23 research outputs found

    Maximizing profit in reverse supply chain

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    A proposed mathematical model for closed-loop network configuration based on product life cycle

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    Products may be returned over their life cycle. Industrial experiences show that there are three main return–recovery pairs. Commercial returns are repaired. End-of-use returns often are remanufactured. In addition, end-of-life returns are recycled. However, up to now, no optimization model is proposed for closed-loop configuration based on three return–recovery pairs. The repaired and remanufactured products can be sold in the same or secondary market. In this paper, we design and configure a general closed-loop supply chain network based on product life cycle. The network includes a manufacturer, collection, repair, disassembly, recycling, and disposal sites. The returned products are collected in a collection site. Commercial returns go to a repair site. End-of-use and end-of-life returns are disassembled. Then, end-of-life returns are recycled. The manufacturer uses recycled and end-of-use parts and new parts to manufacture new products. The new parts are purchased from external suppliers. A mixed-integer linear programming model is proposed to configure the network. The objective is to maximize profit by determining quantity of parts and products in the network. We also extend the model for the condition that the remanufactured products are sent to the secondary market. The mathematical models are validated through computational testing and sensitivity analysis

    Designing a Reverse Logistics Network for End-of-Life Vehicles Recovery

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    The environmental factors are receiving increasing attention in different life cycle stages of products. When a product reaches its End-Of-Life (EOL) stage, the management of its recovery process is affected by the environmental and also economical factors. Selecting efficient methods for the collection and recovery of EOL products has become an important issue. The European Union Directive 2000/53/EC extends the responsibility of the vehicle manufacturers to the postconsumer stage of the vehicle. In order to fulfill the requirements of this Directive and also efficient management of the whole recovery process, the conceptual framework of a reverse logistics network is presented. The distribution of new vehicles in an area and also collecting the End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs) and their recovery are considered jointly. It is assumed that the new vehicles distributors are also responsible for collecting the ELVs. Then a mathematical model is developed which minimizes the costs of setting up the network and also the relevant transportation costs. Because of the complexity of the model, a solution methodology based on the genetic algorithm is designed which enables achieving good quality solutions in a reasonable algorithm run time

    Lógistica reversa de veículos no fim de vida: a realidade com vistas à sustentabilidade ambiental

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    O descarte dos veículos em fim de vida impacta direta ou indiretamente, o meio ambiente em função dos resíduos de fabricação. Uma alternativa para diminuir esse problema é a logística reversa de veículos, por ser considerada uma técnica inovadora de reuso, remanufatura e reciclagem destes bens na indústria e mercado automobilísticos. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar as experiências internacionais e seus resultados como propostas de solução para o descarte dos veículos em fim de vida, e os desafios do Brasil para aprovar leis que regulamentam essa atividade no país.

    Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Period Vehicle Routing Problem with Mixed Pickup and Delivery with Time Window, Heterogeneous Fleet, Duration Time and Rest Area

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    Most logistics industries are improving their technology and innovation in competitive markets in order to serve the various needs of customers more efficiently. However, logistics management costs are one of the factors that entrepreneurs inevitably need to reduce, so that goods and services are distributed to a number of customers in different locations effectively and efficiently. In this research, we consider the multi-period vehicle routing problem with mixed pickup and delivery with time windows, heterogeneous fleet, duration time and rest area (MVRPMPDDR). In the special case that occurs in this research, it is the rest area for resting the vehicle after working long hours of the day during transportation over multiple periods, for which with confidence no research has studied previously. We present a mixed integer linear programming model to give an optimal solution, and a meta-heuristic approach using a hybrid genetic algorithm with variable neighborhood search algorithm (GAVNS) has been developed to solve large-sized problems. The objective is to maximize profits obtained from revenue after deducting fuel cost, the cost of using a vehicle, driver wage cost, penalty cost and overtime cost. We prepared two algorithms, including a genetic algorithm (GA) and variable neighborhood search algorithm (VNS), to compare the performance of our proposed algorithm. The VNS is specially applied instead of the mutation operator in GA, because it can reduce duplicate solutions of the algorithms that increase the difficulty and are time-consuming. The numerical results show the hybrid genetic algorithm with variable neighborhood search algorithm outperforms all other proposed algorithms. This demonstrates that the proposed meta-heuristic is efficient, with reasonable computational time, and is useful not only for increasing profits, but also for efficient management of the outbound transportation logistics system

    A Review on the Lifecycle Strategies Enhancing Remanufacturing

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    Remanufacturing is a domain that has increasingly been exploited during recent years due to its numerous advantages and the increasing need for society to promote a circular economy leading to sustainability. Remanufacturing is one of the main end-of-life (EoL) options that can lead to a circular economy. There is therefore a strong need to prioritize this option over other available options at the end-of-life stage of a product because it is the only recovery option that maintains the same quality as that of a new product. This review focuses on the different lifecycle strategies that can help improve remanufacturing; in other words, the various strategies prior to, during or after the end-of-life of a product that can increase the chances of that product being remanufactured rather than being recycled or disposed of after its end-of-use. The emergence of the fourth industrial revolution, also known as industry 4.0 (I4.0), will help enhance data acquisition and sharing between different stages in the supply chain, as well boost smart remanufacturing techniques. This review examines how strategies like design for remanufacturing (DfRem), remaining useful life (RUL), product service system (PSS), closed-loop supply chain (CLSC), smart remanufacturing, EoL product collection and reverse logistics (RL) can enhance remanufacturing. We should bear in mind that not all products can be remanufactured, so other options are also considered. This review mainly focuses on products that can be remanufactured. For this review, we used 181 research papers from three databases; Science Direct, Web of Science and Scopus

    Recycle System Design for End-of-Life Electronics in Developing Countries

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    This paper examines recycling of end-of-life products in developing countries to determine the most reasonable collection policy in order to increase profits. The process of self-recycling by original manufacturers is examined using simulations. The simulations were based on three different investment percentage collection/remanufacture policies for end-of-life products. Results offered here can help decision makers understand tradeoffs they face as they decide how to best process turned products (refurbish, remanufacture, or recycle). Results from simulations presented in this paper can help firms in developing countries understand and improve their recycling processes. Simulation of the various collection policies for end-of-life products shows that low-end collection policies provide the better profit results. Following the policies given by the results of the simulations should improve profits and efficiencies for companies in developing countries and help them understand the benefits of recycling