3,879 research outputs found

    Music and Political Space in Ancient Egypt

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    Im alten Ägypten nahm Musik durch die Strukturierung von militärischen Paraden, könig-lichen Festen und religiösen Prozessionen eine wichtige Rolle im öffentlichen Raum ein. Alle diese Situationen können gleichzeitig auch als politische Räume verstanden werden, da sie immer auch zur politischen Kommunikation dienten. Der vorliegende Artikel un-tersucht, wie Musik und Musikinstrumente zu diesem Zweck verwendet wurden und wie politische Wirklichkeit sowie ihre Veränderungen sich in deren Auswahl widerspiegel


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    Leopold VORREITER, Die Schönsten musikinstrumente des alterum

    Zur Semiotik Einiger Musikinstrumente (Vorläufige Problemstellung)

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    In spite of the promising recent development of comparative musicology (also including the study of musical instruments) and of semiotics (also including musical semiotics), there is no summarizing attempt to describe and analyze the “signs on musical instruments” phenomena, i.e. carved or painted parts of the instruments. The zoomorphic and anthropomorphic construction and forms of musical instruments, and of their parts, is a wide-ranging field of study. The paper shows some examples of ancient and folk music instruments, by using the common (Peircian) terminology in describing their signs in the proper sense of the word. Animal shells used as bodies of instruments, snake- and dragon-formed instruments, amorous heads on string instruments, human heads and devilish forms of bagpipes, paintings on piano’s wooden cases, emblems or coats of arms of the builders of the instruments — just there are some cases of signs of musical instruments. There are further allusions to musical signs as well

    Präsentative Forschungsmethoden zur Untersuchung von Musikinstrumentenpräferenzen in Schulen

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    Was macht ein Musikinstrument so attraktiv für Kinder und Jugendliche, dass sie es gerne spielen wollen? Welche Rolle spielt dabei die auditive gegenüber der visuellen Musikinstrumentenwahrnehmung? Welcher Zusammenhang besteht zwischen der Anziehungskraft eines Musikinstrumentes und seiner sozialen Wahrnehmung, d. h. seinen ihm zugeschriebenen soziokulturellen Images als männlich oder weiblich, als „in“ oder „out“, als jugend- oder erwachsenenspezifisch? Diesen Fragen ging eine Studie zur Musikinstrumentenpräferenz von Schülerinnen und Schülern nach. Die Studie knüpft an bisherige Ansätze zur Erforschung der Musikinstrumentenpräferenz an, insbesondere aber an den Ansatz von Scheuer (1988), und geht forschungsmethodisch neue Wege, indem sie interaktive audiovisuelle Fragebögen einsetzt und mit experimentellen Designs verknüpft. (DIPF/Orig.

    Three-dimensional computed tomography in organology

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    The Collection — of Historic Musical Instruments (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) has gained extensive experience in 3D-CT-based inspection, rendering, visualization and measuring of unique, fragile items and museum exhibits due to two large research projects it has supervised since 2007. The project supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) focussed on a broad group of Renaissance wind instruments (18 cometti, a serpent, six crumhorns and a wind cap shawm). The research objective was the exact calculation of all acoustical and structural parameters that are not accessible without using a 3D-CT non-destructing test procedure to enable realistic reproductions of the musical instruments by instrument makers. The other project, supported by the OeNB-Jubilaumsfonds, is stil in the implementation phase, and aims to document the conservational condition of precious violins and to demonstrate the contingent deformation of recently made violins" constructional parts within a long term playing. The present survey informs about the different high- technological devices used for the examination of historic musical instruments and reports on the research findings

    Das Rabögli, ein von Zwingli gespieltes Musikinstrument

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    The lyre player in Roman Malta

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    All knowledge we have of music-making in the Roman period is based on literary or iconographic sources, and occasionally on extant musical instruments. Evidence shows that music was an integral .part of festivals, religious rituals, ceremonies, social occasions as well as military life and thus a very important part of a wide spectrum of Roman life. Roman culture was transported to each of the Empire's conquered lands, and one would expect the same to have happened sooner or later in Malta. Little is, in fact, known of musical life on the Maltese islands under Roman rule, a period spanning between 218B.C.and 535A.D. Large-scale theatres in which music would have played a major part, have not been discovered in Malta or in Gozo. However, this does not exclude the possibility of dramatic and musical performances taking place on the Islands either in some form of public theatre or in small private areas reserved for the purpose. We do find remains or iconographic evidence of various types of instruments, amongst them representatives of the string, wind and percussion type, indicating a local society with some degree of musical interest. This article concentrates on an archaeological find which sheds interesting light on one type of musical instrument which used to be heard in Roman Malta.peer-reviewe

    Orgelwerke und Prospektgestaltung in Thüringer Schlosskapellen - Visualisierung sakraler Musikinstrumente im höfischen Kontext

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    Orgelwerke und Prospektgestaltung in Thüringer Schlosskapellen : Visualisierung sakraler Musikinstrumente im höfischen Kontext
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