693 research outputs found

    Asynchronous Circuit Stacking for Simplified Power Management

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    As digital integrated circuits (ICs) continue to increase in complexity, new challenges arise for designers. Complex ICs are often designed by incorporating multiple power domains therefore requiring multiple voltage converters to produce the corresponding supply voltages. These converters not only take substantial on-chip layout area and/or off-chip space, but also aggregate the power loss during the voltage conversions that must occur fast enough to maintain the necessary power supplies. This dissertation work presents an asynchronous Multi-Threshold NULL Convention Logic (MTNCL) “stacked” circuit architecture that alleviates this problem by reducing the number of voltage converters needed to supply the voltage the ICs operate at. By stacking multiple MTNCL circuits between power and ground, supplying a multiple of VDD to the entire stack and incorporating simple control mechanisms, the dynamic range fluctuation problem can be mitigated. A 130nm Bulk CMOS process and a 32nm Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) CMOS process are used to evaluate the theoretical effect of stacking different circuitry while running different workloads. Post parasitic physical implementations are then carried out in the 32nm SOI process for demonstrating the feasibility and analyzing the advantages of the proposed MTNCL stacking architecture

    Soft error in FPGA-implemented asynchronous circuits

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    In this paper, we investigate the mechanism of soft error generation and propagation in asynchronous circuits which are implemented on FPGAs. The effects of the soft errors on Quasi-delay-insensitive (QDI) asynchronous circuits are analyzed. The results show that it is much easier to detect the soft error in asynchronous circuits implemented on FPGAs so that FPGAs can be reprogrammed, compared with traditional synchronous circuits

    Design for soft error tolerance in FPGA-implemented asynchronous circuits

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    This research in its present form is the result of experimentation on effect of soft error in FPGA-implemented asynchronous circuit. The conclusion are drawn that asynchronous circuit are much easier to detect soft error than synchronous circuits. The asynchronous circuit is implemented in FPGA with software fault injection method to analyze the behavior of soft error generation in FPGA implementation asynchronous circuits. The proposed detection circuit can detect all soft errors that generated in FPGA-implemented asynchronous circuit. The contributions include: investigation of FPGA structure, investigation of soft error model in FPGA, mechanism of FPGA implemented asynchronous circuit, behavior of soft error injection in FPGA look up table that implemented asynchronous circuit, and proposed detection scheme. The research on soft error injection in FPGA routing system and soft error rate estimation will be done in the future

    Low-Power and Reconfigurable Asynchronous ASIC Design Implementing Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has experienced a tremendous surge in recent years, resulting in high demand for a wide array of implementations of algorithms in the field. With the rise of Internet-of-Things devices, the need for artificial intelligence algorithms implemented in hardware with tight design restrictions has become even more prevalent. In terms of low power and area, ASIC implementations have the best case. However, these implementations suffer from high non-recurring engineering costs, long time-to-market, and a complete lack of flexibility, which significantly hurts their appeal in an environment where time-to-market is so critical. The time-to-market gap can be shortened through the use of reconfigurable solutions, such as FPGAs, but these come with high cost per unit and significant power and area deficiencies over their ASIC counterparts. To bridge these gaps, this dissertation work develops two methodologies to improve the usability of ASIC implementations of neural networks in these applications. The first method demonstrates a method for substantial reductions in design time for asynchronous implementations of a set of AI algorithms known as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) by analyzing the possible architectures and implementing a library of generic or easily altered components that can be used to quickly implement a chosen RNN architecture. A tapeout of this method was completed using as few as 112 hours of labor by the designer from RNN selection to a DRC/LVS clean chip layout ready for fabrication. The second method develops a flow to implement a set of RNNs in a single reconfigurable ASIC, offering a middle ground between fully reconfigurable solutions and completely application-specific implementations. This reconfigurable design is capable of representing thousands of possible RNN configurations in a single IC. A tapeout of this design was also completed, with both tapeouts using the TSMC 65nm bulk CMOS process

    Design of an FPGA Logic Element for Implementing Asynchronous NULL Convention Logic Circuits

