20 research outputs found

    Hierarchical psychophysiological pathways subtend perceptual asymmetries in Neglect

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    Stroke patients with left Hemispatial Neglect (LHN) show deficits in perceiving left contralesional stimuli with biased visuospatial perception towards the right hemifield. However, very little is known about the functional organization of the visuospatial perceptual neural network and how this can account for the profound reorganization of space representation in LHN. In the present work, we aimed at (1) identifying EEG measures that discriminate LHN patients against controls and (2) devise a causative neurophysiological model between the discriminative EEG measures. To these aims, EEG was recorded during exposure to lateralized visual stimuli which allowed for pre-and post-stimulus activity investigation across three groups: LHN patients, lesioned controls, and healthy individuals. Moreover, all participants performed a standard behavioral test assessing the perceptual asymmetry index in detecting lateralized stimuli. The between-groups discriminative EEG patterns were entered into a Structural Equation Model for the identification of causative hierarchical associations (i.e., pathways) between EEG measures and the perceptual asymmetry index. The model identified two pathways. A first pathway showed that the combined contribution of pre-stimulus frontoparietal connectivity and individual-alpha-frequency predicts post-stimulus processing, as measured by visual-evoked N100, which, in turn, predicts the perceptual asymmetry index. A second pathway directly links the inter-hemispheric distribution of alpha-amplitude with the perceptual asymmetry index. The two pathways can collectively explain 83.1% of the variance in the perceptual asymmetry index. Using causative modeling, the present study identified how psychophysiological correlates of visuospatial perception are organized and predict the degree of behavioral asymmetry in LHN patients and controls

    Mortal Computation: A Foundation for Biomimetic Intelligence

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    This review motivates and synthesizes research efforts in neuroscience-inspired artificial intelligence and biomimetic computing in terms of mortal computation. Specifically, we characterize the notion of mortality by recasting ideas in biophysics, cybernetics, and cognitive science in terms of a theoretical foundation for sentient behavior. We frame the mortal computation thesis through the Markov blanket formalism and the circular causality entailed by inference, learning, and selection. The ensuing framework -- underwritten by the free energy principle -- could prove useful for guiding the construction of unconventional connectionist computational systems, neuromorphic intelligence, and chimeric agents, including sentient organoids, which stand to revolutionize the long-term future of embodied, enactive artificial intelligence and cognition research.Comment: Several revisions applied, corrected error in Jarzynski equality equation (w/ new citaion); references and citations now correctly aligne

    Event-Driven Technologies for Reactive Motion Planning: Neuromorphic Stereo Vision and Robot Path Planning and Their Application on Parallel Hardware

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    Die Robotik wird immer mehr zu einem Schlüsselfaktor des technischen Aufschwungs. Trotz beeindruckender Fortschritte in den letzten Jahrzehnten, übertreffen Gehirne von Säugetieren in den Bereichen Sehen und Bewegungsplanung noch immer selbst die leistungsfähigsten Maschinen. Industrieroboter sind sehr schnell und präzise, aber ihre Planungsalgorithmen sind in hochdynamischen Umgebungen, wie sie für die Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration (MRK) erforderlich sind, nicht leistungsfähig genug. Ohne schnelle und adaptive Bewegungsplanung kann sichere MRK nicht garantiert werden. Neuromorphe Technologien, einschließlich visueller Sensoren und Hardware-Chips, arbeiten asynchron und verarbeiten so raum-zeitliche Informationen sehr effizient. Insbesondere ereignisbasierte visuelle Sensoren sind konventionellen, synchronen Kameras bei vielen Anwendungen bereits überlegen. Daher haben ereignisbasierte Methoden ein großes Potenzial, schnellere und energieeffizientere Algorithmen zur Bewegungssteuerung in der MRK zu ermöglichen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Ansatz zur flexiblen reaktiven Bewegungssteuerung eines Roboterarms vorgestellt. Dabei wird die Exterozeption durch ereignisbasiertes Stereosehen erreicht und die Pfadplanung ist in einer neuronalen Repräsentation des Konfigurationsraums implementiert. Die Multiview-3D-Rekonstruktion wird durch eine qualitative Analyse in Simulation evaluiert und auf ein Stereo-System ereignisbasierter Kameras übertragen. Zur Evaluierung der reaktiven kollisionsfreien Online-Planung wird ein Demonstrator mit einem industriellen Roboter genutzt. Dieser wird auch für eine vergleichende Studie zu sample-basierten Planern verwendet. Ergänzt wird dies durch einen Benchmark von parallelen Hardwarelösungen wozu als Testszenario Bahnplanung in der Robotik gewählt wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die vorgeschlagenen neuronalen Lösungen einen effektiven Weg zur Realisierung einer Robotersteuerung für dynamische Szenarien darstellen. Diese Arbeit schafft eine Grundlage für neuronale Lösungen bei adaptiven Fertigungsprozesse, auch in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Menschen, ohne Einbußen bei Geschwindigkeit und Sicherheit. Damit ebnet sie den Weg für die Integration von dem Gehirn nachempfundener Hardware und Algorithmen in die Industrierobotik und MRK

