17 research outputs found

    Myocardial Motion Analysis from B-Mode Echocardiograms

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    The quantitative assessment of cardiac motion is a fundamental concept to evaluate ventricular malfunction. We present a new optical-flow-based method for estimating heart motion from two-dimensional echocardiographic sequences. To account for typical heart motions, such as contraction/expansion and shear, we analyze the images locally by using a local-affine model for the velocity in space and a linear model in time. The regional motion parameters are estimated in the least-squares sense inside a sliding spatiotemporal B-spline window. Robustness and spatial adaptability is achieved by estimating the model parameters at multiple scales within a coarse-to-fine multiresolution framework. We use a Wavelet-like algorithm for computing B-spline-weighted inner products and moments at dyadic scales to increase computational efficiency. In order to characterize myocardial contractility and to simplify the detection of myocardial dysfunction, the radial component of the velocity with respect to a reference point is color coded and visualized inside a time-varying region of interest. The algorithm was first validated on synthetic data sets that simulate a beating heart with a speckle-like appearance of echocardiograms. The ability to estimate motion from real ultrasound sequences was demonstrated by a rotating phantom experiment. The method was also applied to a set of in vivo echocardiograms from an animal study. Motion estimation results were in good agreement with the expert echocardiographic reading

    Cardiac motion assessement from echocardiographic image sequences by means of the structure multivector

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    International audienceWe recently contributed an algorithm for the estimation of cardiac deformation from echocardiographic image sequences based on the monogenic signal. By exploiting the phase information instead of the pixel intensity, the algorithm was robust to the temporal contrast variations normally encountered in cardiac ultrasound. In this paper we propose an improvement of that framework making use of an extension of the monogenic signal formalism, called structure multivector. The structure multivector models the image as the superposition of two perpendicular waves with associated amplitude, phase and orientation. Such a model is well adapted to describe the granular pattern of the characteristic speckle noise. The displacement is computed by solving the optical flow equation jointly for the two image phases. A local affine model accounts for typical cardiac motions as contraction/expansion and shearing; a coarse-to-fine B-spline scheme allows for a robust and effective computation of the model parameters and a pyramidal refinement scheme helps deal with large motions. Performance was evaluated on realistic simulated cardiac ultrasound sequences and compared to our previous monogenic-based algorithm and classical speckle tracking. Endpoint-error was used as accuracy metric. With respect to them we achieved error reductions of 13% and 30% respectively

    The role of the image phase in cardiac strain imaging

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    International audienceThis paper reviews our most recent contributions in the field of cardiac deformation imaging, which includes a motion estimation framework based on the conservation of the image phase over time and an open pipeline to benchmark algorithms for cardiac strain imaging in 2D and 3D ultrasound. The paper also shows an original evaluation of the proposed motion estimation technique based on the new benchmarking pipeline

    Optical Flow Estimation in Ultrasound Images Using a Sparse Representation

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    This paper introduces a 2D optical flow estimation method for cardiac ultrasound imaging based on a sparse representation. The optical flow problem is regularized using a classical gradient-based smoothness term combined with a sparsity inducing regularization that uses a learned cardiac flow dictionary. A particular emphasis is put on the influence of the spatial and sparse regularizations on the optical flow estimation problem. A comparison with state-of-the-art methods using realistic simulations shows the competitiveness of the proposed method for cardiac motion estimation in ultrasound images

    Myocardial Motion Analysis for Determination of Tei-Index of Human Heart

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    The Tei index, an important indicator of heart function, lacks a direct method to compute because it is difficult to directly evaluate the isovolumic contraction time (ICT) and isovolumic relaxation time (IRT) from which the Tei index can be obtained. In this paper, based on the proposed method of accurately measuring the cardiac cycle physical phase, a direct method of calculating the Tei index is presented. The experiments based on real heart medical images show the effectiveness of this method. Moreover, a new method of calculating left ventricular wall motion amplitude is proposed and the experiments show its satisfactory performance

    Motion estimation of vortical blood flow within the right atrium in a patient with atrial septal defect

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    Copyright © 2007 IEEEPatients with an atrial septal defect (ASD) have a left to right shunt with associated complications. Currently, various imaging modalities, including echocardiography and invasive cardiac catheterization, are utilized in the management of these patients. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging provides a novel and non-invasive approach for imaging patients with ASDs. A study of vortices generated within the right atrium (RA) during the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle can provide useful information on the change in the magnitude of vorticity pre-and post-ASD closure. The motion estimation of blood applied to CMR is performed. In this study we present, a two dimensional (2D) visualization of in-vivo right atrial flow. This is constructed using flow velocities measured from the intensity shifts of turbulent blood flow regions in MRI. In particular, the flow vortices can be quantified and measured, against controls and patients with ASD, to extend medical knowledge of septal defects and their haemodynamic effects.Kelvin K.L. Wong, P. Molaee, P. Kuklik, Richard M. Kelso, S.G Worthley, P. Sanders, J. Mazumdar and D. Abbot

