44 research outputs found

    Event-Driven Contrastive Divergence for Spiking Neuromorphic Systems

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    Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and Deep Belief Networks have been demonstrated to perform efficiently in a variety of applications, such as dimensionality reduction, feature learning, and classification. Their implementation on neuromorphic hardware platforms emulating large-scale networks of spiking neurons can have significant advantages from the perspectives of scalability, power dissipation and real-time interfacing with the environment. However the traditional RBM architecture and the commonly used training algorithm known as Contrastive Divergence (CD) are based on discrete updates and exact arithmetics which do not directly map onto a dynamical neural substrate. Here, we present an event-driven variation of CD to train a RBM constructed with Integrate & Fire (I&F) neurons, that is constrained by the limitations of existing and near future neuromorphic hardware platforms. Our strategy is based on neural sampling, which allows us to synthesize a spiking neural network that samples from a target Boltzmann distribution. The recurrent activity of the network replaces the discrete steps of the CD algorithm, while Spike Time Dependent Plasticity (STDP) carries out the weight updates in an online, asynchronous fashion. We demonstrate our approach by training an RBM composed of leaky I&F neurons with STDP synapses to learn a generative model of the MNIST hand-written digit dataset, and by testing it in recognition, generation and cue integration tasks. Our results contribute to a machine learning-driven approach for synthesizing networks of spiking neurons capable of carrying out practical, high-level functionality.Comment: (Under review

    Conversion of Artificial Recurrent Neural Networks to Spiking Neural Networks for Low-power Neuromorphic Hardware

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    In recent years the field of neuromorphic low-power systems that consume orders of magnitude less power gained significant momentum. However, their wider use is still hindered by the lack of algorithms that can harness the strengths of such architectures. While neuromorphic adaptations of representation learning algorithms are now emerging, efficient processing of temporal sequences or variable length-inputs remain difficult. Recurrent neural networks (RNN) are widely used in machine learning to solve a variety of sequence learning tasks. In this work we present a train-and-constrain methodology that enables the mapping of machine learned (Elman) RNNs on a substrate of spiking neurons, while being compatible with the capabilities of current and near-future neuromorphic systems. This "train-and-constrain" method consists of first training RNNs using backpropagation through time, then discretizing the weights and finally converting them to spiking RNNs by matching the responses of artificial neurons with those of the spiking neurons. We demonstrate our approach by mapping a natural language processing task (question classification), where we demonstrate the entire mapping process of the recurrent layer of the network on IBM's Neurosynaptic System "TrueNorth", a spike-based digital neuromorphic hardware architecture. TrueNorth imposes specific constraints on connectivity, neural and synaptic parameters. To satisfy these constraints, it was necessary to discretize the synaptic weights and neural activities to 16 levels, and to limit fan-in to 64 inputs. We find that short synaptic delays are sufficient to implement the dynamical (temporal) aspect of the RNN in the question classification task. The hardware-constrained model achieved 74% accuracy in question classification while using less than 0.025% of the cores on one TrueNorth chip, resulting in an estimated power consumption of ~17 uW

    Three learning stages and accuracy-efficiency tradeoff of restricted Boltzmann machines.

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    Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) offer a versatile architecture for unsupervised machine learning that can in principle approximate any target probability distribution with arbitrary accuracy. However, the RBM model is usually not directly accessible due to its computational complexity, and Markov-chain sampling is invoked to analyze the learned probability distribution. For training and eventual applications, it is thus desirable to have a sampler that is both accurate and efficient. We highlight that these two goals generally compete with each other and cannot be achieved simultaneously. More specifically, we identify and quantitatively characterize three regimes of RBM learning: independent learning, where the accuracy improves without losing efficiency; correlation learning, where higher accuracy entails lower efficiency; and degradation, where both accuracy and efficiency no longer improve or even deteriorate. These findings are based on numerical experiments and heuristic arguments

