198 research outputs found

    Computing GCRDs of Approximate Differential Polynomials

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    Differential (Ore) type polynomials with approximate polynomial coefficients are introduced. These provide a useful representation of approximate differential operators with a strong algebraic structure, which has been used successfully in the exact, symbolic, setting. We then present an algorithm for the approximate Greatest Common Right Divisor (GCRD) of two approximate differential polynomials, which intuitively is the differential operator whose solutions are those common to the two inputs operators. More formally, given approximate differential polynomials ff and gg, we show how to find "nearby" polynomials f~\widetilde f and g~\widetilde g which have a non-trivial GCRD. Here "nearby" is under a suitably defined norm. The algorithm is a generalization of the SVD-based method of Corless et al. (1995) for the approximate GCD of regular polynomials. We work on an appropriately "linearized" differential Sylvester matrix, to which we apply a block SVD. The algorithm has been implemented in Maple and a demonstration of its robustness is presented.Comment: To appear, Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computing (SNC'14) July 201

    Computing Dynamic Output Feedback Laws

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    The pole placement problem asks to find laws to feed the output of a plant governed by a linear system of differential equations back to the input of the plant so that the resulting closed-loop system has a desired set of eigenvalues. Converting this problem into a question of enumerative geometry, efficient numerical homotopy algorithms to solve this problem for general Multi-Input-Multi-Output (MIMO) systems have been proposed recently. While dynamic feedback laws offer a wider range of use, the realization of the output of the numerical homotopies as a machine to control the plant in the time domain has not been addressed before. In this paper we present symbolic-numeric algorithms to turn the solution to the question of enumerative geometry into a useful control feedback machine. We report on numerical experiments with our publicly available software and illustrate its application on various control problems from the literature.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures; the software described in this paper is publicly available via http://www.math.uic.edu/~jan/download.htm

    Over-constrained Weierstrass iteration and the nearest consistent system

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    We propose a generalization of the Weierstrass iteration for over-constrained systems of equations and we prove that the proposed method is the Gauss-Newton iteration to find the nearest system which has at least kk common roots and which is obtained via a perturbation of prescribed structure. In the univariate case we show the connection of our method to the optimization problem formulated by Karmarkar and Lakshman for the nearest GCD. In the multivariate case we generalize the expressions of Karmarkar and Lakshman, and give explicitly several iteration functions to compute the optimum. The arithmetic complexity of the iterations is detailed

    GPGCD: An iterative method for calculating approximate GCD of univariate polynomials

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    We present an iterative algorithm for calculating approximate greatest common divisor (GCD) of univariate polynomials with the real or the complex coefficients. For a given pair of polynomials and a degree, our algorithm finds a pair of polynomials which has a GCD of the given degree and whose coefficients are perturbed from those in the original inputs, making the perturbations as small as possible, along with the GCD. The problem of approximate GCD is transfered to a constrained minimization problem, then solved with the so-called modified Newton method, which is a generalization of the gradient-projection method, by searching the solution iteratively. We demonstrate that, in some test cases, our algorithm calculates approximate GCD with perturbations as small as those calculated by a method based on the structured total least norm (STLN) method and the UVGCD method, while our method runs significantly faster than theirs by approximately up to 30 or 10 times, respectively, compared with their implementation. We also show that our algorithm properly handles some ill-conditioned polynomials which have a GCD with small or large leading coefficient.Comment: Preliminary versions have been presented as doi:10.1145/1576702.1576750 and arXiv:1007.183
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