59 research outputs found

    Interactive ray shading of FRep objects

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    In this paper we present a method for interactive rendering general procedurally defined functionally represented (FRep) objects using the acceleration with graphics hardware, namely Graphics Processing Units (GPU). We obtain interactive rates by using GPU acceleration for all computations in rendering algorithm, such as ray-surface intersection, function evaluation and normal computations. We compute primary rays as well as secondary rays for shadows, reflection and refraction for obtaining high quality of the output visualization and further extension to ray-tracing of FRep objects. The algorithm is well-suited for modern GPUs and provides acceptable interactive rates with good quality of the results. A wide range of objects can be rendered including traditional skeletal implicit surfaces, constructive solids, and purely procedural objects such as 3D fractals

    An improved z-buffer CSG rendering algorithm

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    Surface Reconstruction from Constructive Solid Geometry for Interactive Visualization

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    A method is presented for constructing a set of triangles that closely approximates the surface of a constructive solid geometry model. The method subdivides an initial triangulation of the model’s primitives into triangles that can be classified accurately as either on or off of the surface of the whole model, and then recombines these small triangles into larger ones that are still either entirely on or entirely off the surface. Subdivision and recombination can be done in a preprocessing step, allowing later rendering of the triangles on the surface (i.e., the triangles visible from outside the model) to proceed at interactive rates. Performance measurements confirm that this method achieves interactive rendering speeds. This approach has been used with good results in an interactive scientific visualization program

    Real-time rendering and physics of complex dynamic terrains modeled as CSG trees of DEMs carved with spheres

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    We present a novel proposal for modeling complex dynamic terrains that offers real-time rendering, dynamic updates and physical interaction of entities simultaneously. We can capture any feature from landscapes including tunnels, overhangs and caves, and we can conduct a total destruction of the terrain. Our approach is based on a Constructive Solid Geometry tree, where a set of spheres are subtracted from a base Digital Elevation Model. Erosions on terrain are easily and efficiently carried out with a spherical sculpting tool with pixel-perfect accuracy. Real-time rendering performance is achieved by applying a one-direction CPU–GPU communication strategy and using the standard depth and stencil buffer functionalities provided by any graphics processor.This work has been partially funded by Ministeri de Ciència i Innovació (MICIN), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the Fons Europeu de Desenvolupament Regional (FEDER) (project PID2021-122136OB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001 1033/FEDER, UE).Postprint (published version

    An image-space algorithm for hardware-based rendering of constructive solid geometry

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    A new approach to image-space hardware-based rendering of Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) models is presented. The work is motivated by the evolving functionality and performance of computer graphics hardware. This work is also motivated by a specific industrial application --- interactive verification of five axis grinding machine tool programs. The goal is to minimise the amount of time required to render each frame in an animation or interactive application involving boolean combinations of three dimensional shapes. The Sequenced Convex Subtraction (SCS) algorithm utilises sequenced subtraction of convex objects for the purpose of interactive CSG rendering. Concave shapes must be decomposed into convex shapes for the purpose of rendering. The length of Permutation Embedding Sequences (PESs) used as subtraction sequences are shown to have a quadratic lower bound. In ma ny situations shorter sequences can be used, in the best case linear. Approaches to subtraction sequence encoding are presented including the use of object-space overlap information. The implementation of the algorithm is experimentally shown to perform better on modern commodity graphics hardware than previously reported methods. This work also examines performance aspects of the SCS algorithm itself. Overall performance depends on hardware characteristics, the number and spatial arrangement of primitives, and the structure and boolean operators of the CSG tree

    ROBOMOSP. ROBOtics MOdeling and Simulation Platform

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    This paper describes the design and development of the modeling and simulation environment for the robotic manipulators named ROBOMOSP (Robotics Modeling and Simulation Platform), which addresses important limitations of existing software for this purpose, under a highly parametric interface ideal for academics and research. The ROBOMOSP software platform adds novel characteristics and functions that are not found in other commercial and noncommercial robot modeling and simulation packages available today, including solution to the multibody dynamics problem using automatic calculation of the mass properties of robot multibodies, offline programming using a standard language, an API interface to allow experimentation with new algorithms, and support for remote/distributed use of the platform via socket communications. ROBOMOSP is ideal for training robotic operators, as a research aid, and for studying the mathematical and physical foundations of robotic manipulators, thanks to its ability to permit the expression of models that closely simulate the behavior of real systems within a feature-packed user-friendly interface

