122 research outputs found

    Approaches Used to Recognise and Decipher Ancient Inscriptions: A Review

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    Inscriptions play a vital role in historical studies. In order to boost tourism and academic necessities, archaeological experts, epigraphers and researchers recognised and deciphered a great number of inscriptions using numerous approaches. Due to the technological revolution and inefficiencies of manual methods, humans tend to use automated systems. Hence, computational archaeology plays an important role in the current era. Even though different types of research are conducted in this domain, it still poses a big challenge and needs more accurate and efficient methods. This paper presents a review of manual and computational approaches used to recognise and decipher ancient inscriptions.Keywords: ancient inscriptions, computational archaeology, decipher, script

    Scale-invariant segmentation of dynamic contrast-enhanced perfusion MR-images with inherent scale selection

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    Selection of the best set of scales is problematic when developing signaldriven approaches for pixel-based image segmentation. Often, different possibly conflicting criteria need to be fulfilled in order to obtain the best tradeoff between uncertainty (variance) and location accuracy. The optimal set of scales depends on several factors: the noise level present in the image material, the prior distribution of the different types of segments, the class-conditional distributions associated with each type of segment as well as the actual size of the (connected) segments. We analyse, theoretically and through experiments, the possibility of using the overall and class-conditional error rates as criteria for selecting the optimal sampling of the linear and morphological scale spaces. It is shown that the overall error rate is optimised by taking the prior class distribution in the image material into account. However, a uniform (ignorant) prior distribution ensures constant class-conditional error rates. Consequently, we advocate for a uniform prior class distribution when an uncommitted, scaleinvariant segmentation approach is desired. Experiments with a neural net classifier developed for segmentation of dynamic MR images, acquired with a paramagnetic tracer, support the theoretical results. Furthermore, the experiments show that the addition of spatial features to the classifier, extracted from the linear or morphological scale spaces, improves the segmentation result compared to a signal-driven approach based solely on the dynamic MR signal. The segmentation results obtained from the two types of features are compared using two novel quality measures that characterise spatial properties of labelled images

    Multi-feature approach for writer-independent offline signature verification

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    Some of the fundamental problems facing handwritten signature verification are the large number of users, the large number of features, the limited number of reference signatures for training, the high intra-personal variability of the signatures and the unavailability of forgeries as counterexamples. This research first presents a survey of offline signature verification techniques, focusing on the feature extraction and verification strategies. The goal is to present the most important advances, as well as the current challenges in this field. Of particular interest are the techniques that allow for designing a signature verification system based on a limited amount of data. Next is presented a novel offline signature verification system based on multiple feature extraction techniques, dichotomy transformation and boosting feature selection. Using multiple feature extraction techniques increases the diversity of information extracted from the signature, thereby producing features that mitigate intra-personal variability, while dichotomy transformation ensures writer-independent classification, thus relieving the verification system from the burden of a large number of users. Finally, using boosting feature selection allows for a low cost writer-independent verification system that selects features while learning. As such, the proposed system provides a practical framework to explore and learn from problems with numerous potential features. Comparison of simulation results from systems found in literature confirms the viability of the proposed system, even when only a single reference signature is available. The proposed system provides an efficient solution to a wide range problems (eg. biometric authentication) with limited training samples, new training samples emerging during operations, numerous classes, and few or no counterexamples

    Writer identification approach based on bag of words with OBI features

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    Handwriter identification aims to simplify the task of forensic experts by providing them with semi-automated tools in order to enable them to narrow down the search to determine the final identification of an unknown handwritten sample. An identification algorithm aims to produce a list of predicted writers of the unknown handwritten sample ranked in terms of confidence measure metrics for use by the forensic expert will make the final decision. Most existing handwriter identification systems use either statistical or model-based approaches. To further improve the performances this paper proposes to deploy a combination of both approaches using Oriented Basic Image features and the concept of graphemes codebook. To reduce the resulting high dimensionality of the feature vector a Kernel Principal Component Analysis has been used. To gauge the effectiveness of the proposed method a performance analysis, using IAM dataset for English handwriting and ICFHR 2012 dataset for Arabic handwriting, has been carried out. The results obtained achieved an accuracy of 96% thus demonstrating its superiority when compared against similar techniques


