426 research outputs found

    EEG sleep stages identification based on weighted undirected complex networks

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    Sleep scoring is important in sleep research because any errors in the scoring of the patient's sleep electroencephalography (EEG) recordings can cause serious problems such as incorrect diagnosis, medication errors, and misinterpretations of patient's EEG recordings. The aim of this research is to develop a new automatic method for EEG sleep stages classification based on a statistical model and weighted brain networks. Methods each EEG segment is partitioned into a number of blocks using a sliding window technique. A set of statistical features are extracted from each block. As a result, a vector of features is obtained to represent each EEG segment. Then, the vector of features is mapped into a weighted undirected network. Different structural and spectral attributes of the networks are extracted and forwarded to a least square support vector machine (LS-SVM) classifier. At the same time the network's attributes are also thoroughly investigated. It is found that the network's characteristics vary with their sleep stages. Each sleep stage is best represented using the key features of their networks. Results In this paper, the proposed method is evaluated using two datasets acquired from different channels of EEG (Pz-Oz and C3-A2) according to the R&K and the AASM without pre-processing the original EEG data. The obtained results by the LS-SVM are compared with those by Naïve, k-nearest and a multi-class-SVM. The proposed method is also compared with other benchmark sleep stages classification methods. The comparison results demonstrate that the proposed method has an advantage in scoring sleep stages based on single channel EEG signals. Conclusions An average accuracy of 96.74% is obtained with the C3-A2 channel according to the AASM standard, and 96% with the Pz-Oz channel based on the R&K standard

    Brain functional and effective connectivity based on electroencephalography recordings: A review.

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    Functional connectivity and effective connectivity of the human brain, representing statistical dependence and directed information flow between cortical regions, significantly contribute to the study of the intrinsic brain network and its functional mechanism. Many recent studies on electroencephalography (EEG) have been focusing on modeling and estimating brain connectivity due to increasing evidence that it can help better understand various brain neurological conditions. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive updated review on studies of EEG-based brain connectivity, particularly on visualization options and associated machine learning applications, aiming to translate those techniques into useful clinical tools. This article reviews EEG-based functional and effective connectivity studies undertaken over the last few years, in terms of estimation, visualization, and applications associated with machine learning classifiers. Methods are explored and discussed from various dimensions, such as either linear or nonlinear, parametric or nonparametric, time-based, and frequency-based or time-frequency-based. Then it is followed by a novel review of brain connectivity visualization methods, grouped by Heat Map, data statistics, and Head Map, aiming to explore the variation of connectivity across different brain regions. Finally, the current challenges of related research and a roadmap for future related research are presented

    Intelligent Biosignal Analysis Methods

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    This book describes recent efforts in improving intelligent systems for automatic biosignal analysis. It focuses on machine learning and deep learning methods used for classification of different organism states and disorders based on biomedical signals such as EEG, ECG, HRV, and others

    EEG based Major Depressive disorder and Bipolar disorder detection using Neural Networks: A review

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    Mental disorders represent critical public health challenges as they are leading contributors to the global burden of disease and intensely influence social and financial welfare of individuals. The present comprehensive review concentrate on the two mental disorders: Major depressive Disorder (MDD) and Bipolar Disorder (BD) with noteworthy publications during the last ten years. There is a big need nowadays for phenotypic characterization of psychiatric disorders with biomarkers. Electroencephalography (EEG) signals could offer a rich signature for MDD and BD and then they could improve understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms underling these mental disorders. In this review, we focus on the literature works adopting neural networks fed by EEG signals. Among those studies using EEG and neural networks, we have discussed a variety of EEG based protocols, biomarkers and public datasets for depression and bipolar disorder detection. We conclude with a discussion and valuable recommendations that will help to improve the reliability of developed models and for more accurate and more deterministic computational intelligence based systems in psychiatry. This review will prove to be a structured and valuable initial point for the researchers working on depression and bipolar disorders recognition by using EEG signals.Comment: 29 pages,2 figures and 18 Table

