938 research outputs found

    Coherent segmentation of video into syntactic regions

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    In this paper we report on our work in realising an approach to video shot matching which involves automatically segmenting video into abstract intertwinded shapes in such a way that there is temporal coherency. These shapes representing approximations of objects and background regions can then be matched giving fine-grained shot-shot matching. The main contributions of the paper are firstly the extension of our segmentation algorithm for still images to spatial segmentation in video, and secondly the introduction a measurement of temporal coherency of the spatial segmentation. This latter allows us to quantitatively demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on real video data

    Exploratory search through large video corpora

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    Activity retrieval is a growing field in electrical engineering that specializes in the search and retrieval of relevant activities and events in video corpora. With the affordability and popularity of cameras for government, personal and retail use, the quantity of available video data is rapidly outscaling our ability to reason over it. Towards the end of empowering users to navigate and interact with the contents of these video corpora, we propose a framework for exploratory search that emphasizes activity structure and search space reduction over complex feature representations. Exploratory search is a user driven process wherein a person provides a system with a query describing the activity, event, or object he is interested in finding. Typically, this description takes the implicit form of one or more exemplar videos, but it can also involve an explicit description. The system returns candidate matches, followed by query refinement and iteration. System performance is judged by the run-time of the system and the precision/recall curve of of the query matches returned. Scaling is one of the primary challenges in video search. From vast web-video archives like youtube (1 billion videos and counting) to the 30 million active surveillance cameras shooting an estimated 4 billion hours of footage every week in the United States, trying to find a set of matches can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Our goal is to create an efficient archival representation of video corpora that can be calculated in real-time as video streams in, and then enables a user to quickly get a set of results that match. First, we design a system for rapidly identifying simple queries in large-scale video corpora. Instead of focusing on feature design, our system focuses on the spatiotemporal relationships between those features as a means of disambiguating an activity of interest from background. We define a semantic feature vocabulary of concepts that are both readily extracted from video and easily understood by an operator. As data streams in, features are hashed to an inverted index and retrieved in constant time after the system is presented with a user's query. We take a zero-shot approach to exploratory search: the user manually assembles vocabulary elements like color, speed, size and type into a graph. Given that information, we perform an initial downsampling of the archived data, and design a novel dynamic programming approach based on genome-sequencing to search for similar patterns. Experimental results indicate that this approach outperforms other methods for detecting activities in surveillance video datasets. Second, we address the problem of representing complex activities that take place over long spans of space and time. Subgraph and graph matching methods have seen limited use in exploratory search because both problems are provably NP-hard. In this work, we render these problems computationally tractable by identifying the maximally discriminative spanning tree (MDST), and using dynamic programming to optimally reduce the archive data based on a custom algorithm for tree-matching in attributed relational graphs. We demonstrate the efficacy of this approach on popular surveillance video datasets in several modalities. Finally, we design an approach for successive search space reduction in subgraph matching problems. Given a query graph and archival data, our algorithm iteratively selects spanning trees from the query graph that optimize the expected search space reduction at each step until the archive converges. We use this approach to efficiently reason over video surveillance datasets, simulated data, as well as large graphs of protein data

    Probabilistic temporal multimedia datamining

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    Improving Bag-of-visual-Words model with spatial-temporal correlation for video retrieval

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    Most of the state-of-art approaches to Query-by-Example (QBE) video retrieval are based on the Bag-of-visual-Words (BovW) representation of visual content. It, however, ig- nores the spatial-temporal information, which is important for similarity measurement between videos. Direct incorpo- ration of such information into the video data representa- tion for a large scale data set is computationally expensive in terms of storage and similarity measurement. It is also static regardless of the change of discriminative power of vi- sual words with respect to di↵erent queries. To tackle these limitations, in this paper, we propose to discover Spatial- Temporal Correlations (STC) imposed by the query exam- ple to improve the BovW model for video retrieval. The STC, in terms of spatial proximity and relative motion co- herence between di↵erent visual words, is crucial to identify the discriminative power of the visual words. We develop a novel technique to emphasize the most discriminative visual words for similarity measurement, and incorporate this STC-based approach into the standard inverted index archi- tecture. Our approach is evaluated on the TRECVID2002 and CC WEB VIDEO datasets for two typical QBE video retrieval tasks respectively. The experimental results demon- strate that it substantially improves the BovW model as well as a state of the art method that also utilizes spatial- temporal information for QBE video retrieval

