620 research outputs found

    Rate-Distortion Analysis of Multiview Coding in a DIBR Framework

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    Depth image based rendering techniques for multiview applications have been recently introduced for efficient view generation at arbitrary camera positions. Encoding rate control has thus to consider both texture and depth data. Due to different structures of depth and texture images and their different roles on the rendered views, distributing the available bit budget between them however requires a careful analysis. Information loss due to texture coding affects the value of pixels in synthesized views while errors in depth information lead to shift in objects or unexpected patterns at their boundaries. In this paper, we address the problem of efficient bit allocation between textures and depth data of multiview video sequences. We adopt a rate-distortion framework based on a simplified model of depth and texture images. Our model preserves the main features of depth and texture images. Unlike most recent solutions, our method permits to avoid rendering at encoding time for distortion estimation so that the encoding complexity is not augmented. In addition to this, our model is independent of the underlying inpainting method that is used at decoder. Experiments confirm our theoretical results and the efficiency of our rate allocation strategy

    New visual coding exploration in MPEG: Super-MultiView and free navigation in free viewpoint TV

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    ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG have recently jointly issued a new multiview video compression standard, called 3D-HEVC, which reaches unpreceded compression performances for linear,dense camera arrangements. In view of supporting future highquality,auto-stereoscopic 3D displays and Free Navigation virtual/augmented reality applications with sparse, arbitrarily arranged camera setups, innovative depth estimation and virtual view synthesis techniques with global optimizations over all camera views should be developed. Preliminary studies in response to the MPEG-FTV (Free viewpoint TV) Call for Evidence suggest these targets are within reach, with at least 6% bitrate gains over 3DHEVC technology

    Distributed Video Coding for Multiview and Video-plus-depth Coding

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    Summative Stereoscopic Image Compression using Arithmetic Coding

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    Image compression targets at plummeting the amount of bits required for image representation for save storage space and speed up the transmission over network. The reduction of size helps to store more images in the disk and take less transfer time in the data network. Stereoscopic image refers to a three dimensional (3D) image that is perceived by the human brain as the transformation of two images that is being sent to the left and right human eyes with distinct phases. However, storing of these images takes twice space than a single image and hence the motivation for this novel approach called Summative Stereoscopic Image Compression using Arithmetic Coding (S2ICAC) where the difference and average of these stereo pair images are calculated, quantized in the case of lossy approach and unquantized in the case of lossless approach, and arithmetic coding is applied. The experimental result analysis indicates that the proposed method achieves high compression ratio and high PSNR value. The proposed method is also compared with JPEG 2000 Position Based Coding Scheme(JPEG 2000 PBCS) and Stereoscopic Image Compression using Huffman Coding (SICHC). From the experimental analysis, it is observed that S2ICAC outperforms JPEG 2000 PBCS as well as SICHC

    Error concealment techniques for H.264/MVC encoded sequences

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    This work is partially funded by the Strategic Educational Pathways Scholarship Scheme (STEPS-Malta). This scholarship is partly financed by the European Union–European Social Fund (ESF 1.25).The H.264/MVC standard offers good compression ratios for multi-view sequences by exploiting spatial, temporal and interview image dependencies. This works well in error-free channels, however in the event of transmission errors, it leads to the propagation of the distorted macro-blocks, degrading the quality of experience of the user. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art error concealment solutions and proposes a low complexity concealment method that can be used with multi-view video coding. The error resilience techniques used to aid error concealment are also identified. Results obtained demonstrate that good multi-view video reconstruction can be obtained with this approach.peer-reviewe

