103,056 research outputs found

    Fuzzy techniques for noise removal in image sequences and interval-valued fuzzy mathematical morphology

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    Image sequences play an important role in today's world. They provide us a lot of information. Videos are for example used for traffic observations, surveillance systems, autonomous navigation and so on. Due to bad acquisition, transmission or recording, the sequences are however usually corrupted by noise, which hampers the functioning of many image processing techniques. A preprocessing module to filter the images often becomes necessary. After an introduction to fuzzy set theory and image processing, in the first main part of the thesis, several fuzzy logic based video filters are proposed: one filter for grayscale video sequences corrupted by additive Gaussian noise and two color extensions of it and two grayscale filters and one color filter for sequences affected by the random valued impulse noise type. In the second main part of the thesis, interval-valued fuzzy mathematical morphology is studied. Mathematical morphology is a theory intended for the analysis of spatial structures that has found application in e.g. edge detection, object recognition, pattern recognition, image segmentation, image magnification
 In the thesis, an overview is given of the evolution from binary mathematical morphology over the different grayscale morphology theories to interval-valued fuzzy mathematical morphology and the interval-valued image model. Additionally, the basic properties of the interval-valued fuzzy morphological operators are investigated. Next, also the decomposition of the interval-valued fuzzy morphological operators is investigated. We investigate the relationship between the cut of the result of such operator applied on an interval-valued image and structuring element and the result of the corresponding binary operator applied on the cut of the image and structuring element. These results are first of all interesting because they provide a link between interval-valued fuzzy mathematical morphology and binary mathematical morphology, but such conversion into binary operators also reduces the computation. Finally, also the reverse problem is tackled, i.e., the construction of interval-valued morphological operators from the binary ones. Using the results from a more general study in which the construction of an interval-valued fuzzy set from a nested family of crisp sets is constructed, increasing binary operators (e.g. the binary dilation) are extended to interval-valued fuzzy operators

    Queues with dedicated servers and global first-come-first-served scheduling

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    Influence of relative traffic distribution in nodes with blocking: an analytical model

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    In nodes where the arriving packets are stored in one common buffer, packets with a given destination may have to wait for the transmission of packets with other destinations, even when the corresponding output channel is free. Although this so-called blocking effect has attracted considerable attention in literature, the influence of the relative distribution of the traffic according to destination has been largely overlooked. We therefore develop and analyze an appropriate discrete-time queueing model for a node whereby all arriving packets are accommodated in one common buffer and with two output channels that lead to distinct destinations. We study the stability of and the number of packets in the node. We then compare these results with those obtained for an analogous node with individual buffers for the distinct output channels. We demonstrate that the relative distribution of the traffic according to destination can have a major impact on the blocking effect and hence on the overall performance of the node

    Quasi-static granular flow of ice mélange

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    We use Landsat 8 imagery to generate ice mĂ©lange velocity fields at Greenland’s three most productive outlet glaciers: Jakobshavn IsbrĂŠ, Helheim Glacier, and Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier. Winter velocity fields are generally steady and highly uniform. Summer velocity fields, on the other hand, tend to be much more variable and can be uniform, compressional, or extensional. We rarely observe compressional flow at Jakobshavn IsbrĂŠ or extensional flow at Helheim Glacier, while both are observed at Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier. Transverse velocity profiles from all three locations are suggestive of viscoplastic flow, in which deformation occurs primarily in shear zones along the fjord walls. We analyze the transverse profiles in the context of quasi-static flow using continuum rheologies for granular materials and find that the force per unit width that ice mĂ©lange exerts on glacier termini increases exponentially with the ice mĂ©lange length-to-width ratio and the effective coefficient of friction. Our estimates of ice mĂ©lange resistance are consistent with other independent estimates and suggest that ice mĂ©lange may be capable of inhibiting iceberg calving events, especially during winter. Moreover, our results provide geophysical-scale support for constitutive relationships for granular materials and suggest a potential avenue for modeling ice mĂ©lange dynamics with continuum models.From acknowledgments: Funding for this project was provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation (DMR-1506446 and DMR-1506307). Digital elevation models were provided by the Polar Geospatial Center under the U.S. National Science Foundation (OPP-1043681, OPP-1559691, and OPP-1542736)Ye

    Interval-valued and intuitionistic fuzzy mathematical morphologies as special cases of L-fuzzy mathematical morphology

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    Mathematical morphology (MM) offers a wide range of tools for image processing and computer vision. MM was originally conceived for the processing of binary images and later extended to gray-scale morphology. Extensions of classical binary morphology to gray-scale morphology include approaches based on fuzzy set theory that give rise to fuzzy mathematical morphology (FMM). From a mathematical point of view, FMM relies on the fact that the class of all fuzzy sets over a certain universe forms a complete lattice. Recall that complete lattices provide for the most general framework in which MM can be conducted. The concept of L-fuzzy set generalizes not only the concept of fuzzy set but also the concepts of interval-valued fuzzy set and Atanassov’s intuitionistic fuzzy set. In addition, the class of L-fuzzy sets forms a complete lattice whenever the underlying set L constitutes a complete lattice. Based on these observations, we develop a general approach towards L-fuzzy mathematical morphology in this paper. Our focus is in particular on the construction of connectives for interval-valued and intuitionistic fuzzy mathematical morphologies that arise as special, isomorphic cases of L-fuzzy MM. As an application of these ideas, we generate a combination of some well-known medical image reconstruction techniques in terms of interval-valued fuzzy image processing