    Facial feature representation and recognition

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    Facial expression provides an important behavioral measure for studies of emotion, cognitive processes, and social interaction. Facial expression representation and recognition have become a promising research area during recent years. Its applications include human-computer interfaces, human emotion analysis, and medical care and cure. In this dissertation, the fundamental techniques will be first reviewed, and the developments of the novel algorithms and theorems will be presented later. The objective of the proposed algorithm is to provide a reliable, fast, and integrated procedure to recognize either seven prototypical, emotion-specified expressions (e.g., happy, neutral, angry, disgust, fear, sad, and surprise in JAFFE database) or the action units in CohnKanade AU-coded facial expression image database. A new application area developed by the Infant COPE project is the recognition of neonatal facial expressions of pain (e.g., air puff, cry, friction, pain, and rest in Infant COPE database). It has been reported in medical literature that health care professionals have difficulty in distinguishing newborn\u27s facial expressions of pain from facial reactions of other stimuli. Since pain is a major indicator of medical problems and the quality of patient care depends on the quality of pain management, it is vital that the methods to be developed should accurately distinguish an infant\u27s signal of pain from a host of minor distress signal. The evaluation protocol used in the Infant COPE project considers two conditions: person-dependent and person-independent. The person-dependent means that some data of a subject are used for training and other data of the subject for testing. The person-independent means that the data of all subjects except one are used for training and this left-out one subject is used for testing. In this dissertation, both evaluation protocols are experimented. The Infant COPE research of neonatal pain classification is a first attempt at applying the state-of-the-art face recognition technologies to actual medical problems. The objective of Infant COPE project is to bypass these observational problems by developing a machine classification system to diagnose neonatal facial expressions of pain. Since assessment of pain by machine is based on pixel states, a machine classification system of pain will remain objective and will exploit the full spectrum of information available in a neonate\u27s facial expressions. Furthermore, it will be capable of monitoring neonate\u27s facial expressions when he/she is left unattended. Experimental results using the Infant COPE database and evaluation protocols indicate that the application of face classification techniques in pain assessment and management is a promising area of investigation. One of the challenging problems for building an automatic facial expression recognition system is how to automatically locate the principal facial parts since most existing algorithms capture the necessary face parts by cropping images manually. In this dissertation, two systems are developed to detect facial features, especially for eyes. The purpose is to develop a fast and reliable system to detect facial features automatically and correctly. By combining the proposed facial feature detection, the facial expression and neonatal pain recognition systems can be robust and efficient

    Magnetic assistive and hydrogel technology for enhanced survival and function of neurons

