715 research outputs found

    Vector attribute profiles for hyperspectral image classification

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    International audienceMorphological attribute profiles are among the most prominent spectral-spatial pixel description methods. They are efficient, effective and highly customizable multi-scale tools based on hierarchical representations of a scalar input image. Their application to multivariate images in general, and hyperspectral images in particular, has been so far conducted using the marginal strategy, i.e. by processing each image band (eventually obtained through a dimension reduction technique) independently. In this paper, we investigate the alternative vector strategy, which consists in processing the available image bands simultaneously. The vector strategy is based on a vector ordering relation that leads to the computation of a single max-and min-tree per hyperspectral dataset, from which attribute profiles can then be computed as usual. We explore known vector ordering relations for constructing such max-trees and subsequently vector attribute profiles, and introduce a combination of marginal and vector strategies. We provide an experimental comparison of these approaches in the context of hyperspectral classification with common datasets, where the proposed approach outperforms the widely used marginal strategy

    Efficient component-hypertree construction based on hierarchy of partitions

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    The component-hypertree is a data structure that generalizes the concept of component-tree to multiple (increasing) neighborhoods. However, construction of a component-hypertree is costly because it needs to process a high number of neighbors. In this article, we review some choices of neighborhoods for efficient component-hypertree computation. We also explore a new strategy to obtain neighboring elements based on hierarchy of partitions, leading to a more efficient algorithm with the counterpart of a slight decrease of precision on the distance of merged nodes

    Customized web-based data presentation

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the World Conference on the WWW and Internet & Intranet (WebNet'98) held in Orlando, FL (United States) on 1998Reprinted from the WebNet 98 : World Conference of the WWW, Internet, & Intranet with permission of AACE (http://www.aace.org).This paper presents a language for specifying the presentation of data in Web pages. The language is an extension of HTML that includes constructs for specifying how to present one or more instances of a given class of data, and constructs for tailoring the presentation to the features of the data, to information in user profiles and to the capabilities of the user s platform. We describe the architecture of the system, the features of the page specification language, and present examples of generated pages

    Construction of the one-point PDF of the local aperture mass in weak lensing maps

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    We present a general method for the reconstruction of the one-point Probability Distribution Function of the local aperture mass in weak lensing maps. Exact results, that neglect the lens-lens coupling and departure form the Born approximation, are derived for both the quasilinear regime at leading order and the strongly nonlinear regime assuming the tree hierarchical model is valid. We describe in details the projection effects on the properties of the PDF and the associated generating functions. In particular, we show how the generic features which are common to both the quasilinear and nonlinear regimes lead to two exponential tails for P(\Map). We briefly investigate the dependence of the PDF with cosmology and with the shape of the angular filter. Our predictions are seen to agree reasonably well with the results of numerical simulations and should be able to serve as foundations for alternative methods to measure the cosmological parameters that take advantage of the full shape of the PDF.Comment: 17 pages, final version published in A&

    Particle classification and segmentation of hydrated cement based on SLIC and multivalued data processing

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    Cement-based materials are widely used in production and life, but the production process has caused great harm to the environment. Moreover, the existing cement varieties will have various quality problems after several years of wind and sun exposure. Therefore, the study of high-quality cement is of great significance for energy conservation and emission and improving the quality and durability of cement. Many global teams are conducting relevant research, but they try to solve this problem from the perspective of pure materials, which requires a large number of physical and chemical experiments. In this paper, we try to solve this problem in another way. We combine the advanced technology of modern computer science with material and provide a feasible idea and new solution from computer science. We use the cement data obtained by scanning electron microscope to obtain the phase inside the cement through specific analysis means(C3S, C2S, C4AF, C3A, and gypsum). Furthermore, it provides a new method for material scientists to study the influence of internal substances of cement on properties