    Wavelet based stereo images reconstruction using depth images

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    It is believed by many that three-dimensional (3D) television will be the next logical development toward a more natural and vivid home entertaiment experience. While classical 3D approach requires the transmission of two video streams, one for each view, 3D TV systems based on depth image rendering (DIBR) require a single stream of monoscopic images and a second stream of associated images usually termed depth images or depth maps, that contain per-pixel depth information. Depth map is a two-dimensional function that contains information about distance from camera to a certain point of the object as a function of the image coordinates. By using this depth information and the original image it is possible to reconstruct a virtual image of a nearby viewpoint by projecting the pixels of available image to their locations in 3D space and finding their position in the desired view plane. One of the most significant advantages of the DIBR is that depth maps can be coded more efficiently than two streams corresponding to left and right view of the scene, thereby reducing the bandwidth required for transmission, which makes it possible to reuse existing transmission channels for the transmission of 3D TV. This technique can also be applied for other 3D technologies such as multimedia systems. In this paper we propose an advanced wavelet domain scheme for the reconstruction of stereoscopic images, which solves some of the shortcommings of the existing methods discussed above. We perform the wavelet transform of both the luminance and depth images in order to obtain significant geometric features, which enable more sensible reconstruction of the virtual view. Motion estimation employed in our approach uses Markov random field smoothness prior for regularization of the estimated motion field. The evaluation of the proposed reconstruction method is done on two video sequences which are typically used for comparison of stereo reconstruction algorithms. The results demonstrate advantages of the proposed approach with respect to the state-of-the-art methods, in terms of both objective and subjective performance measures

    Scalable light field representation and coding

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    This Thesis aims to advance the state-of-the-art in light field representation and coding. In this context, proposals to improve functionalities like light field random access and scalability are also presented. As the light field representation constrains the coding approach to be used, several light field coding techniques to exploit the inherent characteristics of the most popular types of light field representations are proposed and studied, which are normally based on micro-images or sub-aperture-images. To encode micro-images, two solutions are proposed, aiming to exploit the redundancy between neighboring micro-images using a high order prediction model, where the model parameters are either explicitly transmitted or inferred at the decoder, respectively. In both cases, the proposed solutions are able to outperform low order prediction solutions. To encode sub-aperture-images, an HEVC-based solution that exploits their inherent intra and inter redundancies is proposed. In this case, the light field image is encoded as a pseudo video sequence, where the scanning order is signaled, allowing the encoder and decoder to optimize the reference picture lists to improve coding efficiency. A novel hybrid light field representation coding approach is also proposed, by exploiting the combined use of both micro-image and sub-aperture-image representation types, instead of using each representation individually. In order to aid the fast deployment of the light field technology, this Thesis also proposes scalable coding and representation approaches that enable adequate compatibility with legacy displays (e.g., 2D, stereoscopic or multiview) and with future light field displays, while maintaining high coding efficiency. Additionally, viewpoint random access, allowing to improve the light field navigation and to reduce the decoding delay, is also enabled with a flexible trade-off between coding efficiency and viewpoint random access.Esta Tese tem como objetivo avançar o estado da arte em representação e codificação de campos de luz. Neste contexto, são também apresentadas propostas para melhorar funcionalidades como o acesso aleatório ao campo de luz e a escalabilidade. Como a representação do campo de luz limita a abordagem de codificação a ser utilizada, são propostas e estudadas várias técnicas de codificação de campos de luz para explorar as características inerentes aos seus tipos mais populares de representação, que são normalmente baseadas em micro-imagens ou imagens de sub-abertura. Para codificar as micro-imagens, são propostas duas soluções, visando explorar a redundância entre micro-imagens vizinhas utilizando um modelo de predição de alta ordem, onde os parâmetros do modelo são explicitamente transmitidos ou inferidos no decodificador, respetivamente. Em ambos os casos, as soluções propostas são capazes de superar as soluções de predição de baixa ordem. Para codificar imagens de sub-abertura, é proposta uma solução baseada em HEVC que explora a inerente redundância intra e inter deste tipo de imagens. Neste caso, a imagem do campo de luz é codificada como uma pseudo-sequência de vídeo, onde a ordem de varrimento é sinalizada, permitindo ao codificador e decodificador otimizar as listas de imagens de referência para melhorar a eficiência da codificação. Também é proposta uma nova abordagem de codificação baseada na representação híbrida do campo de luz, explorando o uso combinado dos tipos de representação de micro-imagem e sub-imagem, em vez de usar cada representação individualmente. A fim de facilitar a rápida implantação da tecnologia de campo de luz, esta Tese também propõe abordagens escaláveis de codificação e representação que permitem uma compatibilidade adequada com monitores tradicionais (e.g., 2D, estereoscópicos ou multivista) e com futuros monitores de campo de luz, mantendo ao mesmo tempo uma alta eficiência de codificação. Além disso, o acesso aleatório de pontos de vista, permitindo melhorar a navegação no campo de luz e reduzir o atraso na descodificação, também é permitido com um equilíbrio flexível entre eficiência de codificação e acesso aleatório de pontos de vista