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    Two versions of a reconfigurable logic element are developed for use in constructing afield-programmable gate array NULL convention logic (NCL) field-programmable gate array (FPGA): one with extra embedded registration capability, which requires additional area, and one without. Both versions can be configured as any of the 27 fundamental NCL gates, including resettable and inverting variations, and both can utilize embedded registration for gates with three or fewer inputs; however, only the version with the additional embedded registration capability can utilize embedded registration with four-input gates. These two approaches are compared with each other and with an existing approach, showing that both versions developed herein yield a more area efficient NCL circuit implementation, compared to the previous work. The two FPGA logic elements are simulated at the transistor level using the 1.8-V, 180-nm TSMC CMOS process

    Null Convention Logic applications of asynchronous design in nanotechnology and cryptographic security

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    This dissertation presents two Null Convention Logic (NCL) applications of asynchronous logic circuit design in nanotechnology and cryptographic security. The first application is the Asynchronous Nanowire Reconfigurable Crossbar Architecture (ANRCA); the second one is an asynchronous S-Box design for cryptographic system against Side-Channel Attacks (SCA). The following are the contributions of the first application: 1) Proposed a diode- and resistor-based ANRCA (DR-ANRCA). Three configurable logic block (CLB) structures were designed to efficiently reconfigure a given DR-PGMB as one of the 27 arbitrary NCL threshold gates. A hierarchical architecture was also proposed to implement the higher level logic that requires a large number of DR-PGMBs, such as multiple-bit NCL registers. 2) Proposed a memristor look-up-table based ANRCA (MLUT-ANRCA). An equivalent circuit simulation model has been presented in VHDL and simulated in Quartus II. Meanwhile, the comparison between these two ANRCAs have been analyzed numerically. 3) Presented the defect-tolerance and repair strategies for both DR-ANRCA and MLUT-ANRCA. The following are the contributions of the second application: 1) Designed an NCL based S-Box for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Functional verification has been done using Modelsim and Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). 2) Implemented two different power analysis attacks on both NCL S-Box and conventional synchronous S-Box. 3) Developed a novel approach based on stochastic logics to enhance the resistance against DPA and CPA attacks. The functionality of the proposed design has been verified using an 8-bit AES S-box design. The effects of decision weight, bitstream length, and input repetition times on error rates have been also studied. Experimental results shows that the proposed approach enhances the resistance to against the CPA attack by successfully protecting the hidden key --Abstract, page iii

    Stream Processor Development using Multi-Threshold NULL Convention Logic Asynchronous Design Methodology

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    Decreasing transistor feature size has led to an increase in the number of transistors in integrated circuits (IC), allowing for the implementation of more complex logic. However, such logic also requires more complex clock tree synthesis (CTS) to avoid timing violations as the clock must reach many more gates over larger areas. Thus, timing analysis requires significantly more computing power and designer involvement than in the past. For these reasons, IC designers have been pushed to nix conventional synchronous (SYNC) architecture and explore novel methodologies such as asynchronous, self-timed architecture. This dissertation evaluates the nominal active energy, voltage-scaled active energy, and leakage power dissipation across two cores of a stream processor: Smoothing Filter (SF) and Histogram Equalization (HEQ). Both cores were implemented in Multi-Threshold NULL Convention Logic (MTNCL) and clock-gated synchronous methodologies using a gate-level netlist to avoid any architectural discrepancies while guaranteeing impartial comparisons. MTNCL designs consumed more active energy than their synchronous counterparts due to the dual-rail encoding system; however, high-threshold-voltage (High-Vt) transistors used in MTNCL threshold gates reduced leakage power dissipation by up to 227%. During voltage-scaling simulations, MTNCL circuits showed a high level of robustness as the output results were logically valid across all voltage sweeps without any additional circuitry. SYNC circuits, however, needed extra logic, such as a DVS controller, to adjust the circuit’s speed when VDD changed. Although SYNC circuits still consumed less average energy, MTNCL circuit power gains accelerated when switching to lower voltage domains

