91 research outputs found

    Trends. A New Look at the New Look: Nuclear Weapons and National Security

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    The author discusses the term New Look that was ascribed to United States (US) military policy during the first and--less accurately--to the second Eisenhower administrations. On

    Russian Climate Politics in 2019: Concessions and Trade Offs

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    In the paper of this project the Russiaā€™s political justifications for the signing of the Kyoto Protocol and the refusal to sign the Paris Accord are analyzed. Russiaā€™s current adaptive strategies and trajectory towards creating a potentially devastating future for the planet are assessed in terms of their economic justifications. Overall this paper argues that the Paris Accord needs to be amended to be economically and politically fair for all signing countries. Currently Russia could lose GDP if they signed the accord, and this is presented as the primary reason for Russiaā€™s refusal to sign. The thesis of the paper is that economic and environmental goals must coincide for Russia to make a change. Intro to Art Component: Russia is one of the worldā€™s leaders on climate change, despite its isolationist attitudes towards the rest of the world. Russia is putting island countries in danger with their emissions as they gain in Arctic mining and oil and gas deals with China and Europe. There are however risks at home. With these Russia is taking an adaptive and responsive strategy. They rebuild the villages burned by forest fires, and will likely keep the majority safe from the future events. What we can infer is that climate change is a game of trade offs for Russia: while they will face accelerated wildfires, and continued threats to its coastal jewel St. Petersburg, the economy will thrive under a new gas line to Germany. Russia is isolationist in that its choice to continue emissions at a rate that could devastate the planet, yet, the state is willing to take this gamble, as Russia may be more safe than other places in this devastation and herein lies the responsibility of proper international climate negotiations and treaties. The benefits and costs to each country must be balanced through concessions. Perhaps, also it is the role of powers such as the church to intervene and prevent potential catastrophe, however, so far we face their silence. Please enjoy these images and thoughts on the current state of Russian affairs and be reminded of the importance of the effects of our actions on the planet. Yet, also remember that perhaps there are no clear right and wrong way forward in the story of climate change, simply trade offs

    The Great Pleasures Don\u27t Come So Cheap: Material Objects, Pragmatic Behavior and Aesthetic Commitments in Willa Cather\u27s Fiction

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Multidisciplinary Studies of Bard College

    Creation of an Electronic Textbook for University Students

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    The need for e-learning in modern Russia is caused by the rapid development of informatization, digitalization, information and communication technologies, the creation of a global environment for mutual integration of cultures and disciplines, as well as the formation of open continuous education, which is the basis of a post-industrial (information) society. These processes stimulate an active search for creative educational practices that meet the requirements of the information society. A modern specialist must have a certain amount of knowledge that will allow him to learn constantly, improve his skills and abilities, self-develop and self-actualize in order to keep up with the time of changes in the information society. In the framework of the modern educational paradigm, the student is considered as a subject of knowledge, not an object of pedagogical influence. In the early ā€“ mid-2010s, this is actively promoted by electronic learning (e-learning, EL), which should be used in various educational organizations. E-learning allows integrating into the world scientific community, becoming subjects of interaction between cultures, including the exchange of spiritual values. Implementation of EL is one of the key tasks in the context of modernization of national education. The term ā€œelectronic learningā€ is translated into Russian in various ways. The most popular options are: ā€œdistance learning/educationā€, ā€œmobile learningā€, and ā€œvirtual learningā€. The European Commission interprets ā€œe-learningā€ as ā€œusing new multimedia and Internet technologies to improve the quality of learning by improving access to resources and services, as well as remote knowledge sharing and collaborationā€. In this study, the concept of ā€œe-learningā€ will correspond to the phrase ā€œelectronic learningā€. This is an educational process based on interactive electronic means of storing and providing information: the Internet, corporate networks, and CDs

