986 research outputs found

    Releasing aperture filter constraints

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    Aperture filters are a recently introduced class of nonlinear filters used in image processing. In this paper we present a new approach for aperture filter design, improving operator performance with respect to the MSE measure by releasing some of the operator constraints without losing statistical estimation accuracy. With the use of the proposed methods an average of 34% MSE reduction was achieved for deblurring, whereas a standard aperture operator reduced the error by only 10% on the average

    Joint demosaicing and fusion of multiresolution coded acquisitions: A unified image formation and reconstruction method

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    Novel optical imaging devices allow for hybrid acquisition modalities such as compressed acquisitions with locally different spatial and spectral resolutions captured by a single focal plane array. In this work, we propose to model the capturing system of a multiresolution coded acquisition (MRCA) in a unified framework, which natively includes conventional systems such as those based on spectral/color filter arrays, compressed coded apertures, and multiresolution sensing. We also propose a model-based image reconstruction algorithm performing a joint demosaicing and fusion (JoDeFu) of any acquisition modeled in the MRCA framework. The JoDeFu reconstruction algorithm solves an inverse problem with a proximal splitting technique and is able to reconstruct an uncompressed image datacube at the highest available spatial and spectral resolution. An implementation of the code is available at https://github.com/danaroth83/jodefu.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures; regular pape

    Multiscale Morphological Filtering for Analysis of Noisy and Complex Images

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    Images acquired with passive sensing techniques suffer from illumination variations and poor local contrasts that create major difficulties in interpretation and identification tasks. On the other hand, images acquired with active sensing techniques based on monochromatic illumination are degraded with speckle noise. Mathematical morphology offers elegant techniques to handle a wide range of image degradation problems. Unlike linear filters, morphological filters do not blur the edges and hence maintain higher image resolution. Their rich mathematical framework facilitates the design and analysis of these filters as well as their hardware implementation. Morphological filters are easier to implement and are more cost effective and efficient than several conventional linear filters. Morphological filters to remove speckle noise while maintaining high resolution and preserving thin image regions that are particularly vulnerable to speckle noise were developed and applied to SAR imagery. These filters used combination of linear (one-dimensional) structuring elements in different (typically four) orientations. Although this approach preserves more details than the simple morphological filters using two-dimensional structuring elements, the limited orientations of one-dimensional elements approximate the fine details of the region boundaries. A more robust filter designed recently overcomes the limitation of the fixed orientations. This filter uses a combination of concave and convex structuring elements. Morphological operators are also useful in extracting features from visible and infrared imagery. A multiresolution image pyramid obtained with successive filtering and a subsampling process aids in the removal of the illumination variations and enhances local contrasts. A morphology-based interpolation scheme was also introduced to reduce intensity discontinuities created in any morphological filtering task. The generality of morphological filtering techniques in extracting information from a wide variety of images obtained with active and passive sensing techniques is discussed. Such techniques are particularly useful in obtaining more information from fusion of complex images by different sensors such as SAR, visible, and infrared

    Rational-operator-based depth-from-defocus approach to scene reconstruction

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    This paper presents a rational-operator-based approach to depth from defocus (DfD) for the reconstruction of three-dimensional scenes from two-dimensional images, which enables fast DfD computation that is independent of scene textures. Two variants of the approach, one using the Gaussian rational operators (ROs) that are based on the Gaussian point spread function (PSF) and the second based on the generalized Gaussian PSF, are considered. A novel DfD correction method is also presented to further improve the performance of the approach. Experimental results are considered for real scenes and show that both approaches outperform existing RO-based methods

    Multidimensional Wavelets and Computer Vision

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    This report deals with the construction and the mathematical analysis of multidimensional nonseparable wavelets and their efficient application in computer vision. In the first part, the fundamental principles and ideas of multidimensional wavelet filter design such as the question for the existence of good scaling matrices and sensible design criteria are presented and extended in various directions. Afterwards, the analytical properties of these wavelets are investigated in some detail. It will turn out that they are especially well-suited to represent (discretized) data as well as large classes of operators in a sparse form - a property that directly yields efficient numerical algorithms. The final part of this work is dedicated to the application of the developed methods to the typical computer vision problems of nonlinear image regularization and the computation of optical flow in image sequences. It is demonstrated how the wavelet framework leads to stable and reliable results for these problems of generally ill-posed nature. Furthermore, all the algorithms are of order O(n) leading to fast processing

    Local isotropy indicator for SAR image filtering: application to Envisat/ASAR images of the Doñana Wetland

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    ©2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper explores a geometrical and computationally simple operator, named Ds, for local isotropy assessment on SAR images. It is assumed that isotropic intensity distributions in natural areas, either textured or nontextured, correspond to a single cover class. Ds is used to measure isotropy in processing neighborhoods and decide if they can be considered as belonging to a unique cover class. The speckle statistical properties are used to determine suitable Ds thresholds for discriminating heterogeneous targets from isotropic cover types at different window sizes. An assessment of Ds as an edge detector showed sensitivities similar to those of the ratio edge operator for straight, sharp boundaries, centered in the processing window, but significantly better sensitivity for detecting heterogeneities during the window expansion in multiresolution filtering. Furthermore, Ds presents the advantage versus the ratio edge coefficient of being rotationally invariant, and its computation indicates the direction of the main intensity gradient in the processing window. The Ds operator is used in a multiresolution fashion for filtering ASAR scenes of the Doñana wetland. The intensities in isotropic areas are averaged in order to flatten fluctuations within cover types and facilitate a subsequent land cover classification. The results show high degree of smoothing within textured cover classes, plus effective spatial adaptation to gradients and irregular boundaries, substantiating the usefulness of this operator for filtering SAR data of natural areas with the purpose of classification.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The Lattice Overparametrization Paradigm for the Machine Learning of Lattice Operators

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    The machine learning of lattice operators has three possible bottlenecks. From a statistical standpoint, it is necessary to design a constrained class of operators based on prior information with low bias, and low complexity relative to the sample size. From a computational perspective, there should be an efficient algorithm to minimize an empirical error over the class. From an understanding point of view, the properties of the learned operator need to be derived, so its behavior can be theoretically understood. The statistical bottleneck can be overcome due to the rich literature about the representation of lattice operators, but there is no general learning algorithm for them. In this paper, we discuss a learning paradigm in which, by overparametrizing a class via elements in a lattice, an algorithm for minimizing functions in a lattice is applied to learn. We present the stochastic lattice gradient descent algorithm as a general algorithm to learn on constrained classes of operators as long as a lattice overparametrization of it is fixed, and we discuss previous works which are proves of concept. Moreover, if there are algorithms to compute the basis of an operator from its overparametrization, then its properties can be deduced and the understanding bottleneck is also overcome. This learning paradigm has three properties that modern methods based on neural networks lack: control, transparency and interpretability. Nowadays, there is an increasing demand for methods with these characteristics, and we believe that mathematical morphology is in a unique position to supply them. The lattice overparametrization paradigm could be a missing piece for it to achieve its full potential within modern machine learning