    Plataforma de Software para Modelado y Simulación de Robots Manipuladores

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    El presente articulo describe las principales partes que conforman el sistema modular de software incorporados en ROBOMOSP [1], una plataforma que se constituye en un entorno ideal para: el diseño de robots manipuladores, el entrenamiento fuera de línea de operadores y la operación en línea de robots en entornos reales de variada aplicación. ROBOMOSP aporta elementos novedosos respecto de otras herramientas comercialmente disponibles, entre los cuales están la solución a problemas dinámicos (inverso y directo) con cálculo automático de parámetros de masa a partir de objetos gráficos, solución completa al problema cinemático (inverso y directo), programación fuera de línea a partir de un lenguaje estándar (IRL), programación en línea mediante un interpretador de comandos gráfico, interfaz API para experimentación de nuevos algoritmos por parte del usuario, y el soporte de comunicación por sockets. ROBOMOSP es un ambiente multiplataforma (Linux®, MacOSX®, MS Windows®) construido mediante el uso de herramientas de software de dominio público. El artículo termina con una breve discusión sobre el trabajo actual y futuro alrededor de ROBOMOSP

    Visualization and inspection of the geometry of particle packings

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    Gegenstand dieser Dissertation ist die Entwicklung von effizienten Verfahren zur Visualisierung und Inspektion der Geometrie von Partikelmischungen. Um das Verhalten der Simulation für die Partikelmischung besser zu verstehen und zu überwachen, sollten nicht nur die Partikel selbst, sondern auch spezielle von den Partikeln gebildete Bereiche, die den Simulationsfortschritt und die räumliche Verteilung von Hotspots anzeigen können, visualisiert werden können. Dies sollte auch bei großen Packungen mit Millionen von Partikeln zumindest mit einer interaktiven Darstellungsgeschwindigkeit möglich sein. . Da die Simulation auf der Grafikkarte (GPU) durchgeführt wird, sollten die Visualisierungstechniken die Daten des GPU-Speichers vollständig nutzen. Um die Qualität von trockenen Partikelmischungen wie Beton zu verbessern, wurde der Korngrößenverteilung große Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet, die die Raumfüllungsrate hauptsächlich beeinflusst und daher zwei der wichtigsten Eigenschaften des Betons bestimmt: die strukturelle Robustheit und die Haltbarkeit. Anhand der Korngrößenverteilung kann die Raumfüllungsrate durch Computersimulationen bestimmt werden, die analytischen Ansätzen in der Praxis wegen der breiten Größenverteilung der Partikel oft überlegen sind. Eine der weit verbreiteten Simulationsmethoden ist das Collective Rearrangement, bei dem die Partikel zunächst an zufälligen Positionen innerhalb eines Behälters platziert werden. Später werden Überlappungen zwischen Partikeln aufgelöst, indem überlappende Partikel voneinander weggedrückt werden. Durch geschickte Anpassung der Behältergröße während der Simulation, kann die Collective Rearrangement-Methode am Ende eine ziemlich dichte Partikelpackung generieren. Es ist jedoch sehr schwierig, den gesamten Simulationsprozess ohne ein interaktives Visualisierungstool zu optimieren oder dort Fehler zu finden. Ausgehend von der etablierten rasterisierungsbasierten Methode zum Darstellen einer großen Menge von Kugeln, bietet diese Dissertation zunächst schnelle und pixelgenaue Methoden zur neuartigen Visualisierung der Überlappungen und Freiräume zwischen kugelförmigen Partikeln innerhalb eines Behälters.. Die auf Rasterisierung basierenden Verfahren funktionieren gut für kleinere Partikelpackungen bis ca. eine Million Kugeln. Bei größeren Packungen entstehen Probleme durch die lineare Laufzeit und den Speicherverbrauch. Zur Lösung dieses Problems werden neue Methoden mit Hilfe von Raytracing zusammen mit zwei neuen Arten von Bounding-Volume-Hierarchien (BVHs) bereitgestellt. Diese können den Raytracing-Prozess deutlich beschleunigen --- die erste kann die vorhandene Datenstruktur für die Simulation wiederverwenden und die zweite ist speichereffizienter. Beide BVHs nutzen die Idee des Loose Octree und sind die ersten ihrer Art, die die Größe von Primitiven für interaktives Raytracing mit häufig aktualisierten Beschleunigungsdatenstrukturen berücksichtigen. Darüber hinaus können die Visualisierungstechniken in dieser Dissertation auch angepasst werden, um Eigenschaften wie das Volumen bestimmter Bereiche zu berechnen. All diese Visualisierungstechniken werden dann auf den Fall nicht-sphärischer Partikel erweitert, bei denen ein nicht-sphärisches Partikel durch ein starres System von Kugeln angenähert wird, um die vorhandene kugelbasierte Simulation wiederverwenden zu können. Dazu wird auch eine neue GPU-basierte Methode zum effizienten Füllen eines nicht-kugelförmigen Partikels mit polydispersen überlappenden Kugeln vorgestellt, so dass ein Partikel mit weniger Kugeln gefüllt werden kann, ohne die Raumfüllungsrate zu beeinträchtigen. Dies erleichtert sowohl die Simulation als auch die Visualisierung. Basierend auf den Arbeiten in dieser Dissertation können ausgefeiltere Algorithmen entwickelt werden, um großskalige nicht-sphärische Partikelmischungen effizienter zu visualisieren. Weiterhin kann in Zukunft Hardware-Raytracing neuerer Grafikkarten anstelle des in dieser Dissertation eingesetzten Software-Raytracing verwendet werden. Die neuen Techniken können auch als Grundlage für