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    Neurons are the targets of injury and disease in many neurological conditions, and achieving neuronal survival/repair is a key goal for regenerative medicine. In this context, genetic engineering of neurons offers a platform for (i) basic research to enhance our understanding of neuronal biology in normal, disease/and injury conditions; and (ii) for regenerative medicine to enhance the functionality of neurons. Although, a wide range of attempts have been made to promote gene delivery to primary neurons, these cells are still difficult to genetically engineer, and current methods rely heavily on viral vectors which pose safety considerations. Magnetic nanoparticles (IONPs) are currently of great interest in regenerative medicine including for non-viral gene delivery by the 'magnetofection' strategy, i.e when used with applied magnetic fields. This project aimed to examine (i) the influence of two novel uniaxial and biaxial oscillating magnetic field devices on primary neuronal transfection efficiency, and (ii) examine the safety of magnetofection using histological and electrophysiological studies. In order to do this, a robust protocol to derive primary cortical neurons was first established. A second issue is that surgical delivery of Neurons results in low survival. Additionally, most basic research has relied on neurons grown on 'hard‘ substrates such as plastic, which do not mimic the mechanical properties of the in vivo microenvironment. To address these limitations, primary cortical neurons were grown in a 3-dimensional 'soft' collagen hydrogel construct which can serve both as a protective cell delivery system and a 'neuromimetic' substrate. The safety of the established protocol was evaluated by electrophysiological analyses on neurons. The findings demonstrate that the safety of magnetofection is magnetic field dependent, and at optimal conditions, electrophysiological properties of the nano-engineered neurons were normal. Secondly, I have shown that collagen hydrogels can support the 3D growth of neurons and electrophysiological studies can be carried out on the construct neurons; small differences were found between neurons grown on hard and soft materials. Finally, the amenability of genetic engineering of neurons within hydrogels using IONPs has been shown

    Visual Cortex

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    The neurosciences have experienced tremendous and wonderful progress in many areas, and the spectrum encompassing the neurosciences is expansive. Suffice it to mention a few classical fields: electrophysiology, genetics, physics, computer sciences, and more recently, social and marketing neurosciences. Of course, this large growth resulted in the production of many books. Perhaps the visual system and the visual cortex were in the vanguard because most animals do not produce their own light and offer thus the invaluable advantage of allowing investigators to conduct experiments in full control of the stimulus. In addition, the fascinating evolution of scientific techniques, the immense productivity of recent research, and the ensuing literature make it virtually impossible to publish in a single volume all worthwhile work accomplished throughout the scientific world. The days when a single individual, as Diderot, could undertake the production of an encyclopedia are gone forever. Indeed most approaches to studying the nervous system are valid and neuroscientists produce an almost astronomical number of interesting data accompanied by extremely worthy hypotheses which in turn generate new ventures in search of brain functions. Yet, it is fully justified to make an encore and to publish a book dedicated to visual cortex and beyond. Many reasons validate a book assembling chapters written by active researchers. Each has the opportunity to bind together data and explore original ideas whose fate will not fall into the hands of uncompromising reviewers of traditional journals. This book focuses on the cerebral cortex with a large emphasis on vision. Yet it offers the reader diverse approaches employed to investigate the brain, for instance, computer simulation, cellular responses, or rivalry between various targets and goal directed actions. This volume thus covers a large spectrum of research even though it is impossible to include all topics in the extremely diverse field of neurosciences

    Cerebral language networks and neuropsychological profile in children with frontotemporal lobe epilepsy : a multimodal neuroimaging and neuropsychological approach