    Creation of an Electronic Textbook for University Students

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    The need for e-learning in modern Russia is caused by the rapid development of informatization, digitalization, information and communication technologies, the creation of a global environment for mutual integration of cultures and disciplines, as well as the formation of open continuous education, which is the basis of a post-industrial (information) society. These processes stimulate an active search for creative educational practices that meet the requirements of the information society. A modern specialist must have a certain amount of knowledge that will allow him to learn constantly, improve his skills and abilities, self-develop and self-actualize in order to keep up with the time of changes in the information society. In the framework of the modern educational paradigm, the student is considered as a subject of knowledge, not an object of pedagogical influence. In the early ā€“ mid-2010s, this is actively promoted by electronic learning (e-learning, EL), which should be used in various educational organizations. E-learning allows integrating into the world scientific community, becoming subjects of interaction between cultures, including the exchange of spiritual values. Implementation of EL is one of the key tasks in the context of modernization of national education. The term ā€œelectronic learningā€ is translated into Russian in various ways. The most popular options are: ā€œdistance learning/educationā€, ā€œmobile learningā€, and ā€œvirtual learningā€. The European Commission interprets ā€œe-learningā€ as ā€œusing new multimedia and Internet technologies to improve the quality of learning by improving access to resources and services, as well as remote knowledge sharing and collaborationā€. In this study, the concept of ā€œe-learningā€ will correspond to the phrase ā€œelectronic learningā€. This is an educational process based on interactive electronic means of storing and providing information: the Internet, corporate networks, and CDs

    Creation of an Electronic Textbook for University Students

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    The need for e-learning in modern Russia is caused by the rapid development of informatization, digitalization, information and communication technologies, the creation of a global environment for mutual integration of cultures and disciplines, as well as the formation of open continuous education, which is the basis of a post-industrial (information) society. These processes stimulate an active search for creative educational practices that meet the requirements of the information society. A modern specialist must have a certain amount of knowledge that will allow him to learn constantly, improve his skills and abilities, self-develop and self-actualize in order to keep up with the time of changes in the information society. In the framework of the modern educational paradigm, the student is considered as a subject of knowledge, not an object of pedagogical influence. In the early ā€“ mid-2010s, this is actively promoted by electronic learning (e-learning, EL), which should be used in various educational organizations. E-learning allows integrating into the world scientific community, becoming subjects of interaction between cultures, including the exchange of spiritual values. Implementation of EL is one of the key tasks in the context of modernization of national education. The term ā€œelectronic learningā€ is translated into Russian in various ways. The most popular options are: ā€œdistance learning/educationā€, ā€œmobile learningā€, and ā€œvirtual learningā€. The European Commission interprets ā€œe-learningā€ as ā€œusing new multimedia and Internet technologies to improve the quality of learning by improving access to resources and services, as well as remote knowledge sharing and collaborationā€. In this study, the concept of ā€œe-learningā€ will correspond to the phrase ā€œelectronic learningā€. This is an educational process based on interactive electronic means of storing and providing information: the Internet, corporate networks, and CDs