    Exercise-based cognitive therapy as a novel treatment for insomnia and depression

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    The present study introduces a new treatment modality for comorbid insomnia and depression that combines cardiovascular exercise and elements of cognitive behavioral treatment: Exercise Based Cognitive Therapy (EBCT). While simultaneously performing moderate - high intensity cardiovascular exercise, participants were instructed to focus on problems, goals and negative automatic thoughts. The key principal of EBCT is the combination of focused problem solving with physical activity. This intervention targeted individuals in a common workplace who self identified as needing assistance with stress management. The intervention involved 12 sessions, increasing in cardiovascular intensity with each successive session. Study participants completed several psychological and sleep measures pre- and post-intervention. After three months, participants completed qualitative feedback of their overall experience. A total of 18 individuals participated in the intervention, all female, mean age 39.4 years (SD =9.04). On average, participants attended 5.00 (SD=3.74) sessions. Participants were predominantly Caucasian (72.2%), and a majority had a college education or beyond (55.5%). ANCOVAs were conducted to assess changes in the outcomes of interest. Tests of within-subjects effects demonstrated significant improvements in depression, insomnia, total sleep time, sleep latency, sleep efficiency, anxiety, perceived stress, automatic negative thoughts, and coping self-efficacy. Number of sessions attended was a significant covariant for the models for sleep latency, sleep efficiency, and coping self-efficacy. In contrast the number of sessions attended did not predict the magnitude of changes in anxiety and depression. Qualitative feedback had a 78.6% response rate; 100% of the respondents indicated the intervention was beneficial. This study presents the first investigation in which principles of psychotherapy were combined with physical exercise as a treatment approach to comorbid insomnia and depression. This new treatment modality was acceptable to participants, and demonstrated that a non-pharmacologic approach can have positive effects, simultaneously, on sleep, anxiety and depression. The ease with which the protocol was administered demonstrates that it may be attractive to patients and clinicians as an alternative to more formal psychotherapy or more informal general recommendations to increase physical activity

    Sleep homeostasis in the European jackdaw (<i>Coloeus monedula</i>):Sleep deprivation increases NREM sleep time and EEG power while reducing hemispheric asymmetry

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    Introduction: Sleep is a wide-spread phenomenon that is thought to occur in all animals. Yet, the function of it remains an enigma. Conducting sleep experiments in different species may shed light on the evolution and functions of sleep. Therefore, we studied sleep architecture and sleep homeostatic responses to sleep deprivation in the European jackdaw (Coloeus monedula).Methods: A total of nine young adult birds were implanted with epidural electrodes and equipped with miniature data loggers for recording movement activity (accelerometery) and electroencephalogram (EEG). Individually-housed jackdaws were recorded under controlled conditions with a 12:12-h light-dark cycle.Results: During baseline, the birds spent on average 48.5% of the time asleep (39.8% non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and 8.7% rapid eye movement (REM) sleep). Most of the sleep occurred during the dark phase (dark phase: 75.3% NREM sleep and 17.2% REM sleep; light phase 4.3% NREM sleep and 0.1% REM sleep). After sleep deprivation of 4 and 8 h starting at lights off, the birds showed a dose-dependent increase in NREM sleep time. Also, NREM sleep EEG power in the 1.5–3 Hz frequency range, which is considered to be a marker of sleep homeostasis in mammals, was significantly increased for 1-2 h after both 4SD and 8SD. While there was little true unihemispheric sleep in the Jackdaws, there was a certain degree of hemispheric asymmetry in NREM sleep EEG power during baseline, which reduced after sleep deprivation in a dose-dependent manner.Conclusion: In conclusion, jackdaws display homeostatic regulation of NREM sleep and sleep pressure promotes coherence in EEG power

