99 research outputs found

    A machine learning approach to automatic detection of irregularity in skin lesion border using dermoscopic images

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    Skin lesion border irregularity is considered an important clinical feature for the early diagnosis of melanoma, representing the B feature in the ABCD rule. In this article we propose an automated approach for skin lesion border irregularity detection. The approach involves extracting the skin lesion from the image, detecting the skin lesion border, measuring the border irregularity, training a Convolutional Neural Network and Gaussian naive Bayes ensemble, to the automatic detection of border irregularity, which results in an objective decision on whether the skin lesion border is considered regular or irregular. The approach achieves outstanding results, obtaining an accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and F-score of 93.6%, 100%, 92.5% and 96.1%, respectively

    The role of AI classifiers in skin cancer images

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    Background: The use of different imaging modalities to assist in skin cancer diagnosis is a common practice in clinical scenarios. Different features representative of the lesion under evaluation can be retrieved from image analysis and processing. However, the integration and understanding of these additional parameters can be a challenging task for physicians, so artificial intelligence (AI) methods can be implemented to assist in this process. This bibliographic research was performed with the goal of assessing the current applications of AI algorithms as an assistive tool in skin cancer diagnosis, based on information retrieved from different imaging modalities. Materials and methods: The bibliography databases ISI Web of Science, PubMed and Scopus were used for the literature search, with the combination of keywords: skin cancer, skin neoplasm, imaging and classification methods. Results: The search resulted in 526 publications, which underwent a screening process, considering the established eligibility criteria. After screening, only 65 were qualified for revision. Conclusion: Different imaging modalities have already been coupled with AI methods, particularly dermoscopy for melanoma recognition. Learners based on support vector machines seem to be the preferred option. Future work should focus on image analysis, processing stages and image fusion assuring the best possible classification outcome.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An algorithm for characterizing skin moles using image processing and machine learning

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    Melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer, forms in cells (melanocytes) that produce melanin, the pigment that gives color to the skin. There are low-income regions that lack specialized dermatologists, causing skin cancer to be diagnosed in advanced stages. In Peru, in high Andean communities with low resources, the problem is aggravated by the high incidence of ultraviolet radiation and lack of medical resources to make the diagnosis. Normally, mole images are obtained from dermatoscopes. The present work seeks to use mole images obtained from smartphones to make the classification of them as suspected or not suspected of being melanoma, by means of a feature extraction algorithm. The first step is to make color and lighting corrections. After this, the image is segmented using the K-Means algorithm, and we obtain the areas of the mole and skin. With the segmented mole we proceed to extract the main visual characteristics and then use classification algorithms such as support vector machine (SVM), random forest and naïve bayes, which obtained an accuracy of 0.9473, 0.7368 and 0.6842, respectively. These results show that it is possible to use images obtained from smartphones to develop a classification algorithm with 94.73% accuracy to detect melanoma in skin moles


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    The article contains a review of selected classification methods of dermatoscopic images with human skin lesions, taking into account various stages of dermatological disease. The described algorithms are widely used in the diagnosis of skin lesions, such as artificial neural networks (CNN, DCNN), random forests, SVM, kNN classifier, AdaBoost MC and their modifications. The effectiveness, specificity and accuracy of classifications based on the same data sets were also compared and analyzed.Artykuł zawiera przegląd wybranych metod klasyfikacji obrazów dermatoskopowych zmian skórnych człowieka z uwzględnieniem różnych etapów choroby dermatologicznej. Opisane algorytmy są szeroko wykorzystywane w diagnostyce zmian skórnych, takie jak sztuczne sieci neuronowe (CNN, DCNN), random forests, SVM, klasyfikator kNN, AdaBoost MC i ich modyfikacje. Porównana i przeanalizowana została również skuteczność, specyficznośc i dokładność klasyfikatów w oparciu o te same zestawy danych

    Towards the early detection of melanoma by automating the measurement of asymmetry, border irregularity, color variegation, and diameter in dermoscopy images