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    El control financiero estatal (SFC) es una parte integral de la administracioĢn puĢblica. Su objetivo principal es identificar las desviaciones de las normas, las violaciones de los principios de legalidad, eficiencia y ahorro de recursos lo antes posible. Esto permite la adopcioĢn oportuna de medidas correctivas y, en algunos casos, la reparacioĢn financiera y la rendicioĢn de cuentas de los perpetradores, ademaĢs de prevenir tales violaciones en el futuro. Sin embargo, si el control interno lo llevan a cabo los empleados, directamente subordinados al jefe de la organizacioĢn controlada, no puede haber objetividad. En este sentido, los autores proponen utilizar la experiencia y las habilidades profesionales de los auditores independientes en la implementacioĢn del presupuesto de auditoriĢa.State financial control (SFC) is an integral part of public administration. Its main goal is to identify deviations from standards, violations of the principles of legality, efficiency and resource saving as early as possible. This allows timely adoption of remedial measures, and, in some cases, financial reparation and accountability for perpetrators, as well as preventing such violations in the future. However, if the internal control is carried out by employees, directly subordinate to the head of controlled organization, there can be no question of objectivity. In this regard, the authors propose to use the experience and professional skills of independent auditors in auditing budget implementation.O controle financeiro estatal (SFC) eĢ parte integrante da administracĢ§aĢƒo puĢblica. Seu principal objetivo eĢ identificar desvios dos padroĢƒes, violacĢ§oĢƒes dos princiĢpios de legalidade, eficieĢ‚ncia e economia de recursos o mais cedo possiĢvel. Isso permite a adocĢ§aĢƒo oportuna de medidas corretivas e, em alguns casos, reparacĢ§aĢƒo financeira e prestacĢ§aĢƒo de contas aos autores, aleĢm de impedir essas violacĢ§oĢƒes no futuro. No entanto, se o controle interno for realizado pelos funcionaĢrios, diretamente subordinado ao chefe da organizacĢ§aĢƒo controlada, naĢƒo haveraĢ questaĢƒo de objetividade. Nesse sentido, os autores propoĢƒem usar a experieĢ‚ncia e as habilidades profissionais dos auditores independentes na auditoria da implementacĢ§aĢƒo do orcĢ§amento


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    The disclosure of classified information to the general public played an important role in the period before the start of the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. This strategy involved the disclosure of classified information at an unprecedented scale and speed, with the aim of achieving specific effects, while using emerging technologies such as those associated to the open- source intelligence toolbox. The hypothesis under consideration is that the state may intentionally disclose classified information in order to shape the reactions and behaviours of other international actors. The research approach was based on the case study on the disclosure of classified information in the period July 2021ā€“ February 2022 in the context of the imminent invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. The data collected from open sources were correlated with the aim of analysing in detail the disclosure strategy of classified information, its characteristics, the factors that potentiate it and its effects. The obtained results lead to the conclusion that the disclosure of classified information belongs to the tools of the ways of exercising the state power, with multiple effects, from influencing opponents to increasing the resilience of own population to the phenomenon of fake news

    The Fault Is Not in Our Stars: Avoiding an Arms Race in Outer Space

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    The world is on the precipice of a new arms race in outer space, as China, Russia, the United States, and others undertake dramatic new initiatives in anti-satellite weaponry. These accelerated competitive efforts at space control are highly destabilizing because developed societies have come to depend so heavily upon satellite services to support the entire civilian economy and the modern military apparatus; any significant threat or disruption in the availability of space assets would be massively, and possibly permanently, disruptive. International law regarding outer space developed with remarkable rapidity in the early years of the Space Age, but the process of formulating additional treaties and norms for space has broken down over the past several decades; no additional legal instruments have emerged that could cope with todayā€™s rising threats. This Article therefore proposes three initiatives. Although none of them can suffice to solve the emerging problems, they could, perhaps, provide additional diplomacy, reinvigorating the prospects for rapprochement in space. Importantly, each of these three ideas has deep roots in other sectors of arms control, where they have served both to restore a measure of stability and to catalyze even more ambitious agreements in the longer term. The first proposal is for a declaratory regime of ā€œno first useā€ of specified space weapons; this would do little to directly alter statesā€™ capabilities for space warfare, but could serve as a ā€œconfidence-building measure,ā€ to temper their most provocative rhetoric and practices. The second concept is a ā€œlimited test ban,ā€ to interdict the most dangerous debris-creating developmental tests of new space weapons. Third is a suggestion for shared ā€œspace situational awareness,ā€ which would create an international apparatus enabling all participants to enjoy the benefits of greater transparency, reducing the possibilities for secret malign or negligent behavior. In each instance, the Article describes the proposal and its variations, assesses its possible contributions to space security, and displays the key precedents from other arms-control successes. The Article concludes by calling for additional, further-reaching space diplomacy, in the hope that these relatively modest initial measures could provoke more robust subsequent negotiations
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