    A framework for automatic semantic video annotation

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    The rapidly increasing quantity of publicly available videos has driven research into developing automatic tools for indexing, rating, searching and retrieval. Textual semantic representations, such as tagging, labelling and annotation, are often important factors in the process of indexing any video, because of their user-friendly way of representing the semantics appropriate for search and retrieval. Ideally, this annotation should be inspired by the human cognitive way of perceiving and of describing videos. The difference between the low-level visual contents and the corresponding human perception is referred to as the ‘semantic gap’. Tackling this gap is even harder in the case of unconstrained videos, mainly due to the lack of any previous information about the analyzed video on the one hand, and the huge amount of generic knowledge required on the other. This paper introduces a framework for the Automatic Semantic Annotation of unconstrained videos. The proposed framework utilizes two non-domain-specific layers: low-level visual similarity matching, and an annotation analysis that employs commonsense knowledgebases. Commonsense ontology is created by incorporating multiple-structured semantic relationships. Experiments and black-box tests are carried out on standard video databases for action recognition and video information retrieval. White-box tests examine the performance of the individual intermediate layers of the framework, and the evaluation of the results and the statistical analysis show that integrating visual similarity matching with commonsense semantic relationships provides an effective approach to automated video annotation

    Action Recognition in Videos: from Motion Capture Labs to the Web

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    This paper presents a survey of human action recognition approaches based on visual data recorded from a single video camera. We propose an organizing framework which puts in evidence the evolution of the area, with techniques moving from heavily constrained motion capture scenarios towards more challenging, realistic, "in the wild" videos. The proposed organization is based on the representation used as input for the recognition task, emphasizing the hypothesis assumed and thus, the constraints imposed on the type of video that each technique is able to address. Expliciting the hypothesis and constraints makes the framework particularly useful to select a method, given an application. Another advantage of the proposed organization is that it allows categorizing newest approaches seamlessly with traditional ones, while providing an insightful perspective of the evolution of the action recognition task up to now. That perspective is the basis for the discussion in the end of the paper, where we also present the main open issues in the area.Comment: Preprint submitted to CVIU, survey paper, 46 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    Action Recognition Using Particle Flow Fields

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    In recent years, research in human action recognition has advanced on multiple fronts to address various types of actions including simple, isolated actions in staged data (e.g., KTH dataset), complex actions (e.g., Hollywood dataset), and naturally occurring actions in surveillance videos (e.g, VIRAT dataset). Several techniques including those based on gradient, flow, and interest-points, have been developed for their recognition. Most perform very well in standard action recognition datasets, but fail to produce similar results in more complex, large-scale datasets. Action recognition on large categories of unconstrained videos taken from the web is a very challenging problem compared to datasets like KTH (six actions), IXMAS (thirteen actions), and Weizmann (ten actions). Challenges such as camera motion, different viewpoints, huge interclass variations, cluttered background, occlusions, bad illumination conditions, and poor quality of web videos cause the majority of the state-of-the-art action recognition approaches to fail. An increasing number of categories and the inclusion of actions with high confusion also increase the difficulty of the problem. The approach taken to solve this action recognition problem depends primarily on the dataset and the possibility of detecting and tracking the object of interest. In this dissertation, a new method for video representation is proposed and three new approaches to perform action recognition in different scenarios using varying prerequisites are presented. The prerequisites have decreasing levels of difficulty to obtain: 1) Scenario requires human detection and trackiii ing to perform action recognition; 2) Scenario requires background and foreground separation to perform action recognition; and 3) No pre-processing is required for action recognition. First, we propose a new video representation using optical flow and particle advection. The proposed “Particle Flow Field” (PFF) representation has been used to generate motion descriptors and tested in a Bag of Video Words (BoVW) framework on the KTH dataset. We show that particle flow fields has better performance than other low-level video representations, such as 2D-Gradients, 3D-Gradients and optical flow. Second, we analyze the performance of the state-of-the-art technique based on the histogram of oriented 3D-Gradients in spatio temporal volumes, where human detection and tracking are required. We use the proposed particle flow field and show superior results compared to the histogram of oriented 3D-Gradients in spatio temporal volumes. The proposed method, when used for human action recognition, just needs human detection and does not necessarily require human tracking and figure centric bounding boxes. It has been tested on KTH (six actions), Weizmann (ten actions), and IXMAS (thirteen actions, 4 different views) action recognition datasets. Third, we propose using the scene context information obtained from moving and stationary pixels in the key frames, in conjunction with motion descriptors obtained using Bag of Words framework, to solve the action recognition problem on a large (50 actions) dataset with videos from the web. We perform a combination of early and late fusion on multiple features to handle the huge number of categories. We demonstrate that scene context is a very important feature for performing action recognition on huge datasets. iv The proposed method needs separation of moving and stationary pixels, and does not require any kind of video stabilization, person detection, or tracking and pruning of features. Our approach obtains good performance on a huge number of action categories. It has been tested on the UCF50 dataset with 50 action categories, which is an extension of the UCF YouTube Action (UCF11) Dataset containing 11 action categories. We also tested our approach on the KTH and HMDB51 datasets for comparison. Finally, we focus on solving practice problems in representing actions by bag of spatio temporal features (i.e. cuboids), which has proven valuable for action recognition in recent literature. We observed that the visual vocabulary based (bag of video words) method suffers from many drawbacks in practice, such as: (i) It requires an intensive training stage to obtain good performance; (ii) it is sensitive to the vocabulary size; (iii) it is unable to cope with incremental recognition problems; (iv) it is unable to recognize simultaneous multiple actions; (v) it is unable to perform recognition frame by frame. In order to overcome these drawbacks, we propose a framework to index large scale motion features using Sphere/Rectangle-tree (SR-tree) for incremental action detection and recognition. The recognition comprises of the following two steps: 1) recognizing the local features by non-parametric nearest neighbor (NN), and 2) using a simple voting strategy to label the action. It can also provide localization of the action. Since it does not require feature quantization it can efficiently grow the feature-tree by adding features from new training actions or categories. Our method provides an effective way for practical incremental action recognition. Furthermore, it can handle large scale datasets because the SR-tree is a disk-based v data structure. We tested our approach on two publicly available datasets, the KTH dataset and the IXMAS multi-view dataset, and achieved promising results