    Hyperbolic Wavelet-Fisz denoising for a model arising in Ultrasound Imaging

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    International audienceWe present an algorithm and its fully data-driven extension for noise reduction in ultrasound imaging. Our proposed method computes the hyperbolic wavelet transform of the image, before applying a multiscale variance stabilization technique, via a Fisz transformation. This adapts the wavelet coefficients statistics to the wavelet thresholding paradigm. The aim of the hyperbolic setting is to recover the image while respecting the anisotropic nature of structural details. The data-driven extension removes the need for any prior knowledge of the noise model parameters by estimating the noise variance using an isotonic Nadaraya-Watson estimator. Experiments on synthetic and real data, and comparisons with other noise reduction methods demonstrate the potential of our method at recovering ultrasound images while preserving tissue details. Finally, we emphasize the noise model we consider by applying our variance estimation procedure on real images

    Full Motion and Flow Field Recovery from Echo Doppler Data

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    We present a new computational method for reconstructing a vector velocity field from scattered, pulsed-wave ultrasound Doppler data. The main difficulty is that the Doppler measurements are incomplete, for they do only capture the velocity component along the beam direction. We thus propose to combine measurements from different beam directions. However, this is not yet sufficient to make the problem well posed because 1) the angle between the directions is typically small and 2) the data is noisy and nonuniformly sampled. We propose to solve this reconstruction problem in the continuous domain using regularization. The reconstruction is formulated as the minimizer of a cost that is a weighted sum of two terms: 1) the sum of squared difference between the Doppler data and the projected velocities 2) a quadratic regularization functional that imposes some smoothness on the velocity field. We express our solution for this minimization problem in a B-spline basis, obtaining a sparse system of equations that can be solved efficiently. Using synthetic phantom data, we demonstrate the significance of tuning the regularization according to the a priori knowledge about the physical property of the motion. Next, we validate our method using real phantom data for which the ground truth is known. We then present reconstruction results obtained from clinical data that originate from 1) blood flow in carotid bifurcation and 2) cardiac wall motion

    Spatio-Temporal Nonrigid Registration for Ultrasound Cardiac Motion Estimation

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    We propose a new spatio-temporal elastic registration algorithm for motion reconstruction from a series of images. The specific application is to estimate displacement fields from two-dimensional ultrasound sequences of the heart. The basic idea is to find a spatio-temporal deformation field that effectively compensates for the motion by minimizing a difference with respect to a reference frame. The key feature of our method is the use of a semi-local spatio-temporal parametric model for the deformation using splines, and the reformulation of the registration task as a global optimization problem. The scale of the spline model controls the smoothness of the displacement field. Our algorithm uses a multiresolution optimization strategy to obtain a higher speed and robustness. We evaluated the accuracy of our algorithm using a synthetic sequence generated with an ultrasound simulation package, together with a realistic cardiac motion model. We compared our new global multiframe approach with a previous method based on pairwise registration of consecutive frames to demonstrate the benefits of introducing temporal consistency. Finally, we applied the algorithm to the regional analysis of the left ventricle. Displacement and strain parameters were evaluated showing significant differences between the normal and pathological segments, thereby illustrating the clinical applicability of our method

    Coopération entre segmentation et mouvement pour l'estimation conjointe des déplacements pariétaux et des déformations myocardiaques

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    The work done in this thesis is related to the project 3DStrain the overall objective of which is to develop a generic framework for the parietal and regional tracking of the left ventricle and to adapt it the 3D + t cardiac imaging modalities used in clinical routine (3D ultrasound, SPECT, cine MRI). We worked on the parietal motion and myocardial deformation. We made the state-of-the-art on motion estimation approaches in general and on methods applied to imaging modalities in clinical practice to quantify myocardial deformation taking into account their specificities and limitations. We focused on tracking methods that optimize the similarity between the intensities between consecutive images of a sequence to estimate the spatial velocity field. They are based on the assumption of the invariance of image gray level (or optical flow) and regularization terms are used to solve the aperture problem. We proposed a regularization term well suited to physical and physiological properties of myocardial motion. The advantage of the proposed approach relies on its flexibility to estimate the dense field of myocardial motion on image sequences over the cardiac cycle. Motion is estimated while preserving myocardial wall discontinuities. However, the data similarity term used in our method is based only on the intensity of the image. It properly estimates the displacement field especially in the radial direction as the movement of circumferential twist is hardly visible on cine MRI in short axis view, the data we used for performing the experiments. To make the estimation more robust, we proposed a dynamic evolution model for the cardiac contraction and relaxation to introduce the temporal constraint ofthe dynamics of the heart. This model helps to estimate not only the dense field of myocardial displacement, but also other parameters of myocardial contractility (the contraction phase and asymmetry between systole and diastole) in variational data assimilation formalism. Automatic estimation of deformation and myocardial contractibility (the strain, phase and asymmetry) was validated against the cardiological and radiological expertise (Dr Elisabeth Coupez and Dr Lucie Cassagnes, CHU Clermont-Ferrand) through semi-quantitative scores of contraction called Wall Motion Score (WMS) and Wall Thickening Index (WTI). The proposed method provides promising results for both motion estimation results and the diagnosis indices for evaluation of myocardial dyskinesia. In order to gain in robustness and accuracy, it is necessary to perform the measurement of strain and indices of myocardial contraction precisely inside endocardial and epicardial walls. Therefore, we conducted a collaborative work with Kevin Bianchi, another PhD student on the project 3DStrain and we proposed a method of coupling of myocardial segmentation by deformable models and estimation of myocardial motion in a variational data assimilation framework.Pas de résumé disponibl