    Benchmarking spike-based visual recognition: a dataset and evaluation

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    Today, increasing attention is being paid to research into spike-based neural computation both to gain a better understanding of the brain and to explore biologically-inspired computation. Within this field, the primate visual pathway and its hierarchical organisation have been extensively studied. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), inspired by the understanding of observed biological structure and function, have been successfully applied to visual recognition and classification tasks. In addition, implementations on neuromorphic hardware have enabled large-scale networks to run in (or even faster than) real time, making spike-based neural vision processing accessible on mobile robots. Neuromorphic sensors such as silicon retinas are able to feed such mobile systems with real-time visual stimuli. A new set of vision benchmarks for spike-based neural processing are now needed to measure progress quantitatively within this rapidly advancing field. We propose that a large dataset of spike-based visual stimuli is needed to provide meaningful comparisons between different systems, and a corresponding evaluation methodology is also required to measure the performance of SNN models and their hardware implementations. In this paper we first propose an initial NE (Neuromorphic Engineering) dataset based on standard computer vision benchmarks and that uses digits from the MNIST database. This dataset is compatible with the state of current research on spike-based image recognition. The corresponding spike trains are produced using a range of techniques: rate-based Poisson spike generation, rank order encoding, and recorded output from a silicon retina with both flashing and oscillating input stimuli. In addition, a complementary evaluation methodology is presented to assess both model-level and hardware-level performance. Finally, we demonstrate the use of the dataset and the evaluation methodology using two SNN models to validate the performance of the models and their hardware implementations. With this dataset we hope to (1) promote meaningful comparison between algorithms in the field of neural computation, (2) allow comparison with conventional image recognition methods, (3) provide an assessment of the state of the art in spike-based visual recognition, and (4) help researchers identify future directions and advance the field

    Continuous-variable quantum neural networks

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    We introduce a general method for building neural networks on quantum computers. The quantum neural network is a variational quantum circuit built in the continuous-variable (CV) architecture, which encodes quantum information in continuous degrees of freedom such as the amplitudes of the electromagnetic field. This circuit contains a layered structure of continuously parameterized gates which is universal for CV quantum computation. Affine transformations and nonlinear activation functions, two key elements in neural networks, are enacted in the quantum network using Gaussian and non-Gaussian gates, respectively. The non-Gaussian gates provide both the nonlinearity and the universality of the model. Due to the structure of the CV model, the CV quantum neural network can encode highly nonlinear transformations while remaining completely unitary. We show how a classical network can be embedded into the quantum formalism and propose quantum versions of various specialized model such as convolutional, recurrent, and residual networks. Finally, we present numerous modeling experiments built with the Strawberry Fields software library. These experiments, including a classifier for fraud detection, a network which generates Tetris images, and a hybrid classical-quantum autoencoder, demonstrate the capability and adaptability of CV quantum neural networks

    Neuromorphic Engineering Editors' Pick 2021

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    This collection showcases well-received spontaneous articles from the past couple of years, which have been specially handpicked by our Chief Editors, Profs. André van Schaik and Bernabé Linares-Barranco. The work presented here highlights the broad diversity of research performed across the section and aims to put a spotlight on the main areas of interest. All research presented here displays strong advances in theory, experiment, and methodology with applications to compelling problems. This collection aims to further support Frontiers’ strong community by recognizing highly deserving authors

    Efficient Implementation of Stochastic Inference on Heterogeneous Clusters and Spiking Neural Networks

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    Neuromorphic computing refers to brain inspired algorithms and architectures. This paradigm of computing can solve complex problems which were not possible with traditional computing methods. This is because such implementations learn to identify the required features and classify them based on its training, akin to how brains function. This task involves performing computation on large quantities of data. With this inspiration, a comprehensive multi-pronged approach is employed to study and efficiently implement neuromorphic inference model using heterogeneous clusters to address the problem using traditional Von Neumann architectures and by developing spiking neural networks (SNN) for native and ultra-low power implementation. In this regard, an extendable high-performance computing (HPC) framework and optimizations are proposed for heterogeneous clusters to modularize complex neuromorphic applications in a distributed manner. To achieve best possible throughput and load balancing for such modularized architectures a set of algorithms are proposed to suggest the optimal mapping of different modules as an asynchronous pipeline to the available cluster resources while considering the complex data dependencies between stages. On the other hand, SNNs are more biologically plausible and can achieve ultra-low power implementation due to its sparse spike based communication, which is possible with emerging non-Von Neumann computing platforms. As a significant progress in this direction, spiking neuron models capable of distributed online learning are proposed. A high performance SNN simulator (SpNSim) is developed for simulation of large scale mixed neuron model networks. An accompanying digital hardware neuron RTL is also proposed for efficient real time implementation of SNNs capable of online learning. Finally, a methodology for mapping probabilistic graphical model to off-the-shelf neurosynaptic processor (IBM TrueNorth) as a stochastic SNN is presented with ultra-low power consumption