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    Thèse de doctorat présentée en vue de l'obtention du doctorat en psychologie (Ph.D).L'enfance et l'adolescence sont des périodes uniques de la vie où les changements neuronaux favorisent l'établissement de réseaux cérébraux matures et le développement des capacités intellectuelles. Le langage est un domaine cognitif qui est, non seulement essentiel pour la communication interhumaine, mais qui contribue également au développement de nombreuse capacités et prédit de manière significative la réussite académique. Les régions cérébrales frontotemporales sont des régions clés du réseau langagier du cerveau. Il a été démontré que les neuropathologies telles que l'épilepsie des lobes frontal et temporal (ELF et ELT) interfèrent avec le développement des réseaux cérébraux du langage et provoquent des circuits cérébraux aberrants. Les patrons exacts de réorganisation des réseaux cérébraux fonctionnels ne sont toutefois, pas entièrement compris et l'association avec le profil neuropsychologique reste spéculative. Par conséquent, l'objectif principal de cette thèse est d'accroître la compréhension des altérations du réseau langagier et d'améliorer les connaissances de l'association de l'architecture du réseau et des capacités cognitives chez les enfants et les adolescents avec ELF ou ELT. La présente thèse est composée de trois articles scientifiques, les deux premiers présentant des travaux méthodologiques qui ont permis d'optimiser les méthodes appliquées dans le troisième article, l'étude empirique principale menée auprès d'enfants avec ELF et ELT. Le premier article présente le bilan neuropsychologique pédiatrique comme un outil important pour estimer les capacités cognitives et dresser un profil cognitif avec ses forces et ses faiblesses. Dans le deuxième article, l'analyse factorielle parallèle (PARAFAC) est présentée et validée comme une nouvelle technique employée pour corriger les artefacts de mouvement qui contaminent le signal hémodynamique évalué par la spectroscopie fonctionnelle proche infrarouge (fNIRS). Une meilleure qualité du signal permet une interprétation fiable de la réponse cérébrale en plis de déduire des métriques d'organisation du réseau cérébral. Le troisième article consiste en une étude empirique, où le traitement cérébral du langage, est comparé entre des enfants avec ELF et ELT, et des pairs neuroptypiques. Les schémas de connectivité fonctionnelle indiquent que le groupe de patients présente moins de connexions intra-hémisphériques dans l'hémisphère gauche et entre les hémisphères, et des connexions accrues dans l'hémisphère droit par rapport au groupe témoin. Les mesures de l'architecture du réseau révèlent en outre une efficacité de traitement local plus élevée dans l'hémisphère droit chez les enfants atteints de ELF et ELT par rapport aux enfants en bonne santé. L'architecture du réseau local de l'hémisphère gauche et la capacité intellectuelle globale dans le groupe de patients sont négativement liées, tandis que dans le groupe contrôle, aucune association de ce type n'est identifiable. Ces résultats suggèrent que la réorganisation du réseau de langage chez les enfants avec ELF ou ELT semble dans certains cas soutenir un meilleur résultat cognitif, soit lorsque l'efficacité du traitement local dans l'hémisphère gauche est diminuée. Au contraire, une plus grande efficacité de traitement local semble être une caractéristique d'un réseau de langage cérébral associé à de moins bonnes capacités cognitives. Les travaux de recherche de cette thèse de doctorat fournissent des lignes directrices pour l'utilisation de l'évaluation neuropsychologique pédiatrique, à la fois dans un contexte clinique et scientifique. L'introduction de PARAFAC pour corriger les artefacts de mouvement dans le signal fNIRS est un ajout important au pipeline de prétraitement qui permet d'augmenter la qualité du signal pour une analyse ultérieure. De futurs projets pourront s'appuyer sur cette validation initiale et étendre l'utilisation de PARAFAC pour les analyses du signal fNIRS. Sur cette base méthodologique solide, le travail empirique confirme l'incidence accrue de circuits cérébraux aberrants liés au traitement du langage chez les enfants atteints de ELF et de ELT, et soutient en outre l'efficacité du réseau local en tant que déterminant clé de l'impact de la plasticité cérébrale précoce sur les capacités cognitives. Afin de mieux comprendre les altérations du réseau en réponse aux neuropathologies et leur impact, des études avec des échantillons plus grands et de différents groupes d'âge, devraient étudier plus spécifiquement le rôle des facteurs cliniques (e.g., le