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    Offline handwritten recognition continues to be a fundamental research problem in document analysis and retrieval. The common method used in extracting handwritten mark from assessment forms is to assign a person to manually type in the marks into a spreadsheet. This method is found to be very time consuming, not cost effective and prone to human mistakes. In this project, a number recognition system is developed using local binary pattern (LBP) technique to extract and convert students’ identity numbers and handwritten marks on assessment forms into a spreadsheet. The template of the score sheet is designed as in Appendix 1 to collect sample of handwritten numbers. The training data contain three sets of LBP histograms for each digit. The recognition rate of handwritten digits using LBP is about 50% because LBP could not fully describe the structure of the digits. Instead, LBP is useful in term of arranging the digits ‘0 to 9’ from highest similarity score to the lowest similarity score as compared to sample using chi square distance. The recognition rate is greatly improved to about 95% by verifying the output of chi square distance with the salient structural features of digits

    Mètode d'extracció multiparamètrica de característiques de textura orientat a la segmentació d'imatges

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    Tal com es veurà en el següent capítol d'antecedents, existeixen formes molt variades d'afrontar l'anàlisi de textures però cap d'elles està orientada al càlcul en temps real (video rate). Degut a la manca de mètodes que posin tant d'èmfasi en el temps de processat, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és definir i desenvolupar un nou mètode d'extracció de característiques de textura que treballi en temps real. Per aconseguir aquesta alta velocitat d'operació, un altre objectiu és presentar el disseny d'una arquitectura específica per implementar l'algorisme de càlcul dels paràmetres de textura definits, així com també l'algorisme de classificació dels paràmetres i la segmentació de la imatge en regions de textura semblant.En el capítol 2 s'expliquen els diversos mètodes més rellevants dins la caracterització de textures. Es veuran els mètodes més importants tant pel que fa als enfocaments estadístics com als estructurals. També en el mateix capítol se situa el nou mètode presentat en aquesta tesi dins els diferents enfocaments principals que existeixen. De la mateixa manera es fa una breu ressenya a la síntesi de textures, una manera d'avaluar quantitativament la caracterització de la textura d'una imatge. Ens centrarem principalment, en el capítol 3, en l'explicació del mètode presentat en aquest treball: s'introduiran els paràmetres de textura proposats, la seva necessitat i definicions. Al ser paràmetres altament perceptius i no seguir cap model matemàtic, en aquest mateix capítol s'utilitza una tècnica estadística anomenada anàlisi discriminant per demostrar que tots els paràmetres introdueixen suficient informació per a la separabilitat de regions de textura i veure que tots ells són necessaris en la discriminació de les textures.Dins el capítol 4 veurem com es tracta la informació subministrada pel sistema d'extracció de característiques per tal de classificar les dades i segmentar la imatge en funció de les seves textures. L'etapa de reconeixement de patrons es durà a terme en dues fases: aprenentatge i treball. També es presenta un estudi comparatiu entre diversos mètodes de classificació de textures i el mètode presentat en aquesta tesi; en ell es veu la bona funcionalitat del mètode en un temps de càlcul realment reduït. S'acaba el capítol amb una anàlisi de la robustesa del mètode introduint imatges amb diferents nivells de soroll aleatori. En el capítol 5 es presentaran els resultats obtinguts mitjançant l'extracció de característiques de textura a partir de diverses aplicacions reals. S'aplica el nostre mètode en aplicacions d'imatges aèries i en entorns agrícoles i sobre situacions que requereixen el processament en temps real com són la segmentació d'imatges de carreteres i una aplicació industrial d'inspecció i control de qualitat en l'estampació de teixits. Al final del capítol fem unes consideracions sobre dos efectes que poden influenciar en l'obtenció correcta dels resultats: zoom i canvis de perspectiva en les imatges de textura.En el capítol 6 es mostrarà l'arquitectura que s'ha dissenyat expressament per al càlcul dels paràmetres de textura en temps real. Dins el capítol es presentarà l'algorisme per a l'assignació de grups de textura i es demostrarà la seva velocitat d'operació a video rate.Finalment, en el capítol 7 es presentaran les conclusions i les línies de treball futures que es deriven d'aquesta tesi, així com els articles que hem publicat en relació a aquest treball i a l'anàlisi de textures. Les referències bibliogràfiques i els apèndixs conclouen el treball

    Sommaire / Contents tome 349, janvier–décembre 2011

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    Complex land cover classifications and physical properties retrieval of tropical forests using multi-source remote sensing