    Графы сигнальных переходов для схем асинхронного тракта данных

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    The paper proposes a method for constructing signal transition graphs (STGs), which are directly mapped into asynchronous circuits for data processing. The advantage of the proposed method is that the resulting circuits are not only output-persistent, but also conformant to the environment. In other approaches, the environment is specified implicitly and/or inexactly and therefore they guarantee only output persistence. The conformation can be verified if both the circuit and its environment are specified by STGs. As an example, we consider a module realizing the function AND2. This module can either wait for both 1s or evaluate the function as soon as at least one 0 arrives. For each case, we draw up a separate STG (scenario) and map it into NCL gates. To provide such a mapping, we specify the behaviors of NCL gates by STG protocols. For data path, such an STG always contains alternative branches with the so-called garbage transitions at the gate inputs. The garbage transitions on a certain wire mean that the circuit is sensitive to the delay in this wire. Ignoring the garbage may lead to a violation of conformation or/and output persistence. For example, in the combinational part of the NCL circuits, the garbage appears on the inputs of NCL gates, and therefore these circuits are not delay insensitive.В статье предлагается метод построения графов сигнальных переходов (STG), которые напрямую отображаются в схемы асинхронной обработки данных. Преимуществом предлагаемого метода является то, что полученные схемы не только неизменны по выходу (output-persistent), но и конформны внешней среде. В других подходах среда задаётся неявно и/или неточно, и поэтому они гарантируют только неизменность по выходу. Конформность можно проверить, если как схема, так и её внешняя среда заданы STG. В качестве примера мы рассматриваем модуль, реализующий функцию 2И. Этот модуль может либо ожидать лог. 1 на обоих входах, либо вычислить функцию, как только придёт хотя бы один 0. Для каждого случая мы составляем отдельный STG (сценарий) и отображаем его в элементы NCL. Чтобы обеспечить такое отображение, мы задаём поведение NCL элементов STG протоколами . Для тракта данных такой STG всегда содержит альтернативные ветви с так называемыми мусорными переключениями на входах элементов. Мусорные переключения на определенном проводе означают, что схема чувствительна к задержке в этом проводе. Игнорирование мусора может привести к нарушению конформности и/или неизменности по выходу. Например, в комбинационной части NCL схем мусор появляется на входах NCL элементов, поэтому эти схемы чувствительны к задержкам

    Stream Processor Development using Multi-Threshold NULL Convention Logic Asynchronous Design Methodology

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    Decreasing transistor feature size has led to an increase in the number of transistors in integrated circuits (IC), allowing for the implementation of more complex logic. However, such logic also requires more complex clock tree synthesis (CTS) to avoid timing violations as the clock must reach many more gates over larger areas. Thus, timing analysis requires significantly more computing power and designer involvement than in the past. For these reasons, IC designers have been pushed to nix conventional synchronous (SYNC) architecture and explore novel methodologies such as asynchronous, self-timed architecture. This dissertation evaluates the nominal active energy, voltage-scaled active energy, and leakage power dissipation across two cores of a stream processor: Smoothing Filter (SF) and Histogram Equalization (HEQ). Both cores were implemented in Multi-Threshold NULL Convention Logic (MTNCL) and clock-gated synchronous methodologies using a gate-level netlist to avoid any architectural discrepancies while guaranteeing impartial comparisons. MTNCL designs consumed more active energy than their synchronous counterparts due to the dual-rail encoding system; however, high-threshold-voltage (High-Vt) transistors used in MTNCL threshold gates reduced leakage power dissipation by up to 227%. During voltage-scaling simulations, MTNCL circuits showed a high level of robustness as the output results were logically valid across all voltage sweeps without any additional circuitry. SYNC circuits, however, needed extra logic, such as a DVS controller, to adjust the circuit’s speed when VDD changed. Although SYNC circuits still consumed less average energy, MTNCL circuit power gains accelerated when switching to lower voltage domains

    Radiation-Hardened Delay-Insensitive Asynchronous Circuits for Multi-Bit SEU Mitigation and Data-Retaining SEL Protection

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    Radiation can have highly damaging effects on circuitry, especially for space applications, if designed without radiation-hardening mechanisms. Delay-insensitive asynchronous circuits inherently have promising potentials in mitigating the effects of radiation due to their delay insensitivity. This thesis proposes the use of two delay-insensitive asynchronous logic architectures to mitigate the effects of up to two single-event upsets (SEU) and a single-event latch-up (SEL). The multi-bit SEU mitigation with SEL protection architecture improves the original design by providing more integrity against data corruption and lock-ups caused by multi-bit SEUs, and it is expanded to simultaneously provide protection against SEL. The multi-bit SEU mitigation with data-retaining SEL protection architecture extends the original architecture by guaranteeing no data loss during the power cycling for mitigating SEL. The results show that the proposed architectures function correctly, at the transistor level, in mitigating up to two SEUs and an SEL without data loss