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    The incidence of melanoma, the most aggressive form of skin cancer, has increased more than many other cancers in recent years. The aim of this thesis is to develop objective measures and automated methods to evaluate the ABCD (Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color variegation, and Diameter) rule features in dermoscopy images, a popular method that provides a simple means for appraisal of pigmented lesions that might require further investigation by a specialist. However, research gaps in evaluating those features have been encountered in literature. To extract skin lesions, two segmentation approaches that are robust to inherent dermoscopic image problems have been proposed, and showed to outperform other approaches used in literature. Measures for finding asymmetry and border irregularity have been developed. The asymmetry measure describes invariant features, provides a compactness representation of the image, and captures discriminative properties of skin lesions. The border irregularity measure, which is preceded by a border detection step carried out by a novel edge detection algorithm that represents the image in terms of fuzzy concepts, is rotation invariant, characterizes the complexity of the shape associated with the border, and robust to noise. To automate the measures, classification methods that are based on ensemble learning and which take the ambiguity of data into consideration have been proposed. Color variegation was evaluated by determining the suspicious colors of melanoma from a generated color palette for the image, and the diameter of the skin lesion was measured using a shape descriptor that was eventually represented in millimeters. The work developed in the thesis reflects the automatic dermoscopic image analysis standard pipeline, and a computer-aided diagnosis system (CAD) for the automatic detection and objective evaluation of the ABCD rule features. It can be used as an objective bedside tool serving as a diagnostic adjunct in the clinical assessment of skin lesions

    Skin lesion image segmentation using Delaunay Triangulation for melanoma detection

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    Developing automatic diagnostic tools for the early detection of skin cancer lesions in dermoscopic images can help to reduce melanoma-induced mortal- ity. Image segmentation is a key step in the automated skin lesion diagnosis pipeline. In this paper, a fast and fully-automatic algorithm for skin lesion segmentation in dermoscopic images is presented. Delaunay Triangulation is used to extract a binary mask of the lesion region, without the need of any training stage. A quantitative experimental evaluation has been conducted on a publicly available database, by taking into account six well-known state- of-the-art segmentation methods for comparison. The results of the experi- mental analysis demonstrate that the proposed approach is highly accurate when dealing with benign lesions, while the segmentation accuracy signi- cantly decreases when melanoma images are processed. This behavior led us to consider geometrical and color features extracted from the binary masks generated by our algorithm for classication, achieving promising results for melanoma detection

    Stacked Cross Validation with Deep Features: A Hybrid Method for Skin Cancer Detection

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    Detection of malignant skin lesions is important for early and accurate diagnosis of skin cancer. In this work, a hybrid method for malignant lesion detection from dermoscopy images is proposed. The method combines the feature extraction process of convolutional neural networks (CNN) with an ensemble learner called stacked cross-validation (CV). The features extracted by three different CNN architectures, namely, ResNet50, Xception, and VGG16 are used for training of four different baseline classifiers, which are support vector machines, k-nearest neighbors, artificial neural networks, and random forests. The stacked outputs of these classifiers are used to train a logistic regression model as a meta-classifier. The performance of the proposed method is compared with the baseline classifiers trained individually as well as AdaBoost classifier, another ensemble learner. Feature extraction with Xception architecture, outperforms all other benchmark models by achieving scores of 0.909, 0.896, 0.886, and 0.917 for accuracy, F1-score, sensitivity, and AUC, respectively

    Analysis of Temporal Variations in Dermoscopy Images of Pigmented Skin Lesions by Machine Learning Techniques

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    Each year more people are diagnosed with skin cancer all over the world. The large incidence in populations is causing a huge concern to the scientific community, which leads the development of multiple studies related to diagnose this type of cancer.Therefore computer-aided systems are becoming more important in this field due to the challenging task of discriminate benign from malignant skin lesions. These systems can process several images and are intended to make a decision based on the diagnosis achieved by the processing of the images which will reduce the dependency on the experience of the dermatologist and the time consumed in the visual interpretation of each lesion.The main goal of this thesis is the study of the evolution of pigmented skin lesions. Starting from two images of the same lesion at different moments of evaluation, that is the identification of changes that may lead to the intervention of the specialist. These possible alterations may be evidenced through image processing techniques implemented using MATLAB which may help the physician to make a decision. This work addresses three main steps in image processing namely pre-processing, segmentation and feature extraction and aims to obtain results based on the temporal analysis of the lesion