    Content-based video copy detection using multimodal analysis

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2009.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2009.Includes bibliographical references leaves 67-76.Huge and increasing amount of videos broadcast through networks has raised the need of automatic video copy detection for copyright protection. Recent developments in multimedia technology introduced content-based copy detection (CBCD) as a new research field alternative to the watermarking approach for identification of video sequences. This thesis presents a multimodal framework for matching video sequences using a three-step approach: First, a high-level face detector identifies facial frames/shots in a video clip. Matching faces with extended body regions gives the flexibility to discriminate the same person (e.g., an anchor man or a political leader) in different events or scenes. In the second step, a spatiotemporal sequence matching technique is employed to match video clips/segments that are similar in terms of activity. Finally the non-facial shots are matched using low-level visual features. In addition, we utilize fuzzy logic approach for extracting color histogram to detect shot boundaries of heavily manipulated video clips. Methods for detecting noise, frame-droppings, picture-in-picture transformation windows, and extracting mask for still regions are also proposed and evaluated. The proposed method was tested on the query and reference dataset of CBCD task of TRECVID 2008. Our results were compared with the results of top-8 most successful techniques submitted to this task. Experimental results show that the proposed method performs better than most of the state-of-the-art techniques, in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency.Küçüktunç, OnurM.S

    A system for large-scale image and video retrieval on everyday scenes

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    There has been a growing amount of multimedia data generated on the web todayin terms of size and diversity. This has made accurate content retrieval with these large and complex collections of data a challenging problem. Motivated by the need for systems that can enable scalable and efficient search, we propose QIK (Querying Images Using Contextual Knowledge). QIK leverages advances in deep learning (DL) and natural language processing (NLP) for scene understanding to enable large-scale multimedia retrieval on everyday scenes with common objects. The system consists of three major components: Indexer, Query Processor, and Video Processor. Given an image, the Indexer performs probabilistic image understanding (PIU). The PIU generated consists of the most probable captions, parsed and represented by tree structures using NLP techniques, and detected objects. The PIU's are stored and indexed in a database system. For a query image, the Query Processor generates the most probable caption and parses it into the corresponding tree structure. Then an optimized tree-pattern query is constructed and executed on the database to retrieve a set of candidate images. The candidate images fetched are ranked using the tree-edit distance metric computed on the tree structures. Given a video, the Video Processor extracts a sequence of key scenes that are posed to the Query Processor to retrieve a set of candidate scenes. The candidate scene parse trees corresponding to a video are extracted and are ranked based on the number of matching scenes. We evaluated the performance of our system for large-scale image and video retrieval tasks on datasets containing everyday scenes and observed that our system could outperform state-ofthe- art techniques in terms of mean average precision.Includes bibliographical references