type d'épilepsie, la latéralisation de l'épilepsie, le contrôle des crises, etc.) et aborder leurs influences sur le développement. À long terme, cela augmentera le pronostic des phénotypes cliniques chez les patients pédiatriques atteints de ELF et de ELT, et offrira des opportunités d'interventions précoces pour soutenir un développement typique.Childhood and adolescence are unique periods in life where neuronal changes support the establishment of mature brain networks and the development of intellectual capacities. Language is one cognitive domain that is not only an essential part of inter-human communication but also contributes to the development of other capacities and significantly influences academic achievement. Frontotemporal brain areas are key regions of the brain's language network. Neuropathologies such as frontal and temporal lobe epilepsies (FLE and TLE) have been shown to interfere with developing brain language networks and cause aberrant cerebral circuits. The exact patterns of functional brain network reorganization are not fully understood and the association with the neuropsychological profile remains speculative. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis was to increase comprehension of language network alterations and enhance the knowledge on the association of network topology and cognitive capacities in children and adolescents with FLE or TLE. This thesis consists of three scientific articles, with the first two presenting methodological work that allowed for the optimization of the methods applied in the third article, which is the main empirical study conducted on children with FLE and TLE. The first article presents the pediatric neuropsychological assessment as a valuable tool to estimate cognitive capacities and draw a cognitive profile with strengths and weaknesses. In the second article, parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) is presented and validated as a novel technique to correct motion artifacts that contaminate the hemodynamic signal assessed with functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). A better signal quality is the basis for a reliable interpretation of the cerebral response and derive metrics of brain network organization. The third article consists of an empirical study where cerebral language processing is compared between children with FLE and TLE, and neuroptypical peers. Patterns of functional connectivity indicate that the patient group demonstrates fewer intra-hemispheric connections in the left hemisphere and between hemispheres, and increased connections within the right hemisphere as compared to the control group. Metrics of network architecture further reveal a higher local processing efficiency within the right hemisphere in children with FLE and TLE compared to healthy peers. Local network architecture of the left hemisphere and the overall intellectual capacity in the patient group is negatively related, while in the control group no such association is identifiable. These findings suggest that language network reorganization in children with FLE or TLE in some cases seems to support a better cognitive outcome, namely when local processing efficiency in the left hemisphere is decreased. On the contrary, a higher local processing efficiency seems to be a characteristic of a brain language network that goes along with worse cognitive capacities. The research work of this doctoral thesis provides guidelines for the use of pediatric neuropsychological assessment both in a clinical and scientific context. The introduction of PARAFAC to correct motion artifact in the fNIRS signal is an important add-on to the preprocessing pipeline that allows to increase signal quality for subsequent analysis. Future projects will be able to build on this initial validation and extend PARAFAC's use for fNIRS analysis. On this solid methodological foundation, the empirical work confirms the increased incidence of aberrant brain circuits related to language processing in children with FLE and TLE, and further supports local network efficiency as a key determinant of the impact of early brain plasticity on cognitive capacities. In order to further understand network alterations in response to neuropathologies and their impact, studies with larger samples sizes and different age groups should further investigate the specific role of clinical factors (e.g., epilepsy type, epilepsy lateralization, seizure control, etc.) and address developmental influences. Ultimately, this will increase prognosis of clinical phenotypes in pediatric patients with FLE and TLE, and offer opportunities for early interventions to support a healthy development

