the brain. Dystonia is a disease that is not fully understood by science and requires more research to uncover the disease’s abundance in professional musicians. Many medical studies have been done in regards to dystonia in the general population but there is still large questions about why dystonia is a crisis in the musical world. It is a topic misunderstood by most musicians and largely mysterious to the majority of musicians. As musicians we are prone to acquired dystonia and for that reason it is relevant in the musical community

    A relatividade dos estados estáveis no processo de aquisição de habilidades motoras

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    “A prática traz a perfeição” como diz o famoso ditado, entretanto, essa sabedoria popular chega a obscurecer um aspecto crucial da aquisição de habilidades motoras: a prática que traz a perfeição acontece com base em algo que já existe (Connolly, 1970). Os etólogos clássicos como Lorenz e Tinbergen mostraram que a aprendizagem envolve a modificação dos “innate fixed patterns”. Esses autores também foram pioneiros em destacar o acoplamento percepção-ação em todo comportamento ao identificarem os chamados “innate releasing mechanisms”. Essas descobertas trouxeram uma nova concepção no estudo do comportamento indicando os possíveis substratos da ação. Pesquisas conduzidas nos últimos 20 anos evidenciaram possíveis substratos motores no indivíduo desde o período da vida intra-uterina até meados da primeira infância. Alguns os denominam de dinâmica intrínseca do sistema, mas seja qual for a conotação dada esses substratos atualmente já se reconhece que a aquisição de habilidades motoras se fará com base neles ou na sua modificação. Essa característica de continuidade no processo refere-se à uma propriedade geral dos indivíduos: eles são sistemas abertos que se mantém distantes do equilíbrio termodinâmico. Isto significa, em outras palavras, mudanças contínuas ao longo do tempo. Dessa forma, a distinção inexperiente – habilidoso é relativa ( Manoel & Connolly, 1997). O sistema apresenta estados estáveis que são temporários posto que há um ciclo estabilidade-instabilidade-estabilidade (Tani, Connolly & Manoel, 1996, 1997). Identificar esse ciclo e investigar os processos que nele estão envolvidos é um dos desafios para uma compreensão mais aprofundada do processo de aquisição de habilidades motoras

    Distinct phase-amplitude couplings distinguish cognitive processes in human attention

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    Abstract Spatial attention is the cognitive function that coordinates the selection of visual stimuli with appropriate behavioral responses. Recent studies have reported that phase-amplitude coupling (PAC) of low and high frequencies covaries with spatial attention, but differ on the direction of covariation and the frequency ranges involved. We hypothesized that distinct phase-amplitude frequency pairs have differentiable contributions during tasks that manipulate spatial attention. We investigated this hypothesis with electrocorticography (ECoG) recordings from participants who engaged in a cued spatial attention task. To understand the contribution of PAC to spatial attention we classified cortical sites by their relationship to spatial variables or behavioral performance. Local neural activity in spatial sites was sensitive to spatial variables in the task, while local neural activity in behavioral sites correlated with reaction time. We found two PAC frequency clusters that covaried with different aspects of the task. During a period of cued attention, delta-phase/high-gamma (DH) PAC was sensitive to cue direction in spatial sites. In contrast, theta-alpha-phase/beta-low-gamma-amplitude (TABL) PAC robustly correlated with future reaction times in behavioral sites. Finally, we investigated the origins of TABL PAC and found it corresponded to behaviorally relevant, sharp waveforms, which were also coupled to a low frequency rhythm. We conclude that TABL and DH PAC correspond to distinct mechanisms during spatial attention tasks and that sharp waveforms are elements of a coupled dynamical process

    Rehabilitative devices for a top-down approach

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    In recent years, neurorehabilitation has moved from a "bottom-up" to a "top down" approach. This change has also involved the technological devices developed for motor and cognitive rehabilitation. It implies that during a task or during therapeutic exercises, new "top-down" approaches are being used to stimulate the brain in a more direct way to elicit plasticity-mediated motor re-learning. This is opposed to "Bottom up" approaches, which act at the physical level and attempt to bring about changes at the level of the central neural system. Areas covered: In the present unsystematic review, we present the most promising innovative technological devices that can effectively support rehabilitation based on a top-down approach, according to the most recent neuroscientific and neurocognitive findings. In particular, we explore if and how the use of new technological devices comprising serious exergames, virtual reality, robots, brain computer interfaces, rhythmic music and biofeedback devices might provide a top-down based approach. Expert commentary: Motor and cognitive systems are strongly harnessed in humans and thus cannot be separated in neurorehabilitation. Recently developed technologies in motor-cognitive rehabilitation might have a greater positive effect than conventional therapies