    Quasi-static granular flow of ice mélange

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    We use Landsat 8 imagery to generate ice mĂ©lange velocity fields at Greenland’s three most productive outlet glaciers: Jakobshavn IsbrĂŠ, Helheim Glacier, and Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier. Winter velocity fields are generally steady and highly uniform. Summer velocity fields, on the other hand, tend to be much more variable and can be uniform, compressional, or extensional. We rarely observe compressional flow at Jakobshavn IsbrĂŠ or extensional flow at Helheim Glacier, while both are observed at Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier. Transverse velocity profiles from all three locations are suggestive of viscoplastic flow, in which deformation occurs primarily in shear zones along the fjord walls. We analyze the transverse profiles in the context of quasi-static flow using continuum rheologies for granular materials and find that the force per unit width that ice mĂ©lange exerts on glacier termini increases exponentially with the ice mĂ©lange length-to-width ratio and the effective coefficient of friction. Our estimates of ice mĂ©lange resistance are consistent with other independent estimates and suggest that ice mĂ©lange may be capable of inhibiting iceberg calving events, especially during winter. Moreover, our results provide geophysical-scale support for constitutive relationships for granular materials and suggest a potential avenue for modeling ice mĂ©lange dynamics with continuum models.From acknowledgments: Funding for this project was provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation (DMR-1506446 and DMR-1506307). Digital elevation models were provided by the Polar Geospatial Center under the U.S. National Science Foundation (OPP-1043681, OPP-1559691, and OPP-1542736)Ye

    Mécanisme de mélange par convection intermittente dans un nuage de bulles confinées

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    Ce travail s'intĂ©resse au mĂ©lange d'un traceur passif peu diffusif dans un nuage homogĂšne de bulles en ascension dans une cellule Hele-Shaw. Le nombre de Reynolds du mouvement relatif des bulles est Ă©levĂ©. L'Ă©coulement peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme bidimensionnel et possĂšde une agitation du liquide trĂšs particuliĂšre, liĂ©e principalement aux sillages des bulles ([1], [2]). Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© des expĂ©riences de mĂ©lange en injectant un traceur fluorescent au sein du nuage de bulles pendant un temps fini. Une technique de mesure LIF originale et adaptĂ©e Ă  cet Ă©coulement Ă  bulles a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e. Elle consiste Ă  Ă©clairer avec un laser un volume de 0,5 mmÂł, Ă  diffĂ©rentes distances de l'injecteur, et Ă  observer avec une fibre optique la lumiĂšre de ce volume qui est transmise Ă  un spectromĂštre permettant d'analyser la lumiĂšre fluorescĂ©e. Il est donc possible de remonter Ă  la concentration locale Ă  une frĂ©quence de 250 Hz (rĂ©solution temporelle de la mesure). La figure 1.a montre une Ă©volution typique de la concentration du colorant en un point situĂ© Ă  150 mm au dessus de l'injection. Dans un premier temps, le traceur arrivant dans le volume de mesure, la concentration augmente, la diminution de concentration qui suit, se fait de maniĂšre exponentielle ce qui montre que le mĂ©lange en cellule Hele-Shaw n'est pas un processus diffusif de type Fickien [3]. De plus, nous observons Ă  une Ă©chelle temporelle beaucoup plus courte des fluctuations de concentration trĂšs marquĂ©es. Cette intermittence est principalement due aux mĂ©canismes intrinsĂšques au mĂ©lange en cellule de Hele-Shaw. Ce mĂ©lange se fait principalement par sĂ©quences de capture - transport - largage de colorant par les sillages des bulles (figure 1.b). Un modĂšle de mĂ©lange convectif intermittent a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© et reproduit bien les expĂ©riences

    Early Neoproterozoic limestones from the Gwna Group, Anglesey

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    Limestone megaclasts up to hundreds of metres in size are present within the Gwna Group mélange, North Wales, UK. The mélange has been interpreted as part of a Peri-Gondwanan fore-arc accretionary complex although the age of deposition remains contentious, proposals ranging from Neoproterozoic to Early Ordovician. This paper uses strontium isotope chemostratigraphy to establish the age of the limestone blocks and thus provide a maximum age constraint on mélange formation. Results show that, although the carbonates are locally dolomitized, primary 87Sr/86Sr ratios can be identified and indicate deposition sometime between the late Tonian and earliest Cryogenian. This age is older than that suggested by stromatolites within the limestone and indicates that the limestone did not form as cap carbonate deposits