die interaktive Visualisierung anderer partikelbasierter Simulationen verwendet werden, bei denen spezielle Bereiche wie Freiräume oder Überlappungen zwischen Partikeln relevant sind.The aim of this dissertation is to find efficient techniques for visualizing and inspecting the geometry of particle packings. Simulations of such packings are used e.g. in material sciences to predict properties of granular materials. To better understand and supervise the behavior of these simulations, not only the particles themselves but also special areas formed by the particles that can show the progress of the simulation and spatial distribution of hot spots, should be visualized. This should be possible with a frame rate that allows interaction even for large scale packings with millions of particles. Moreover, given the simulation is conducted in the GPU, the visualization techniques should take full use of the data in the GPU memory. To improve the performance of granular materials like concrete, considerable attention has been paid to the particle size distribution, which is the main determinant for the space filling rate and therefore affects two of the most important properties of the concrete: the structural robustness and the durability. Given the particle size distribution, the space filling rate can be determined by computer simulations, which are often superior to analytical approaches due to irregularities of particles and the wide range of size distribution in practice. One of the widely adopted simulation methods is the collective rearrangement, for which particles are first placed at random positions inside a container, later overlaps between particles will be resolved by letting overlapped particles push away from each other to fill empty space in the container. By cleverly adjusting the size of the container according to the process of the simulation, the collective rearrangement method could get a pretty dense particle packing in the end. However, it is very hard to fine-tune or debug the whole simulation process without an interactive visualization tool. Starting from the well-established rasterization-based method to render spheres, this dissertation first provides new fast and pixel-accurate methods to visualize the overlaps and free spaces between spherical particles inside a container. The rasterization-based techniques perform well for small scale particle packings but deteriorate for large scale packings due to the large memory requirements that are hard to be approximated correctly in advance. To address this problem, new methods based on ray tracing are provided along with two new kinds of bounding volume hierarchies (BVHs) to accelerate the ray tracing process --- the first one can reuse the existing data structure for simulation and the second one is more memory efficient. Both BVHs utilize the idea of loose octree and are the first of their kind to consider the size of primitives for interactive ray tracing with frequently updated acceleration structures. Moreover, the visualization techniques provided in this dissertation can also be adjusted to calculate properties such as volumes of the specific areas. All these visualization techniques are then extended to non-spherical particles, where a non-spherical particle is approximated by a rigid system of spheres to reuse the existing simulation. To this end a new GPU-based method is presented to fill a non-spherical particle with polydisperse possibly overlapping spheres efficiently, so that a particle can be filled with fewer spheres without sacrificing the space filling rate. This eases both simulation and visualization. Based on approaches presented in this dissertation, more sophisticated algorithms can be developed to visualize large scale non-spherical particle mixtures more efficiently. Besides, one can try to exploit the hardware ray tracing of more recent graphic cards instead of maintaining the software ray tracing as in this dissertation. The new techniques can also become the basis for interactively visualizing other particle-based simulations, where special areas such as free space or overlaps between particles are of interest

    View space linking, solid node compression and binary space partitioning for visibility determination in 3D walk-throughs

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    Today\u27s 3D games consumers are expecting more and more quality in their games. To enable high quality graphics at interactive rates, games programmers employ a technique known as hidden surface removal (HSR) or polygon culling. HSR is not just applicable to games; it may also be applied to any application that requires quality and interactive rates, including medical, military and building applications. One such commonly used technique for HSR is the binary space partition (BSP) tree, which is used for 3D ‘walk-throughs’, otherwise known as 3D static environments or first person shooters. Recent developments in 3D accelerated hardware technology do not mean that HSR is becoming redundant; in fact, HSR is increasingly becoming more important to the graphics pipeline. The well established potentially visible sets (PSV) BSP tree algorithm is used as a platform for exploring three enhanced algorithms; View Space Lighting, Solid Node Compression and hardware accelerated occlusion are shown to reducing the amounts of nodes that are traversed in a BSP tree, improving tree travel efficiency. These algorithms are proven (in cases) to improve overall efficiency