    A reinforcement sensitivity perspective on adolescents' susceptibility to the influence of soap opera viewing on alcohol attitudes

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    Previous research found support for an association between exposure to alcohol-related media content and alcohol attitudes, intentions and behavior. Nevertheless, research on what makes young people susceptible to the occurrence of this relationship is scarce. The current study examined the behavioral activation (BAS) and inhibition system (BIS) as moderators of the relationship between soap opera viewing and alcohol attitudes. A cross-sectional survey was carried out among a sample of 922 adolescents (M-age=14.96years, SD=.85, 56% girls). Regression analyses showed no association between total television viewing and alcohol attitudes, but did confirm that soap opera viewing is associated with positive attitudes towards alcohol use. Moderation analyses indicated that BAS did not moderate this relationship, while BIS did; the relationship between soap opera viewing and positive attitudes toward alcohol was only significant for adolescents with a low BIS-profile. These results provide support for the premise that an elevated BIS protects adolescents from the effect of soap opera viewing frequency on their alcohol attitudes

    Dynamic coupling: intrinsic and extrinsic influences on reaching and grasping in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of task and organismic constraints on the dynamic coupling, during reaching and touching, and reaching and grasping tasks in individuals with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Executions with a hand and with both hands were compared. Thus, three different studies were acomplished: 1) envolving reaching and touching; and reaching and grasping; 2) envolving the same tasks, with under speed pressure; 3) envolving the same tasks, but with a change in the angle of the table upon which the object rested. In generally, the results showed a coupling between the body sides during the bimanual movement. The influence of the constraints introduced in the task was different among the subjects. The results of this study were discussed in the light of the dynamic systems approach, which emphasizes the role of organismic, task and environment constraint upon behaviorO presente estudo teve por objetivo comparar a influência de restrições da tarefa e organísmicas na realização de tarefas de alcançar e apreender em indivíduos com hemiplegia derivada de paralisia cerebral, durante execuções com uma mão e com ambas as mãos. Para tanto, três estudos diferentes foram realizados: 1) envolvendo a realização de tarefas de alcançar e tocar; e alcançar e apreender; 2) envolvendo a realização de tarefas de alcançar e tocar; e alcançar e apreender com estresse de tempo; 3) envolvendo a realização de tarefa de alcançar e apreender, com a manipulação do ângulo da mesa, no qual se encontrava o objeto. Essencialmente, o conjunto de dados aponta para um acoplamento na ação do lado comprometido com o outro, durante o movimento bimanual. A influência das restrições introduzidas na tarefa foi diferente entre os sujeitos. Os resultados do estudo foram discutidos sob a ótica da abordagem dos sistemas dinâmicos, a qual atribui grande ênfase no papel das restrições do organismo, do ambiente e da tarefa no comportament

    Jerome Bruner and the organization of early skilled action

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    Existen figuras en los diferentes ámbitos del saber de los que se puede decir que hay un antes y un después, y ese es el caso de Jerome Bruner. Su dilatada trayectoria académica y científica le ha permitido el poder aportar luz y conocimiento en diferentes campos de estudio, desde la psicología al derecho (Bruner, 1957; 1964; 1965; 1970; 1973a y b; 1974; 1986; 1988; 2001; 2004; 2006; 2013; Bruner y Bruner, 1968; Bruner y Koslowski, 1972; Bruner y Haste, 1990), lo que ha favorecido que numerosos estudiosos se hayan subido a sus hombros para seguir en el proceso de construcción del conocimiento. Para Bruner (1966) el ser humano es la asignatura a estudiar. Su larga trayectoria vital le permitió conocer y trabajar con los más grandes de su época en campos de estudio muy diferentes, y es en la década de los 70 cuando decide dedicarse a la psicología evolutiva, ya que como él mismo escribía: "Comencé mi investigación con bebés sin saber muy bien lo que pretendía con ellos... No creo que peque de superficial al decir que el trabajo desarrollado en el Centro y en los grupos anejos durante esos 5 a 6 años contribuyó a socavar un poco los cimientos del concepto de infancia desvalida... !Jamás sospeche entonces que íbamos a armar tanto revuelo en la investigación sobre la primera infancia! (Palacios, 1988 pp.211-270).</p