    Frontiers in psychodynamic neuroscience

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    he term psychodynamics was introduced in 1874 by Ernst von Brücke, the renowned German physiologist and Freud’s research supervisor at the University of Vienna. Together with Helmholtz and others, Brücke proposed that all living organisms are energy systems, regulated by the same thermodynamic laws. Since Freud was a student of Brücke and a deep admirer of Helmholtz, he adopted this view, thus laying the foundations for his metapsychology. The discovery of the Default Network and the birth of Neuropsychoanalysis, twenty years ago, facilitated a deep return to this classical conception of the brain as an energy system, and therefore a return to Freud's early ambition to establish psychology as natural science. Our current investigations of neural networks and applications of the Free Energy Principle are equally ‘psychodynamic’ in Brücke’s original sense of the term. Some branches of contemporary neuroscience still eschew subjective data and therefore exclude the brain’s most remarkable property – its selfhood – from the field, and many neuroscientists remain skeptical about psychoanalytic methods, theories, and concepts. Likewise, some psychoanalysts continue to reject any consideration of the structure and functions of the brain from their conceptualization of the mind in health and disease. Both cases seem to perpetuate a Cartesian attitude in which the mind is linked to the brain in some equivocal relationship and an attitude that detaches the brain from the body -- rather than considering it an integral part of the complex and dynamic living organism as a whole. Evidence from psychodynamic neuroscience suggests that Freudian constructs can now be realized neurobiologically. For example, Freud’s notion of primary and secondary processes is consistent with the hierarchical organization of self-organized cortical and subcortical systems, and his description of the ego is consistent with the functions of the Default Network and its reciprocal exchanges with subordinate brain systems. Moreover, thanks to new methods of measuring brain entropy, we can now operationalize the primary and secondary processes and therefore test predictions arising from these Freudian constructs. All of this makes it possible to deepen the dialogue between neuroscience and psychoanalysis, in ways and to a degree that was unimaginable in Freud's time, and even compared to twenty years ago. Many psychoanalytical hypotheses are now well integrated with contemporary neuroscience. Other Freudian and post-Freudian hypotheses about the structure and function of the mind seem ripe for the detailed and sophisticated development that modern psychodynamic neuroscience can offer. This Research Topic aims to provide comprehensive coverage of the latest advances in psychodynamic neuroscience and neuropsychoanalysis. Potential authors are invited to submit papers (original research, case reports, review articles, commentaries) that deploy, review, compare or develop the methods and theories of psychodynamic neuroscience and neuropsychoanalysis. Potential authors include researchers, psychoanalysts, and neuroscientists

    Sleep Stage Classification: A Deep Learning Approach

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    Sleep occupies significant part of human life. The diagnoses of sleep related disorders are of great importance. To record specific physical and electrical activities of the brain and body, a multi-parameter test, called polysomnography (PSG), is normally used. The visual process of sleep stage classification is time consuming, subjective and costly. To improve the accuracy and efficiency of the sleep stage classification, automatic classification algorithms were developed. In this research work, we focused on pre-processing (filtering boundaries and de-noising algorithms) and classification steps of automatic sleep stage classification. The main motivation for this work was to develop a pre-processing and classification framework to clean the input EEG signal without manipulating the original data thus enhancing the learning stage of deep learning classifiers. For pre-processing EEG signals, a lossless adaptive artefact removal method was proposed. Rather than other works that used artificial noise, we used real EEG data contaminated with EOG and EMG for evaluating the proposed method. The proposed adaptive algorithm led to a significant enhancement in the overall classification accuracy. In the classification area, we evaluated the performance of the most common sleep stage classifiers using a comprehensive set of features extracted from PSG signals. Considering the challenges and limitations of conventional methods, we proposed two deep learning-based methods for classification of sleep stages based on Stacked Sparse AutoEncoder (SSAE) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The proposed methods performed more efficiently by eliminating the need for conventional feature selection and feature extraction steps respectively. Moreover, although our systems were trained with lower number of samples compared to the similar studies, they were able to achieve state of art accuracy and higher overall sensitivity
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