    Automation of motor dexterity assessment

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    Motor dexterity assessment is regularly performed in rehabilitation wards to establish patient status and automatization for such routinary task is sought. A system for automatizing the assessment of motor dexterity based on the Fugl-Meyer scale and with loose restrictions on sensing technologies is presented. The system consists of two main elements: 1) A data representation that abstracts the low level information obtained from a variety of sensors, into a highly separable low dimensionality encoding employing t-distributed Stochastic Neighbourhood Embedding, and, 2) central to this communication, a multi-label classifier that boosts classification rates by exploiting the fact that the classes corresponding to the individual exercises are naturally organized as a network. Depending on the targeted therapeutic movement class labels i.e. exercises scores, are highly correlated-patients who perform well in one, tends to perform well in related exercises-; and critically no node can be used as proxy of others - an exercise does not encode the information of other exercises. Over data from a cohort of 20 patients, the novel classifier outperforms classical Naive Bayes, random forest and variants of support vector machines (ANOVA: p <; 0.001). The novel multi-label classification strategy fulfills an automatic system for motor dexterity assessment, with implications for lessening therapist's workloads, reducing healthcare costs and providing support for home-based virtual rehabilitation and telerehabilitation alternatives

    Hierarchies and shape-space for PET image segmentation

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    International audiencePositron Emission Tomography (PET) image segmentation is essential for detecting lesions and quantifying their metabolic activity. Due to the spatial and spectral properties of PET images, most methods rely on intensity-based strategies. Recent methods also propose to integrate anatomical priors to improve the segmentation process. In this article, we show how the hierarchical approaches proposed in mathematical morphology can efficiently handle these different strategies. Our contribution is twofold. First, we present the component-tree as a relevant data-structure for developing interactive , real-time, intensity-based segmentation of PET images. Second, we prove that thanks to the recent concept of shaping, we can efficiently involve a priori knowledge for lesion segmentation, while preserving the good properties of component-tree segmenta-tion. Preliminary experiments on synthetic and real PET images of lymphoma demonstrate the relevance of our approach