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    The work presented in this thesis mainly focuses on two subjects related to the application of remote sensing data: (1) for land cover classification combining optical sensor, texture features generated from spectral information and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) features, and (2) to develop a non-destructive approach for above ground biomass (AGB) and forest attributes estimation employing multi-source remote sensing data (i.e. optical data, SAR backscatter) combined with in-situ data. Information provided by reliable land cover map is useful for management of forest resources to support sustainable forest management, whereas the generation of the non-destructive approach to model forest biophysical properties (e.g. AGB and stem volume) is required to assess the forest resources more efficiently and cost-effective, and coupled with remote sensing data the model can be applied over large forest areas. This work considers study sites over tropical rain forest landscape in Indonesia characterized by different successional stages and complex vegetation structure including tropical peatland forests. The thesis begins with a brief introduction and the state of the art explaining recent trends on monitoring and modeling of forest resources using remote sensing data and approach. The research works on the integration of spectral information and texture features for forest cover mapping is presented subsequently, followed by development of a non-destructive approach for AGB and forest parameters predictions and modeling. Ultimately, this work evaluates the potential of mosaic SAR data for AGB modeling and the fusion of optical and SAR data for peatlands discrimination. The results show that the inclusion of geostatistics texture features improved the classification accuracy of optical Landsat ETM data. Moreover, the fusion of SAR and optical data enhanced the peatlands discrimination over tropical peat swamp forest. For forest stand parameters modeling, neural networks method resulted in lower error estimate than standard multi-linear regression technique, and the combination of non-destructive measurement (i.e. stem number) and remote sensing data improved the model accuracy. The up scaling of stem volume and biomass estimates using Kriging method and bi-temporal ETM image also provide favorable estimate results upon comparison with the land cover map.Die in dieser Dissertation präsentierten Ergebnisse konzentrieren sich hauptsächlich auf zwei Themen mit Bezug zur angewandten Fernerkundung: 1) Der Klassifizierung von Oberflächenbedeckung basierend auf der Verknüpfung von optischen Sensoren, Textureigenschaften erzeugt durch Spektraldaten und Synthetic-Aperture-Radar (SAR) features und 2) die Entwicklung eines nichtdestruktiven Verfahrens zur Bestimmung oberirdischer Biomasse (AGB) und weiterer Waldeigenschaften mittels multi-source Fernerkundungsdaten (optische Daten, SAR Rückstreuung) sowie in-situ Daten. Eine zuverlässige Karte der Landbedeckung dient der Unterstützung von nachhaltigem Waldmanagement, während eine nichtdestruktive Herangehensweise zur Modellierung von biophysikalischen Waldeigenschaften (z.B. AGB und Stammvolumen) für eine effiziente und kostengünstige Beurteilung der Waldressourcen notwendig ist. Durch die Kopplung mit Fernerkundungsdaten kann das Modell auf große Waldflächen übertragen werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit berücksichtigt Untersuchungsgebiete im tropischen Regenwald Indonesiens, welche durch verschiedene Regenerations- und Sukzessionsstadien sowie komplexe Vegetationsstrukturen, inklusive tropischer Torfwälder, gekennzeichnet sind. Am Anfang der Arbeit werden in einer kurzen Einleitung der Stand der Forschung und die neuesten Forschungstrends in der Überwachung und Modellierung von Waldressourcen mithilfe von Fernerkundungsdaten dargestellt. Anschließend werden die Forschungsergebnisse der Kombination von Spektraleigenschaften und Textureigenschaften zur Waldbedeckungskartierung erläutert. Desweiteren folgen Ergebnisse zur Entwicklung eines nichtdestruktiven Ansatzes zur Vorhersage und Modellierung von AGB und Waldeigenschaften, zur Auswertung von Mosaik- SAR Daten für die Modellierung von AGB, sowie zur Fusion optischer mit SAR Daten für die Identifizierung von Torfwäldern. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Einbeziehung von geostatistischen Textureigenschaften die Genauigkeit der Klassifikation von optischen Landsat ETM Daten gesteigert hat. Desweiteren führte die Fusion von SAR und optischen Daten zu einer Verbesserung der Unterscheidung zwischen Torfwäldern und tropischen Sumpfwäldern. Bei der Modellierung der Waldparameter führte die Neural-Network-Methode zu niedrigeren Fehlerschätzungen als die multiple Regressions. Die Kombination von nichtdestruktiven Messungen (z.B. Stammzahl) und Fernerkundungsdaten führte zu einer Steigerung der Modellgenauigkeit. Die Hochskalierung des Stammvolumens und Schätzungen der Biomasse mithilfe von Kriging und bi-temporalen ETM Daten lieferten positive Schätzergebnisse im Vergleich zur Landbedeckungskarte