    Enhancing brain-computer interfacing through advanced independent component analysis techniques

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    A Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a direct communication system between a brain and an external device in which messages or commands sent by an individual do not pass through the brain’s normal output pathways but is detected through brain signals. Some severe motor impairments, such as Amyothrophic Lateral Sclerosis, head trauma, spinal injuries and other diseases may cause the patients to lose their muscle control and become unable to communicate with the outside environment. Currently no effective cure or treatment has yet been found for these diseases. Therefore using a BCI system to rebuild the communication pathway becomes a possible alternative solution. Among different types of BCIs, an electroencephalogram (EEG) based BCI is becoming a popular system due to EEG’s fine temporal resolution, ease of use, portability and low set-up cost. However EEG’s susceptibility to noise is a major issue to develop a robust BCI. Signal processing techniques such as coherent averaging, filtering, FFT and AR modelling, etc. are used to reduce the noise and extract components of interest. However these methods process the data on the observed mixture domain which mixes components of interest and noise. Such a limitation means that extracted EEG signals possibly still contain the noise residue or coarsely that the removed noise also contains part of EEG signals embedded. Independent Component Analysis (ICA), a Blind Source Separation (BSS) technique, is able to extract relevant information within noisy signals and separate the fundamental sources into the independent components (ICs). The most common assumption of ICA method is that the source signals are unknown and statistically independent. Through this assumption, ICA is able to recover the source signals. Since the ICA concepts appeared in the fields of neural networks and signal processing in the 1980s, many ICA applications in telecommunications, biomedical data analysis, feature extraction, speech separation, time-series analysis and data mining have been reported in the literature. In this thesis several ICA techniques are proposed to optimize two major issues for BCI applications: reducing the recording time needed in order to speed up the signal processing and reducing the number of recording channels whilst improving the final classification performance or at least with it remaining the same as the current performance. These will make BCI a more practical prospect for everyday use. This thesis first defines BCI and the diverse BCI models based on different control patterns. After the general idea of ICA is introduced along with some modifications to ICA, several new ICA approaches are proposed. The practical work in this thesis starts with the preliminary analyses on the Southampton BCI pilot datasets starting with basic and then advanced signal processing techniques. The proposed ICA techniques are then presented using a multi-channel event related potential (ERP) based BCI. Next, the ICA algorithm is applied to a multi-channel spontaneous activity based BCI. The final ICA approach aims to examine the possibility of using ICA based on just one or a few channel recordings on an ERP based BCI. The novel ICA approaches for BCI systems presented in this thesis show that ICA is able to accurately and repeatedly extract the relevant information buried within noisy signals and the signal quality is enhanced so that even a simple classifier can achieve good classification accuracy. In the ERP based BCI application, after multichannel ICA the data just applied to eight averages/epochs can achieve 83.9% classification accuracy whilst the data by coherent averaging can reach only 32.3% accuracy. In the spontaneous activity based BCI, the use of the multi-channel ICA algorithm can effectively extract discriminatory information from two types of singletrial EEG data. The classification accuracy is improved by about 25%, on average, compared to the performance on the unpreprocessed data. The single channel ICA technique on the ERP based BCI produces much better results than results using the lowpass filter. Whereas the appropriate number of averages improves the signal to noise rate of P300 activities which helps to achieve a better classification. These advantages will lead to a reliable and practical BCI for use outside of the clinical laboratory

    Fabrication and Application of a Polymer Neuromorphic Circuitry Based on Polymer Memristive Devices and Polymer Transistors

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    Neuromorphic engineering is a discipline that aims to address the shortcomings of today\u27s serial computers, namely large power consumption, susceptibility to physical damage, as well as the need for explicit programming, by applying biologically-inspired principles to develop neural systems with applications such as machine learning and perception, autonomous robotics and generic artificial intelligence. This doctoral dissertation presents work performed fabricating a previously developed type of polymer neuromorphic architecture, termed Polymer Neuromorphic Circuitry (PNC), inspired by the McCulloch-Pitts model of an artificial neuron. The major contribution of this dissertation is a development of processing techniques necessary to realize the Polymer Neuromorphic Circuitry, which required a development of individual polymer electronics elements, as well as customization of fabrication processes necessary for the realization of the circuitry on separate substrates as well as on a single substrate. This is the first demonstration of a fabrication of an entire neuron, and more importantly, a network of such neurons, that includes both the weighting functionality of a synapse and the somatic summing, all realized with polymer electronics technology. Polymer electronics is a new branch of electronics that is based on conductive and semi-conductive polymers. These new elements hold a great advantage over the conventional, inorganic electronics in the form of physical flexibility, low cost and ease of fabrication, manufacturing compatibility with many substrate materials, as well as greater biological compatibility. These advantages were the primary motivation for the choice to fabricate all of the electrical components required to realize the PNC, namely polymer transistors, polymer memristive devices, and polymer resistors, with polymer electronics components. The efficacy of this design is validated by demonstrating that the activation function of a single neuron approximates the sigmoidal function commonly employed by artificial neural networks. The utility of the neuromorphic circuitry is further corroborated by illustrating that a network of such neurons, and even a single neuron, are capable of performing linear classification for a real-life problem