    An Analysis of Some Algorithms and Heuristics for Multiobjective Graph Search

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    Muchos problemas reales requieren examinar un número exponencial de alternativas para encontrar la elección óptima. A este tipo de problemas se les llama de optimización combinatoria. Además, en problemas reales normalmente se evalúan múltiples magnitudes que presentan conflicto entre ellas. Cuando se optimizan múltiples obje-tivos simultáneamente, generalmente no existe un valor óptimo que satisfaga al mismo tiempo los requisitos para todos los criterios. Solucionar estos problemas combinatorios multiobjetivo deriva comúnmente en un gran conjunto de soluciones Pareto-óptimas, que definen los balances óptimos entre los objetivos considerados. En esta tesis se considera uno de los problemas multiobjetivo más recurrentes: la búsqueda de caminos más cortos en un grafo, teniendo en cuenta múltiples objetivos al mismo tiempo. Se pueden señalar muchas aplicaciones prácticas de la búsqueda multiobjetivo en diferentes dominios: enrutamiento en redes multimedia (Clímaco et al., 2003), programación de satélites (Gabrel & Vanderpooten, 2002), problemas de transporte (Pallottino & Scutellà, 1998), enrutamiento en redes de ferrocarril (Müller-Hannemann & Weihe, 2006), planificación de rutas en redes de carreteras (Jozefowiez et al., 2008), vigilancia con robots (delle Fave et al., 2009) o planificación independiente del dominio (Refanidis & Vlahavas, 2003). La planificación de rutas multiobjetivo sobre mapas de carretera realistas ha sido considerada como un escenario de aplicación potencial para los algoritmos y heurísticos multiobjetivo considerados en esta tesis. El transporte de materias peligrosas (Erkut et al., 2007), otro problema de enrutamiento multiobjetivo relacionado, ha sido también considerado como un escenario de aplicación potencial interesante. Los métodos de optimización de un solo criterio son bien conocidos y han sido ampliamente estudiados. La Búsqueda Heurística permite la reducción de los requisitos de espacio y tiempo de estos métodos, explotando el uso de estimaciones de la distancia real al objetivo. Los problemas multiobjetivo son bastante más complejos que sus equivalentes de un solo objetivo y requieren métodos específicos. Éstos, van desde técnicas de solución exactas a otras aproximadas, que incluyen los métodos metaheurísticos aproximados comúnmente encontrados en la literatura. Esta tesis se ocupa de algoritmos exactos primero-el-mejor y, en particular, del uso de información heurística para mejorar su rendimiento. Esta tesis contribuye análisis tanto formales como empíricos de algoritmos y heurísticos para búsqueda multiobjetivo. La caracterización formal de estos algoritmos es importante para el campo. Sin embargo, la evaluación empírica es también de gran importancia para la aplicación real de estos métodos. Se han utilizado diversas clases de problemas bien conocidos para probar su rendimiento, incluyendo escenarios realistas como los descritos más arriba. Los resultados de esta tesis proporcionan una mejor comprensión de qué métodos de los disponibles sonmejores en situaciones prácticas. Se presentan explicaciones formales y empíricas acerca de su comportamiento. Se muestra que la búsqueda heurística reduce considerablemente los requisitos de espacio y tiempo en la mayoría de las ocasiones. En particular, se presentan los primeros resultados sistemáticos mostrando las ventajas de la aplicación de heurísticos multiobjetivo precalculados. Esta tesis también aporta un método mejorado para el precálculo de los heurísticos, y explora la conveniencia de heurísticos precalculados más informados.Many real problems require the examination of an exponential number of alternatives in order to find the best choice. They are the so-called combinatorial optimization problems. Besides, real problems usually involve the consideration of several conflicting magnitudes. When multiple objectives must be simultaneously optimized, there is generally not an optimal value satisfying the requirements for all the criteria at the same time. Solving these multiobjective combinatorial problems commonly results in a large set of Pareto-optimal solutions, which define the optimal tradeoffs between the objectives under consideration. One of most recurrent multiobjective problems is considered in this thesis: the search for shortest paths in a graph, taking into account several objectives at the same time. Many practical applications of multiobjective search in different domains can be pointed out: routing in multimedia networks (Clímaco et al., 2003), satellite scheduling (Gabrel & Vanderpooten, 2002), transportation problems (Pallottino & Scutellà, 1998), routing in railway networks (Müller-Hannemann & Weihe, 2006), route planning in road maps (Jozefowiez et al., 2008), robot surveillance (delle Fave et al., 2009) or domain independent planning (Refanidis & Vlahavas, 2003). Multiobjective route planning over realistic road maps has been considered as a potential application scenario for the multiobjective algorithms and heuristics considered in this thesis. Hazardous material transportation (Erkut et al., 2007), another related multiobjective routing problem, has also been considered as an interesting potential application scenario. Single criterion shortest path methods are well known and have been widely studied. Heuristic Search allows the reduction of the space and time requirements of these methods, exploiting estimates of the actual distance to the goal. Multiobjective problems are much more complex than their single-objective counterparts, and require specific methods. These range from exact solution techniques to approximate ones, including the metaheuristic approximate methods usually found in the literature. This thesis is concerned with exact best-first algorithms, and particularly, with the use of heuristic information to improve their performance. This thesis contributes both formal and empirical analysis of algorithms and heuristics for multiobjective search. The formal characterization of algorithms is important for the field. However, empirical evaluation is also of great importance for the real application of these methods. Several well known classes of problems have been used to test their performance, including some realistic scenarios as described above. The results of this thesis provide a better understanding of which of the available methods are better in practical situations. Formal and empirical explanations of their behaviour are presented. Heuristic search is shown to reduce considerably space and time requirements in most situations. In particular, the first systematic results showing the advantages of the application of precalculated multiobjective heuristics are presented. The thesis also contributes an improved method for heuristic precalculation, and explores the convenience of more informed precalculated heuristics.This work is partially funded by / Este trabajo está financiado por: Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa. Junta de Andalucía (España) Referencia: P07-TIC-0301

    Computing the output distribution and selection probabilities of a stack filter from the DNF of its positive Boolean function

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    Many nonlinear filters used in practise are stack filters. An algorithm is presented which calculates the output distribution of an arbitrary stack filter S from the disjunctive normal form (DNF) of its underlying positive Boolean function. The so called selection probabilities can be computed along the way.Comment: This is the version published in Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, online first, 1 august 201
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